I was born in Argentina.
I'm living and working in Barcelona since 1978.
Individual exhibitions,
2015 Another chance, Joan Rosnikoff Gallery, Boston.
2014 Candide ou l'optimisme, Voltaire, Iwaski Library, Emerson College, Boston.
2012 Memories, Joan Rosnikoff Gallery, Boston.
2008 En el margen, Punto Arte Gallery,Barcelona.
2005 Territorios, at Punto Arte Gallery, Barcelona.
1998 Sombras na paisagem, Instituto Cervantes Lisbon, Portugal.
From 1973 to 1977 I took part in some exhibitions organized by SAAP (Argentina Society of Art Artists) and also in Sívory Museum in Buenos Aires too.
Since I’m living in Barcelona my work gives around painting, and illustration (press, books, magazines, advertising…)
Candide ou l’optimisme by Voltaire, 2011 Art book.
La asesina ilustrada by Enrique Vila-Matas, 2005.
The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros,
La balada de Jonny Sossa by Mario Delgado Aparaín.
Angelo by Luchino Visconti,
De cómo los turcos descubrieron América by Jorge Amado.
All covers and design since 1992 to 1995 for Tiempos Modernos collection Ediciones B Publishing.
I also use to collaborate with Círculo de Lectores (Bertelsman group) Plaza y Janés, Grijalbo, Pengüin Random House, Mondadori, Sperling...
La Vanguardia, regular collaborations since 1992 in opinion pages and cultural supplements.
El País.
El mon.
Mercurio (literary magazine) permanent collaboration since 2010.
Play boy (1978-1982 ).
Penhouse (1982- 1996).
Other magazines, Class, Viejo Topo, Nuevo por Favor, Ronda Iberia, Saber, Vida Sana...
Covers and illustrations published in EEUU, Holland, Germany, Finland, Chile, Greece Italy and Portugal.
Westinghouse (Saatchi and Saatchi)
Audi (Tandem).
Cafés Tupinamba (Danis).
Cafés la Garza packaging and cup dessign.
Cafés Marcilla packaging and cup dessign.
Cara de Cuero. Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, 1995.
Laus prize, 1991 for illustrations from La Vanguardia.
Laus prize, 1993 for the collection Tiempos Modernos.
Junceda prize, 2011 for Mercurio Magazine illustrations.