Green Zoning
A method to halt the spread of Covid-19 and restore safe mobility - with Bary Pradelski
We originally proposed Green Zoning in April 2020.
Spain and France were the first countries to adopt Green zoning, and then Australia, as well as more and more other countries, followed suit.
The European Union adopted Green Zoning in October 2020, updated in January 2021.
The first ECDC map (left), and our theoretical proposal (right).
Our proposal in few words
Green Zoning is a flexible method to halt the spread of the virus and restore safe mobilty within a single country or a group of countries.
It is based in four key principles:
Divide each country into smaller zones (for example, states, regions, provinces, or economic commuting zones).
Label zones green or red based on common, objective criteria, depending on whether the virus is under control or not.
Adopt public health measures depending on the colour of the zones (and finer differentiations).
Allow travelling between green zones, but limit other travels as much as possible (for example, require a negative test, or a 7-day quarantine).
Green zones form a safe network where life can progressively return to normal.
Red zones, on the contrary, need to be managed carefully to halt the spread of virus and protect the population.
Key publications
Academic piece — Green zoning: an effective policy tool to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic, with B. Pradelski (2021), Health Policy
Policy recommendation at the National Level — original proposal (8 April 2020): English, Français, Deutsch, Italiano, Español
Policy recommendation at the EU Level — original proposal (30 April 2020): English, Français, Deutsch, Italiano, Español
Most recent updates: Bruegel Institue, Vox EU, ESADE EcPol, OECD Forum, Les Echos
Green zoning: an effective policy tool to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic, with B. Pradelski (2021), Health Policy.
Health pass and green zones: how to contain the virus while vaccination progresses, Esade EcPol (26 May 2021), with A. Bucher and B. Pradelski
Aiming for zero Covid-19 to ensure economic growth, with P. Aghion and P. Artus, VoxEU (March 2021)
Nous avons besoin d’un passe sanitaire fiable, temporaire et accessible pour tout le monde, with Anne Bucher, Le Monde (22 March 2021)
Aiming for zero Covid-19: Europe needs to take action, co-signed by a pan-European group of scientists, published in 7 languges/countries:
English version, Bruegel Institute (17 February 2021)
Viser l'objectif zéro Covid consistue un moyen clair de traverser la pandémie en minimisant les dégats, Le Monde (16 February 2021)
Obiettivo zero Covid: l'Europa deve agire, La Repubblica (16 February 2021)
Wie wir ohne Covid-19 leben können, Süddeutsche Zeitung (16 February 2021)
Met groene zones zijn landelijke lockdowns voorbij (want Europa als een zee van zones, dát is ons toekomstplan), De Volkskrant (16 February 2021)
Podzielmy kraje na strefy, Rzceszpospolita (16 February 2021)
Establecer zonas 'verdes' libres del virus, El País (26 February 2021)
Exit strategy: Turning the Europe’s Green Zoning strategy into a success, ESADE EcPol (2 February 2021) - Español
Travel in Harmony: European co-ordination to protect green zones, OECD Forum (28 October 2020)
Green zones: A safe path towards free movement and a lasting recovery, Vox EU (22 October 2020)
Sanctuarisons les zones vertes !, Les Echos (14 October 2020)
Más allá de las fronteras nacionales, El País (17 September 2020)
Coronavirus : il faut « un plan de reconfinements ciblés réaliste, intelligible et commun », Le Monde (26 August 2020)
Beyond Country Borders: Local measures and international co-ordination to face COVID-19, OECD Forum (18 August 2020)
Toward a European network of "green zones" to avoid summer collapse, OECD Forum (19 May 2020)
Sauver la saison touristique européenne, Le Monde (9 May 2020)
Conectando las "zonas verdes'' de Europa: una propuesta para salvar el turismo, El Mundo (5 May 2020)
Green-zone travelling: A pan-European approach to save tourism, Esade Ec Pol (4 May 2020) - Français, Deutsch, Italiano, Español
Green bridges : Reconnecting Europe to avoid economic disaster, Vox EU (30 April 2020)
Il faut une méthode de déconfinement efficace et sécurisée, Le Monde (27 April 2020)
Green zones: A proposal to exit the COVID-19 lockdown, with Luc Attia, Vox EU (25 April 2020)
Green zones: a mathematical proposal for how to exit from the COVID-19 lockdown, with L. Attia, The Conversation UK (17 April 2020)
Exit strategy: from self-confinement to green zones, with Luc Attia, Esade EcPol (8 April 2020) - Français, Deutsch, Italiano, Español
Book Chapters
Zones vertes et rouges pour gérer la pandémie, Regards croisés sur le Covid-19, chapter 19, Université Paris-Dauphine (2021)
Green-zone travelling network: Reconnecting Europe to save tourism, Europe in the Time of Covid-19, chapter 11, CEPR Press (2020)
Reconectar zonas verdes europeas para salir del confinamiento y salvar el turismo, La Economia Española en tiempos de pandemia, chapter 24, Debate - Penguin Random House (2020)
Press Coverage
France. BFMTV(4), France 24 (2), BFMTV (3), BFMTV (2), BFMTV(1), La Tribune, Courrier International, La Recherche, France 24 (1), Huffpost France, AEF info
Spain. La Vanguardia (2), El Pais, El Confidencial, ABC, BBC Mundo, La Vanguardia (1), TVE1 (1), TVE1(2), Antena 3 (TV), La Sexta, Cadena SER (1), Cadena SER (2)
Germany. Die Welt, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Süddeutsche Zeitung
Italy. RAI 1, La Repubblica, L’Espresso,, Corriere della Sera, Il Sole 24 Ore, First, WomanTimes (TV)
UK. Sky News TV (2), Financial Times (1), Financial Times (2), BBC Cambridgeshire, BBC 5, The Times (1,2), Daily Mail, Sky News TV (1)
Other European media. Euronews (3), Euronews (2), Euronews (1); Neue Zürcher Zeitung (Switzerland), Der Standard, (Austria); Republica (Romania)
USA. World Economic Forum; New York Times (1), CNN (TV), MSNBC (TV), The New York Times (2), The Atlantic
Other media in Asia & Oceania. Channel 9 TV (Australia); TVNZ1 (New Zeland); 欧洲时报 - Oshi- , Chinanews, Sina (China); RT UK (TV) (Russia)