Donate with VENMO:

If you love using Venmo, you can now use it to donate to the band!

You can find us by searching @OHBandAssociation, or use the QR code.

As always, thank you!

Donate by Check:

Payable to:

Oak Hills Band Association

Attn: OHBA Treasurer

3200 Ebenezer Rd. Cincinnati OH 45248

*Note: When paying by check, please print clearly on the "Memo" line of your check how you would like name(s) to appear in our concert program.

Donate to OHBA

Band Patron Levels

Soloist: $20-50 

Sonata: $51-100 

Symphonic: $101-150 

Virtuoso: $151-250 

Conductor: $251+

All other amounts are welcome, too!

Band Patrons will appear in all band concert programs. Your donation is tax-deductible and benefits the band students directly!