PhD in Mathematics, in the frame of a cotutelle agreement between University Paris 13, France, and Simion Stoilow Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy (IMAR) in Bucharest, Romania


Title: Probabilistic and deterministic models for fracture type phenomena

PhD Defense: November 29, 2013, at University Paris 13 and December 05, 2013, at IMAR



        Lucian Beznea (IMAR and University of Bucharest, Romania)

        Ioan R. Ionescu  (University Paris 13, France)


Jury of the PhD defense at IMAR:  Radu Purice (IMAR, president of the jury), Lucian Beznea (IMAR, co-supervisor), Ioan R. Ionescu (Paris, France, co-supervisor), Viorel Barbu (Romanian Academy), Madalina Deaconu (INRIA, Nancy, France)

Jury of the PhD defense at University Paris 13:  Dominique Bakry (University of Toulouse, president of the jury), Viorel Barbu (Romanian Academy), Lucian Beznea (IMAR, co-supervisor), Jean-Stephane Dhersin (Univeristy Paris 13), Patrick Hild (University of Toulouse), Ioan R. Ionescu (Paris, France, co-supervisor), Ionel Popescu (Georgia Tech, USA, and IMAR), and Bogdan Vernescu (Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA)