Online resources

> Online Database Resources:-

1. BCRC + BIG (More than 2500+ journals, articles /company/industrial search

(Valid from 06/02/2013 to 05/02/2014)

2. RMIT (1374): Informit Business Collection - 100 Journals + 30 Books (8486)

(Valid from 06/02/2013 to 05/02/2014)

3. J-Gate (Management Science) 6700 indexed, free full text 2000 (8445), Informatics India Ltd (1360)

(Valid from 06/02/2013 to 05/02/2014)

4. Directory of Open Access Journals: Online Full text journals arranged subject wise.

5. Management Wall of Fame

> Other Online Resources: -

1. Syllabus of management courses

2. Question papers set

3. Online Newspapers

4. MBA Project Reports List