Real effects of lending-based crowdfunding, work in progress

Réglementer les émetteurs de stablecoins adossés à des actifs, 2023. Revue d'économie financière 0(1), 175-190.

The expansion of the peer-to-peer lending? 2020, with Marianne Verdier, Carlotta Mariotto and Talal Rahim, Review of Network Economics 19(3), 145-187.

Regulatory framework for the loan-based crowdfunding platforms, 2018. OECD Working Paper No. 1513.

The financial intermediation role of the P2P lending platforms, 2018, with M. Verdier, Comparative Economic Systems 60 (1), 115-130

L’intermédiation financière à l'époque des fintechs: le rôle des plateformes de crowdlending, 2017, with M. Verdier, Revue d’Economie Financière 127, 207-222.


Incidence of bank levy and bank market power, 2017, with G. Capelle-Blancard, Review of Finance 21(3), 1023-1046.

The impact of the French securities transaction tax on market liquidity and volatility, 2017, with G. Capelle-Blancard, International Review of Financial Analysis 47, 166-178.

The Ability of Banks to Shift Corporate Income Taxes to Customers, 2014, with G. Capelle-Blancard, in Taxation and regulation of the financial sector, ed. by De Mooji and Nicodème, MIT

The burden of bank taxation : corporate income tax vs. bank levy, 2014, with G. Capelle-Blancard, in Taxing banks fairly, ed. Par S. M. Chaudhry and A. W. Mullineux, Edward Elgar.

Who pays bank taxes, 2013, with G. Capelle-Blancard, in Understanding Banks in Emerging Markets Observing, Asking or Experimenting? Ed. by Thorsten Beck, Ralph De Haas and Steven Ongena, VoxEU E-book.


FDI from the South: The role of institutional distance and natural resources, 2013, with M.  Aleksynska,  European Journal of Political Economy, 29, 38–53.

The effect of foreign bank presence on firm entry and exit in transition economies, 2012, Journal of Banking and Finance 36(6), 1710-1721.

Foreign bank entry and credit allocation in emerging markets, 2012, with H. Degryse, E. Jurzyk, S. Kozak, Journal of Banking and Finance 36(11), 2949–2959.

Inherited or earned? Performance of foreign banks in Central and Eastern Europe, 2011, with E. Jurzyk, Journal of Banking and Finance 35(5), 1291-1302.

Profitability of foreign and domestic banks in Central and Eastern Europe: Does the mode of entry matter?, 2011, with E. Jurzyk, Economics of Transition 19(3) 443-742.

When do long-term imbalances lead to current account reversals?, 2010, with K. Benhima, World Economy 33 (1), 107 -128.

Foreign direct investment in China: Reward of remedy?, 2007, with S. Poncet, World Economy 30 (11), 1662-1681.

Efficiency of the Polish banking industry: foreign versus domestic banks, 2006, Journal of Banking and Finance 30, 1975-1996.

Foreign acquisitions and industry wealth effects of privatisation: Evidence from the Polish banking industry, 2006, with Dirk Schiereck and Martin T.Bohl, in Competition and profitability in European financial services: Strategic, systemic and policy issues, ed. by Morten Balling, Frank Lierman, Dr Andy Mullineux, Routledge.

Consolidation of the Polish banking sector: Consequences for the banking institutions and the public, 2004, Economic Systems 28(2), 125-140.


Living in limbo: Economic and social costs for refugees, 2020, with Nadiya Ukrayinchuk, Canadian Journal of Economics 53 (4). 

The Impact of Limbo on the Socio-Economic Integration of Refugees in France, with Ukrayinchuk Nadiya, ifo DICE Report 15 (3), 2017, 11–15


Reviving productive investment in Estonia, with C. Klein and L. Casullo, OECD Economics Department Working Papers 1437, OECD Publishing.

Economic Survey of Estonia, 2017. OECD

Enhancing the financing of the real economy and financial stability in the United Kingdom, 2015. with Rafał Kierzenkowsk, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, OECD Publishing 1245.

Economic Survey of the United Kingdom, 2015. OECD

Making the Banking Sector More Resilient and Reducing Household Debt in the Netherlands, 2014. with Rafał Kierzenkowski & Pierre Beynet, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, OECD Publishing 1156.

Economic Survey of the Netherlands, 2014. OECD

Banks’ restructuring and smooth deleveraging of the private sector in Slovenia, 2013. OECD Economics Department Working Papers 1059.

Ensuring Stability and Efficiency of the Hungarian Financial Sector, 2012. OECD Economics Department Working Papers 959.

A macroeconomic credit risk model for stress testing the South African banking sector, 2010, South African Reserve Bank Working Paper 10(3).

Rapid loan growth in Russia: A lending boom or a permanent financial deepening?, 2004, European Commission Occasional Papers No. 10.


Incentivising lending to SMEs with the Funding for Lending Scheme: Some evidence from bank-level data in the United Kingdom, 2016, OECD Working Paper ECO/WKP 89

Quand la finance ne sert plus la croissance, 2012,with Christophe Boucher, Gunther Capelle-Blancard, Jézabel Couppey-Soubeyran, in L'économie mondiale 2013, La Découverte, 73-90.


On évoque la guerre des cryptomonnaies, mais il s’agit plutôt d’une guerre pour les données privées, Le Monde, october 2021

Regulatory framework for the lending-based crowdfunding platforms,, 11 December 2018 

Crise bancaire : les actionnaires paieront, pas les contribuables, Capital, may 2013

La taxe Tobin n'a pas d'incidence sur la volatilité, with G. Capelle-Blancard, Problèmes économiques (may 2013), Les Echos (march, 2014)

Chypre, un centre financier sans valeur ajoutée,, march 2013

South-South FDI, institutional quality, and natural resources, with  Mariya Aleksynska,, 22 septembre 2011

Régulation financière : Tata ou Ferrari ?, with Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Telos, 15 octobre 2009

G20, not G7, Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, RGE Monitor, 25 septembre 2009