Paulo Tarso S. Oliveira 

(Paulo Tarso)

Professor of Hydrology and Water Resources

2017 - HWS Research Group

2023 - HWS Research Group

2023 - Helena Ramos (INRAE), Ralf , and Prof. Ulrich Dittmer (TU Kaiserslautern)

2023 - Sam Zipper (KU Geology - The University of Kansas)


I was born in Brazil in 1985. My Ph.D. in Science - Hydraulics and Sanitary Engineering was obtained in 2014 at the São Carlos School of Engineering, University of São Paulo (EESC-USP), São Carlos, SP, Brazil. I was a visiting researcher at the USDA-ARS Southwest Watershed Research Center and at The University of Arizona,Tucson, AZ, USA (2013-2014). 

I joined the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS) as Professor of Hydrology and Water Resources in January 2016.


My work links field data to improved process-based and data-driven modeling techniques to develop better understanding of the mechanisms of hydrological and soil erosion processes, including the interaction among hydrology, human activities, and ecosystems services. I have worked with the development and improvement of models and data analysis by using hydrometeorological data at varying spatial scales (plots, hillslope, catchment, and continental), through laboratory, experimental, and remote sensing-based research. I have also been conducting studies on water security that involves analyzing the interaction of climate and land use and land cover changes on the hydrological processes. Our studies aim to ensure soil and water conservation, conciliate the water-food-energy nexus, and provide a more resilient infrastructure based in sustainable drainage systems 

During the last 8 years, I have led investigations developed by the Hydrology and Water Security Research Group. Currently, I am advising 3 postdocs, 4 PhD, 6 MSc, and 3 undergraduate students. In total, I already advised 20 graduate and 34 undergraduate students. I have got research funding from National and State research foundations (e.g., CNPq, CAPES, FUNDECT and FAPESP) and also from Research, Development and Innovation (RD & I) Projects funded by private companies. Total grant supports as Principal Investigator (January 2024): US$ 2.283 millions, being US$ 1.622 millions for project grant and US$ 660,600 for graduate students’ scholarships. 

Areas of research interest: 

Hydrology, hydrological processes, catchment hydrology, ecohydrology, rainfall-runoff models, flood-forecasting, uncertainty analysis, application of remotely sensed data in hydrology, water resources management, Land Use and Land Cover Change, soil erosion, soil erosion modeling, soil and water conservation, land use planning, payment for environmental services, food-energy-water nexus, water and food security.

Opportunities: I currently have post-doctoral positions open as well as for M.S. and PhD degrees, please inquire if interested.


Contact Information:

Paulo Tarso S. Oliveira, PhD

Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, CxP. 549, Campo Grande, MS, 79070-900, Brazil.

Phone: +55 67 99179 9709  (Campo Grande, MS, Brazil) 

e-mail: or 


ResearcherID: A-4187-2011 (

Scopus Author ID:





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