Press room
Press releases:
Press releases:
- ESO Photo-Release: ALMA Reveals Inner Web of Stellar Nursery (link)
- A&A Highlights (link)
- IRAM News: Multiple fibers in the heart of the Orion star-forming region (link)
- NWO-Actuel: ALMA brengt het inwendige web van een stellaire kraamkamer in beeld (link)
- Nature - Research Highlights: A galactic net for baby stars (link)
- ESO Messenger (No.171, page 24) (link)
Media coverage:
Media coverage:
- Spanish National News (Telediario RTVE - min 01h03m43s)
- Sky & Telescope (link)
- Bad Astronomy (link)
- El Mundo (link)
- Le Monde (link)
Combination of our ALMA+IRAM30m N2H+ maps with Hawk-I IR data (ESO website).
Credit: ESO/H. Drass/ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO)/A. Hacar
Videos: ESOcast Light
Videos: ESOcast Light