Olivia Robertson's Online Log: 2010

Announcements and information provided directly by FOI Co-Founder Olivia Robertson, Temple of Isis at Clonegal Castle, Fellowship of Isis Foundation Headquarters, for the year 2010. All entries posted the same day they were received. They are listed in chronological order, with newer entries at the top of the page.

New Video Clip from "Olivia, Priestess of Isis" DVD

Received December 4, 2010

Poster © Logic Reality. Used by permission.

Featured below is a clip from the DVD "Olivia: Priestess of Isis" produced by Logic Reality.

DVD trailer: Solidified Light

"The film documents Olivia over the course of one year. It offers a unique insight to the rites and rituals of The Fellowship of Isis." - Logic Reality

The video is available for order:

Olivia: Priestess of Isis


Olivia Robertson at Crossbones Cemetery, London. Photo by Caroline Wise, used by permission.

Letter from Olivia Robertson

Date November 15, 2010

Received November 22, 2010

Re: Samhain 2010 Issue of Isian News

This issue of Isian News goes straight to the Heart of Isis of Compassion. The photo and account of Caroline Wise’s expedition to the Boot and Flogger public house in Dickens-Shakespeare-land over the ancient Temple of Isis in London shows us all what writers can do to help despised and rejected people.

Our Priestess Maureen Farrell was on Irish Television putting a plea for women victims of the Magdalene Homes, a cause now taken up by “human rights” organizations. And my niece Anna tells me a surgeon in a Bath city hospital had never heard of the disfiguring African disease Noma and now, owing to the Facing Africa campaign in which Anna is included, is sending a team of surgeons there. I like our photo together on this project!

I do thank you!

Love from Olivia.

Sincerely with the Blessings of Isis, Divine Mother

P.S. Do put this on the web!


Arcadians of the Muses Symposium

Received October 19, 2010 via Stephanie Campbell

Iseum of the Golden Eagle and Iseum of the Arts, Phoenix, Arizona

Photo is copyrighted. All rights reserved.

Photo, above, left to right: Olivia of the Druid Land of Dana, Ireland; Stephanie of the Land of Utopia, Phoenix, USA; JohnMichael of the Land of Avalon, Paradise Valley USA. The Arcadians of the Symposium of the Muses.


This oracle from Urania was received by FOI Co-Founder Olivia Robertson as she sought to bring clarity to members concerning the Muses Symposium and the Magical Arcadian Realm. (Sent by Stephanie Campbell, Iseum of the Golden Eagle and Iseum of the Arts, Phoenix, Arizona, on behalf of Olivia Robertson.)

From: Urania, Muse of All Magic

Received October 18, 2010


Our Muses Symposium exists already in the inner planes. We are now extending it to the material world, through the Fellowship of ISIS.Therefore, our Magical Arcadian Realm is not subject to any existing structures. It is a telepathic extension of our divine web of the arts. So, in the Muses Symposium, there are no levels, degrees or rules.


We Muses inspire that perfect freedom of expression, without which, the Arts cannot exist. Be Free, Be Joyful, Be Loving and So Create Your Individual Art, through the Divine Rainbow Network of All Arts.


Note: Any FOI Member who wishes to join may do so through the existing global websites. They are preparing the necessary navigation on these sites now.


A Note from Olivia

Received October 16, 2010 via Stephanie Campbell

Iseum of the Golden Eagle and Iseum of the Arts, Phoenix, Arizona

How wondeful to let you know that wild Arizona, full of desert and saguaros has the most wonderful, spiritual uplifting people who have joined our great awakening! This began at the Crossbones "unconsecrated" Cemetary by the Boot and Flogger Inn near Southwalk Cathedral, London where rejected beings, including babies were buried. I consecrated the area to the Goddess Isis, which is ironically on top of her buried ancient temple. This is where Chaucer,Shakespeare and Dickens wrote.

On my journey through the United States, I feel the veil is lifting between the spiritual/material world as I found it to be in England and Ireland.

Blessings of Isis, Olivia


Olivia Robertson Comments on the Samhain Issue of Isian News

Received October 16, 2010 via Stephanie Campbell

Iseum of the Golden Eagle and Iseum of the Arts, Phoenix, Arizona

"Isian Newsletter was fantastic. Lady O is thrilled. She can really appreciate the amount of effort that goes into each publishing. Keep up the good work! And thanks for the support of the Goddess!"


Isian News, cover by Olivia Robertson, Lughnasadh, 1999. Publisher, Caroline Wise.

Extension of Publication Rights to Works by Olivia Robertson and Isian News

October 12, 2010

Received from Olivia Robertson In Person

Nesu House, Isis Oasis, Geyserville, California

Notice from Olivia Robertson. For a long time I have wished to hand over the publication of my books from my own amateur efforts (a lot of work!) to other members. Minette Quick sees to my publications in Ireland. Now I am very happy to announce that I am giving the right to publish all my books and pictures to Isis-House Publishing of ArchPriestess deTraci Regula.

Of course Connia Silver’s manuals, booklet of my pictures and her DVD recordings of the ritual tapes will continue to be on sale through her. As will the much appreciated DVDs and other works of Cathryn Anne Rogers, also the Archives and Directories of Deena Hartray Butta and the arrangements with Caroline Wise for publication of the liturgy and my other works and past arrangements with Linda Iles, Loreon Vigne and deTraci Regula for publication of the liturgy and my other works. Past issues of Isian News produced by Caroline Wise and Connia Silver can be ordered. And now the rights of course belong to the Most Rev. Linda Iles, the present publisher of Isian News. My family still have the right to publish and to sell my work from Clonegal Castle.


Fellowship of Isis Muses Symposium

October 12, 2010

Received from Olivia Robertson In Person

Nesu House, Isis Oasis, Geyserville, California

The Muses Symposium is not affiliated with any of the FOI Foundation Unions, ArchDruid Union, ArchPriesthood Union or the Grand Commander Union. It has no affiliation with the Druid Clan of Dana or the Noble Order of Tara or any other branch or society within the Fellowship of Isis.

Becoming part of the Muses Symposium does not involve new Priesthood nor does it confer titles of Priest or Priestess to anyone. New members are honoured as Sons and Daughters of the Muses, i.e. "Daughter of Terpsichore" or "Son of Urania." Those who are already ordained as members of the Priesthood are acknowledged as "Priestess" or "Priest" in their work for the Muses. Example: our Priestess Le'ema Kathleen Graham already ordained as a Priestess in the Fellowship of Isis, therefore she is declared Priestess of Terpsichore in the Muses Symposium because Le'ema is both Priestess and sacred dancer - her work honors the Muse Terpsichore. Our Priestess Sundari, already ordained as a Priestess is therefore Priestess of Polyhymnia, dedicated to the Muse of Song in the Muses Symposium.

Original Art "The Muses Inspire" received from Olivia Robertson at the Nesu House, Geyserville, California upon the creation of a chapter of the Muses Symposium on Saturday, October 6, 2007.


Vestal Flame: Updated Announcement

Review of Venue for FOI Events & Gatherings

October 12, 2010

Artwork and Announcement Received from Olivia Robertson In Person

Nesu House, Isis Oasis, Geyserville, California

Every Goddess Centre relates to others through the Rainbow Network of Love, Beauty and Truth. So there is no need for great Temples and Halls in these challenging times. Where there is a Hearth, there presides the Goddess of our Eternal Home.


Fellowship of Isis Convention 2011

Reviews of Venue

Iseum of Eleusis, Hearth of the Goddess

Received September 24, 2010 via Deena Butta

It is now the intention of so many iseum founders to hold their gatherings in their own homes.

Olivia Robertson notes that the original intention of Lawrence, Pamela, and herself was to return the Hearth Fire of the Goddess to the home. Under patriarchy, their followers were forced to build churches and halls at great expense to keep priestesses from power.

Now the financial climate makes a return to the Hearth for ceremonies appropriate. Many conventions already do this, including those held in Clonegal Castle.

Founders of FOI centers who would like to join this return to the Hearth Fire may list their participation under the heading of The Vestal Flame.


Olivia Robertson

Iseum of Eleusis of Chicago

Note: Iseum of Eleusis is the FOI centre of Deena Butta, Chicago, Illinois, where Olivia is currently staying during her Fall Tour in the USA. Deena is Olivia's hostess in Chicago and is the facilitator of the FOI Goddess Festivals in the Chicago area each year.


Charity Auction for Facing Africa

Saturday September 25, 2010

From Olivia's niece, Anna Currey

Received September 23, 2010

Tapestry by Melian Robertson titled "Blooming Leaf of Texas"

Anyone interested in bidding on either Olivia or Melian's work, please contact Anna Currey.

The proceeds benefit "Facing Africa." For more details on this charity please read the entry below and visit their website www.facingafrica.org A catalogue of works for the charity auction is available through their auction website www.facingafricaauction.com

Olivia's illustration titled "Raphael Noonan" is presented here as it appears in her novel St. Malachy's Court. It is in actuality not black and white, but a delicately coloured drawing. You may view Olivia's drawing and Melian's tapestry, titled "Blooming Leaf of Texas" on the auction site. Their catalogue numbers are provided above.


Received September 9, 2010

From Olivia's niece, Anna Currey via Caroline Wise

Portrait of Raphael Noonan by Olivia Robertson, original drawing for St. Malachy's Court.

For the last few months I have been organising a charity auction of illustrations in aid of Facing Africa www.facingafrica.org

I have contacted over forty artists and illustrators to donate some of their artwork, with really wonderful results. We have, I think 58 pictures which are being currently exhibited at the Royal United hospital Bath, and will be auctioned at The Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institute on the 25th of September. They include some great collectors items such as a 1937 Ardizzone Lithograph, a Gwen Raverat Woodcut, and a wonderful picture of 'Zog' by Axel Scheffler of 'Gruffalo' fame.

When I was in Ireland Olivia very kindly contributed one of the original pictures from her 1946 book St Malachy's Court.

St Malachy's Court is a wonderful account of her work with deprived children in the Dublin corporation playgrounds.

Olivia is hugely supportive of this charity auction, feeling particularly sympathetic to unhappy and marginalised children everywhere.

The auction has a very good website www.facingafricaauction.com Olivia's picture will be put up on it next week.

Additional Note from Caroline Wise: Re: Facing Africa Auction of Olivia's drawing - Just heard form Anna that the guide price is £100 for the drawing AND a copy of St Malachy's Court. The drawing is approx 10" x 7". Let's hope we can raise more than £100! Happy bidding!


Glastonbury Ordination and Unscripted Rite

Olivia's Report for all Centres

2nd August 2010, Lughnasad

New Consciousness Convergence since 17th July

The Awakening of the Archangel Michael by Glastonbury Tor - Mound of Archangel Michael

We began the ceremony at the United Reformed church hall. The ceremony began with the Ordination of Thalia Brown who's magnificent artwork of Isis and Osiris dignified our Temple Space. Elizabeth Heartstar's Bee Ceremonys were blessed in the name of Melissa the Bee Goddess. A startling event took place during the ritual play, involving the awakening of the Archangel Michael who was put into deep sleep by the dogmatic enforcer of structured religions. Michael's false image was then used as a killer of the female Dragon Goddess Lilith. However, the play became real when Michael, played by our Priest Stephen, was awakened by our new Priestess Thalia, with a dance of the life force of the Serpent Goddess, Lilith. When Stephen was awakened as Archangel Michael, the Irish participants, Maureen and Mary, also, Celia, (Priestess of the host Lyceum of Isis of Avalon), myself Olivia, and so many of our company felt an overwhelming presence embodied by Stephen. We received the Oracle of the Archangel Michael himself through the Priest Stephen, who accepted to be the channel of the Divine presence. In the oracle, Michael said 'do not kill' and explained that his sword of light animated the holy earth which is the Dragon. He answered questions directed towards him, and the Oracle continued whilst we were raised in Consciousness. In our magical journey to Paradise later, friends from spirit world were warmly invited to commune and some some people were in tears of happiness when their loved ones came through. Their animal friends came bouncing in! The veil between the spirit world and ours is drawing aside and therefore there are no 'dead'. We meet again; Angel and human, animal and plants in communion of love. From Deities to Atoms, all are born of the Mother Goddess.


Photo of Olivia Robertson in Glastonbury

Received August 1, 2010

This photo just received of Olivia visiting the grave of Dion Fortune. This is an annual pilgrimage she makes with Celia while visiting in Glastonbury.

Olivia Robertson visiting grave of Dion Fortune, Glastonbury. Photo copyright Caroline Wise. Used by permission.


Olivia and Celia, Glastonbury 2010. Photo used by permission. All rights reserved.

Report: Glastonbury Goddess Conference

Olivia Robertson's Unscripted Rite

Dated July 31, 2010

Saturday Morning, Goddess of Love Heart Circle

"We were invoking Venus to unbind Eros. There was an enthusiastic participation, led by Julie Felix, Lydia Lite drumming and Invocations by twelve FOI Priestesses and Priests to a company of over a hundred. Stephen Goggin took the part of Eros imprisoned by his own computer and Julie Felix was Venus who rescued him. All joined in her song 'Love is the Heartbeat of the Universe.' (From Celia)"

Stephen Goggin, left, Julie Felix, center, Lydia Lyte with drum (seated) Glastonbury Goddess Conference.

Olivia Robertson, center, invokes the Goddess Venus, Glastonbury Goddess Conference.


From Olivia Robertson

Dated July 27, 2010

"Thank you so much for showing all the photos and descriptions. You have truly launched my new Ritual on the web so swiftly. I feel the awakening of the God by the Goddess awakens us to save our Earth at this time."

Note: Photos of an enactment of the new ritual which took place during Olivia's visit with FOI members in London, commentary by Olivia and a link to the new unscripted rite, "The Awakening of Aengus," are provided below.

Olivia Robertson standing near prayer flags, Crossbones Cemetery. Photo © Caroline Wise

Michael Staley, Olivia Robertson, John Crow and friend at Crossbones Cemetery. Photo © Caroline Wise

July 25, 2010 - Cressida and Bob perform a Mummers Dance

FOI Members at Isis of the Thames Lyceum, London, with Olivia Robertson.

From Olivia Robertson

Dated July 24, 2010

“We had a wonderful version of this Rite here at Isis of the Thames Iseum, the raising of the magician Merlin who was bound in a tree with good reason by Morgana - but nowadays we wanted him to be unbound, to save the planet. So a Priestess of Elen, Deborah, untied him (Johnny) to popular acclaim as he promised to restore the forests to Gaia.

The tree is a magnificent cypress, by Caroline's flowery terrace.

A marvellous feast was had by all.

Tomorrow we intend to launch a (miniature) ship of Isis on the Thames at Richmond, and my niece Cressida and her husband Bob will offer a Mummers dance and a song honouring the memory of the poor who suffered cruel treatment in terrible conditions of transportation to Australia.”

Note: This message refers to the new unscripted rite “The Awakening of Aengus” - a link is provided to this ritual in the entry directly below.

From Olivia Robertson

For Publication

Dated July 22, 2010

"Dear Linda,

Thank you so much for sending out my message and new ritual so quickly, I feel the rite is a very important innovation.To publish an unscripted ceremony brings forth free expression. This is what I really want, otherwise rituals can be like repartitions robots!

Blessings of Isis


New Unscripted Rite from Olivia Robertson:

The Awakening of Aengus - A New Goddess Ritual


Important Message from Olivia Robertson

To All Members

Received July 21, 2010

When posting on the internet, please introduce your posts with your own name. Please do not speak as 'The Fellowship of Isis' or introduce your posts as such. We each speak through our own inspiration, we do not enforce corporate religion! We do not promote an official line. Members may consult the Manifesto which has always been our agreed consensus on FOI aims and ideals. Each member has their individual voice.


Extension of Copyright of Olivia Robertson's Works

to Circle of Brigid, Ireland

Received July 10, 2010

I, Olivia Robertson, have extended copyright of my works to ensure that the aims and ideals of the Fellowship of Isis are available to as many people as possible worldwide. With this in mind I have given copyright of my works to the Circle of Brigid, Ireland, in the care of the Honorary Secretary representing the fundamental principles of the Fellowship of Isis.

- Olivia Robertson, Co-Founder of the Fellowship of Isis, 10th July, 2010


From Olivia Robertson:

Shrine of the Druid Clan of Dana

Star Chapel (next to Well of Brigid)

Received June 29, 2010

Shrine of Dana, Temple of Isis, Clonegal Castle, photo by M. Quick, 2010

Above altar, painting in 1952 of the Goddess Dana of the Tuatha De Danaan,

as seen in a vision by Olivia Robertson.


On left, "Mari of the Mists" of the Atlantic Ocean,

daughter of Manannán Mac Lir, Ocean God.


Statuette of Dana, Mother of All the Gods and Goddesses of Ireland

and Her Beloved Daughter, Bride of the Well

Aengus Og, God of Love and Joy with his Birds


Altar Frontal, "New Moon over Mt. Leinster"


Left of Shrine, Painting by Olivia Robertson of Fionnuala and a Swan of Lir

Right of Shrine, Etaine & Midir, Sidhe (The Immortal Hour)


Windows – Left Osiris and His Son the Younger Horus

Right – Isis with Her Daughter the Younger Hathor

Painted by Olivia Robertson


Additional Information Received from Olivia Robertson:

Far right corner, top, “Lightening Flash of Isis” cover art for Isian News no. 119, Brigantia, 2006

Center, painting by Anna Currey

Far right corner, below, painting used as cover for the FOI Liturgy book “Brigid of the Rainbow Planets, Adventures of the Alchemical Twins”.


From Olivia Robertson:

Muses Symposium Notice

Temple Gifts

Received June 29, 2010

For over fifty years Lawrence and Olivia Durdin-Robertson have given grateful thanks to so many donors of lovely pictures and craft works for their Temple of Isis. Now the time has come for those who have given, to receive acknowledgement of their work on our expanding FOI Global Centres. Many do not wish for this publicity, but others would appreciate being listed. This would be helpful for members wishing to order paintings, wands, figures and other works of art. Those wishing to contribute may give necessary information to the Hon. Secretary of the Circle of Isis Fellowship of Isis Central Global Website: isiscircleonline@yahoo.com; Circle of Pelagia: isishazel@yahoo.com; FOI Chicago: deeankh@sbcglobal.net; FOI Germany: sekhmet@online.de; Fellowship of Isis HomePage Archives: http://www.fellowshipofisis.com; and Star of Elen: ContactSOE@starofelen.org

Note: The announcement above was updated to include current contact information for all websites that are officially authorized as either a central global or as a regional site by FOI Co-Founder Olivia Robertson. This is done in accordance with her wishes; expressly stated in guidelines she has given to us (Circle of Isis) as website hosts/creators of a central global website for the Fellowship of Isis.

List of Contributors and Gifts to Temple of Isis Shrines, Clonegal Castle


Brigid Na Mara, painted fabric, by Olivia Robertson. Photo by Minette Quick.

From Olivia Robertson:

Brigid Na Mara

Received June 17, 2010

"The Goddess Comes to Her Temple!"

(Spontaneous comment from Minette upon seeing the new hanging in the Well Chapel)

"There is now a new wall hanging across the whole back wall behind the Well of Brigid at Clonegal Castle. The beautiful drawing - life size – is by an FOI Priestess and Artist. It is highlighted by Olivia Robertson who identifies it with Brigid Na Mara of the Sea and also with Goda, female equivalent of the Saxon “God”. Goda holds the trident like Britannia of the British Isles and Atagartis, the Syrian Sea Goddess."


From Olivia Robertson:

For Permanent Publication on All Global Sites

Received May 7, 2010

My brother Lawrence, his wife Pamela and I looked to the future at arrangements for the continuity of the work of the Fellowship of Isis globally. We loved the Temple of Isis and our Festivals at Clonegal Castle. Our members will always receive a loving welcome there! The general work of the FOI is carried out by the FOI Foundation Union Triad: The Archpriesthood Union, The Archdruid Union of the Druid Clan of Dana, and the Grand Commander Union of the Noble Order of Tara.


From Olivia Robertson:

Re: Beltane Isian News, Issue no. 136

Dated May 5, 2010

"Congratulations on Isian News! At last it has all the features Lawrence and I hoped for - on a global Web scale. It is beautiful!"


From Olivia Robertson:

Membership of Circle of Brigid

Received May 1st, 2010

In order to secure the success of the 8 yearly Clonegal Festivals for the future, the Membership of the Circle of Brigid has been reconstituted. The 8 members of the Circle of Brigid are responsible for running the Festivals at Clonegal, and Olivia wishes to call only on those members of the Irish Priesthood who have been able to attend fairly regularly, and would wish to on an ongoing basis, personal circumstances permitting.

As Membership of the Circle of Brigid is limited to 8 and several of the original members are now unable to share in the work of the Goddess at Clonegal Festivals, she has relieved them of their responsibilities, and invited three new members to join the Circle in order that it may continue to provide a welcome to members of the Fellowship.

She is, therefore, delighted to announce that three new Members have joined the Circle of Brigid

The 8 Members of the Circle of Brigid are now:

Rt. Rev. Olivia Robertson, Rt. Rev. Patricia Griffin, Rev. Eileen Lawrence, Ards.

Rev. Marian Smiles, Rev. David de Roeck, Rev. Cait Brannigan, Ards.

Rev. Deirdre Wadding & Rev. Minette Quick, Ards. (hon.sec.circleofbrigid@gmail.com)

The support of all past and present members of the Priesthood in Ireland, the UK and beyond is greatly appreciated, and together with all members of the Fellowship of Isis they will continue to be welcome by invitation. The dates of Festivals will be set by agreement with the Robertson family, who will continue to show visitors the Temple of Isis each year from 1st June to 1st September. As you may know, Olivia is in great health and full of life, uplifted by her work in the Temple, at 93!


From Olivia Robertson:

Notes on Updates to Shrines

Accompanied by Three New Photos

Received April 30, 2010

The photos below were taken by the Honorary Secretary of the Circle of Brigid, the Most Reverend Minette Quick. Each photo is accompanied by notes from FOI Co-Founder Olivia Robertson, sent via Minette Quick. The text of Olivia's notes is provided below in italics. Additional information (not in italics) is provided through written correspondence with Olivia Robertson by the Hon. Secretary of the Circle of Isis, Linda Iles. Olivia has been busy updating and refurbishing the shrines within the Temple of Isis at Clonegal Castle (FOI Foundation Centre) in Ireland. She is incorporating her paintings and drawings, along with scarves and veils and making use of the mirrors and windows within the shrines and chapels of the Temple of Isis

Ishtar altar, photo, courtesy of Minette Quick

Explanation of photo above, from FOI Co-Founder Olivia Robertson: "Ishtar, Lady of 15 of the 8 pointed Star. Goddess of Love and Beauty of Babylon. She descended through 7 Spheres to rescue her lover, Tammuz, Shepherd of the Starry Flocks. They ascended, joining Heaven and Earth. The silk painting of Ishtar is by Olivia Robertson." Note the eight-pointed stars on the ceiling of the chapel and the beautiful silken altar cloth, which includes the painting referred to by Olivia in her note. The eight pointed Star of Star of Ishtar comprises the eight rays of correspondences of Fellowship of Isis rituals. Olivia has written that eight is the special number of the Fellowship of Isis, the twin loops signifying the union of earthly consciousness with divine communion.

Dana shrine, photo courtesy of Minette Quick

Explanation of photo above, from FOI Co-Founder Olivia Robertson: "Dana of the Druid Clan of Dana. Mother of the Danaan Deities. Painting by Olivia Robertson of Dana as She appeared to her in Dublin 1952 bringing great happiness. Plaque of Dana of Nature is shown with hair of oak leaves." Note Isis (right) and Osiris (left) painted on the windows on either side. A painting by Olivia graces the altar cloth, showing a waning crescent moon suspended in a starry sky over a dolmen. The dolmen gateway is one of the three 'trials' of the Druid Clan of Dana liturgy.

Winged Brigid with Golden Boy, photo courtesy of Minette Quick

Explanation of photo above, from FOI Co-Founder Olivia Robertson: "The Golden Winged Goddess now has a Golden Boy with Her at the Healing Well of the Goddess Brigid in Her Chapel for Child Well Being."


From Olivia Robertson:

Co-Ordination of FOI Global Centres

Received April 27, 2010

With the growth of the Fellowship, the service provided online by the Global Sites will become more and more vital to those who wish to learn about the Goddess. The Global Sites will be the gateway, particularly to the many isolated members all over the world, to whom the contact means so much. Already there are members in 132 countries and the Liturgy has been translated into many different languages.

In view of this and for the future of the Fellowship overall, there is a growing need for a co-ordinated approach to the provision of information for members. It will be necessary for the Global Sites, which naturally have developed along slightly different lines, to keep in touch with each other, in a unified way, in order to keep a fully updated list of what is available to our members, so that they will be able to access what they need. New members need to learn about the Fellowship. They need easy access and links to Iseums and Lyceums, Groves of the Druid Clan of Dana, and Priories of the Noble Order of Tara. Whichever Global Site they initially access, they should be able to find the same list of contacts and links to other Sites to further their search for a group they might wish to join. They should be introduced to the expanding list of facilities both online and offline provided by Fellowship members to serve their particular interests be it in art, nature, the fairy realm, or any of the many and diverse expressions of love for the Goddess. Links to upcoming events and activities would be included.

I call upon all present and future Global Centres to provide each other with regular updates of information and links to the work of the Fellowship. Heartening messages are received daily at our Centres, describing spiritual help received through counselling, teaching and distance healing.


From Olivia Robertson:

Reminder, Temple of Isis, Clonegal Castle, Ireland

Received April 13, 2010

The Circle of Brigid will continue to organize the 8 yearly FOI Festivals after the passing of the Hon. Olivia Robertson, Co-Founder. Members will continue to be welcomed every day to the Temple of Isis from 1st June to 1st September. Meanwhile Olivia is still around and active!

Note: The original announcement was sent with the name of Brigid spelled with an 'h'. The spelling has been changed to match the form used in the name of the Advisory Board and the e-mail address of the Hon. Secretary of the Circle of Brigid.


By Request of Olivia Robertson

Report from Minette Quick, Hon. Secretary, Circle of Brigid

Dated February 6, 2010

Hon. Sec. of the Circle of Brigid Minette Quick, sent a lovely report on the activities of the Imbolc Celebration at the Temple of Isis, Clonegal Castle in 2010, updated on April 10. It includes several beautiful photos:

Special Report: The Beginning of the New Aeon (2010)


New Photos of Shrines

Temple of Isis at Clonegal Castle

Received January 28, 2010

Photos by Minette Quick. Commentary based on information directly received from Olivia Robertson.

Entering the Chapel of the Well, 'Six Winged Brigid' presides over the Well of Vision

To the left in the photo above, is one of the series of paintings Olivia created during 2009 following the passing of her nephew David Durdin-Robertson. The picture is of Manannán mac Lir - ‘Manannán of the Heights Above and Depths Below’ shown pouring water from the Cauldron of Regeneration. Manannán mac Lir came from a land where old age, sickness, death, decay and falsehood did not exist.

To the right is Olivia’s painting of The Morrígan (or Mórrígan) - ‘Morrígan of River and Grael’ another of the series she painted after David’s passing. According to tradition, the Morrígan stands with one foot on either side of the river Unius. Here she is shown holding the Cup of Sovereignty which is traditionally offered to the King upon ascending the throne. This same cup was named the Grael in Arthurian legend, a vessel of spiritual rebirth.

Close-up view of 'Six Winged Brigid'

Situated between the two paintings is a sculpture of ‘Winged Brigid’ by David Durdin-Robertson. Olivia has placed a statue representing Brigid in front of the sculpture, creating a "Six-Winged Brigid," carrying on the theme of Druidic symbolism. The six wings of Brighid represent Her powers in the three worlds. This shrine is located in the Chapel of the Well of Brighid. Water from the well has been used in FOI ceremonies since the founding of the Fellowship of Isis in 1976. A Priory of St. Brighid is believed to have once existed on the site where the castle now stands. The well dates back to the Neolithic period.

The Veiled Goddess of Compassion, Kwan Yin'

The third photo is that of a shrine to Kwan Yin, Who is shown veiled. The veil draped around Her figure represents the “Veil of Light” that is traditionally said to cover Her form. This Goddess is known as ‘The One Who Hears the Cries of the World.’ She is invoked in times of sickness and trouble. Kwan Yin is the Mother of Life and the Embodiment of Compassion. She has the power to break the cycle of rebirth and answers all those who call upon Her.

Photos on this page courtesy of Minette Quick (unless otherwise noted). All photos are copyrighted. Used by permission. All rights reserved.