
Sandwiched Compression:

Code is open-sourced at

Row-Column Transforms:

[] : Matlab code that designs RCTs.

Overview: This code contains a proof of concept implementation of the ideas in:

H. E. Egilmez, O. G. Guleryuz, J. Ehmann, and S. Yea, “Row-Column Transforms: Low-Complexity Approximation of Optimal Non-Separable Transforms,” Proc. IEEE Int’l Conf. on Image Proc. (ICIP2016), Phoenix, AZ, Sept. 2016. [.pdf].

Please report bugs and mistakes here. Please use the subject line "Regarding RCT". Thank you.


Sparse Orthonormal Transforms:

[] : Matlab code that designs SOTs using the included training data.

Overview: This code contains a proof of concept implementation of the ideas in:

Sezer, O.G.; Guleryuz, O.G.; Altunbasak, Y., "Approximation and Compression With Sparse Orthonormal Transforms," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol.24, no.8, pp.2328-2343, Aug. 2015 [.pdf].

Please report bugs and mistakes here. Please use the subject line "Regarding SOT". Thank you.


Spatial Sparsity-Induced Prediction (SIP) for Images and Video Proof of Concept Demo using the P_L predictor:

[] : predicts a target image based on an anchor image.

Overview: This code contains a proof of concept implementation of the ideas in:

G. Hua and O. G. Guleryuz, "Spatial Sparsity-Induced Prediction (SIP) for Images and Video: A Simple Way to Reject Structured Interference,'' to appear in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing [.pdf]

Please report bugs and mistakes here. Please use the subject line "Regarding sparsity induced prediction code". Thank you.



o helper.c: support routines.

o helper.h: interface to helper.c. 

o predict.c: main routine.

o Makefile

o *.raw: 512x512 grayscale test images (bg_fg*.raw are 256x256) for the examples in Figure 6 and 7.

Weighted Avreaging for Denoising with Overcomplete Dictionaries Proof of Concept Demo using DCTs:

[] : does weighted averaging for denoising with an overcomplete DCT dictionary.

Overview: This code contains a proof of concept implementation of the ideas in:

Onur G. Guleryuz, "Weighted Averaging for Denoising with Overcomplete Dictionaries,'' IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, December 2007 [.pdf]

I had to put this code together very quickly :) Please report bugs and mistakes here. Please use the subject line "Regarding weighted denoising code". Thank you.


    ./weighted_dct_denoise photo1_noisy.raw  photo1_denoised.raw photo1_noisy_copy.raw 512 512 10 8 0.


o dct_trf.c: code that handles forward/inverse dcts.

o dct_trf.h: interface to dct_trf.c. 

o noise.c: adds Gaussian noise.

o noise.h: interface to noise.c.

o weighted_dct_denoise.c: main routine.

o support_routines.c: pointer allocation/deallocation, etc.

o support_routines.h: interface to support_routines.c.

o Makefile

o lena.raw, barbara.raw, photo1.raw, photo2.raw, graphics.raw, criss-cross.raw: 512x512 grayscale test images.

Image Recovery Proof of Concept Demo using DCTs:

[] : recovers a single missing block at an arbitrary location in the image, see more below.

[] :  recovers arbitrary shape missing regions. 

This version overestimates T_0 and is slower for block recovery (instructions for this version are in the archive).

General Note: There are many ways to make this code run much faster. One can do fast transforms, fast overcomplete transforms, increase dt, etc., to get orders of magnitude improvements (read factor of ~100). The demo code is a proof of concept implementation and does none of that. I will implement a fast version in the future (in the unlikely event that I have some free time :).

Overview: This code contains a proof of concept implementation of the ideas in:

Please try it on different types of image regions. Please report bugs and mistakes here. Please use the subject line "Regarding image recovery code". Thank you.



o dct_trf.c: code that handles forward/inverse dcts.

o dct_trf.h: interface to dct_trf.c. 

o init_vals.c: calculates rudimentary statistics to intialize the algorithm.

o init_vals.h: interface to init_vals.c.

o layer.c: two ways of implementing my layer recovery iterations.

o layer.h: interface to  layer.h.

o recover.c: main routine.

o support_routines.c: pointer allocation/deallocation, etc.

o support_routines.h: interface to support_routines.c.

o threshold.c: simple hard-thresholding.

o threshold.h: interface to threshold.c.

o Makefile

o lena.raw, barbara.raw:512x512 grayscale test images.

Matlab code for linear worst-case estimators: Please see paper here.

       Example derivation of the estimators and some figures from the paper in matlab.

Matlab code for subspaces of quantization artifacts (conference version of above): Please see paper here.

        Deblocking and deringing demo in matlab

Source code for 2D wavelets, wavelet packets (complete or overcomplete), complex wavelets, and complex wavelet packets:

[] .

Overview: Wavelets and wavelet packets can be grown overcomplete (each overcomplete transform is invertible, etc.). Image boundaries are handled correctly. There is a test routine that implements a check for invertibility and another test routine that does denoising with hard-thresholding. The code is commented and should be easy to use and modify. Please report bugs and mistakes here. Please use the subject line "Regarding wavelet code". Thank you.



o wav_basic.c: basic filtering, decimation and upsampling routines.

o wav_basic.h: interface to wav_basic.c.

o wav_trf.c: transform routines.

o wav_trf.h: interface to wav_trf.c.

o wav_filters.h: where filter banks and their properties are defined.

o wav_filters_extern.h: interface to wav_filters.h.

o wav_gen.h: some parameters and min/max macros.

o macros.h: pointer check macro.

o test_transforms.c: main routine for testing transforms and invertibility.

o test_denoise.c: main routine for the example denoising applications.

o alloc.c: pointer allocation/deallocation.

o alloc.h: interface to alloc.c.

o Makefile

o peppers.raw: 512x512 grayscale test image.