Opilio parietinus

Opilio parietinus is a large species, the female 7.5 mms., the male 6.0 mms. in length. It has a grey-brown mottled appearance due to a mixture of yellow, white and brown spots. There is no dark median band but a longitudinal row of brown dots sometimes take its place. The legs are long and spotted and the distinguishing feature of the species is an elongated black or brown spot on the underside of the coxa. The ovipositor of the female is unlike that of the other British species : it is conspicuously marked with a number of dark angular rings. Opilio parietinus is currently thought to be (almost) extinct in most parts of western Europe, where it has been replaced by the invasive and fairly similar Opilio canestrinii. (The status of parietinus on the British Isles needs checking?! - It may still be around in Britain as canestrinii arrived there later)