

[31] Weak Universality in Random Persistent Homology and Scale-Invariant Functionals

O. Bobrowski and P. Skraba, arXiv:2406.05553

[ arXiv ]

[30] Functional Limit Theorems for Local Functionals of Dynamic Point Processes

E. Onaran, O. Bobrowski, and R. Adler, arXiv:2310:17775

[ arXiv ]


[29] Morse Theory for the k-NN Distance Function

Y. Reani and O. Bobrowski, 40th International Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG 2024)

[ Journal ]   [ arXiv ]

[28] Cluster-Persistence for Weighted Graphs

O. Bobrowski and P. Skraba, Entropy 25(12), 1587, 2023

[ Journal ]   [ arXiv ]

[27] A Coupled Alpha Complex

Y. Reani and O. Bobrowski, Journal of Computational Geometry 14(1), 221-256, 2023

[ Journal ]   [ arXiv ]

[26] A Universal Null-Distribution for Topological Data Analysis

O. Bobrowski and P. Skraba, Scientific Reports 13(1), 12274, 2023

[ Journal ]   [ arXiv ]

[25] Functional Central Limit Theorems for Local Statistics of Spatial Birth-Death Processes in the Thermodynamic Regime

E. Onaran, O. Bobrowski, and R. Adler,The Annals of Applied Probability, 33(5), 3958-3986, 2023

[ Journal ]   [ arXiv ]

[24] Cycle Registration in Persistent Homology with Applications in Topological Bootstrap

Y. Reani and O. Bobrowski. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 45(5), 5579-5593, 2023

[ Journal ]   [ arXiv ]

[23] Poisson Process Approximation Under Stabilization and Palm Coupling

O. Bobrowski, M. Schulte, D. Yogeshwaran, Annales Henri Lebesgue (5), 1489-1534, 2022

[ Journal ]   [ arXiv ]

[22] Homological Connectivity in Random Čech Complexes

O. Bobrowski, Probability Theory and Related Fields 183(3-4), 715-788, 2022.

[ Journal ]   [ arXiv ]

[21] Unsupervised Geometric and Topological Approaches for Cross-Lingual Sentence Representation and Comparison

S.H. Meirom and O. Bobrowski, Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP, 173-183, 2022

[ Journal ]

[20] Alarm Sound Detection Using Topological Signal Processing

T. Fireaizen, S. Ron, and O. Bobrowski, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2022

[ Journal ]

[19] On the Spectrum of Dense Random Geometric Graphs

K. Adhikari, R. Adler, O. Bobrowski, and R. Rosenthal, The Annals of Applied Probability 32(3), 1734-1773, 2022

[ Journal ]   [ arXiv ]

[18] Random Simplicial Complexes: Models and Phenomena (Book Chapter)

O. Bobrowski and D. Krioukov. High-Order Systems, 59-96, 2022

[ Journal ]   [ arXiv ]

[17] Homological Percolation: The Formation of Giant k-Cycles

O. Bobrowski and P. Skraba, International Mathematics Research Notices 2022(8), 6186-6213, 2022

[ Journal ]   [ arXiv ]

[16] Joint Geometric and Topological Analysis of Hierarchical Datasets

L. Aloni, O. Bobrowski, and R. Talmon. Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD), 478-493, 2021

[ Journal ]   [ arXiv ]

[15] Probabilistic Convergence and Stability of Random Mapper Graphs

A. Brown, O. Bobrowski, E. Munch, and B. Wang, Journal of Applied and Computational Topology 5, 99-140, 2021.

[ Journal ]   [ arXiv ]

[14] Convergence of Persistence Diagrams for Topological Crackle

T. Owada and O. Bobrowski, Bernoulli 26(3), 2275-2310, 2020

[ Journal ]   [ arXiv ]

[13] Homological Percolation and the Euler Characteristic

O. Bobrowski and P. Skraba, Physical Review E. 101, 032404:1-16, 2020

[ Journal ]   [ arXiv ]

[12] Random Čech Complexes on Riemannian Manifolds

O. Bobrowski and G. Oliveira, Random Structures & Algorithms 54(3), 373-412, 2019 

[ Journal ]   [ arXiv ]

[11] Topology of Random Geometric Complexes: A Survey

O. Bobrowski and M. Kahle, Journal of Applied and Computational Topology 1(3-4): 331-364, 2018

[ Journal ]   [ arXiv ]

[10] Maximally Persistent Cycles in Random Geometric Complexes

O. Bobrowski, M. Kahle and P. Skraba, The Annals of Applied Probability 27(4): 2032-2060, 2017

[ Journal ]   [ arXiv ]

[9] On the Vanishing of Homology in Random Čech Complexes

O. Bobrowski and S. Weinberger, Random Structures & Algorithms 51(1): 14-51, 2017

[ Journal ]   [ arXiv ]

[8] Topological Consistency via Kernel Estimation

O. Bobrowski, S.Mukherjee, and J. Taylor, Bernoulli 23 (1): 288-328, 2017

[ Journal ]   [ arXiv ]

[7] The Topology of Probability Distributions on Manifolds

O. Bobrowski and S.Mukherjee, Probability Theory and Related Fields 161 (3-4): 651-686, 2015

[ Journal ]   [ arXiv ]

[6] Crackle: The Homology of Noise

R.J. Adler, O. Bobrowski, and S. Weinberger, Discrete & Computational Geometry 52 (4): 680-704, 2014

 [ Journal ]   [ arXiv ]

[5] Distance Functions, Critical Points and the Topology of Random Čech Complexes

O. Bobrowski and R.J. Adler, Homology, Homotopy and Applications 16 (2): 311-344, 2014

[ Journal ]   [ arXiv ]

[4] Euler Integration of Gaussian Random Fields and Persistent Homology

O. Bobrowski and M.S. Borman, Journal of Topology and Analysis 4 (01): 49-70, 2012

[ Journal ]   [ arXiv ]

[3] Persistent Homology for Random Fields and Complexes

R.J. Adler, O. Bobrowski, M.S. Borman, E. Subag, and S. Weinberger, IMS Collections Vol. 6: 124-143, 2010

[ Journal ]   [ arXiv ]

[2] Bayesian Filtering in Spiking Neural Networks: Noise, Adaptation and Multisensory Integration

O. Bobrowski, R. Meir, and Y.C. Eldar, Neural Computation 21 (5): 1277-1320, 2009

[ Journal ]

[1] A Neural Network Implementing Optimal State Estimation Based on Dynamic Spike Train Decoding

O. Bobrowski, R. Meir, S. Shoham, and Y.C. Eldar, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) 20: 145-152, 2007

[ Journal ]