Engineering Analysis

Analysis through Combinatorial Representations

Systematic analysis of integrated engineering systems (Power Point Presentation).

Same type of graph representation was found to be applicable to represent a number of different engineering domains. This enabled to represent highly coupled integrated engineering systems containing elements from a number of engineering disciplines with a single unified graph representation. In the provided presentation, it is demonstrated how such a system containing elements from statics, dynamics and electricity is represented with a unified graph, which is then employed to perform the analysis of the behavior of that system.

Checking the validity of engineering systems (Power Point Presentation).

Mathematical properties of graphs/matroids, such as: planarity, perfectness, connectivity, and others, may present the validity criteria for the represented engineering systems. This issue is demonstrated in the presentation on several different types of engineering systems and the corresponding validity rules for their combinatorial representations.

Different Aspects of Analysis through Graph Representations (Power Point Presentation).

A presentation reviewing different aspects of engineering analysis where the graph representations can be employed: mixed variable method, analysis of integrated systems, analysis of structures, checking validity of systems and others.