ExamController Module :

The controller has authority to modify the criteria is provided to the controller of examination and provide an interface from where controller will create new Expert and Admin for Exam Dept.

ManageAdmin :

In this module the controller will Create, Delete and Edit admin for the exam dept with all of there details.

A Loginname and password has been provided through which the admin can later login to perform all of there tasks.


In this module the controller will Create,Delete and Edit experts for they can later send question sets for objective as well as subjective questions which will be asked to solve to students under exam process.

Sane as ManageAdmin module, A Loginname and password has been provided hete too through which the expert can later login to send questions.

Exam Dept Module :

In the exam dept will manage the question bank sent by experts.and make schedule and declare Result.


In this form the exam dept. managed the schedule and sends to the student with their exam dates.

For this first he see all the details of registered students and allot them date accordingly.

ManageQusBank :

his form manage the subjective and objective question in the question bank sent by the expert module. The Manage Qustion Bank managed the question will be display randomly from question bank.

CheckSubQus :

This module checks the subjective question attempted by the student during the exam. subjective answer manually checking by exam department will take place

Declare result

in this form the exam dept. manage the result and sends to the student when they complete their exam.