
Curriculum Vitae of Koki Oikawa

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April 6, 2017


    • Ph.D., Economics, New York University, January 2007 (Advisor: Professor Boyan Jovanovic)

    • M.A., Economics, The University of Tokyo, 1998

    • B.A., Economics, The University of Tokyo, 1996


    • Professor, School of Social Sciences, Waseda University, April 2017 - present

    • Associate Professor, School of Social Sciences, Waseda University, April 2013 - March 2017

    • Associate Professor, Graduate School of Economics and Management, Tohoku University, April 2010 - March 2013

    • Assistant Professor, School of Political Science and Economics, Waseda University, April 2009 - March 2010

    • Research Associate, WBS Research Center, Faculty of Commerce, Waseda University, Oct 2008 - March 2009

    • Post-Doctoral Fellow, Nihon Univeristy Population Research Institute, Sep 2006 - Sep 2008

Part-time Employment

    • Visiting Researcher, NISTEP, 2015-present.

    • Lecturer, Tohoku University, Spring 2013, Spring 2015.

    • Vissiting Researcher, Nihon University, Advanced Research Institute of Sciences and Humanities, Dec 2008 - March 2011

    • Lecturer, Yokohama City University, Apr 2008 - March 2010

    • Lecturer, New York University, College of Arts and Sciences, May 2006 - June 2006

    • Lecturer, New York University, College of Arts and Sciences, June 2004 - July 2004

Primary Fields of Interests

    • Macroeconomics, Economic Growth, Technological Change, Social Learning, Firm Dynamics

Grants & Fellowships

    • Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 2017-2020.

    • Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 2013-2015.

    • Research Grant for Young Researcher (B), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 2011-2012.

    • Research Grant for Young Researcher (B), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 2009-2010.

    • TCER, 2016

    • Murata Science Foundation, 2016

    • Seimeikai Research Fund, 2009.

    • McCracken Fellowship, New York University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, 1999-2000, 2002-2004, and 2006.


Publications in Refereed Journals

    • "A Microfoundation for Stochastic Frontier Analysis," Economics Letters, v139, 2016.

    • "R&D in Clean Technology: A Project Choice Model with Learning" (joint with S. Managi), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, v117, 2015.

    • "Cyclical Behavior of Firm-level Volatility: An Explanation for the Contrast between the United States and Japan," Journal of Macroeconomics, , v.38, 2013.

    • "Tolerance and Herd Behavior: Sophistication of Ideas under Payoff Complementarity," Journal of Public Economic Theory, v.13, 2011.

    • "Uncertainty-Driven Growth," Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, v.34, 2010.

    • "Acceleration Effect of Uncertainty on Technological Diffusion," Economics Letters, v.101, 2008.

    • "Final Goods Substitutability and Economic Growth," Economics Bulletin, v.15, 2007.

Working Papers

    • "The Optimal Inflation Rate under Schumpeterian Growth" (joint with Kozo Ueda)

    • "State-dependent Pricing, Firm Entry and Exit, and Non-neutrality of Money," (joint with Kozo Ueda)

    • "Technology Polarization," (joint with M. Kitahara)

Seminar and Conference Presentations (Including planned schedule)

    • 2017: AEA (Chicago), Waseda Univ., AMES (Hong Kong)

    • 2016: Midwest (Indianapolis), CEF (Bordeaux), EEA (Geneva), EARIE (Lisbon), University of St. Gallen

    • 2015: Musashi Univ., Osaka Univ., Univ. of Tokyo, CEF (Taipei), JEA (Niigata), WEAI (Honolulu), Hitotsubashi Univ.-ICS, Macro Conference (Hitotsubashi Univ.), Gakushuin Univ.

    • 2014: Waseda Univ., GRIPS

    • 2013: Waseda University

    • 2012: 4th International Conference on Macroeconomics and Policy (GRIPS), Innovation and Growth Workshop (Hitotsubashi University, IIR), Asian Meeting of Econometric Society (Delhi)

    • 2011: Tohoku University 2, Tokyo Metropolitan University, New York University, Hitotsubashi University

    • 2010: Tohoku University, Osaka University, JEA (Kobe), Waseda University

    • 2009: Waseda University, Yokohama City University

    • 2008: Kyung-Hee University, Waseda University, Search Theory Workshop (Osaka)

    • 2007: Toyama University, JEA (Tokyo), JEA (Osaka), Nihon University

    • 2006: Nihon University

    • 2005: New York University

    • 2004: JEA (Okayama)

    • 2002: Tohoku University

    • 1998: JEA (Kyoto)


    • Environmental Economics and Policy Studies

    • Japanese Economic Review

    • Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking

    • International Journal of Business and Economics

Teaching Experience

Tohoku University

Graduate Courses:

    • Intermediate Macroeconomics, Spring 2010-2012.

    • Macroeconomics I&II, 2010-2013 (International Program in Economics and Management)

Waseda University

Undergraduate Courses:

    • Introductory Economics, 2009.

    • Freshman Seminar, 2009.

Yokohama City University

Undergraduate Courses:

    • Economic Growth, Fall 2008, Fall 2009.

    • Economic Policy, 2008, 2009.

    • Business Cycle Theory, Spring 2008, Spring 2009.

New York University

Undergraduate Courses:

    • Intermediate Macroeconomics, Summer 2006.

    • Intermediate Microeconomics, Summer 2004.

Undergraduate Courses Teaching Assistant:

    • Principles II (Prof. Baumol), Fall 2005.

    • Mathematics for Economists (Prof. Wilson), Spring 2004.

    • Statistics (Prof. Frydman), Fall 2003.