29. September 2020. Our chairperson Andreas Roider took part in the Executive Council meeting of the German Economic Association and would like to share the following resources that were discussed. Christiane Schwieren (U Heidelberg) with the Verein's support has setup a platform to exchange ideas and resources for digital teaching, which can be found at https://digitalelehre.socialpolitik.org/. Roland Strausz, the Verein's junior development officer, explains the pecularities of the junior job market (Europe and US) in the times of Covid-19 in a consise 20-minute video at https://www.socialpolitik.de/De/academic-jobmarket-economists. The Verein has created a list female researchers in the German-speaking lands to increase their visibility to hiring committees, seminar organizers, panel organizers, etc. If you want to be included in the list, this is also possible at https://www.socialpolitik.de/De/forscherinnenliste-der-vwl. Roland Strausz has also created a dynamic calendar of upcoming virtual econ seminars across the globe. You find this resource at https://sites.google.com/view/econ-webinars/upcoming