Curriculum Vitae of Koki Oikawa
April 6, 2017
Ph.D., Economics, New York University, January 2007 (Advisor: Professor Boyan Jovanovic)
M.A., Economics, The University of Tokyo, 1998
B.A., Economics, The University of Tokyo, 1996
Professor, School of Social Sciences, Waseda University, April 2017 - present
Associate Professor, School of Social Sciences, Waseda University, April 2013 - March 2017
Associate Professor, Graduate School of Economics and Management, Tohoku University, April 2010 - March 2013
Assistant Professor, School of Political Science and Economics, Waseda University, April 2009 - March 2010
Research Associate, WBS Research Center, Faculty of Commerce, Waseda University, Oct 2008 - March 2009
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Nihon Univeristy Population Research Institute, Sep 2006 - Sep 2008
Part-time Employment
Visiting Researcher, NISTEP, 2015-present.
Lecturer, Tohoku University, Spring 2013, Spring 2015.
Vissiting Researcher, Nihon University, Advanced Research Institute of Sciences and Humanities, Dec 2008 - March 2011
Lecturer, Yokohama City University, Apr 2008 - March 2010
Lecturer, New York University, College of Arts and Sciences, May 2006 - June 2006
Lecturer, New York University, College of Arts and Sciences, June 2004 - July 2004
Primary Fields of Interests
Macroeconomics, Economic Growth, Technological Change, Social Learning, Firm Dynamics
Grants & Fellowships
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 2017-2020.
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 2013-2015.
Research Grant for Young Researcher (B), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 2011-2012.
Research Grant for Young Researcher (B), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 2009-2010.
TCER, 2016
Murata Science Foundation, 2016
Seimeikai Research Fund, 2009.
McCracken Fellowship, New York University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, 1999-2000, 2002-2004, and 2006.
Publications in Refereed Journals
"A Microfoundation for Stochastic Frontier Analysis," Economics Letters, v139, 2016.
"R&D in Clean Technology: A Project Choice Model with Learning" (joint with S. Managi), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, v117, 2015.
"Cyclical Behavior of Firm-level Volatility: An Explanation for the Contrast between the United States and Japan," Journal of Macroeconomics, , v.38, 2013.
"Tolerance and Herd Behavior: Sophistication of Ideas under Payoff Complementarity," Journal of Public Economic Theory, v.13, 2011.
"Uncertainty-Driven Growth," Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, v.34, 2010.
"Acceleration Effect of Uncertainty on Technological Diffusion," Economics Letters, v.101, 2008.
"Final Goods Substitutability and Economic Growth," Economics Bulletin, v.15, 2007.
Working Papers
"The Optimal Inflation Rate under Schumpeterian Growth" (joint with Kozo Ueda)
"State-dependent Pricing, Firm Entry and Exit, and Non-neutrality of Money," (joint with Kozo Ueda)
"Technology Polarization," (joint with M. Kitahara)
Seminar and Conference Presentations (Including planned schedule)
2017: AEA (Chicago), Waseda Univ., AMES (Hong Kong)
2016: Midwest (Indianapolis), CEF (Bordeaux), EEA (Geneva), EARIE (Lisbon), University of St. Gallen
2015: Musashi Univ., Osaka Univ., Univ. of Tokyo, CEF (Taipei), JEA (Niigata), WEAI (Honolulu), Hitotsubashi Univ.-ICS, Macro Conference (Hitotsubashi Univ.), Gakushuin Univ.
2014: Waseda Univ., GRIPS
2013: Waseda University
2012: 4th International Conference on Macroeconomics and Policy (GRIPS), Innovation and Growth Workshop (Hitotsubashi University, IIR), Asian Meeting of Econometric Society (Delhi)
2011: Tohoku University 2, Tokyo Metropolitan University, New York University, Hitotsubashi University
2010: Tohoku University, Osaka University, JEA (Kobe), Waseda University
2009: Waseda University, Yokohama City University
2008: Kyung-Hee University, Waseda University, Search Theory Workshop (Osaka)
2007: Toyama University, JEA (Tokyo), JEA (Osaka), Nihon University
2006: Nihon University
2005: New York University
2004: JEA (Okayama)
2002: Tohoku University
1998: JEA (Kyoto)
Environmental Economics and Policy Studies
Japanese Economic Review
Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking
International Journal of Business and Economics
Teaching Experience
Tohoku University
Graduate Courses:
Intermediate Macroeconomics, Spring 2010-2012.
Macroeconomics I&II, 2010-2013 (International Program in Economics and Management)
Waseda University
Undergraduate Courses:
Introductory Economics, 2009.
Freshman Seminar, 2009.
Yokohama City University
Undergraduate Courses:
Economic Growth, Fall 2008, Fall 2009.
Economic Policy, 2008, 2009.
Business Cycle Theory, Spring 2008, Spring 2009.
New York University
Undergraduate Courses:
Intermediate Macroeconomics, Summer 2006.
Intermediate Microeconomics, Summer 2004.
Undergraduate Courses Teaching Assistant:
Principles II (Prof. Baumol), Fall 2005.
Mathematics for Economists (Prof. Wilson), Spring 2004.
Statistics (Prof. Frydman), Fall 2003.