List of courses taught

Hong Kong Metropolitan University

 • 2024 (2nd sem)

        ◦ B.A.-Course: “Comparative Democratization

        ◦ B.A.-Course: “Theories of International Relations” (tutorials)

 • 2023 (1st sem)

        ◦ B.A.-Course: “HK Government and Politics”

        ◦ B.A.-Course: “Introductory Comparative Politics” (tutorials)

 • 2023  (2nd sem)

        ◦ B.A.-Course: “Highlights in World Civilizations”

        ◦ B.A.-Course: “Selected Topics in Hong Kong Public Policy Analysis”

The University of Hong Kong

    • 2022 (1st sem)

        ◦ B.A. Course: “Hong Kong Politics”

        ◦ B.A. Course: “Democratization”

        ◦ Capstone projects

    • 2021 (1st sem)

        ◦ B.A. Course: “Hong Kong Politics”

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

    • 2022 (summer)

        ◦ B.A.-Course: “China and Asia: Past and Present”

    • 2022 (2nd sem)

        ◦ B.A.-Course: “Introduction to Global Studies”

    • 2021 (1st sem)

        ◦ B.A. Course: “Introductory Comparative Politics”

    • 2021 (summer)

        ◦ B.A.-Course: “China and Asia: Past and Present”

    • 2021 (2nd sem)

        ◦ M.A.-Course: “US-China Relations”

        ◦ B.A.-Course: “Introduction to Global Studies”

    • 2017 (2nd sem.)

        ◦ M.A.-Course: “State and Civil Society in China”

Lingnan University

    • 2022 (2nd sem)

        ◦ B.A.-Course: “The History of Rights in the US”

    • 2021 (1st sem)

        ◦ B.A.-Course: “Nazi Germany and the Holocaust”

    • 2020 (1st  sem)

        ◦ B.A.-Course: “Nazi Germany and the Holocaust”

        ◦ B.A.-Course: “Introduction to the History of the USA”

Hong Kong Baptist University

    • 2022 (sem B)

        ◦ B.A.-Course: “Hong Kong between Past and Present” S3

        ◦ B.A.-Course: “Hong Kong between Past and Present” S2

        ◦ B.A.-Course: “Hong Kong between Past and Present” S1

    • 2021 (sem A)

        ◦ B.A.-Course: “Hong Kong between Past and Present” S3

        ◦ B.A.-Course: “Hong Kong between Past and Present” S2

        ◦ B.A.-Course: “Hong Kong between Past and Present” S1

    • 2021 (sem B)

        ◦ B.A.-Course: “Hong Kong between Past and Present” S3

        ◦ B.A.-Course: “Hong Kong between Past and Present” S2

        ◦ B.A.-Course: “Hong Kong between Past and Present” S1

    • 2020 (sem A)

        ◦ B.A.-Course: “The Individual and Society”

        ◦ B.A.-Course: “Hong Kong between Past and Present”

Education University of Hong Kong

    • 2021 (2nd sem)

        ◦ M.A.-Course: “The Political Economy of Development in Historical Perspective: Themes, Issues, Trends”

        ◦ B.A.-Course: “China's Rise and Globalized World”

City University of Hong Kong

    • 2020 (sem. B)

        ◦ B.A.-Course: “Hong Kong: Continuity and Change in a Global City”

        ◦ M.A.-Course: “Political and Social Change in Southeast Asia and the Region”

    • 2019 (sem. A)

        ◦ B.A.-Course: “Political Dynamics in Asia”

        ◦ M.A.-Course: “Special Topics in Asian and International Studies - State and Society in China and Vietnam: Comparative Perspectives”

    • 2019 (sem. B)

        ◦ B.A.-Course: “Hong Kong: Continuity and Change in a Global City”

        ◦ M.A.-Course: “Special Topics in Asian and International Studies - State and Society in China and Vietnam: Comparative Perspectives”

    • 2018 (sem. A)

        ◦ B.A.-Course: “Political Dynamics in Asia”

        ◦ M.A.-Course: “Political and Social Change in Southeast Asia and the Region”

    • 2018 (sem. B)

        ◦ M.A.-Course: “Special Topics in Asian and International Studies - State and Society in China and Vietnam: Comparative Perspectives”

        ◦ B.A.-Course “Hong Kong: Continuity and change in a Global City”

    • 2017 (sem. A)

        ◦ M.A.-Course: “Political and Social Change in Southeast Asia and the Region”

        ◦ M.A.-Course: “Research Design for the Social Sciences”

    • 2017 (sem. B)

        ◦ M.A.-Course: “State and Development in Asia” (with Prof. Mark R. Thompson)

    • 2016 (sem. B)

        ◦ B.A.-Course: “Hong Kong: Continuity and Change in a Global City”

        ◦ B.A.-Course: “Political and Social Development in China”

    • 2015 (sem. A)

        ◦ B.A.-Course: “Hong Kong: Continuity and Change in a Global City”

        ◦ B.A.-Course: “Social Research Methods”

    • 2015 summer

        ◦ M.A.-Course: “Special Topics in Asian and International Studies: Singapore”

    • 2015 (sem. B)

        ◦ B.A.-Course: “Political and Social Development in China”

    • 2014 (sem. A)

        ◦ B.A.-Course: “Social Research Methods”

        ◦ B.A.-Course: “Hong Kong: Continuity and Change in a Global City”

    • 2014 (sem. B)

        ◦ Lectures: “China's Environmental Challenges and Opportunities” and “Comparative Environmental Movements” for “Globalization and the Environment” with Prof. Graeme Lang

        ◦ B.A.-Course: “Hong Kong: Continuity and Change in a Global City”

        ◦ B.A.-Course: “Problem-based Studies of Selected Asian Societies and Regions II (Comparing Singapore and Hong Kong)”

        ◦ Lecture for Model United Nations: “Finding and analyzing documents” 

    • 2013 (sem. A)

        ◦ B.A.-Course: “Special Topics in Asian Studies (Student Activism in Hong Kong in Comparative Perspective)”

        ◦ Course: “Social Research Methods”

    • 2012 (sem. A)

        ◦ B.A.-Course: “China and the Global Dynamics” and “Chinese Society in Transition”

        ◦ B.A.-Course: “Hong Kong: Continuity and Change in a Global City” and “Development and Social Change in Hong Kong”

    • 2012 (sem. B)

        ◦ B.A.-Course: “Contemporary China“

        ◦ Tutorial: “State and Development in Southeast Asia” (including design)

    • 2011 (sem. A)

        ◦ B.A.-Course: “Development and Social Change in Hong Kong”

    • 2011 (sem. B)

        ◦ B.A.-Course: “Development and Social Change in Hong Kong” (with Marcus Chu)

Political Education Center, Helmstedt

    • 2012

        ◦ One day workshop with three sessions: “American Security Politics in the Pacific”, “China vs. U.S.: Discussing the Chinese Foreign Policy”, and “Security Politics in Southeast Asia: Conception and Strategies”.

FernUniversität in Hagen 

    • 2011 (summer semester)

        ◦ B.A.-Seminar: “The Political System of the United States in Comparative Perspective” 

    • 2010 (summer semester)

        ◦ B.A.-Seminar: “The People's Republic of China in Comparative Perspective”

        ◦ Online-Lecture: “Introduction to Comparative Politics” with PD Dr. Stephan Bröchler

    • 2009 (winter semester)

        ◦ B.A.-Seminar: “Political Change in Authoritarian Regimes“

    • 2009 (summer semester)

        ◦ B.A.-Seminar: “Changing Political Systems: An Introduction to Democratization Research“

    • 2008 (winter semester)

        ◦ B.A.-Seminar:  “Student Protests during Democratization Processes”

    • 2008 (summer semester)

        ◦ Online-Seminar: “Political Consulting” with PD Dr. Stephan Bröchler and Tobias Fuhrmann

University of Erlangen-Nuremberg

    • 2007 (summer semester)

        ◦ B.A.-Seminar: “Nationalism in Comparative Perspective”

    • 2006 (summer semester)

        ◦ M.A.-Seminar: “Development and Democratization in Pacific Asia,” with Prof. Mark R. Thompson

    • 2005 (summer semester)

        ◦ M.A.-Seminar “Nationalism and Democratization,” with Prof. Mark R. Thompson