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Economic Analysis of Social Interactions

By Onur Ozgur

Email: onur dot ozgur at mbs dot ca


General Introduction

Lecture 1 - Why do we need a new class of models? What are the relevant questions answered that cannot be answered with the traditional models in economics? What empirical regularities beg for this class of models?

Network Foundations

Lecture 2 - The use of networks and game theory as the fundamental tools to study social and economic interactions.

Behavioral Implications of Existing Group Structures

Lecture 3 - Local Interactions and the Baseline Models.

Lecture 4 - Conformity, social norms, habits and addiction.

Lecture 5 - Diffusion and contagion through networks.

Lecture 6 - Information transmission and learning in networks.

Group Formation and its Strategic Foundations

Lecture 7 and 8 - Why do people form groups? Can we explain observed groups as equilibrium phenomena? Stability and equilibrium, conflict between incentives and efficiency. Homophily, assortative matching, sorting into neighborhoods, and strategic formation of networks.

Identification and Estimation of Social Interactions

Lectures 9 and 10 - Identification and measurement of social effects is of utmost importance for social policy. What are the challanges? Do we have answers? Can equilibrium dynamics help? How does one estimate models with social interactions once models are identified?