Summer Conditioning

Weight Conditioning Sheet available at bottom of this page...

Summer Conditioning at home

Jump Plyometrics (x25 each)

  • Side to Side Jumps jump side to side on toes, arms above head, engage your core to move side to side
  • Box Jumps jump on toes to make four corners of a box, arms above head, engage your core to move each corner of the box
  • V Ups lay back on ground, lift heels off ground about 6 inches, arms in fists in a “touchdown” above your head, sit up, straddle legs and hit a “T” motion reaching through your legs, lower yourself back to start position, keeping heels off of ground
  • Sitting Toe Touches (Snap Outs) sit on ground, bend knees into chest in a tuck position, toes are off ground, arms in “daggers”, hit straddle position as your arms hit a “T” motion, snap legs back into original tuck position, arms back to “daggers”
  • Hip Flexors/Straddle Leg Lifts sit in straddle position, touch fingers to ground in front of you, lean back slightly and lift both legs up off of ground, lower legs but do not let heel touch
  • Side Kicks stand with arms in "T" motion, kick one leg to side, toe pointed. As kicking, bend leg that keeps contact with the floor to mimic a sitting position. Keep upper body straight. Switch legs
  • Leg Explosions bend legs as in prep for a jump, arms in “daggers”, power up through legs and jump straight in the air, land on ground with legs bent. Toes should point to ground on jump to force explosion from ground.
  • Leg Explosion into Toe Touch start in bent leg position with arms in “daggers”, from this position, hit a toe touch with arms in “T”, return to start position (do not swing arms)

Jump Sequence Left front hurdler to side--> Toe Touch to front --> Pike to side --> Double Toe Touch to front x4 (2 starting left side, 2 on right side)

Strength and Conditioning

  • Jog in place 60 seconds
  • Jumping Jacks 60 seconds
  • Windmills 30 seconds each direction
  • Lunges 60 seconds - step forward into lunge, keep bottom leg parallel with ground, alternate legs (hold light weights to increase intensity)
  • Surrenders 60 seconds - start standing, right knee to ground, left knee to follow, right foot planted on ground to rise back to standing (hold light weights to increase intensity)
  • Push ups 60 seconds
  • Surrenders 60 seconds - start with left knee down
  • Bent over row 60 seconds - legs shoulder width apart, slight bend in knees, bend slightly over at waist, keep back flat, use weights to "row" up to body
  • Side Shuffle Squats 60 seconds - "skip" twice to right side, squat, touch the floor keeping a flat back, "skip" twice to left side and repeat
  • Plank on forearms 60 seconds - toes on ground, press heels down towards floor, keep butt in light with back and legs, head/neck in same line
  • Cross Country Skier Over Head Press 60 seconds - hold a light weight at chest (holding an end with each hand), start jumping feet with one forward and the other back, switch as soon as toes absorb to ground, start raising arms with the weight above head, then back to chest while jumping, repeat
  • Hammer Curl to Shoulder Press 60 seconds - stand feet shoulder width apart, use a weight in each hand, starting with arms at side, bring arms to daggers, then raise above head, back to daggers, then back to arms straight at side, repeat
  • Knee Pulls 60 seconds - keep left leg in front, bend knee slightly, put right leg back with toe on ground, arms are above head, angled forward holding a weight (holding an end with each hand), bring right knee up as you bring the weight towards the knee, tap the right foot back to ground as you raise weight back up, repeat, use bent leg to drive into ground, the lower you bend into the move, the harder you work
  • Standing Front Raise 60 seconds - stand feet shoulder width apart, arms at side each holding a weight, keep arms straight as you raise arms in front of you until arms are parallel with the floor (palms are facing in), bring arms controlled down to side again, repeat
  • Knee Pulls 60 seconds - switch sides (right foot front, left leg back)
  • Frog Crunches 60 seconds - on back, legs straight up (can start perpendicular to floor, the more angled you make your legs towards the floor while straight, the more difficult the excercise), turn hips out, heels of feet should be touching, toes pointed out (ballet first position), during crunch, bend knees end, keeping toes pointed out and heels touching, return to starting position, repeat
  • Oblique Crunches 60 seconds (30 seconds each side) - left leg bent with foot rested on ground, right ankle rests on left knee, right knee is bent, right arm resting on ground, crunch so that left elbow aims towards right knee without moving right knee in, switch sides after 30 seconds
  • Circle Crunches 60 seconds - on back, both knees bent with feet flat on ground, crunch up to left side, stay in crunch and move to middle, stay in crunch and move to right side, lower back down to ground, come back up to right side, middle, left side, and down, repeat
  • Straight Leg Scissor Twist 60 seconds - on back, one leg straight in air while the other is parallel to ground without touching ground, crunch up with elbow opposite the leg that is up twisting toward it, stay in crunch, twist body and switch legs keeping them straight so that the other elbow twists towards the other leg that is now straight in the air, repeat
  • Cool down
    • hold child pose, while in child pose, reach arms to right, hold, reach arms to left, hold
    • sit up, feet straight in front, touch toes, hold stretch, hold (grab toes and pull up for a deeper stretch)
    • bring soles of feet together in a butterfly, lower down at waist keeping back straight and knees downs towards ground, hold
    • straddle legs, reach out in front keeping back straight, hold, move to right leg, hold, move to left leg, hold
    • stand up, bend right knee and pull foot behind, keeping knees together and hips pushed forward, hold, switch side

Short Circuit

20 second rest between each exercise

  • Renegade Row 30 seconds each arm - In plank position, use a weight of choice in right hand, row arm in while holding plank position so that the right elbow comes back and the weight will be next to your side. Switch to left arm row at 30 seconds.
  • Jump rope 60 seconds
  • Low plank hold 60 seconds - hold plank while on forearms
  • Medicine Ball twists 60 seconds - sit on ground, knees bent with heels on the ground, hold medicine ball and twist to right side, touch medicine ball to the ground, twist to left side and touch medicine ball to ground, repeat. To increase difficulty, bring heels up off the ground.
  • Burpees 60 seconds
  • Jumping Lunges 60 seconds - start in a lunge, push off the ground to jump in air, switch legs while in air and land in the opposite side lunge position, repeat
  • Jumping Jacks 60 seconds
  • Frog crunches 60 seconds

30 Meters of Pain

30 meters is roughly the length of a basketball court

  • Forward Lunges 30 meters
  • Backward Lunges 30 meters
  • Push ups x10
  • Pikes x20 - Lay on back, legs straight out, arms straight back, bring legs and arms up to meet them by crunching core, keep legs straight
  • Speed Lunges 30 meters - a forward lunge without stopping between lunges, stay in a squated lunge position while moving forward
  • Side to Side Lunges 30 meters - Lunge diagonally to right side, step together, lunge diagonally to left side, step together, repeat
  • Pushups with Clap x10 - regular push up, hit a clap if you are able to, at minimum push your hands off the ground
  • Throwdowns x20 - partner with someone, lay on ground in front of partner, grab ankles/calves of partner, bring legs up towards partner keeping them straight, partner will "throw" legs down at the feet/ankle, keep heels from hitting ground and bring legs back up
  • Bridging x20 - start sitting on floor, feet flat on ground, palms on ground in line with shoulders, raise pelvis towards the ceiling, drop butt without hitting the ground, raise pelvis again, repeat
  • Triangle Pushups x10
  • Prisoner Squats x20 - Stand with feet shoulder width apart, hands behind hand, squat while bending at the waist and bring back parallel with the floor, stand up and raise body to upright position, repeat
  • Single/Single/Double x20 - Pike crunches but with split/scissor legs first. Crunch with one leg straight up, opposite leg parallel to floor without touching, switch legs, then raise both up in pike position for one crunch
  • Static and Continuous Long Jump 30 meters - squat and jump forward, after landing continuing forward jump
  • Good Morning Lunges 30 meters - prior to stepping into first lunge, start with hands behind head, while lunging, bend at the waist and bring back parallel with floor, stand up and raise body to upright position, continue forward, bending with each lunge
  • Arm Swings 30 seconds - sit on ground with legs straight in front, swing arms side to side, twisting at the core (using core to twist)
  • Push ups x10
  • Arm Swings 30 seconds
  • Push ups x10
  • Arm Swings
  • Push ups x20
  • Crunches x20
  • Bicycles x20
  • 6" Static Leg Ups 30 seconds x3 (with 30 second rest between each rep) - lay on back with legs straight out, keep arms to side or with hands under butt for support, lift legs while straight until the heel is 6" from the floor, hold
  • Russian Dancers x20 - hold arms on top of each other at chest level, squat with feet together, kick out one leg and switch legs maintaining squat position
  • Fire Hydrants x20 (10 each leg) - on knees with palms on the ground, back parallel with floor, kick leg (knee maintains bend) to side
  • Donkey Kicks x20 (10 each leg) - on knees with palms on the ground, back parallel with floor, kick leg backwards
  • Partner Dips x20 - stand back to back with partner, connect arms at elbow, coordinate a squat while maintaining contact with partner's back
  • Bicycles x20
  • Parachutes x20 - lay on stomach, arms reaching straight above head, reach arms and legs up at the same time (creating a back crunch)
  • Single Leg Squats x10 each leg - balance on one leg, squat with planted leg, switch legs
  • Lunge Jumps x10
  • Single Leg Squats x10 each leg
  • Lunge Jumps x10

6/30 Workout

  • Jumping Jacks 60 seconds
  • 30 second rest
  • High Knee Jog in place 60 seconds
  • 30 second rest
  • Squats 60 seconds
  • 30 second rest
  • Side to Side Squats 60 seconds - start with legs together, squat low, move to the left 2 times, staying in squat position and bring legs together after each side step, move to the right 2 times, repeat
  • 30 second rest
  • Low Plank Hold hold 30 seconds
  • R Side Plank hold 30 seconds
  • V Hold, arms down hold 30 seconds - sit on ground with legs straight up so body is in a "V" position, hold palms on ground next to thighs (do not support core by holding hands on ground behind your back), tighten core to maintain position
  • R Side Plank Pulses 30 seconds - while in side plank position, pulse hip down and up
  • Low Plank Hold Pulses 30 seconds - while in plank position, pulse hips down and up
  • L Side Plank hold 30 seconds
  • V Hold, hands up hold 30 seconds - same "V" body position as described before but hold hands up into air and reach them towards your toes
  • L Side Plank Pulses hold 30 seconds
  • 30 second rest
  • Lunge Jumps 60 seconds
  • 30 second rest
  • Burpees 60 seconds
  • 30 second rest
  • Bicycle crunches 60 seconds
Weight Conditioning.xls