אורן בן בסט Oren Ben-Bassat 松
Senior Lecturer at the Department of Mathematics at the University of Haifa. Currently working with one postdoc: Nadav Gropper .
Some people I have worked with: Tony Pantev (also my Ph.D. advisor), Lino Amorim, Konstantin Ardakov, Jonathan Block, Dominic Joyce, Chris Brav, Michael Temkin, Kobi Kremnizer, Sourav Das (my former postdoc), Jeroen Hekking, Jack Kelly, Federico Bambozzi
See the left panel for information on the Distinguished Lecture Series of the Mathematics Department of the University of Haifa
YouTube channel of our department
My notes from my talk at the Arbeitstagung 2023 on Condensed Mathematics . My Talk and video from Gauge Fields in Arithmetic, Topology & Physics My lecture and recording at the F_1 world seminar. HMI Spring Lecture Series 2021 (March/ April 2021): Derived Bornological and Analytic Geometry Notes of my first talk. YouTube video of my first talk. Notes of my second talk. YouTube video of my second talk. Notes of my third talk. YouTube video of my third talk. Errata. Conference: An Invitation to Derived Geometry 2-6 September 2024, University of Padova.
potential graduate students or postdocs please write me at ben-bassat@math.haifa.ac.il, my other email is oren.benbassat@gmail.com
Publications in print. Download .pdfs from here.
My articles from journal websites or from the ArXiv if not yet published:
(26) A Perspective on the Foundations of Derived Analytic Geometry, joint with Jack Kelly and Kobi Kremnizer (2024).
(25) Moduli stacks of Higgs bundles on stable curves, joint with Sourav Das and Tony Pantev (2023).
(24) Blow-ups and normal bundles in connective and nonconnective derived geometries, joint with Jeroen Hekking (2023).
(23) Analytification, localization and homotopy epimorphisms, joint with Devarshi Mukherjee, Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques 176 (2022).
(22) Fréchet Modules and Descent, joint with Kobi Kremnizer, Theory and Applications of Categories 39 (2023).
(21) Analytic geometry over F_1 and the Fargues-Fontaine curve, joint with Federico Bambozzi and Kobi Kremnizer, Advances in Mathematics 356 (2019).
(20) Bounded linear endomorphisms of rigid analytic functions, joint with Konstantin Ardakov, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, Vol. 117, Issue 5 (2018).
(19) Perversely categorified Lagrangian correspondences, joint with Lino Amorim. Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Vol. 21, No. 2 (2017).
(18) Stein domains in Banach algebraic geometry, joint with Federico Bambozzi and Kobi Kremnizer. Journal of Functional Analysis, Volume 274, Issue 7 (2018).
(17) Non-Archimedean analytic geometry as relative algebraic geometry, joint with Kobi Kremnizer, Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Sér. 6, 26, 1 (2017).
(16) Dagger geometry as Banach algebraic geometry, joint with Federico Bambozzi, Journal of Number Theory, 162 (2016).
(15) A ‘Darboux theorem’ for shifted symplectic structures on derived Artin stacks, with applications, joint with Chris Brav, Vittoria Bussi, and Dominic Joyce, Geometry & Topology 19, 3 (2015).
(14) Multiple derived Lagrangian intersections, Contemporary Mathematics 643 (2015).
(13) Moduli Stacks of Bundles on Local Surfaces, joint with Elizabeth Gasparim, Springer UMI (2014).
(12) Milnor descent for cohesive dg-categories, joint with Jonathan Block, Journal of K-theory 12, 3 (2013).
(11) Berkovich Spaces and Tubular Descent, joint with Michael Temkin, Advances in Mathematics 234 (2012).
(10) Equivariant Gerbes on Complex Tori, Journal of Geometry and Physics 64 (2012).
(9) Gerbes and the holomorphic Brauer group of complex tori, Journal of Noncommutative Geometry 6, 3 (2012).
(8) Meromorphic Line Bundles and Holomorphic Gerbes, joint with Edoardo Ballico, Mathematical Research Letters 18 (2011).
(7) Cohomology Groups of Deformations of Line Bundles on Complex Tori, joint with Noam Solomon, Israel Journal of Mathematics 186 (2011).
(6) Twisting Derived Equivalences, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 361 (2009).
(5) Non-commutative tori and Fourier-Mukai duality, joint with Jonathan Block and Tony Pantev, Compositio Mathematica 143 (2007).
(4) Mirror Symmetry and generalized complex manifolds Part II, Journal of Geometry and Physics 56, 7 (2006).
(3) Mirror Symmetry and generalized complex manifolds Part I, Journal of Geometry and Physics 56, 4 (2006).
(2) Submanifolds of generalized complex manifolds, joint with Mitya Boyarchenko, Journal of Symplectic Geometry, 2, 3 (2004).
(1) What is Not in the Domain of the Laplacian on Sierpinski Gasket Type Fractals, joint with R. S. Strichartz and A. Teplyaev, Journal of Functional Analysis 166 (1999).
I taught a course on Differential Graded Categories, at Oxford during Trinity Term 2013. Classes taught at the University of Haifa include Algebraic Groups, Modern Algebra B, Introduction to Number Theory, Functional Analysis, Analytic Geometry, Modern Algebra A, Lie Algebras, Linear Algebra A, Commutative Algebra, Topology and Knot Theory.
My research group maintains a blog called Derived Algebraic and Analytic Geometry.
2006 Completed PhD in mathematics from the University of Pennsylvania supervised
by Tony Pantev. Also received MA in physics.
2007-2008 NSF postdoc at Columbia University, New York
2008-2009 postdoc at The Hebrew University Of Jerusalem
2010-2014 tenure track lecturer at the University of Haifa
2012-2015 visiting faculty at the University of Oxford, supported by the
European Commission as a Marie Curie fellow
2014-present senior lecturer with tenure at the University of Haifa
A slide presentation by Dominic Joyce summarizing his recent and current work and that of his group.
My youtube channel, including some mathematics lectures.
please do **not** spell my name any of the following ways: Oren Ben-Basset, Oren Ben Basset, Oren Ben Bassat, אורן בן-בסט