My Biography

My CV can be found here. 

Short Bio

I am an economist, author, and professor with a special interest in behavioral finance, real estate finance, financial markets, and data science. I was previously the Head of the Research Department at Borsa Istanbul (Istanbul Stock Exchange). I have a background in data collection, machine learning, statistical/quantitative analysis, and modeling with many statistical packages, including MATLAB, Python, SQL, SPSS, and Excel. I am very enthusiastic about FinTech, cryptocurrencies, and blockchain technology. I speak English, Spanish, and Turkish. 

My most recent book, After the Crash, which is published by Palgrave Macmillan, explores the ongoing effects of the 2007/08 global financial crisis. 

Courses Taught  

-         Statistics (Undergraduate, online, Rockford University)

-         Business Finance (Grad, Rockford University)

-         Finance (Undergrad, Rockford University)

-         Financial Management (Grad, online and face-to-face, Texas A&M, Commerce)

-         Introduction to Business Finance (Undergrad)

-         Finance for Decision Makers (Grad, online, Texas A&M, Commerce)

-         Quantitative Analysis for Managers (Grad, online, Texas A&M, Commerce)

-         Valuation (Grad, online, Texas A&M, Commerce)

-         Macroeconomics and Financial Markets (Grad, University of Texas at Dallas)

-         Financial Econometrics, Real Estate Finance (Grad, Bilgi University, Turkey)

-         Financial Econometrics (Grad, Ozyegin University, Turkey)


Presentation and Seminars 

- 2019, Midwest Economic Association Annual Meetings, St. Louis, USA

- 2018, Northwestern University, Evanston, USA

- 2017, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Chicago, USA

- 2016, University of Texas at Dallas, Dallas, USA

- 2015, Tadawul, Saudi Stock Exchange, Saudi Arabia

- 2016, Koç University, Istanbul, Turkey

- 2016, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey

- 2013, Asian Economic Forum, Incheon, S. Korea

- 2013, 18th Asian Real Estate Society, Kyoto, Japan

- 2012, 5th Math. &Stat. Methods for Actuarial Sciences& Finance, Venice/Italy 

- 2012, ICE-TEA 2012 International Conference on Economics Turkish Economic Association Izmir, Turkey

- 2011, 18th Annual Meetings of MFS Conference Rome/ Italy

- 2011, Istanbul Conference of Economics and Finance (ICEF-2011), Istanbul, Turkey

- 2010, 4th Computational and Financial Econometrics (CFE'10), London/UK

- 2010, Eurasian Business and Economics Society Conference, Athens/Greece

- 2007, International Workshop on Comp. Finance & Econometrics, Geneva/Switzerland

- 2006, XXXI Simposio de Análisis Económico, Oviedo/Spain

- 2006, Business& Economics Society International Conference, Florence/Italy

- 2005, European Winter Meeting of Econometric Society, Istanbul, Turkey

- 2002, 6th Meeting of Society for Social Choice & Welfare, Los Angeles/USA

- 2002, SED, Economic Design, New York University/USA

- 2002, PET, Universitè de Paris1-Sorbonne, Paris/France

Skills and Hobbies

LANGUAGES: English, Spanish, Turkish (native)


MEMBERSHIPS: American Economic Association

HOBBIES: Radio Helicopters, Arduino, Violin