
GPS Disciplined Analogue to Digital Converter for Phasor Measurement Applications

IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement

X. Zhao; D. M. Laverty; A. McKernan; D. J. Morrow; K. McLaughlin; S. Sezer, "GPS-Disciplined Analog-to-Digital Converter for Phasor Measurement Applications," in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement , vol. 66, no. 9, pp. 2349-2357, Sept. 2017


The OpenPMU Platform for Open-Source Phasor Measurements

IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement

D. M. Laverty, R. J. Best, P. Brogan, I. Al Khatib, L. Vanfretti and D. J. Morrow, "The OpenPMU Platform for Open-Source Phasor Measurements," in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 62, no. 4, pp. 701-709, April 2013.

Technique for Pre-Compliance Testing of Phasor Measurement Units

International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems

Brogan, P.V.; Laverty, D.M.; Zhao, X.; Hastings, J.; Morrow, D.J.; Vanfretti, L.; "Technique for Pre-Compliance Testing of Phasor Measurement Units", IJEPES, vol. 99, pp. 323-330, July 2018

A modular phasor measurement unit design featuring open data exchange methods

IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting 2017

D. M. Laverty, J. Hastings, D. J. Morrow, R. Khan, K. Mclaughlin and S. Sezer, "A modular phasor measurement unit design featuring open data exchange methods," 2017 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Chicago, IL, 2017, pp. 1-5.

An open source analogue to digital converter for power system measurements with time synchronisation

IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), 2017

D. M. Laverty, J. Hastings and X. Zhao, "An open source analogue to digital converter for power system measurements with time synchronisation," 2017 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), Turin, 2017, pp. 1-5.

Estimation of goodness of fit of synchrophasors during transient faults

IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting 2017

D. M. Laverty, H. Kirkham, D. J. Morrow and X. Liu, "Estimation of goodness of fit of synchrophasors during transient faults," 2017 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Chicago, IL, 2017, pp. 1-5.

OpenPMU technology platform for Synchrophasor research applications

IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting 2012

Laverty, D.M.; Vanfretti, L.; Best, R.J.; Morrow, D.J.; Nordstrom, L.; Chenine, M.; , "OpenPMU technology platform for Synchrophasor research applications," Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2012 IEEE , vol., no., pp.1-5, 22-26 July 2012

OpenPMU: Open Source Platform for Synchrophasor Applications and Research

IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting 2011

Laverty, D.M.; Morrow, D.J.; McKinley, A.; Cregan, M.; , "OpenPMU: Open source platform for Synchrophasor applications and research,"

Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2011 IEEE , vol., no., pp.1-6, 24-29 July 2011


Islanding Detection by Phase Difference Method using a Low Cost Quasi-PMU (OPEN ACCESS)

IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution (GTD)

Laverty, D. M.; Duggan, C.; Hastings, J.; Morrow, D. J.; “Islanding Detection by Phase Difference Method using a Low Cost Quasi-PMU,” in IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol. 15 no. 23 pp. 3302-3314, Dec 2021

Loss-of-mains protection system by application of phasor measurement unit technology with experimentally assessed threshold settings (OPEN ACCESS)

IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution (GTD) - IET Premium Award, Winner 2017

Laverty, D. M.; Best, R. J.; Morrow, D. J.; "Loss-of-mains protection system by application of phasor measurement unit technology with experimentally assessed threshold settings," IET GTD, 2014, Available online: 03 September 2014

GNSS Time Signal Spoofing Detector for Electrical Substations

IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid

D. M. Laverty, C. Kelsey and J. O’Raw, "GNSS Time Signal Spoofing Detector for Electrical Substations," in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, doi: 10.1109/TSG.2021.3122099.

Synchronous islanded operation of an inverter interfaced renewable rich microgrid using synchrophasors (OPEN ACCESS)

IET Renewable Power Generation

Meegahapola, L.; Laverty, D.M.; Jacobsen, M.R.; "Synchronous islanded operation of an inverter interfaced renewable rich microgrid using synchrophasors", IET RPG, 2017, Available online: 28 November 2017

Real-Time Multiple Event Detection and Classification Using Moving Window PCA

IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid

M. Rafferty; X. Liu; D. Laverty; S. McLoone, "Real-Time Multiple Event Detection and Classification Using Moving Window PCA," in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid , vol.PP, no.99, pp.1-1

Wide Area Phase Angle Measurements for Islanding Detection - An Adaptive Nonlinear Approach

IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery

X. Liu; J. Kennedy; D. Laverty; D. Morrow; S. McLoone, "Wide Area Phase Angle Measurements for Islanding Detection - An Adaptive Nonlinear Approach," in IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery , vol.PP, no.99, pp.1-1

Adaptive islanding detection and diagnosis using wide area monitoring

IEEE PES ISGT Conference Europe

M. Rafferty, X. Liu, D. Laverty, L. Xie and S. McLoone, "Adaptive islanding detection and diagnosis using wide area monitoring," 2017 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe), Torino, 2017, pp. 1-6.

PMU Telecommunications:

Modernizing wide-area grid communications for distributed energy resource applications using MQTT publish-subscribe protocol

IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting 2017

J. C. Hastings and D. M. Laverty, "Modernizing wide-area grid communications for distributed energy resource applications using MQTT publish-subscribe protocol," 2017 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Chicago, IL, 2017, pp. 1-5.

IEC 61850 substation configuration language as a basis for automated security and SDN configuration

IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting 2017

J. O'Raw, D. M. Laverty and D. J. Morrow, "IEC 61850 substation configuration language as a basis for automated security and SDN configuration," 2017 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Chicago, IL, 2017, pp. 1-5

Design and Implementation of Security Gateway for Synchrophasor Based Real-Time Control and Monitoring in Smart Grid

IEEE Access

Khan, R., McLaughlin, K., Laverty, D. & Sezer, S. Jul 2016

R. Khan, K. Mclaughlin, D. Laverty and S. Sezer, "Design and Implementation of Security Gateway for Synchrophasor Based Real-Time Control and Monitoring in Smart Grid," in IEEE Access, vol. 5, pp. 11626-11644, 2017


Analysis of IEEE C37.118 and IEC 61850-90-5 Synchrophasor Communication Frameworks

IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting 2016, Boston, USA

Khan, R., McLaughlin, K., Laverty, D. & Sezer, S. Jul 2016

R. Khan, K. McLaughlin, D. Laverty and S. Sezer, "Analysis of IEEE C37.118 and IEC 61850-90-5 synchrophasor communication frameworks," 2016 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), Boston, MA, 2016, pp. 1-5.

IEEE C37.118.2 Synchrophasor Communication Framework

International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy

Khan, R., McLaughlin, K., Laverty, D. & Sezer, S. 21 Feb 2016 Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy. SciTePress, p. 159-170

Background to PMUs:

Internet Based Phasor Measurement System for Phase Control of Synchronous Islands

IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting 2008

Laverty, D.M.; Morrow, D.J.; Best, R.; Crossley, P.A.; , "Internet based phasor measurement system for phase control of synchronous islands,"

Power and Energy Society General Meeting - Conversion and Delivery of Electrical Energy in the 21st Century, 2008 IEEE , vol., no., pp.1-6, 20-24 July 2008