Report a Seal

Live seals are seasonal visitors to our shores throughout the winter and spring months. Periodically, they come onto land (haul out). This is natural seal behavior. Please treat seals with caution and approach no closer than 150 feet. If you do see a seal and have any concern that it may need assistance, please notify  our stranding response # 252-455-9654.  

 Please follow the guidelines below if you encounter a seal on land:  

Have photos of a seal you sighted on our beach?  

If you have photos of seals on our beaches that you would like to share to help us document sightings in the region, use the email below.  Submitted photos may be used on our website or in publications and we thank you for sharing them with us.

 Please email photos as attachments to

 **Remember to put the date, location, and your name in the subject line of the email.