Research Experiences

  • since July 2021 : Project manager at CARI (Beekeeping Research and Information Centre). Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

  • 2019-2021 : Assistant researcher in Ecology : Effect of eutrophication and climate on pollinators and ecosystem service provision (EUCLIPO project). University of Lisbon (Lisbon, Portugal) and University of Goiás (Goiânia, Brazil).

  • 2018 : Postdoctoral research associate in Ecology : Comprehensive comparative analysis to develop a multidisciplinary assessment of decline of the Belgian wild bees and adapt mitigation management (BELBEES project). University of Liege and University of Mons. Belgium.

  • 2016-2018: Postdoctoral research associate in Ecology : Honey bee density management - A compromise between high crop production and wild bee conservation. Sede Andina, National ùniversity of Rio Negro (SA-UNRN), Argentina

  • 2015: Project coordinator : Development and coordination of the french Observatory of honey bee mortality and alerts (OMAA). French Technical and Scientific Institute for bees and pollination (ITSAP-Institut de l'Abeille) - UMT PrADE, Avignon, France. .

  • 2014: Postdoctoral research associate in Community Ecology : Evaluation and impact of interactions between honey bees ans wild bees in intensive farming system. ITSAP-Institut de l’Abeille - UMT PrADE, Avignon, France.

  • 2010-2013: PhD research : Multi-scale study of bee diversity pattern and floral resource use in intensive agricultural landscape (POLINOV project). University of Avignon (UAPV) and INRA, Avignon, France (pdf)

  • 2009-2010: Field work assistant in the Long-Term Ecological Research Zone Atelier Plaine & Val de Sèvre (, at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Beauvoir-sur-Niort, France. “Evaluation of abundance and diversity of Orthoptera and Coleoptera in intensive agricultural landscape”

  • 2009-2010: MS research at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Beauvoir-sur-Niort, France. Supervisors: Dr Vincent Bretagnolle and Ing. Isabelle Badenhausser. “Effect of the agricultural landscape structure on colonization of newly planted grassland by Acridid populations (Orthoptera: Acrididae)”.


  • 2010-2013: PhD in Ecology and Agricultural Sciences. University of Avignon (UAPV), Avignon, France

  • 2008-2010: MS in Ecology-Biodiversity-Evolution, University of Paris-Sud XI, Orsay, France

  • 2005-2008: BS in Biology, University of Paris sud XI, Orsay, France.


  • French : native speaker

  • English : fluent

  • Spanish : fluent

  • Portuguese : level A2

Student supervision

  • A. Haeflinger (2012) : 2d year of « DUT-Génie Biologique » option Agronomie at the Université de Colmar, France. «Characterisation of foraging activity of wild bees in an intensive farming system».

  • C. Maffre (2011) : 2d year of « DUT-Génie Biologique » option Agronomie at Université d’Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse, France. «Weed use by wild bees in an intensive farming system».

Reviewer activities

  • Acta Oecologia

  • Agriculture and Forest entomology

  • Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment

  • Annalmes de la Societe Entomologique de France

  • Apidology

  • Asian Journal of Forestry

  • Biodiversity and Conservation

  • Basic and Applied Ecology

  • Ecology and Evolution

  • Ecology Letters

  • Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata

  • Journal of Apicultural Research

  • Journal of Applied Ecology

  • Neotropical Entomology

  • Osmia

  • Revista Agronómica del Noroeste Argentino

  • Scientific Reports