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Oregon Greystone Press 

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Online since 2015

Chief Editor, Theresa Griffin Kennedy. At Oregon Greystone Press we work to promote writing and to include writers who are under-represented in the Portland literary scene. Women and older writers of both genders. Theresa's writing website can be found at the active link below. Theresa's writing website...

Theresa acted as the main editor and overall manager and overseer of her husband's police memoir, having written both the Introduction and the Final Editors Reflection and conducted the majority of the research involved in fact checking and corroborating events, and dates of significant historical occurrences. 

She also acted as editor for Don DuPay's second book, Frank's Revenge: Albina After Dark, which was published in 2019. Oregon Greystone Press is pleased to announce that Don DuPay will be publishing his third book, also a police memoir, called The Tainted Rose: Stories from a Portland Detective, which will be published in 2021. 

Don's police memoir may be purchased here...Behind the Badge in River City: A Portland Police Memoir.