et articles récents

Groupes Quantiques :  en particulier, tout ce qui touche aux réalisations de ces derniers en termes d'algèbres de Hall (combinatoire, géométrique, catégorique, cohomologique ou K-théorique) associées à des carquois, des courbes ou des surfaces.

Géométrie énumérative : notamment en lien avec les espaces de modules de fibrés vectoriels ou de faisceaux sur des courbes ou sur des surfaces, et les espaces de Hitchin.

Articles / Prépublications récentes  (versions arXiv) 

-(avec E. Vasserot): Cohomological Hall algebras of quivers and Yangians, arXiv:2312.15803 

-(avec A. Mellit, A. Minets et E. Vasserot) : Coherent sheaves on surfaces, COHAs and deformed W_{1+\infty}-algebras, arXiv:2311.13415 

-(avec A. Mellit, A. Minets et T. Hausel) : P=W via H_2arXiv:2209.05429

-(avec A. Negut et F. Sala) : Shuffle algebras for quivers as quantum groups, arXiv:2111.00249

-(avec F. Sala) : Fock space representations of the circle quantum group, arXiv:1903.02813

-(avec A. Appel and F. Sala) : Continuum Kac-Moody algebras, arXiv:1812.08528

-Kac polynomials associated to quivers and curves, arXiv:180209760

-(avec F. Sala): Cohomological Hall algebras of Higgs sheaves on a curve, arXiv:1801.03482

-(avec F. Sala) The circle quantum group and the infinite root stack of a curve (with an appendix by T. Kuwagaki), arXiv:1711.07391

-(avec T. Bozec) Counting absolutely cuspidals for quivers, arXiv:1710.03036

-(avec E. Vasserot) On cohomological Hall algebras of quivers: Yangians, arXiv:1705.07491

-(avec E. Vasserot) On cohomological Hall algebras of quivers: generators, arXiv:1705.07488

-(avec S. Mozgovoy) Counting Higgs bundles and type A quiver bundles arXiv:1705.04849

-(avec T. Bozec et E. Vasserot), On the number of points of nilpotent quiver varieties, arXiv:1701.01797

-(avec P.-G. Plamondon), Kac polynomials for canonical algebras, arXiv:1602.01207

-Indecomposable vector bundles and stable Higgs bundles on curves, arXiv:1406.3839

-(avec N. Arbesfeld) A presentation of the deformed W_{1+\infty}-algebra, arXiv:1209.0429

-(avec M. Kapranov et E. Vasserot), The spherical Hall algebra of Spec(Z), arXiv:1202.4073

-(avec E. Vasserot), Cherednik algebras, W algebras and the equivariant cohomology of the moduli space of instantons on A^2, arXiv:1202.2756  [Note : this version is better than the published one which is unreadable due to some bad rendering of fonts]

-(avec M. Kapranov et E. Vasserot), The Hall algebra of a curve, arXiv:1201.6185

-(avec E. Vasserot), Hall algebras of curves, commuting varieties and Langlands duality, arXiv:1009.0678 

-Drinfeld realization of the elliptic Hall algebra, arXiv:1004.2575

-(avec I. Burban), Composition algebra of a weighted projective line, arXiv:1003.4412 

-Spherical Hall algebras of curves and Harder-Narasimhan stratas, arXiv:1002.0987  

-(avec S.-J. Kang et M. Kashiwara), Geometric constructions of highest weight crystals for quantum generalized Kac-Moody algebras, arXiv:0908.1158 

-(avec E. Vasserot), The elliptic Hall algebra and the equivariant K-theory of the Hilbert scheme of A^2, arXiv:0905.2555  

-(avec I. Burban), Two descriptions of the quantum affine algebra U_q(Lsl_2) via Hall algebra approach, arXiv:0903.4828 

-(avec S.-J. Kang et M. Kashiwara), Geometric constructions of crystal bases for quantum generalized Kac-Moody algebras, arXiv:0810.5493 

-(avec E. Vasserot) The elliptic Hall algebra, Cherednik Hecke algebras and Macdonald polynomials, arXiv:0802.4001

-(avec S.-J. Kang) Addendum to 'Canonical bases for quantum generalized Kac-Moody algebras', arXiv:0711.1948

-On the Hall algebra of an elliptic curve, II, arXiv:0508553

-(avec I. Burban) On the Hall algebra of an elliptic curve, I, arXiv:0505148

-Canonical bases of loop algebras via Quot schemes, arXiv:0408401

-(avec I. Frenkel et M. Khovanov), Homological realization of Nakajima varieties and Weyl group actions, arXiv:0311485

-(avec S.-J. Kang) Canonical bases for quantum generalized Kac-Moody algebras, arXiv:0311089

-(avec P. Etingof et A. Varchenko) Traces of intertwiners for quantum groups and difference equations, II, arXiv:0207157

-(avec A. Savage) Quiver varieties and fusion product for sl_2, arXiv:0205286

-Noncommutative projective curves and quantum loop algebras, arXiv:0205267

-(avec P. Etingof) On the moduli of classical dynamical r-matrices, arXiv:0005282

-On the center of affine Hecke algebras of type A, arXiv:0005182

-(avec P. Etingof) Twisted traces of quantum intertwiners and quantum dynamical R-matrices corresponding to generalized Belavin-Drinfeld triples, arXiv:0003109

-(avec P. Etingof et T. Schedler) Explicit quantization of dynamical r-matrices for finite-dimensional semisimple Lie algebras, arXiv:9912009

-(avec P. Etingof) Twisted traces of intertwiners for Kac-Moody algebras and classical dynamical r-matrices corresponding to generalized Belavin-Drinfeld triples, arXiv:9908115

-The Hall algebra of a cyclic quiver and canonical bases of the Fock space, arXiv:9906069

-(avec P. Etingof) On highest weight modules over elliptic quantum groups, arXiv:9809161

-Quantum affine algebras at roots of unity and equivariant K-theory, arXiv:9908038

-(avec P. Etingof) A link between two elliptic quantum groups, arXiv:9801108

-On classification of dynamical r-matrices, arXiv:9706017

Survols : 

-Lectures on canonical and crystal bases of Hall algebras, arXiv:0910.4460 

-Lectures on Hall algebras, arXiv:math/0611617 

-Quivers of type A, flag varieties and representation theory, arXiv:math/0301128 

-(avec P. Etingof) Lectures on the dynamical Yang-Baxter equations, arXiv:math/9908064 

-(avec P. Etingof) Lectures on quantum groups