List of publications

Publications are outlined in chronological order and distinguished by  category: academic, policy, and media.


[31Choosing energy sobriety: preference shocks and behavioral biases. M. Oliu-Barton, A. Pommeret, A. Robinet, M. Viennot. Economics and Statistics (forthcoming 2024).

[30Value-positivity for Matrix Games, K. Chatterjee, M. Oliu-Barton, R. Saona Mathematics of Operations Research (forthcoming 2024).

[29]  The marginal value of a stochastic game. L. Attia, M. Oliu-Barton, R. Saona. Mathematics of Operations Research (2024).

[28]  Stationary equilibria in discounted stochastic games, L. Attia and M. Oliu-Barton. Dynamic Games and Applications (2024), 14, 271–284. 

[27]  Absorbing games with irrational values, M. Oliu-Barton, G. Vigeral. Operations Research Letters (2023) 51, 6, 555-559 .

[26]  Time to establish an international vaccine candidate pool for potential highly infectious respiratory disease: a cummunity's view, L. Yao et al.  eClinical Medicine (Lancet) (2023), 64, 102222.

[25]  COVID-19 Policy Response can Inform the Design of a Climate Club, M. Oliu-Barton, S. Tagliapietra. Intereconomics (2023), 58(1), 2-3. 

[24]  Climate club ‘green’ certificate would boost membership. M. Oliu-Barton, S. Tagliapietra. Nature (2022), 608, 266-266. Correspondence

[23]  A multinational Delphi consensus to end the COVID-19 public health threat. J. Lazarus et al. Nature (2022), 611, 332-345.  

[22]  The effect of COVID-19 certificates on vaccine uptake, health outcomes, and the economy, M. Oliu-Barton, B. Pradelski. N. Woloszko, L.

Guetta-Jeanreneaud, P. Aghion, P. Artus, A. Fontanet, P. Martin, G. Wolff.  Nature Communications (2022), 13, article number 3942. Working Paper of CAE & Bruegel. (Jan 2022), covered by Nature

[21]  Elimination versus mitigation of SARS-CoV-2 in the presence of effective vaccines, M. Oliu-Barton, B. Pradelski, Y. Algan, M. Baker, A. Binagwaho, G. Dore, A. El-Mohandes, A. Fontanet, A. Peichl, V Priesemann, G. Wolff, G. Yamey, J. Lazarus. Lancet Global Health (2022), 10 (1), e142-e147.

[20]  Europe must come together to confront Omicron,  A. Calero Valdez, E. N. Iftekhar, M. Oliu-Barton, M. McKee, et al.  BMJ (2022), 376:o90.

[19]  Weighted-average stochastic games with constant payoff, M. Oliu-Barton.  Operational Research (2022) 22, 1675–1696.

[18]  SARS-CoV-2 elimination, not mitigation, creates best outcomes for health, the economy, and civil liberties, M. Oliu-Barton, B. Pradelski, P. Aghion, P. Artus, I. Kickbusch, J. Lazarus, D. Sridhar, S. Vanderslott. Lancet (2021), 397 (10291), 2234-2236..  

[17]  Green zoning: an effective policy tool to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic, M. Oliu-Barton, B. Pradelski. Health Policy (2021), 125 (8), 981-986

[16]  Vaccinate fast but leave no one behind: a call to action for COVID-19 vaccination in Spain, J. Lazarus et al. Communications Medicine (Nature) (July 2021).

[15]  New algorithms for solving zero-sum stochastic games, M. Oliu-Barton. Mathematics of Operations Research (2021) 46 (1), 255-267.

[14]  Constant payoff in stochastic games, O. Catoni, M. Oliu-Barton, B. Ziliotto,  Annals of  IHP Probability & Statistics (2021) 57 (4), 1888-1900. 

[13]  Shapley-Snow kernels, multiparameter eigenvalue problems and zero-sum stochastic games, L. Attia, M. Oliu-Barton.  Mathematics of Operations Research (2021) 46 (3), 1181–1202.

[12]  Green bridges: Reconnecting Europe to avoid economic disaster, B. Pradelski, M. Oliu-Barton. Europe in the Time of Covid-19, Chapter 11, edited by A. Bénassy-Quéré and B. Weber di Mauro, CEPR Press (2020).  Re-published in Spanish in La Economia Española en tiempos de pandemia, Chapter 24, edited by T. Roldan, Penguin Random House (2020).

[11]  Habilitation thesis, "A Journey to the Land of Stochastic Games", M. Oliu-Barton. Jury members: I. Ekeland (president), J. Hörner, J. Renault, A. Neyman (referees), S. Sorin, P. Cardaliaguet, N. Vieille.  (full manuscript - presentation). Paris Dauphine University (2020).

[10]  Optimal strategies in repeated games with incomplete information: the dependent case, F. Gensbittel, M. Oliu-Barton. Dynamic Games and Applications (2020) 10, 819– 835.

[9]  A formula for the value of a stochastic game, L. Attia, M. Oliu-Barton. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the USA (2019) 116 (52), 26435–26443.

[8]  Asymptotically optimal strategies in repeated games with incomplete information and vanishing weights, M. Oliu-Barton. Journal of Dynamics and Games (2019), 6 (4), 259–275.

[7]   The Splitting Game: uniform value and optimal strategies, M. Oliu-Barton. Dynamic Games and Applications (2018) 8 (1), 157–179.

[6]  Differential games with asymmetric and correlated information, M. Oliu-Barton. Dynamic Games and Applications (2015) 5 (3): 378–396.

[5]  The asymptotic value in finite stochastic games, M. Oliu-Barton. Mathematics of Operations Research (2014) 39 (3): 712–721. 

[4]  Existence of the uniform value in repeated games with a more informed controller, F. Gensbittel, M. Oliu-Barton, X. Venel. Journal of Dynamics and Games (2014) 1 (3): 411-445.

[3]  A strategy-based proof of the existence of the value in zero-sum differential games, M. Oliu-Barton. Morfismos (2014) 18 (1), 31–44.

[2]  A  uniform Tauberian theorem in optimal control, M. Oliu-Barton, G. Vigeral, Annals of the International Society of Dynamic Games (2013) 12: 199–215.

[1]  PhD thesis, "Discrete and continuous time games with incomplete information", M. Oliu-Barton. Jury members: A. Mas-Colell, J. Renault, E. Solan, P. Cardaliaguet, N. Vieille, P.-L. Combettes, and S. Sorin (supervisor).  (full manuscript - presentation). Sorbonne University (2013).


[32] How much does Europe pay for clean air ?  M. Oliu-Barton and Juan Mejino-Lopez. Bruegel (June 2024).

[31]  Water withdrawals and consumptions in France, H. Arambourou, S. Ferrière et M. Oliu-Barton. France Stratégie (April 2024). Media coverage including Le Monde, Les Echos, Libération, Le Parisien,  RTL, France Inter.

[30]  EU air quality agreement sends a positive signal but leaves loopholes, M. Oliu-Barton. Bruegel (23 Feb 2024).

[29Sobriété, A. Pommeret, M. Oliu-Barton, M. Viennot, A. Robinet, K. Shubert. Book chapter of the Economic impact of climate action (in French) , J. Pisani-Ferry, S. Mahfouz.  France Stratégie (2023)

[28Modélisation. J. Trinh, M. Fouquet, P.L. Girard M. Oliu-Barton, M. Viennot. Part of  M. Oliu-Barton, M. Viennot. Part of the Economic impact of climate action (in French) , J. Pisani-Ferry, S. Mahfouz,  France Stratégie (2023).

[27COVID certificates – contentious but effective ?  M. Oliu-Barton, B. Pradelski. Behavioural & Social Sciences (Nature Portfolio) (8 July 2022). 

[26The impact of Covid certificates on the economy in France, Germany, and Italy, M. Oliu-Barton. Esade EcPol (28 Jan 2022).

[25The effect of COVID-19 certificates on vaccine uptake, health outcomes, and the economy, M. Oliu-Barton, B. Pradelski. N. Woloszko, L. Guetta-Jeanreneaud, P. Aghion, P. Artus, A. Fontanet, P. Martin, G. Wolff.  Conseil d'Analyse Economique & Bruegel (18 Jan 2022).

[24Eliminar o mitigar ?M. Oliu-Barton, B. Pradelski,  A. Binagwaho, I. Siches, D. Gurdasani, V. Priesemann, A. El-Mohandes, and others, Politica Exterior (1 July 2021)

[23Zones vertes et rouges pour gérer la pandémie, M. Oliu-Barton. Book chapter of Regards croisés sur le Covid-19, Université Paris-Dauphine Press (2021).  .

[22Covid-19 : le faux dilemme entre santé, économie et libertés, P. Aghion, P. Artus, M. Oliu-Barton, B. Pradelski. Commentaire  (June 2021).

[21Pass sanitaire : quel rôle dans la sortie de crise ?  P. Aghion, P. Martin, M. Oliu-Barton, B. Pradelski (May 2021). Confidential note to the French Ministers of Economics and Health, and to the Government. 

[20Health pass and green zones: how to contain the virus while vaccination progresses, Esade EcPol (26 May 2021). 

[19Pass sanitaire : une opportunité pour recouvrer nos libertés tout en restant prudents, M. Oliu-Barton, B. Pradelski,  A. Bucher, Terra Nova (20 April 2021). 

[18Aiming for zero Covid-19 to ensure economic growth, P. Aghion, P. Artus, M. Oliu-Barton, B. Pradelski. VoxEU (31 March 2021).

[17] Aiming for zero Covid-19: Europe needs to take action,  M. Oliu-Barton, B. Pradelski, G. Wolff and others, Bruegel (17 Feb 2021).

[16Green zones: Turning Europe’s Green Zoning strategy into a success, M. Oliu-Barton, B. Pradelski. VoxEU  (9 Feb 2021).

[15Exit strategy: Turning the Europe’s Green Zoning strategy into a success , M. Oliu-Barton, B. Pradelski. Esade EcPol (3 Feb 2021).

[14Comment tester massivement de manière efficace?, M. Oliu-Barton, B. Pradelski. Terra Nova (17 Dec 2020). Republished as Focus mass testing: how to overcome low test accuracy, Esade EcPol (18 Dec 2020).

[13Vaccination contre le Covid-19: quelle stratégie pour la France?, M. Oliu-Barton,  G. Daudet, L. Millet, Institut Montaigne (12 Nov 2020).

[12Une politique de vaccination par zones, M. Oliu-Barton, B. Pradelski. Terra Nova (2 Oct 2020). Republished as Who should be vaccinated first? A vaccination proposal by zones, Esade EcPol (11 Nov 2020).

[11Travel in Harmony: European co-ordination to protect green zones, M. Oliu-Barton, B. Pradelski. OECD Forum (28 Oct 2020).

[10]  Green zones: A safe path towards free movement and a lasting recovery, M. Oliu-Barton, B. Pradelski.  VoxEU (update) (22 Oct 2020).

[9A vaccination policy for green zones, M. Oliu-Barton, B. Pradelski. VoxEU (2 Oct 2020).

[8]   Beyond Country Borders: Local measures and international co-ordination to face COVID-19, M. Oliu-Barton, B. Pradelski. OECD Forum (18 Aug 2020).

[7]   Toward a European network of "green zones" to avoid summer collapse, M. Oliu-Barton, B. Pradelski. OECD Forum (19 May 2020).

[6Green-zone travelling: A pan-European approach to save tourism (European level),  M. Oliu-Barton, B. Pradelski. Esade EcPol (4 May 2020).

[5Green bridges : Reconnecting Europe to avoid economic disaster, B. Pradelski, M. Oliu-Barton. VoxEU (30 April 2020).

[4]  Green zones: A proposal to exit the COVID-19 lockdown, M. Oliu-Barton, B. Pradelski. VoxEU (25 April 2020).

[3Du confinement au marquage vert: une stratégie de sortie de crise, M. Oliu-Barton, B. Pradelski, L. Attia. La Recherche (24 April 2020).

[2]  Green zones: a mathematical proposal for how to exit from the COVID-19 lockdown, M. Oliu-Barton, B. Pradelski, L. Attia. World Economic Forum  & The Conversation (link) (17 April 2020).

[1]  Exit strategy: from self-confinement to green zones (country level), M. Oliu-Barton, B. Pradelski, Luc Attia. Esade EcPol (8 April 2020)


[15]  L'accord européen sur la qualité de l'air envoie un signal positif mais laisse des lacunes, M. Oliu-Barton. Le Monde (March 2024). This article was concurrently published in 4 other EU countries, Die Tageszeitung (Germany), Il sole 24 (Italy), Rzeczpospolita (Poland), Altinget (Denmark).  

[14]  A l’instar du GIEC pour le climat, la construction d’un consensus mondial est nécessaire pour mettre fin au Covid-19, M. Oliu-Barton, B. Pradelski, J. Lazarus.  Le Monde (9 Nov 2022). 

[13]  Augmentons les effectifs des filières sélectives de l’enseignement supérieur, E.M. Mouhoud, M. Oliu-Barton. Le Monde (30 Sept 2022).

[12]  L’instauration d’une taxe individualisée sur la consommation de carburant serait une solution efficace, flexible et pérenne pour lutter contre l’inflation, J.-P. Bouchaud, M. Oliu-Barton. Le Monde (15 July 2022). 

[11]  Covid-19 : « Le passe sanitaire doit servir à accélérer les doses de rappel », M. Oliu-Barton, B. Pradelski. Le Monde (24 Nov 2021).

[10]  Le recours temporaire à un passe sanitaire est nécessaire si nous voulons une sortie de crise durable, P. Aghion, P. Martin, M. Oliu-Barton, B. Pradelski. Le Monde (2 June 2021).

[9]  Nous avons besoin d’un passe sanitaire fiable, temporaire et accessible pour tout le monde, M. Oliu-Barton, B. Pradelski, A. Bucher. Le Monde (22 March 2021).

[8]  Viser l'objectif zéro Covid constitue un moyen clair de traverser la pandémie en minimisant les dégats, M. Oliu-Barton, B. Pradelski, et al. (collectif). Le Monde (16 Feb 2021). This article was concurrently published in 5 other EU countries,  El País (Spain), La Repubblica (Italy), Süddeutsche Zeitung (Germany), De Volkskrant (Netherlands), and Rzceszpospolita (Poland). 

[7]  Covid-19 : « Qui vacciner en priorité ? Selon quels critères ? Comment hiérarchiser tout cela ? », M. Oliu-Barton, B. Pradelski. Le Monde (21 Nov 2020). This article was concurrently published in El Mundo (Spain).

[6]  Sanctuarisons les zones vertes !, M. Oliu-Barton, B. Pradelski. Les Echos (14 Oct 2020).

[5]  La vuelta al cole será peor de lo que imaginamos, M. Oliu-Barton, T. Roldan. El País (19 Sept 2020).

[4]  Más allá de las fronteras nacionales, M. Oliu-Barton, B. Pradelski. El País (17 Sept 2020).

[3]  Coronavirus : il faut «un plan de reconfinements ciblés réaliste, intelligible et commun», M. Oliu-Barton, B. Pradelski.  Le Monde (26 Aug 2020).

[2]  Sauver la saison touristique européenne, M. Oliu-Barton, B. Pradelski. Le Monde (9 May 2020). This article was concurrently published in El Mundo (Spain).

[1]  ll faut une méthode de déconfinement efficace et sécurisée, M. Oliu-Barton, B. Pradelski. Le Monde (27 April 2020).          

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