
Tonight (October 12, 2017), the chapter OA had a great meeting. Since fall assembly was just last weekend, we had quite a few new members show up. Here is what went down:

Next meeting will be at GNUMC. However, this is not an ordinary meeting, but a regalia workshop! Any member interested in making regalia, come on November 9th at 7 pm. Check out the announcements page on the OA website ( for the supply list that you need to bring. (This should be uploaded at least one week before the meeting)

BTW, we are making a website. This has many features, including a form for troops to request elections or crossover ceremonies, as well as member exclusive pages for the calendar, directory, signup form for elections and ceremonies, the GroupMe, Remind101 system, and various OA documents. This website is available here: We are working with the district webmasters to get an actual domain, so stay posted!

Finally, we planned a bit for other upcoming meetings, webelos woods, and camporee.

If you are a member, we highly recommend that you come. Even if you are not a troop rep, we still have a lot of fun and there is important information for all units!

Yours in Scouting,

Mason Nelson

Just as school starts again, North Shore's OA is beginning to plan for the next year. The new Chapter officers are:

Reagan Schuttger- Chapter Chief

Tyler Kunze- Vice Chief of Program

Karl Urban- Vice Chief of Elections

Elijah Roberts- Vice Chief of Ceremonies

Mason Nelson- Vice Chief of Publications/Communications

Mr. Rich Wahl will continue to be Adult Advisor

Next month, we will be doing something special for our meeting. We will be meeting at Pinballz, 13729 Research Blvd, at 7PM on Thursday, September 14th. We require all officers and Troop/Team representatives to be there, and any OA member who wants to come. Don't forget to bring money for games. We will also have pizza, which is usually $2. I can't wait to see everyone there.

Yours in Scouting,

Mason Nelson

Vice Chief Publications/Communications