OakJava7 Advanced Samples


                                                    Sample 28: OAKJAVA7(JAVA7.0) Security


Oakjava7 Security

Oakjava7  provides  high security when compared to all the programming languages

We can see this medium security in detail, which is  invented at year 2020.

Write a  Scroll java7 program maintaining security for the  next page:-



public <CLASS> j7prog {









<form action="http://localhost:9000/Jquerytest7.exe" method="post" >

          <tr>  <h2><td><a href="#chapter1"> Enter your   Details </a></td></h2></tr>


<td><p>Enter  Your Name:  <input type="text" name="name" size="25" /></td></p></tr>

<tr><td><p>Enter your Username : <input type="text" name="uname" size="15"/></td></p></tr>

<tr><td><p>Enter  the password : <input type="password" name="password" size="25" /></td></p></tr>

<tr><td><p>Choose your  state  : <input type="text" name="state" size="15"/></td></p></tr>

<tr><td><p>Choose  your  Country  : <input type="text" name="country" size="15"/></td></p></tr>

<tr><td><p>Enter  the   password : <input type="password" name="spwd" size="25" /></td></p></tr>

<tr><td><p>Enter your secret  password text : <input type="text" name="stext" sixe="15"/></td></p></tr>

<tr><td><p>Enter  your family details : <input type="text" name="familydet" size="25" /></td></p></tr>

<tr><td><p> Enter  Percentage of  marks  scored <input type="text" name="Indent" sixe="5"/></td></p></tr>

<tr><td><p>Enter Your Favourite subject <input type="text" name="CIndent" size="15"/></td></p></tr>

<td><h2><a href="#chapter2">REGISTER</a></td></h2></tr>


            <td>  <input type="submit" name="Click"></td></tr>

<td><input type="reset" name="Clear"></td></tr>






We  found that form action =="http://localhost:9000/Jquerytest7.exe"

This Jquerytest7.exe is generated by  Jquerytest7.java7

We will look more  brief about  Jquerytest7.java7 in next chapters.

So when we run the Scroll server then a scroll webpage is  generated

which is given below in the  screenshot..

So when we submit the  data  at  j7prog.java7  form it will goes to another url which is 

http://localhost:9000/Jquerytest7.exe. It will display the webpage as

invalid username. which are  given below in the  screenshot..

So inorder  to provide medium security for  the 

oakjava7 webpage , you must enter the security details

at scroll.txt, which is the configuration file 

for Oakjava7 security. But <- this backward arrow indicates

for eg) nosniff is  assigned to X-Content-Type-Options.

Once you run the scroll server , oakjava7 security is

enabled because you enter security details in

scroll.txt configuration file. 


X-Content-Type-Options <- nosniff

    Strict-Transport-Security <- max-age=31536000 ; includeSubDomains

X-Frame-Options <- SAMEORIGIN

 X-XSS-Protection <- 1; mode=block

 Content-Security-Policy <- default-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' http://localhost:8082/


So when you inspect the http://localhost:9000/Jquerytest7.exe form 

you will get the output, which is given below....


This is  about medium security. But it is free for  the oakjava7 developers to focus. But Oakjava7 has advanced security that  will be  mention in Enterprise edition and not at  professional edition.


                                                            Sample 29: OAKJAVA7(JAVA7.0) Logs


About OakJava7 Logs

In Oakjava7(JAVA7.0) when your application faces any error, it is

updated in <Filename>Oj7.log. All default logs  are stored  in 

C:\ojava7\Ojava7log\ directory. For example ojindex1.java7

is the oakjava7 program when it is compiled and deployed 

in Scroll server , if Oakjava7 program contains errors

 and when you stop the Scroll server  it will  update the errors in file  

ojindex1Oj7.log found in C:\ojava7\Ojava7log\ directory.

Let Us see the  Log Example....

We create a Oakjava7 program it will retrieve the contents of Html contains

forms. But we did not include the html name correctly ie) at file ojindex1.java7.

Which is given below...



public <CLASS>  ojindex1 {



//invalid filename wRegiter87.html





So when the errors come it will display in oakjava7 webpage

and in Logs file. So the Log file contains...



May 11, 2023 8:02:31 PM RuntimeExec logOutput

INFO: Oakjava7(JAVA7.0) Log messages

May 11, 2023 8:02:31 PM RuntimeExec logMessage

INFO: Exception in thread "main" Invalid Statements.lang.NullPointerException at HTML.retrieve(HTML.Invalid Statements:28) at HTML.displayhtml(HTML.Invalid Statements:256) at ojindex1.main(ojindex1.Invalid Statements:1) at Invalid Statements.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.Invalid Statements:597) at cli.Starter.Main(Unknown Source)

This NullPointerException indicates that the HTML file is not found.

So when the errors come it will display it in ojindex1.java7, because this

ojindex1.java7 contain errors. So advantages of Oakjava7 logs is

we can history of  errors that can be used for future reference , that we

meet the  same error. So Logs are userfriendly for us. See the output 

for oakjava7 file -> ojindex1.java7 which is given below..if you type the url

http://localhost:9000/ojindex1.java7 it will show the errors in ojindex1.java7

which is given below...

Error Page (ojindex1.java7) Output:

The database  file or folder wRegister87.html could not be found! Could not find file 'C:\wilmixjeminfiles\sprogramfiles\jrrr\scrollserver\scroll\wRegister87.html'.Exception in thread "main" Invalid Statements.lang.NullPointerException at HTML.retrieve(HTML.Invalid Statements:28) at HTML.displayhtml(HTML.Invalid Statements:256) at ojindex1.main(ojindex1.Invalid Statements:1) at Invalid Statements.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.Invalid Statements:597) at cli.Starter.Main(Unknown Source)


                                                     SAMPLE 30 : DELEGATE  IN OAKJAVA7



OakJava7(JAVA7.0) delegates are similar to pointers to functions, in C or C++. A delegate is a reference type variable that holds the reference to a method. The reference can be changed at runtime.

Declaring Delegates

Delegate declaration determines the methods that can be referenced by the delegate. A delegate can refer to a method, which has the same signature as that of the delegate. In given below syntax @D is  the Delegate.

Syntax for Delegate

@D <return type> <delegate-name> <parameter list>

delegate is  represented as  @D

Instantiating Delegates

Once a delegate type is declared, a delegate object must be created with the new keyword and be associated with a particular method. When creating a delegate, the argument passed to the new expression is written similar to a method call, but without the arguments to the method.

Following example demonstrates declaration, instantiation, and use of a delegate that can be used to reference methods that take an integer parameter and returns an integer value.



@D int Delegatenochange(int n);

<PACK> DelegateApp1 {


   <CLASS> TestDelegate {

      static int num = 10;


      public static int AddNum(int p) {

         num += p;

         return num;


      public static int MultNum(int q) {

         num *= q;

         return num;



public static int DivideNum(int r) {

         num /= r;

         return num;



      public static int getNum() {

         return num;


   public void main()


         //create delegate instances

         Delegatenochange noc1 = new Delegatenochange(AddNum);

         Delegatenochange noc2 = new Delegatenochange(MultNum);

          Delegatenochange noc3 = new Delegatenochange(DivideNum);


         //calling the methods using the delegate objects


      <PRINTLN>("Value of Num: {0}", getNum());


         <PRINTLN>("Value of Num: {0}", getNum());


        <PRINTLN>("Value of Num: {0}", getNum());






Using @D int Delegatenochange(int n); we create a  delegate for

a method. It means we can pass method as parameters. 

consider  the example it is given below...

//num value is  assigned to 10

static int num = 10;

      public static int AddNum(int p) {

         num += p;

         return num;


After that we  are creating  Delegate instance  ie)

 Delegatenochange noc1 = new Delegatenochange(AddNum);

Once you have created it ,then  pass the value as a parameter to delegate instance eg)  noc1(25).

So 10+25 => 35, here 10 is the num value and 25 is  the parameter value passed to AddNum method using   Delegate, so we get the output as 35. Similarly you do as a exercises for the rest of the them.


Value of Num: 35

Value of Num: 175

Value of Num: 17


        SAMPLE 31 :  PREDICATE  and Predicate with DELEGATE  in OakJava7


Predicate  and Predicate with Delegate  in  OakJava7

Predicate is  represented  as @P

Predicate is the delegate like Func and Action delegates. It represents a method containing a set of criteria and checks whether the passed parameter meets those criteria. A predicate delegate methods must take one input parameter and return a boolean - true or false.

The Predicate delegate is defined in the  Oakjava7  Package(namespace)  , as shown below:

Predicate signature

public @D  bool  @P  <in T>(T obj);

Same as other delegate types, Predicate can also be used with any method, anonymous method, or lambda expression.



<PACK> j7Prsample2




           public void main()



         @P < string > CheckIfNokia = @D(string modelName) {  

    if (modelName == "Nokia") return true;  

    else return false;  


bool result = CheckIfNokia("Nokia");  

if (result) <PRINTLN>("Nokia is a olden cellphone");   





For this given example..

    @P < string > CheckIfNokia = @D(string modelName) {  

    if (modelName == "Nokia") return true;  

    else return false;  


Here @P is  the  predicate and  @D is  the delegate. Predicate represents a method containing a set of criteria ( eg) if modelName=Nokia or not) and  check whether the passed parameter meets those criteria.

eg) bool result = CheckIfNokia("Nokia");  

if (result) <PRINTLN>("Nokia is a olden cellphone").  For this  oakjava7 program  it displays Nokia is a olden cellphone. Because the  given modelName parameter value is equal to "Nokia".


Nokia is a olden cellphone


                                 Sample 32: Predicate and Delegate examples


Question: Find the Factorial , Sin,Exp, value of the given expression ie) y,y1 

and asinh,acosh ,atanh,String using delegate 

and Count no of Books,Count no of Negative numbers,Count no of empty book title 

and find factorial (0! to 9!) and 6! (6 factorial) ?



<PACK> j7rsample112


public <CLASS> J7r111


  static int Factorial(int n)


     return n < 1 ? 1 : n * Factorial(n - 1);


static Func<int, int> Factorial()


     Func<int, int> factorial = null;

     factorial = n => n < 1 ? 1 : n * factorial(n - 1);

     return factorial;


public static int Count<T>(T[] arr, @P <T> condition)


    int counter = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)

        if (condition(arr[i]))


    return counter;


           public void main()



 Func<double, double> f1 = Math.Sin;

Func<double, double> f2 = Math.Exp;

double y = f1(2) + f2(3); //y=sin(2) + exp(3)

f2 = f1;

y = f2(9);                //y=sin(9)

<PRINTLN>("fx result1="+y);

Func<double, double> f4 = @D (double x1) { return 8*x1+1; };

double y1 = f4(3); 

f4 = x1 => 32*x1+1;

y1 = f4(6);        

<PRINTLN>("fx result2 with @D ="+y1);

Func<double, double> asinh1 = @D (double x1) { return Math.Log( x1 + Math.Sqrt(x1*x1+1) );} ;

Func<double, double> acosh1 = x => Math.Log( x + Math.Sqrt(x*x-1) ) ;

Func<double, double> atanh1 = x2 => 0.2*( Math.Log( 1 + x2 ) - Math.Log( 1 -x2 ) ) ;

double y5 = asinh1(3);

double y6 = acosh1(4);

double y7 = atanh1(0.6);

<PRINTLN>("asinh with @D ="+y5);

<PRINTLN>("acosh with @D ="+y6);

<PRINTLN>("atanh with @D ="+y7);

 @P <string> longWords = @D (string word) { return word.Length < 10; };

bool y8 = longWords("Madam");

string[] words = {"Madam","jackie",""};

int[] books = {456,789};

int book=0;

<PRINTLN>("String with @D ="+y8);

int Names = Count(words, longWords);

<PRINTLN>("Count names="+Names);

 book = Count(books, @D (int ip) { return ip > 20; });

<PRINTLN>("Count no of Books="+book);

int[] numbers = {-1,-45,1,4,100,-200,-20000,567};

int NegativeNumbers = Count(numbers, x => x < 0);

<PRINTLN>("NegativeNumbers count="+NegativeNumbers);

int EmptyBookTitles = Count(words, String.IsNullOrEmpty);

<PRINTLN>("Empty book title count="+EmptyBookTitles);

var fl = Factorial();

for(int i=0; i<10; i++)

   <PRINTLN>("{0}! = {1}", i, fl(i));

int[] numbers1 = new[] { 5,1,3,7,2,6,4};

Func<int, int> factorial = @D (int num) {

        Func<int, int> locFactorial = null;

        locFactorial = n => n == 1 ? 1 : n * locFactorial(n - 1);

        return locFactorial(num);


int s=factorial(6);

 <PRINTLN>("Factorial Result ="+ s);





Now  here we  are adding data 256 and "Bill" to the ArrayList

 ArrayList list <NEW> ArrayList();

list.Add(256); // boxing


and it will print [256,Bill]  as output.


object o = 1010;

int i = (int)o; //performs unboxing

<PRINTLN>("UnBoxing result ="+i);

we know that the process of converting a Reference Type variable into a Value Type variable. This can be  done by casting, eg) (int) of object instance o. ie) int i=(int)o; This gives a  Unboxing value which is  stored in variable i.


Func<double, double> f4 = @D (double x1) { return 8*x1+1; };

double y1 = f4(3); 

f4 = x1 => 32*x1+1;

y1 = f4(6);   

So when you use y1=f4(6), that means

6 is  assigned to  x1 , ie) 32 *6 +1=> 193 


Here  in this given statement 

@P <string> longWords = @D (string word) { return word.Length < 10; };

bool y8 = longWords("Madam");  

The "Madam" string is  passed  to  LongWords method , it

will check when word.Length <  10 or not. If it is

less than 10 then return the  boolean value as  true.


simillarly when longwords = madam is  passed at Count

(words,longwords) when the Word.length < 10 then the 

counter value gets incremented  ie) in this sample ....

string[] words = {"Madam","jackie",""};

here "madam" string length is 5 , jackie=6 , ""=0

which are less than 10 ; so the counter value becomes 3.

int Names = Count(words, longWords);

so we  get the output  Count names=3


books = {456,789}

book = Count(books, @D (int ip) { return ip > 20; });

<PRINTLN>("Count no of Books="+book);

here we  see in the given above  statement that

456 > 20, 789> 20 ; So the counter value =2.

so we  get the output Count no of Books=2.


int[] numbers = {-1,-45,1,4,100,-200,-20000,567};

int NegativeNumbers = Count(numbers, x => x < 0);

<PRINTLN>("NegativeNumbers count="+NegativeNumbers);

here in this given above statement integer numbers array

is passed which contain 4 positive numbers.we have passed

predicate condition as  x => x < 0 in  the count function.

This conditions will check all the numbers in the numbers array.

so there are  4 positive numbers in that numbers array 

so the counter is  incremented 4 times.so we get the 

output NegativeNumbers count=4.


int EmptyBookTitles = Count(words, String.IsNullOrEmpty);

here the words array contain 2 elements and 1 empty string

so when we  pass  String.IsNullOrEmpty in Count function

this  match  with  the  3rd element that is  1 empty string

present in words array. So the  counter is incremented 1

time.so we get the output Empty book title count=1


var fl = Factorial();

for(int i=0; i<10; i++)

   <PRINTLN>("{0}! = {1}", i, fl(i));

This i represent ith element ie from ( 0 to 9)

f1(i) =>f1(0),f1(1),f1(2),f1(3),f1(4),f1(5),f1(6),f1(7),f1(8),f1(9)

Here f1 is  the factorial function, For loop is repeated 10 times

from (0 to 9).

So we  get the  output as  given below

0! = 1

1! = 1

2! = 2

3! = 6

4! = 24

5! = 120

6! = 720

7! = 5040

8! = 40320

9! = 362880


We are finding the factorial of  6 ie) 6!

int s=factorial(6);

 <PRINTLN>("Factorial Result ="+ s);

when we pass the value 6 to factorial recursion function.

it will multiply the  value = 6 *5 * 4* 3* 2 * 1 = 720.


    static int Factorial(int n)


     return n < 1 ? 1 : n * Factorial(n - 1);


until n < 1 the  recursion  take place.

So we  get the  output as  given below

Factorial Result =720



fx result1=0.412118485241757

fx result2 with delegate =193

asinh with delegate =1.81844645923207

acosh with delegate =2.06343706889556

atanh with delegate =0.277258872223978

String with delegate =True

Count names=3

Count no of Books=2

NegativeNumbers count=4

Empty book title count=1

0! = 1

1! = 1

2! = 2

3! = 6

4! = 24

5! = 120

6! = 720

7! = 5040

8! = 40320

9! = 362880

Factorial Result =720


                                                             Sample 33 : AutoBoxing and UnBoxing


Boxing In OAKJAVA7

 The process of converting a Value Type variable (char, int etc.) to a Reference Type variable (object) is called Boxing.

 Boxing is an implicit conversion process in which object type (super type) is used.

 Value Type variables are always stored in Stack memory, while Reference Type variables are stored in Heap memory.

UnBoxing in OAKJAVA7

 The process of converting a Reference Type variable into a Value Type variable is known as Unboxing. It is an explicit conversion process.



// Load  oakjava7 util  package.


<PACK> j7Prsample10


<CLASS> J7Pr10


//Boxing in Oakjava7

           public void main()


 ArrayList list <NEW> ArrayList();

list.Add(256); // boxing


<PRINTLN>("Boxing result ="+list);

object o = 1010;

int i = (int)o; //performs unboxing

<PRINTLN>("UnBoxing result ="+i);





Now  here we  are adding data 256 and "Bill" to the ArrayList

 ArrayList list <NEW> ArrayList();

list.Add(256); // boxing


and it will print [256,Bill]  as output.

object o = 1010;

int i = (int)o; //performs unboxing

<PRINTLN>("UnBoxing result ="+i);

we know that the process of converting a Reference Type variable into a Value Type variable. This

can be  done by casting, eg) (int) of object instance o. 

ie) int i=(int)o; This gives a  Unboxing value which is  stored in variable i.


Boxing result =[256, Bill]

UnBoxing result =1010



                                                       Sample 34:Lambdaj7 in  Oakjava7


What  is  Lambdaj7 expression?

Lambda expressions are anonymous functions that contain expressions or sequence of operators.

All lambda expressions use the lambda operator @L, that can be read as “goes to” or “becomes”.

 The left side of the lambda operator specifies the input parameters and the right side holds

 an expression or a code block that works with the entry parameters.

Here we can see about Lambda Pass by value, Lambda function condition check all the numbers which is Odd or not, Perform ADD operations by  passing 10,10 value in add method, Action , Delegate, Predicate, anonymous function to print the given value.



<PACK> Program8



    <CLASS> Prog


    static int Sum(int x, int y)


        return x + y;


static bool IsUpperCase(string str)


    return str.Equals(str.ToUpper());


public @D void Print(int value);


      public void main()


// statement lambda that takes two int inputs and returns the sum 


@A<string> greet = name @L



    string greeting = "Hello";





int[] numbers = { 5, 4, 1, 3, 9, 8, 6, 7, 2, 0 };

Func <int,bool> oddNumbers = n @L n % 2 == 1;


<PRINTLN>("There are "+oddNumbers(5)+" odd numbers in "+ string.Join(" ", numbers));


        Func<int,int, int> add = Sum;

        int result = add(10, 10);


    @A<int> printActionDel = @D(int i)







    @P <string> isUpper = IsUpperCase;

    bool result1 = isUpper("hello world!!");



    Print print = @D(int val) { 

        <PRINTLN>("Inside Anonymous method. Value: {0}", val); 








There are True odd numbers in 5 4 1 3 9 8 6 7 2 0




Inside Anonymous method. Value: 100


i) Lambda Pass by value and  concat the strings greeting and


@A<string> greet = name @L


    string greeting = "Hello";





Here "@L" says that it is  a lambda function.

when greet function is called and string "World"  is

passed to  the Lambda function. In the  Lambda function

when greeting ="Hello" and greeting and  name value is

passed to the  print statement.Here name variable is

assigned as  "World". So we  will get output  as  "HelloWorld".

ii) Lambda function condition check all the numbers which is Odd or not?

int[] numbers = { 5, 4, 1, 3, 9, 8, 6, 7, 2, 0 };

Func <int,bool> oddNumbers = n @L n % 2 == 1;

<PRINTLN>("There are "+oddNumbers(5)+" odd numbers in "+ string.Join(" ", numbers));

Here "@L" says that it is a lamda function.And we are assigning the

return type in  Func function as  int,boolean(bool). 

ie) Func <int,bool> . Where n @L n % 2 == 1 is  the lamda function condition.

It will check whether integers in numbers array is odd number or not.

so When the OddNumbers(5) is  invoked  and the print statement

will  print boolean value as true. So this string.Join(" ",numbers) will

print numbers array complete contents. So we  will get output  as  given below

There are True odd numbers in 5 4 1 3 9 8 6 7 2 0

iii) Perform ADD operations by  passing 10,10 value in add method.

 Func<int,int, int> add = Sum;

        int result = add(10, 10);


static int Sum(int x, int y)


        return x + y;


Here we are using 3 integers datatype in Func<int,int,int> and

we are assuming Sum method to add function; so it will perform

Sum operations using method Sum(int x, int y). When we pass the value 

in add function which is given below..

add(10, 10) and  we use <PRINTLN> statement to print the result value.

So we  will get output as  20.

iv) Use Action Delegate to print the value which you passed

in printActionDel(10) method.

  @A<int> printActionDel = @D(int i)





What is Action Delegate ?

Action type delegate is the same as Func delegate except that 

the Action delegate doesn't return a value. In other words, an 

Action delegate can be used with a method that has a void return type.

Action Delegate is represented as @A in oakjava7 program.

Using object of Action delegate printActionDel(10) will print the value

as  10  as  the output. Because we  use <PRINTLN>(i) statement inside

Action Delegate block.

v) Check whether the given string is UpperCase or not. and print that boolean value

 @P<string> isUpper = IsUpperCase;

    bool result1 = isUpper("hello world!!");


Predicate is the delegate like Func and Action delegates. 

It represents a method containing a set of criteria and checks whether the 

passed parameter meets those criteria. A predicate delegate methods must take one

 input parameter and return a boolean - true or false.

Predicate Syntax

public @D bool @P<in T>(T obj);

Here  at Predicate object isUpper is  assigned a IsUpperCase functions.

so when we pass the value "hello world!!" to the Predicate object

isUpper will return the boolean value as false.Because it will check

whether the  value "hello world!!" is UpperCase or not. But here it

is Lowercase so it return a value false as the output when we 

print the result value.

vi) use anonymous function to print the given value.


    Print print = @D(int val) { 

        <PRINTLN>("Inside Anonymous method. Value: {0}", val); 



Here in this Anonymous function object print(100)

means value 100 is  passed to print Anonymous method.

val is assigned 100 as a value.

So <PRINTLN> will print the output which is given 

below ...

Inside Anonymous method. Value: 100


Sample 35: Define and Explain forward , include , visitor count,ip address and hostname  internationalization  with an example


1) Forward Action 




public static forward list=new forward("{key}",arraylistobject);

It is used to forward a request  or a  list or set of data to another page.

Here {key} indicates the key , arraylistObject indicates arraylist object.

2) Include Action





It is used to insert a file into the same page. 

Here <filename> given is  html file name.

eg) Java7request.include("test.html",0,"html");

 And "html" indicates  it is  html type file.

So choice =0 indicates that the filename belong to html file or

any other type filename.




Here when we don't give htmlfilename and give as other filename and choice =1

and "exe" indicates that it is a executable file name. Then it will include

executable filename and it is called as assembly file.

eg) Java7request.include("autocomplete",1,"exe");




Here when we don't give htmlfilename and give as other filename and choice =2

and "ojava7" indicates that it is a oakjava7 file name and it is also an executable filename.

 Then it will include oakjava7 executable filename and it is called as Oakjava7 assembly file.

eg) Java7request.include("jarray",2,"ojava7");

3) Visitor Count





Visitor count will be incremented  every time a person visit the page

and it's return value is always an integer.

eg) int count =Java7request.Visitorscount("visitor1"); 

Here visitor1 is  the Visitorscount name.

4) Visitor clear count





Visitor count will be cleared when the person visit the page  5 times

ie) if count > 5  then count =0;

and it's return value is always an void.


if (count >5)


5) Date in Oakjava7


 Date d=new Date(); 

=> It is used to create date object d.

 <PRINTLN>("Second of the minute is  : "+d.getSeconds());  

=> It is  used to get seconds from our current date hour.

6) OakJava7 - internationalization i18n


Locale[] locales = { new Locale("en", "US"),  

 new Locale("es", "ES"), new Locale("it", "IT") }; 

=> Locale[] contains array of US english, es Spanish, it Itally locale objects.  


for (int i=0; i<3; i++) 


 String displayLanguage = locales[i].getDisplayLanguage(locales[i]);   

 <PRINTLN>(" "+locales[i].ToString() + " =  " + displayLanguage); 



 => Here locales[i].getDisplayLanguage(locales[i]);

is to display languages as English, español, italiano

=> Here  locales[i].ToString()  will  display as en_US, es_ES, it_IT repectively  

for display languages as English, español, italiano

7) IP Address and Hostname





It is  used  to display  IP address and Hostname for your machine

8) AutoRefresh Page





It will automatically refresh the page every n seconds

eg)  Java7request.AutoRefresh(3000);

In this given example it will refresh the page

every  3 seconds.



<USE> ScrollLib;//load ScrollLib packages

<USE>  <OJ7UTIL>  //load oakjava7  util  packages

<PACK> example1


public <CLASS> Java7eg1



public static forward list= null;

public static void Java7eg1t2()


ArrayList ar = new ArrayList();

ArrayList ar1 = new ArrayList();

for(int i=0;i<100;i++)


for(int i=100;i<200;i++)


 list=new forward("language0",ar);



           public void main()






// Java7request.include("autocomplete",1,"exe");

// Java7request.include("jarray",2,"ojava7");

  // Java7request.AutoRefresh(3000);

int count=Java7request.Visitorscount("visitor1");


<PRINTLN>("visitor count="+count);


if (count >5)


 Date d=new Date();  

        <PRINTLN>("Second of the minute is  : "+d.getSeconds());  


Locale[] locales = { new Locale("en", "US"),  

 new Locale("es", "ES"), new Locale("it", "IT") };   


for (int i=0; i<3; i++) 


 String displayLanguage = locales[i].getDisplayLanguage(locales[i]);   

 <PRINTLN>(" "+locales[i].ToString() + " =  " + displayLanguage); 







      <CATCH> (Exception e)


        <PRINTLN>("Error.... "+e);




        <PRINTLN>("The Finally block  is  executed...");





Note: It will display test.html form and the given below output and

after that it will display Register100.html form.


Your current IP address : DESKTOP-H7QSQP2/

Your current Hostname : DESKTOP-H7QSQP2

visitor count=6


Second of the minute is  : 47


 en_US =  English


 es_ES =  español


 it_IT =  italiano



Sample 36: Define and Explain first Page for forward action and Next page for forward action output.


Sample35.web contains static method Java7eg1t2(). 


public static void Java7eg1t2()


ArrayList ar = new ArrayList();

ArrayList ar1 = new ArrayList();

for(int i=0;i<100;i++)


for(int i=100;i<200;i++)


 list=new forward("language0",ar);

//This statement will  set arraylist value to  ar1




Arraylist ar contains  100 elements from  0 to 99

and Arraylist ar1 contains 100 elements from  100 to 199.

and Forward Action assumes two Arraylist objects ar and  ar1.

Now see the  second page program...



<USE> ScrollLib;// load  the ScrollLib util package

<USE>  <OJ7UTIL>//load oakjava7 util  packages

<USE> example1; // load the firstpage package example1

<PACK> example2


<CLASS> Java7eg2


           public void main()




//Call the public static method Java7eg1t() 



ArrayList ars = Java7eg1.list.getForwardValue("language1");




 ArrayList ars1 = Java7eg1.list.getForwardValue("language0"); 

 <PRINTLN>(" ");



      <CATCH> (Exception e)


        <PRINTLN>("Error.... "+e);




        <PRINTLN>("The Finally block  is  executed...");






After calling the public static method Java7eg1t() method which is

Java7eg1.Java7eg1t(),Java7eg1 represent the name of class and Java7eg1t() is the method name for Java7eg1.

which is  called in Sample36.web and it  will intialize the array list ars and ars2 values

of forward action values which are language1,language0 respectively  which  can be  done  which are  given below....

ArrayList ars = Java7eg1.list.getForwardValue("language1"); 

// Note this Java7eg1.list.getForwardValue("language1") will return the Arraylist object Forward action "language1" value  and which is  assign to arraylist ars


 ArrayList ars1 = Java7eg1.list.getForwardValue("language0"); 

// Note this Java7eg1.list.getForwardValue("language0") will return the Arraylist object Forward action "language0" value

and which is  assign to arraylist ars1

 <PRINTLN>(" ");


So ars.get(90) arraylist contains 190 as value because we assigned the values of  For loop from

100 to 199 and we add this to  ar1 arraylist in sample35 program which is given below ...

for(int i=100;i<200;i++)


and ars1.get(80) will contain 80 value because we assigned the values of  For loop from

1 to 99.

We know  finally  block will  execute whether error happens or not.

So it display the value with String  "190 80The Finally block  is  executed..." 

as  output. So the output will be given below..


 190 80The Finally block  is  executed...


Sample 37:  Define and Explain OakJava7 Context,OakJava7 Session, OakJava7 Config 


OakJava7 Context

OakJava7 Context will have constant Oakjava7 context values and it reduces the need of

xml file. So it will carry to be used with in the OakJava7 Web Application and

at the next OakJava7 Web application. Syntax is given below..

public static Java7Context <contextobject> = new Java7Context("Key=Value");

Java7 Context should be used outside any methods or main method. When you store 

the values using this given above syntax. and  when you  use this given below syntax.

<Classname first program>.<contextobject>.get(Index).ToString();

we can retreive the value and we  can print it by using the syntax which is given above...


public static Java7Context list = new Java7Context("Secretno=1089678");


[where Program indicates Sessiontracking classname and list is the  context object,

and we can get the first value by using get(0).ToString().]

OakJava7 Session 

OakJava7 Session is  created using the given below syntax...

public static Java7Session <sessionobject> = new Java7Session("<key>","<value>");

This is used to create OakJava7 Session, with key and value.

OakJava7 Session is  used to carry data or array list of data to the page(filename.exe) that you have mentioned in html file.

OakJava7 Session can retrieve the value by using the given below Syntax.



public static Java7Session list1 = new Java7Session("No of employees","1000 employees");

public static void p()


list1.setValue("seqno1","2000 values");

list1.setValue("seqno2","2001 values");

list1.setValue("seqno3","2005 values");


so using <sessionobject>.setValue(....) function  we can store many keys and  value needed for the next page.

OakJava7 Config

OakJava7 Config is used to retrieve the configuration information. Example 

using Java7Config.getParameter("Driver").


Java7Config.getParameter("<configuration key name>");

J7Config.config file is a global Oakjava7Config file which is  used to store all the configuration 

information and such configuration will be used by the Oakjava7 programs.

eg)  This <- arrow indicates that sun.jdbc.Driver is  assigned to a key Driver.

This given below example indicates how to store the information with key and value parameters.


Driver <- sun.jdbc.Driver

First Program



<USE> ScrollLib;

<PACK> example11


public <CLASS> Program


public static Java7Session list1 = new Java7Session("No of employees","1000 employees");

public static Java7Context list = new Java7Context("Secretno=1089678");

public static void p()


list1.setValue("seqno1","2000 values");

list1.setValue("seqno2","2001 values");

list1.setValue("seqno3","2005 values");




Note: This program will generate a .dll file when you compile using  javac7 <filename.web>.Put that filename.web.dll in oakjava7  properties file and after that copy that generated .dll file from outputs directory  to d:\ or  c:\oakjava7\src directory.

Second Program



<USE> ScrollLib;

<USE> example11;

<PACK> Sessiontracks1


<CLASS> Program1


           public void main()




     <PRINTLN>("  <BR>   ");

 //intialize and  add the  session data or session Arraylist data.


<PRINTLN>("   <BR>     ");

 <PRINTLN>("Session value of  seqno1 ="+Program.list1.getSessionValue("seqno1")); 

<PRINTLN>("  <BR>   ");

 <PRINTLN>("OakJava7Context ="+Program.list.get(0).ToString()); 

<PRINTLN>("  <BR>   ");


<PRINTLN>(" <BR>    ");


      <CATCH> (Exception e)


        <PRINTLN>("Error.... "+e);




        <PRINTLN>("The Finally block  is  executed...");





Final Output:-

Session value of seqno1 =2000 values

OakJava7Context =Secretno=1089678


The Finally block is executed...


                                            OAKJava7(JAVA7.0) Advanced Concepts : OakJava7 Streams



                                        Sample 38: OakJava7 Streams Introduction


OakJava7 Streams

OakJava7 stream is  invented by J. Wilmix jemin at year 2023. This project

takes the time for me around 1 month to build the OakJava7 Streams.

Streams are more important for the development to do

any program. OakJava7 stream is  learnable.

In Java (Jdk1.8) streams are not  learnable.So

Oakjava7 stream is nothing but it is same as

Jdk1.8 stream.So if you know Jdk1.8 then

you can easily learn OakJava7 Stream.

OakJava7 Streams represent a pipeline through which data will flow and the functions to

 operate on the data. A pipeline in this instance consists of a stream source, followed by 

zero or more intermediate operations, and a terminal operation.

OakJava7 Streams are used to optimize the oakjava7 source code.

But there are 8 blocks of streams which are given below....

Stream() block ,Read Ln block ,Display block,Streamagg() block,Streamfx() block,

Stream.Generate block,LOGIC block, and ParallelStream() block.

When these types of Block are used ? Explain it briefly ?

Mostly it is not to memorize all the blocks ,but you

have to say only the types of block during the oakjava7 interview.

Even if you don't use Read Ln block ,Display block,

Stream.Generate block,LOGIC block the oakjava7 compiler

will not throw error.

Stream() block 

Stream block are the streams which contains

stream objects that can call any functions.

that is represented as 




where  ...... represents Read Ln block ,Display block,

Stream.Generate block,and ,LOGIC block.

Stream()-> block is represented with Read Ln block ,Display block,

Stream.Generate block,and ,LOGIC block,  Streams() are like pipeline.


Other Streams Block

Like Stream() block other  Stream block like  

Streamagg() block,Streamfx() block, and ParallelStream() block

functions the  same things but the syntax may differ.

Streamfx() Block





where  ...... represents Read Ln block ,Display block,

Stream.Generate block,and ,LOGIC block.

Where Functions represents Oakjava7 functions...

So only Oakjava7 functions should be  mentioned in this


Streamagg() block




Agg f(x) in  oj7stream



where  ...... represents Read Ln block ,Display block,

Stream.Generate block,and ,LOGIC block.

Where Functions represents Oakjava7 Aggregate functions...

So only Oakjava7 aggregate functions should be  mentioned in this


ParallelStream() block

In ParallelStream() Block stream

will display the data in a non sequence random order.

But Streams() block data will display the

datas in a sequence order. This is the

major difference between Stream() block

and Parallel stream block.. Parallel stream block

syntax is given below...


Read Ln block , LOGIC block, and Display block

The Read Ln block syntax is  given below...



Input statements...


where  ...... represents Read Ln block statements should be mentioned .So only

Input data should be mentioned according to the

rules of OakJava7 Stream. So it is good for

the client to read your program and analyze the Input

functionality which is mentioned in the

ReadLn block.

The Display block syntax is  given below...



Output statements...


where  ...... represents Display block,

 and ,LOGIC block.So only

Display statements(eg is Print statements and it's related statements) should be mentioned according to the rules of OakJava7 Stream. So it is good for

the client to read your program and analyze the output

functionality which is mentioned in the

DISPLAY block.

The Logic Block syntax is given below...


......... Logical statements...


where  ...... represents LOGICAL block statements should be represented in this Logic Block.Ie) only

Display statements(eg is Print statements and it's related statements) should be mentioned according to the rules of OakJava7 Stream. So it is good for the client to read your program and analyze the

functionality which is mentioned in the  Logic block.

Stream.Generate block

When the  business requirement became very complex or

hard or medium we must focus on Stream.Generate block.

It is same as Stream.Generate block followed by

limit() and  skip functions or foreach functions.

So the Syntax for Stream.Generate block is given below...


......... Stream.Generate releated Logical statements.. or double for..loop or

double while -- loop or complex ,hard or medium statements..


Where Stream.Generate releated Logical statements . or double for..loop or

double while -- loop or complex ,hard or medium statements..

example for Stream.Generate() is given below...

Medium problem : Ascending or  descending order...


for (int i=0;i<n ;i++)


for (int j=0;j<n ;j++)


if (a[i] > a[j])









Note: We can see more detail about this 8 blocks like

Stream() block ,Read Ln block ,Display block,Streamagg() block,Streamfx() block,

Stream.Generate block,LOGIC block, and ParallelStream() block.




 Sample 39: OakJava7 Streams :Sample -1 : Use of J7Filter and list array containing numbers.


Write a  OakJava7 stream program using J7Filter (OakJava7 Filter) and  Print the List array   containing numbers  present in the List.


<WEB> // Start point of oakjava7 program,it is mandatory.

// All the Oakjava7(JAVA7.0) namespace <PACK> should  be used,

// so without namespace <PACK> will result in error and your oakjava7 program

// will not work correctly.

<PACK> sample1


public <CLASS> Programn



   public void main()


// starting point of oakjava7 stream


// Input data  stream -> READLN


int a=5;

int b=3;

int salary = 200000;

float f=123;

// letters arranged and oakjava7 array dimension should be  focus on left side.

char []letters= { 'W', 'e', 'b'};

 String a1="Madam";

String a2=a1+"1";

// pass the  letter character array to string

string s1 <NEW> string(letters);

string s2 <NEW> string(letters);


// Printing all the oakJava7 filter values using J7Print ie) Oakjava7Print statement.


// J7Filter (Oakjava7 filter) returns boolean value only; and that J7filter value is  passed to oakjava7 Print statement.

//check the condition if the salary is greater than 10000 value 

// if not return false other wise J7Filter return true.

obj->J7Print(obj->J7Filter( salary > 10000));

//check the condition if the salary is greater than 10000 value  ,if f value is  greater than 121.0 or not or a1 value is "Madam" or not.

// If both conditions return true then the result  will be the true value

// if not return false other wise J7Filter return true.

obj->J7Print(obj->J7Filter( (salary > 10000)&& (f>121.0)&&(a1=="Madam"  ) ));

//check if a value is equal to  5 or not. if not return false other wise J7Filter return true.

obj->J7Print(obj->J7Filter( a ==5));

//check if a  a value is greater than b or not. if not return false other wise J7Filter return true.

obj->J7Print(obj->J7Filter( a >b));

//check if a  a value is less than b or not. if not return false other wise J7Filter return true.

obj->J7Print(obj->J7Filter( a < b));

//check if a  a value is greater than b or not. and  b value is  equal to zero or not. 

//If both conditions return true then the result  will be the true  value 

// if not return false other wise J7Filter return true.

obj->J7Print(obj->J7Filter( (a >b) && (b==0)));

//check if a  a value is greater than b or not. and  b value is  equal to zero or not. 

//If any of the conditions return true then the result  will be the true value 

// if not return false other wise J7Filter return true.

obj->J7Print(obj->J7Filter( (a >b)|| (b==0)));

//if (a!=0) then J7Filter return true. otherwise  return false...


//if (a==a2) then J7Filter return true. otherwise  return false...


//if (s1  equals s2) then J7Filter return true. otherwise  return false... 

// ie) Equals is  used for  string object comparison

 obj->J7Print(obj->J7Filter(s1.Equals(s2) ));

// Assign numbers like (11,17,19,30,48,53,19) to the List

// <OJ7UTIL>  is  the oakjava7 util package. 

 <OJ7UTIL>.List  lop=  <OJ7UTIL>.Arrays.asList(11,17,19,30,48,53,19);

// Print the lop array List using J7Print by passing lop to J7Print function.









I have already explained by giving comments above the Oakjava7 statements. J7Filter is for checking  the condition. If the condition matches it will return a  boolean value  true or  it  will return false.


In the OakJava7 properties file you must use OJ7Stream.dll file. Go to

c:\ wilmix or create a directory in C or  d drive or which directory you have created , start Visual studio 

and type the command which is given below...

Use PS C:\wilmix> ./oj7stream 

to  run the program in visual studio code Editor.



Note: This  Oakjava7 Advanced  Samples webpage   is under  construction for  text  alignment.

Here  we covered   30% of  Advanced  samples  , but  remaining 70% of   Advanced samples

will be  found  at   Oakjava7 Enterprise Edition., and  it is  not  found  at  Professional Edition.

But  in Professional  edition   you  can't  learn  about  Oakjava7  templates. In  Enterprise Edition

you  can  study  more   about   OakJava7 Templates ,Security , Oakjava7 Advanced  topics ,etc.


This is  about medium security. But it is free for  the oakjava7 developers to focus. But Oakjava7 has advanced security that  will be  mention in Enterprise edition and not at  professional edition.


                                                            Sample 29: OAKJAVA7(JAVA7.0) Logs


About OakJava7 Logs

In Oakjava7(JAVA7.0) when your application faces any error, it is

updated in <Filename>Oj7.log. All default logs  are stored  in 

C:\ojava7\Ojava7log\ directory. For example ojindex1.java7

is the oakjava7 program when it is compiled and deployed 

in Scroll server , if Oakjava7 program contains errors

 and when you stop the Scroll server  it will  update the errors in file  

ojindex1Oj7.log found in C:\ojava7\Ojava7log\ directory.

Let Us see the  Log Example....

We create a Oakjava7 program it will retrieve the contents of Html contains

forms. But we did not include the html name correctly ie) at file ojindex1.java7.

Which is given below...



public <CLASS>  ojindex1 {



//invalid filename wRegiter87.html





So when the errors come it will display in oakjava7 webpage

and in Logs file. So the Log file contains...



May 11, 2023 8:02:31 PM RuntimeExec logOutput

INFO: Oakjava7(JAVA7.0) Log messages

May 11, 2023 8:02:31 PM RuntimeExec logMessage

INFO: Exception in thread "main" Invalid Statements.lang.NullPointerException at HTML.retrieve(HTML.Invalid Statements:28) at HTML.displayhtml(HTML.Invalid Statements:256) at ojindex1.main(ojindex1.Invalid Statements:1) at Invalid Statements.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.Invalid Statements:597) at cli.Starter.Main(Unknown Source)

This NullPointerException indicates that the HTML file is not found.

So when the errors come it will display it in ojindex1.java7, because this

ojindex1.java7 contain errors. So advantages of Oakjava7 logs is

we can history of  errors that can be used for future reference , that we

meet the  same error. So Logs are userfriendly for us. See the output 

for oakjava7 file -> ojindex1.java7 which is given below..if you type the url

http://localhost:9000/ojindex1.java7 it will show the errors in ojindex1.java7

which is given below...

Error Page (ojindex1.java7) Output:

The database  file or folder wRegister87.html could not be found! Could not find file 'C:\wilmixjeminfiles\sprogramfiles\jrrr\scrollserver\scroll\wRegister87.html'.Exception in thread "main" Invalid Statements.lang.NullPointerException at HTML.retrieve(HTML.Invalid Statements:28) at HTML.displayhtml(HTML.Invalid Statements:256) at ojindex1.main(ojindex1.Invalid Statements:1) at Invalid Statements.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.Invalid Statements:597) at cli.Starter.Main(Unknown Source)


                                                     SAMPLE 30 : DELEGATE  IN OAKJAVA7



OakJava7(JAVA7.0) delegates are similar to pointers to functions, in C or C++. A delegate is a reference type variable that holds the reference to a method. The reference can be changed at runtime.

Declaring Delegates

Delegate declaration determines the methods that can be referenced by the delegate. A delegate can refer to a method, which has the same signature as that of the delegate. In given below syntax @D is  the Delegate.

Syntax for Delegate

@D <return type> <delegate-name> <parameter list>

delegate is  represented as  @D

Instantiating Delegates

Once a delegate type is declared, a delegate object must be created with the new keyword and be associated with a particular method. When creating a delegate, the argument passed to the new expression is written similar to a method call, but without the arguments to the method.

Following example demonstrates declaration, instantiation, and use of a delegate that can be used to reference methods that take an integer parameter and returns an integer value.



@D int Delegatenochange(int n);

<PACK> DelegateApp1 {


   <CLASS> TestDelegate {

      static int num = 10;


      public static int AddNum(int p) {

         num += p;

         return num;


      public static int MultNum(int q) {

         num *= q;

         return num;



public static int DivideNum(int r) {

         num /= r;

         return num;



      public static int getNum() {

         return num;


   public void main()


         //create delegate instances

         Delegatenochange noc1 = new Delegatenochange(AddNum);

         Delegatenochange noc2 = new Delegatenochange(MultNum);

          Delegatenochange noc3 = new Delegatenochange(DivideNum);


         //calling the methods using the delegate objects


      <PRINTLN>("Value of Num: {0}", getNum());


         <PRINTLN>("Value of Num: {0}", getNum());


        <PRINTLN>("Value of Num: {0}", getNum());






Using @D int Delegatenochange(int n); we create a  delegate for

a method. It means we can pass method as parameters. 

consider  the example it is given below...

//num value is  assigned to 10

static int num = 10;

      public static int AddNum(int p) {

         num += p;

         return num;


After that we  are creating  Delegate instance  ie)

 Delegatenochange noc1 = new Delegatenochange(AddNum);

Once you have created it ,then  pass the value as a parameter to delegate instance eg)  noc1(25).

So 10+25 => 35, here 10 is the num value and 25 is  the parameter value passed to AddNum method using   Delegate, so we get the output as 35. Similarly you do as a exercises for the rest of the them.


Value of Num: 35

Value of Num: 175

Value of Num: 17


        SAMPLE 31 :  PREDICATE  and Predicate with DELEGATE  in OakJava7


Predicate  and Predicate with Delegate  in  OakJava7

Predicate is  represented  as @P

Predicate is the delegate like Func and Action delegates. It represents a method containing a set of criteria and checks whether the passed parameter meets those criteria. A predicate delegate methods must take one input parameter and return a boolean - true or false.

The Predicate delegate is defined in the  Oakjava7  Package(namespace)  , as shown below:

Predicate signature

public @D  bool  @P  <in T>(T obj);

Same as other delegate types, Predicate can also be used with any method, anonymous method, or lambda expression.



<PACK> j7Prsample2




           public void main()



         @P < string > CheckIfNokia = @D(string modelName) {  

    if (modelName == "Nokia") return true;  

    else return false;  


bool result = CheckIfNokia("Nokia");  

if (result) <PRINTLN>("Nokia is a olden cellphone");   





For this given example..

    @P < string > CheckIfNokia = @D(string modelName) {  

    if (modelName == "Nokia") return true;  

    else return false;  


Here @P is  the  predicate and  @D is  the delegate. Predicate represents a method containing a set of criteria ( eg) if modelName=Nokia or not) and  check whether the passed parameter meets those criteria.

eg) bool result = CheckIfNokia("Nokia");  

if (result) <PRINTLN>("Nokia is a olden cellphone").  For this  oakjava7 program  it displays Nokia is a olden cellphone. Because the  given modelName parameter value is equal to "Nokia".


Nokia is a olden cellphone


                                 Sample 32: Predicate and Delegate examples


Question: Find the Factorial , Sin,Exp, value of the given expression ie) y,y1 

and asinh,acosh ,atanh,String using delegate 

and Count no of Books,Count no of Negative numbers,Count no of empty book title 

and find factorial (0! to 9!) and 6! (6 factorial) ?



<PACK> j7rsample112


public <CLASS> J7r111


  static int Factorial(int n)


     return n < 1 ? 1 : n * Factorial(n - 1);


static Func<int, int> Factorial()


     Func<int, int> factorial = null;

     factorial = n => n < 1 ? 1 : n * factorial(n - 1);

     return factorial;


public static int Count<T>(T[] arr, @P <T> condition)


    int counter = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)

        if (condition(arr[i]))


    return counter;


           public void main()



 Func<double, double> f1 = Math.Sin;

Func<double, double> f2 = Math.Exp;

double y = f1(2) + f2(3); //y=sin(2) + exp(3)

f2 = f1;

y = f2(9);                //y=sin(9)

<PRINTLN>("fx result1="+y);

Func<double, double> f4 = @D (double x1) { return 8*x1+1; };

double y1 = f4(3); 

f4 = x1 => 32*x1+1;

y1 = f4(6);        

<PRINTLN>("fx result2 with @D ="+y1);

Func<double, double> asinh1 = @D (double x1) { return Math.Log( x1 + Math.Sqrt(x1*x1+1) );} ;

Func<double, double> acosh1 = x => Math.Log( x + Math.Sqrt(x*x-1) ) ;

Func<double, double> atanh1 = x2 => 0.2*( Math.Log( 1 + x2 ) - Math.Log( 1 -x2 ) ) ;

double y5 = asinh1(3);

double y6 = acosh1(4);

double y7 = atanh1(0.6);

<PRINTLN>("asinh with @D ="+y5);

<PRINTLN>("acosh with @D ="+y6);

<PRINTLN>("atanh with @D ="+y7);

 @P <string> longWords = @D (string word) { return word.Length < 10; };

bool y8 = longWords("Madam");

string[] words = {"Madam","jackie",""};

int[] books = {456,789};

int book=0;

<PRINTLN>("String with @D ="+y8);

int Names = Count(words, longWords);

<PRINTLN>("Count names="+Names);

 book = Count(books, @D (int ip) { return ip > 20; });

<PRINTLN>("Count no of Books="+book);

int[] numbers = {-1,-45,1,4,100,-200,-20000,567};

int NegativeNumbers = Count(numbers, x => x < 0);

<PRINTLN>("NegativeNumbers count="+NegativeNumbers);

int EmptyBookTitles = Count(words, String.IsNullOrEmpty);

<PRINTLN>("Empty book title count="+EmptyBookTitles);

var fl = Factorial();

for(int i=0; i<10; i++)

   <PRINTLN>("{0}! = {1}", i, fl(i));

int[] numbers1 = new[] { 5,1,3,7,2,6,4};

Func<int, int> factorial = @D (int num) {

        Func<int, int> locFactorial = null;

        locFactorial = n => n == 1 ? 1 : n * locFactorial(n - 1);

        return locFactorial(num);


int s=factorial(6);

 <PRINTLN>("Factorial Result ="+ s);





Now  here we  are adding data 256 and "Bill" to the ArrayList

 ArrayList list <NEW> ArrayList();

list.Add(256); // boxing


and it will print [256,Bill]  as output.


object o = 1010;

int i = (int)o; //performs unboxing

<PRINTLN>("UnBoxing result ="+i);

we know that the process of converting a Reference Type variable into a Value Type variable. This can be  done by casting, eg) (int) of object instance o. ie) int i=(int)o; This gives a  Unboxing value which is  stored in variable i.


Func<double, double> f4 = @D (double x1) { return 8*x1+1; };

double y1 = f4(3); 

f4 = x1 => 32*x1+1;

y1 = f4(6);   

So when you use y1=f4(6), that means

6 is  assigned to  x1 , ie) 32 *6 +1=> 193 


Here  in this given statement 

@P <string> longWords = @D (string word) { return word.Length < 10; };

bool y8 = longWords("Madam");  

The "Madam" string is  passed  to  LongWords method , it

will check when word.Length <  10 or not. If it is

less than 10 then return the  boolean value as  true.


simillarly when longwords = madam is  passed at Count

(words,longwords) when the Word.length < 10 then the 

counter value gets incremented  ie) in this sample ....

string[] words = {"Madam","jackie",""};

here "madam" string length is 5 , jackie=6 , ""=0

which are less than 10 ; so the counter value becomes 3.

int Names = Count(words, longWords);

so we  get the output  Count names=3


books = {456,789}

book = Count(books, @D (int ip) { return ip > 20; });

<PRINTLN>("Count no of Books="+book);

here we  see in the given above  statement that

456 > 20, 789> 20 ; So the counter value =2.

so we  get the output Count no of Books=2.


int[] numbers = {-1,-45,1,4,100,-200,-20000,567};

int NegativeNumbers = Count(numbers, x => x < 0);

<PRINTLN>("NegativeNumbers count="+NegativeNumbers);

here in this given above statement integer numbers array

is passed which contain 4 positive numbers.we have passed

predicate condition as  x => x < 0 in  the count function.

This conditions will check all the numbers in the numbers array.

so there are  4 positive numbers in that numbers array 

so the counter is  incremented 4 times.so we get the 

output NegativeNumbers count=4.


int EmptyBookTitles = Count(words, String.IsNullOrEmpty);

here the words array contain 2 elements and 1 empty string

so when we  pass  String.IsNullOrEmpty in Count function

this  match  with  the  3rd element that is  1 empty string

present in words array. So the  counter is incremented 1

time.so we get the output Empty book title count=1


var fl = Factorial();

for(int i=0; i<10; i++)

   <PRINTLN>("{0}! = {1}", i, fl(i));

This i represent ith element ie from ( 0 to 9)

f1(i) =>f1(0),f1(1),f1(2),f1(3),f1(4),f1(5),f1(6),f1(7),f1(8),f1(9)

Here f1 is  the factorial function, For loop is repeated 10 times

from (0 to 9).

So we  get the  output as  given below

0! = 1

1! = 1

2! = 2

3! = 6

4! = 24

5! = 120

6! = 720

7! = 5040

8! = 40320

9! = 362880


We are finding the factorial of  6 ie) 6!

int s=factorial(6);

 <PRINTLN>("Factorial Result ="+ s);

when we pass the value 6 to factorial recursion function.

it will multiply the  value = 6 *5 * 4* 3* 2 * 1 = 720.


    static int Factorial(int n)


     return n < 1 ? 1 : n * Factorial(n - 1);


until n < 1 the  recursion  take place.

So we  get the  output as  given below

Factorial Result =720



fx result1=0.412118485241757

fx result2 with delegate =193

asinh with delegate =1.81844645923207

acosh with delegate =2.06343706889556

atanh with delegate =0.277258872223978

String with delegate =True

Count names=3

Count no of Books=2

NegativeNumbers count=4

Empty book title count=1

0! = 1

1! = 1

2! = 2

3! = 6

4! = 24

5! = 120

6! = 720

7! = 5040

8! = 40320

9! = 362880

Factorial Result =720


                                                             Sample 33 : AutoBoxing and UnBoxing


Boxing In OAKJAVA7

 The process of converting a Value Type variable (char, int etc.) to a Reference Type variable (object) is called Boxing.

 Boxing is an implicit conversion process in which object type (super type) is used.

 Value Type variables are always stored in Stack memory, while Reference Type variables are stored in Heap memory.

UnBoxing in OAKJAVA7

 The process of converting a Reference Type variable into a Value Type variable is known as Unboxing. It is an explicit conversion process.



// Load  oakjava7  util packages


<PACK> j7Prsample10


<CLASS> J7Pr10


//Boxing in Oakjava7

           public void main()


 ArrayList list <NEW> ArrayList();

list.Add(256); // boxing


<PRINTLN>("Boxing result ="+list);

object o = 1010;

int i = (int)o; //performs unboxing

<PRINTLN>("UnBoxing result ="+i);





Now  here we  are adding data 256 and "Bill" to the ArrayList

 ArrayList list <NEW> ArrayList();

list.Add(256); // boxing


and it will print [256,Bill]  as output.

object o = 1010;

int i = (int)o; //performs unboxing

<PRINTLN>("UnBoxing result ="+i);

we know that the process of converting a Reference Type variable into a Value Type variable. This

can be  done by casting, eg) (int) of object instance o. 

ie) int i=(int)o; This gives a  Unboxing value which is  stored in variable i.


Boxing result =[256, Bill]

UnBoxing result =1010



                                                       Sample 34:Lambdaj7 in  Oakjava7


What  is  Lambdaj7 expression?

Lambda expressions are anonymous functions that contain expressions or sequence of operators.

All lambda expressions use the lambda operator @L, that can be read as “goes to” or “becomes”.

 The left side of the lambda operator specifies the input parameters and the right side holds

 an expression or a code block that works with the entry parameters.

Here we can see about Lambda Pass by value, Lambda function condition check all the numbers which is Odd or not, Perform ADD operations by  passing 10,10 value in add method, Action , Delegate, Predicate, anonymous function to print the given value.



<PACK> Program8



    <CLASS> Prog


    static int Sum(int x, int y)


        return x + y;


static bool IsUpperCase(string str)


    return str.Equals(str.ToUpper());


public @D void Print(int value);


      public void main()


// statement lambda that takes two int inputs and returns the sum 


@A<string> greet = name @L



    string greeting = "Hello";





int[] numbers = { 5, 4, 1, 3, 9, 8, 6, 7, 2, 0 };

Func <int,bool> oddNumbers = n @L n % 2 == 1;


<PRINTLN>("There are "+oddNumbers(5)+" odd numbers in "+ string.Join(" ", numbers));


        Func<int,int, int> add = Sum;

        int result = add(10, 10);


    @A<int> printActionDel = @D(int i)







    @P <string> isUpper = IsUpperCase;

    bool result1 = isUpper("hello world!!");



    Print print = @D(int val) { 

        <PRINTLN>("Inside Anonymous method. Value: {0}", val); 








There are True odd numbers in 5 4 1 3 9 8 6 7 2 0




Inside Anonymous method. Value: 100


i) Lambda Pass by value and  concat the strings greeting and


@A<string> greet = name @L


    string greeting = "Hello";





Here "@L" says that it is  a lambda function.

when greet function is called and string "World"  is

passed to  the Lambda function. In the  Lambda function

when greeting ="Hello" and greeting and  name value is

passed to the  print statement.Here name variable is

assigned as  "World". So we  will get output  as  "HelloWorld".

ii) Lambda function condition check all the numbers which is Odd or not?

int[] numbers = { 5, 4, 1, 3, 9, 8, 6, 7, 2, 0 };

Func <int,bool> oddNumbers = n @L n % 2 == 1;

<PRINTLN>("There are "+oddNumbers(5)+" odd numbers in "+ string.Join(" ", numbers));

Here "@L" says that it is a lamda function.And we are assigning the

return type in  Func function as  int,boolean(bool). 

ie) Func <int,bool> . Where n @L n % 2 == 1 is  the lamda function condition.

It will check whether integers in numbers array is odd number or not.

so When the OddNumbers(5) is  invoked  and the print statement

will  print boolean value as true. So this string.Join(" ",numbers) will

print numbers array complete contents. So we  will get output  as  given below

There are True odd numbers in 5 4 1 3 9 8 6 7 2 0

iii) Perform ADD operations by  passing 10,10 value in add method.

 Func<int,int, int> add = Sum;

        int result = add(10, 10);


static int Sum(int x, int y)


        return x + y;


Here we are using 3 integers datatype in Func<int,int,int> and

we are assuming Sum method to add function; so it will perform

Sum operations using method Sum(int x, int y). When we pass the value 

in add function which is given below..

add(10, 10) and  we use <PRINTLN> statement to print the result value.

So we  will get output as  20.

iv) Use Action Delegate to print the value which you passed

in printActionDel(10) method.

  @A<int> printActionDel = @D(int i)





What is Action Delegate ?

Action type delegate is the same as Func delegate except that 

the Action delegate doesn't return a value. In other words, an 

Action delegate can be used with a method that has a void return type.

Action Delegate is represented as @A in oakjava7 program.

Using object of Action delegate printActionDel(10) will print the value

as  10  as  the output. Because we  use <PRINTLN>(i) statement inside

Action Delegate block.

v) Check whether the given string is UpperCase or not. and print that boolean value

 @P<string> isUpper = IsUpperCase;

    bool result1 = isUpper("hello world!!");


Predicate is the delegate like Func and Action delegates. 

It represents a method containing a set of criteria and checks whether the 

passed parameter meets those criteria. A predicate delegate methods must take one

 input parameter and return a boolean - true or false.

Predicate Syntax

public @D bool @P<in T>(T obj);

Here  at Predicate object isUpper is  assigned a IsUpperCase functions.

so when we pass the value "hello world!!" to the Predicate object

isUpper will return the boolean value as false.Because it will check

whether the  value "hello world!!" is UpperCase or not. But here it

is Lowercase so it return a value false as the output when we 

print the result value.

vi) use anonymous function to print the given value.


    Print print = @D(int val) { 

        <PRINTLN>("Inside Anonymous method. Value: {0}", val); 



Here in this Anonymous function object print(100)

means value 100 is  passed to print Anonymous method.

val is assigned 100 as a value.

So <PRINTLN> will print the output which is given 

below ...

Inside Anonymous method. Value: 100


Sample 35: Define and Explain forward , include , visitor count,ip address and hostname  internationalization  with an example


1) Forward Action 




public static forward list=new forward("{key}",arraylistobject);

It is used to forward a request  or a  list or set of data to another page.

Here {key} indicates the key , arraylistObject indicates arraylist object.

2) Include Action





It is used to insert a file into the same page. 

Here <filename> given is  html file name.

eg) Java7request.include("test.html",0,"html");

 And "html" indicates  it is  html type file.

So choice =0 indicates that the filename belong to html file or

any other type filename.




Here when we don't give htmlfilename and give as other filename and choice =1

and "exe" indicates that it is a executable file name. Then it will include

executable filename and it is called as assembly file.

eg) Java7request.include("autocomplete",1,"exe");




Here when we don't give htmlfilename and give as other filename and choice =2

and "ojava7" indicates that it is a oakjava7 file name and it is also an executable filename.

 Then it will include oakjava7 executable filename and it is called as Oakjava7 assembly file.

eg) Java7request.include("jarray",2,"ojava7");

3) Visitor Count





Visitor count will be incremented  every time a person visit the page

and it's return value is always an integer.

eg) int count =Java7request.Visitorscount("visitor1"); 

Here visitor1 is  the Visitorscount name.

4) Visitor clear count





Visitor count will be cleared when the person visit the page  5 times

ie) if count > 5  then count =0;

and it's return value is always an void.


if (count >5)


5) Date in Oakjava7


 Date d=new Date(); 

=> It is used to create date object d.

 <PRINTLN>("Second of the minute is  : "+d.getSeconds());  

=> It is  used to get seconds from our current date hour.

6) OakJava7 - internationalization i18n


Locale[] locales = { new Locale("en", "US"),  

 new Locale("es", "ES"), new Locale("it", "IT") }; 

=> Locale[] contains array of US english, es Spanish, it Itally locale objects.  


for (int i=0; i<3; i++) 


 String displayLanguage = locales[i].getDisplayLanguage(locales[i]);   

 <PRINTLN>(" "+locales[i].ToString() + " =  " + displayLanguage); 



 => Here locales[i].getDisplayLanguage(locales[i]);

is to display languages as English, español, italiano

=> Here  locales[i].ToString()  will  display as en_US, es_ES, it_IT repectively  

for display languages as English, español, italiano

7) IP Address and Hostname





It is  used  to display  IP address and Hostname for your machine

8) AutoRefresh Page





It will automatically refresh the page every n seconds

eg)  Java7request.AutoRefresh(3000);

In this given example it will refresh the page

every  3 seconds.



<USE> ScrollLib;//load ScrollLib packages

<USE> <OJ7UTIL>; //load  oakjava7 util  packages

<PACK> example1


public <CLASS> Java7eg1



public static forward list= null;

public static void Java7eg1t2()


ArrayList ar = new ArrayList();

ArrayList ar1 = new ArrayList();

for(int i=0;i<100;i++)


for(int i=100;i<200;i++)


 list=new forward("language0",ar);



           public void main()






// Java7request.include("autocomplete",1,"exe");

// Java7request.include("jarray",2,"ojava7");

  // Java7request.AutoRefresh(3000);

int count=Java7request.Visitorscount("visitor1");


<PRINTLN>("visitor count="+count);


if (count >5)


 Date d=new Date();  

        <PRINTLN>("Second of the minute is  : "+d.getSeconds());  


Locale[] locales = { new Locale("en", "US"),  

 new Locale("es", "ES"), new Locale("it", "IT") };   


for (int i=0; i<3; i++) 


 String displayLanguage = locales[i].getDisplayLanguage(locales[i]);   

 <PRINTLN>(" "+locales[i].ToString() + " =  " + displayLanguage); 







      <CATCH> (Exception e)


        <PRINTLN>("Error.... "+e);




        <PRINTLN>("The Finally block  is  executed...");





Note: It will display test.html form and the given below output and

after that it will display Register100.html form.


Your current IP address : DESKTOP-H7QSQP2/

Your current Hostname : DESKTOP-H7QSQP2

visitor count=6


Second of the minute is  : 47


 en_US =  English


 es_ES =  español


 it_IT =  italiano



Sample 36: Define and Explain first Page for forward action and Next page for forward action output.


Sample35.web contains static method Java7eg1t2(). 


public static void Java7eg1t2()


ArrayList ar = new ArrayList();

ArrayList ar1 = new ArrayList();

for(int i=0;i<100;i++)


for(int i=100;i<200;i++)


 list=new forward("language0",ar);

//This statement will  set arraylist value to  ar1




Arraylist ar contains  100 elements from  0 to 99

and Arraylist ar1 contains 100 elements from  100 to 199.

and Forward Action assumes two Arraylist objects ar and  ar1.

Now see the  second page program...



<USE> ScrollLib;// load  the ScrollLib util package

<USE> <OJ7UTIL>;//load  util  packages

<USE> example1; // load the firstpage package example1

<PACK> example2


<CLASS> Java7eg2


           public void main()




//Call the public static method Java7eg1t() 



ArrayList ars = Java7eg1.list.getForwardValue("language1");




 ArrayList ars1 = Java7eg1.list.getForwardValue("language0"); 

 <PRINTLN>(" ");



      <CATCH> (Exception e)


        <PRINTLN>("Error.... "+e);




        <PRINTLN>("The Finally block  is  executed...");






After calling the public static method Java7eg1t() method which is

Java7eg1.Java7eg1t(),Java7eg1 represent the name of class and Java7eg1t() is the method name for Java7eg1.

which is  called in Sample36.web and it  will intialize the array list ars and ars2 values

of forward action values which are language1,language0 respectively  which  can be  done  which are  given below....

ArrayList ars = Java7eg1.list.getForwardValue("language1"); 

// Note this Java7eg1.list.getForwardValue("language1") will return the Arraylist object Forward action "language1" value  and which is  assign to arraylist ars


 ArrayList ars1 = Java7eg1.list.getForwardValue("language0"); 

// Note this Java7eg1.list.getForwardValue("language0") will return the Arraylist object Forward action "language0" value

and which is  assign to arraylist ars1

 <PRINTLN>(" ");


So ars.get(90) arraylist contains 190 as value because we assigned the values of  For loop from

100 to 199 and we add this to  ar1 arraylist in sample35 program which is given below ...

for(int i=100;i<200;i++)


and ars1.get(80) will contain 80 value because we assigned the values of  For loop from

1 to 99.

We know  finally  block will  execute whether error happens or not.

So it display the value with String  "190 80The Finally block  is  executed..." 

as  output. So the output will be given below..


 190 80The Finally block  is  executed...


Sample 37:  Define and Explain OakJava7 Context,OakJava7 Session, OakJava7 Config 


OakJava7 Context

OakJava7 Context will have constant Oakjava7 context values and it reduces the need of

xml file. So it will carry to be used with in the OakJava7 Web Application and

at the next OakJava7 Web application. Syntax is given below..

public static Java7Context <contextobject> = new Java7Context("Key=Value");

Java7 Context should be used outside any methods or main method. When you store 

the values using this given above syntax. and  when you  use this given below syntax.

<Classname first program>.<contextobject>.get(Index).ToString();

we can retreive the value and we  can print it by using the syntax which is given above...


public static Java7Context list = new Java7Context("Secretno=1089678");


[where Program indicates Sessiontracking classname and list is the  context object,

and we can get the first value by using get(0).ToString().]

OakJava7 Session 

OakJava7 Session is  created using the given below syntax...

public static Java7Session <sessionobject> = new Java7Session("<key>","<value>");

This is used to create OakJava7 Session, with key and value.

OakJava7 Session is  used to carry data or array list of data to the page(filename.exe) that you have mentioned in html file.

OakJava7 Session can retrieve the value by using the given below Syntax.



public static Java7Session list1 = new Java7Session("No of employees","1000 employees");

public static void p()


list1.setValue("seqno1","2000 values");

list1.setValue("seqno2","2001 values");

list1.setValue("seqno3","2005 values");


so using <sessionobject>.setValue(....) function  we can store many keys and  value needed for the next page.

OakJava7 Config

OakJava7 Config is used to retrieve the configuration information. Example 

using Java7Config.getParameter("Driver").


Java7Config.getParameter("<configuration key name>");

J7Config.config file is a global Oakjava7Config file which is  used to store all the configuration 

information and such configuration will be used by the Oakjava7 programs.

eg)  This <- arrow indicates that sun.jdbc.Driver is  assigned to a key Driver.

This given below example indicates how to store the information with key and value parameters.


Driver <- sun.jdbc.Driver

First Program



<USE> ScrollLib;

<PACK> example11


public <CLASS> Program


public static Java7Session list1 = new Java7Session("No of employees","1000 employees");

public static Java7Context list = new Java7Context("Secretno=1089678");

public static void p()


list1.setValue("seqno1","2000 values");

list1.setValue("seqno2","2001 values");

list1.setValue("seqno3","2005 values");




Note: This program will generate a .dll file when you compile using  javac7 <filename.web>.Put that filename.web.dll in oakjava7  properties file and after that copy that generated .dll file from outputs directory  to d:\ or  c:\oakjava7\src directory.

Second Program



<USE> ScrollLib;

<USE> example11;

<PACK> Sessiontracks1


<CLASS> Program1


           public void main()




     <PRINTLN>("  <BR>   ");

 //intialize and  add the  session data or session Arraylist data.


<PRINTLN>("   <BR>     ");

 <PRINTLN>("Session value of  seqno1 ="+Program.list1.getSessionValue("seqno1")); 

<PRINTLN>("  <BR>   ");

 <PRINTLN>("OakJava7Context ="+Program.list.get(0).ToString()); 

<PRINTLN>("  <BR>   ");


<PRINTLN>(" <BR>    ");


      <CATCH> (Exception e)


        <PRINTLN>("Error.... "+e);




        <PRINTLN>("The Finally block  is  executed...");





Final Output:-

Session value of seqno1 =2000 values

OakJava7Context =Secretno=1089678


The Finally block is executed...


                                            OAKJava7(JAVA7.0) Advanced Concepts : OakJava7 Streams



                                        Sample 38: OakJava7 Streams Introduction


OakJava7 Streams

OakJava7 stream is  invented by J. Wilmix jemin at year 2023. This project

takes the time for me around 1 month to build the OakJava7 Streams.

Streams are more important for the development to do

any program. OakJava7 stream is  learnable.

In Java (Jdk1.8) streams are not  learnable.So

Oakjava7 stream is nothing but it is same as

Jdk1.8 stream.So if you know Jdk1.8 then

you can easily learn OakJava7 Stream.

OakJava7 Streams represent a pipeline through which data will flow and the functions to

 operate on the data. A pipeline in this instance consists of a stream source, followed by 

zero or more intermediate operations, and a terminal operation.

OakJava7 Streams are used to optimize the oakjava7 source code.

But there are 8 blocks of streams which are given below....

Stream() block ,Read Ln block ,Display block,Streamagg() block,Streamfx() block,

Stream.Generate block,LOGIC block, and ParallelStream() block.

When these types of Block are used ? Explain it briefly ?

Mostly it is not to memorize all the blocks ,but you

have to say only the types of block during the oakjava7 interview.

Even if you don't use Read Ln block ,Display block,

Stream.Generate block,LOGIC block the oakjava7 compiler

will not throw error.

Stream() block 

Stream block are the streams which contains

stream objects that can call any functions.

that is represented as 




where  ...... represents Read Ln block ,Display block,

Stream.Generate block,and ,LOGIC block.

Stream()-> block is represented with Read Ln block ,Display block,

Stream.Generate block,and ,LOGIC block,  Streams() are like pipeline.


Other Streams Block

Like Stream() block other  Stream block like  

Streamagg() block,Streamfx() block, and ParallelStream() block

functions the  same things but the syntax may differ.

Streamfx() Block





where  ...... represents Read Ln block ,Display block,

Stream.Generate block,and ,LOGIC block.

Where Functions represents Oakjava7 functions...

So only Oakjava7 functions should be  mentioned in this


Streamagg() block




Agg f(x) in  oj7stream



where  ...... represents Read Ln block ,Display block,

Stream.Generate block,and ,LOGIC block.

Where Functions represents Oakjava7 Aggregate functions...

So only Oakjava7 aggregate functions should be  mentioned in this


ParallelStream() block

In ParallelStream() Block stream

will display the data in a non sequence random order.

But Streams() block data will display the

datas in a sequence order. This is the

major difference between Stream() block

and Parallel stream block.. Parallel stream block

syntax is given below...


Read Ln block , LOGIC block, and Display block

The Read Ln block syntax is  given below...



Input statements...


where  ...... represents Read Ln block statements should be mentioned .So only

Input data should be mentioned according to the

rules of OakJava7 Stream. So it is good for

the client to read your program and analyze the Input

functionality which is mentioned in the

ReadLn block.

The Display block syntax is  given below...



Output statements...


where  ...... represents Display block,

 and ,LOGIC block.So only

Display statements(eg is Print statements and it's related statements) should be mentioned according to the rules of OakJava7 Stream. So it is good for

the client to read your program and analyze the output

functionality which is mentioned in the

DISPLAY block.

The Logic Block syntax is given below...


......... Logical statements...


where  ...... represents LOGICAL block statements should be represented in this Logic Block.Ie) only

Display statements(eg is Print statements and it's related statements) should be mentioned according to the rules of OakJava7 Stream. So it is good for the client to read your program and analyze the

functionality which is mentioned in the  Logic block.

Stream.Generate block

When the  business requirement became very complex or

hard or medium we must focus on Stream.Generate block.

It is same as Stream.Generate block followed by

limit() and  skip functions or foreach functions.

So the Syntax for Stream.Generate block is given below...


......... Stream.Generate releated Logical statements.. or double for..loop or

double while -- loop or complex ,hard or medium statements..


Where Stream.Generate releated Logical statements . or double for..loop or

double while -- loop or complex ,hard or medium statements..

example for Stream.Generate() is given below...

Medium problem : Ascending or  descending order...


for (int i=0;i<n ;i++)


for (int j=0;j<n ;j++)


if (a[i] > a[j])









Note: We can see more detail about this 8 blocks like

Stream() block ,Read Ln block ,Display block,Streamagg() block,Streamfx() block,

Stream.Generate block,LOGIC block, and ParallelStream() block.




 Sample 39: OakJava7 Streams :Sample -1 : Use of J7Filter and list array containing numbers.


Write a  OakJava7 stream program using J7Filter (OakJava7 Filter) and  Print the List array   containing numbers  present in the List.


<WEB> // Start point of oakjava7 program,it is mandatory.

// All the Oakjava7(JAVA7.0) namespace <PACK> should  be used,

// so without namespace <PACK> will result in error and your oakjava7 program

// will not work correctly.

<PACK> sample1


public <CLASS> Programn



   public void main()


// starting point of oakjava7 stream


// Input data  stream -> READLN


int a=5;

int b=3;

int salary = 200000;

float f=123;

// letters arranged and oakjava7 array dimension should be  focus on left side.

char []letters= { 'W', 'e', 'b'};

 String a1="Madam";

String a2=a1+"1";

// pass the  letter character array to string

string s1 <NEW> string(letters);

string s2 <NEW> string(letters);


// Printing all the oakJava7 filter values using J7Print ie) Oakjava7Print statement.


// J7Filter (Oakjava7 filter) returns boolean value only; and that J7filter value is  passed to oakjava7 Print statement.

//check the condition if the salary is greater than 10000 value 

// if not return false other wise J7Filter return true.

obj->J7Print(obj->J7Filter( salary > 10000));

//check the condition if the salary is greater than 10000 value  ,if f value is  greater than 121.0 or not or a1 value is "Madam" or not.

// If both conditions return true then the result  will be the true value

// if not return false other wise J7Filter return true.

obj->J7Print(obj->J7Filter( (salary > 10000)&& (f>121.0)&&(a1=="Madam"  ) ));

//check if a value is equal to  5 or not. if not return false other wise J7Filter return true.

obj->J7Print(obj->J7Filter( a ==5));

//check if a  a value is greater than b or not. if not return false other wise J7Filter return true.

obj->J7Print(obj->J7Filter( a >b));

//check if a  a value is less than b or not. if not return false other wise J7Filter return true.

obj->J7Print(obj->J7Filter( a < b));

//check if a  a value is greater than b or not. and  b value is  equal to zero or not. 

//If both conditions return true then the result  will be the true  value 

// if not return false other wise J7Filter return true.

obj->J7Print(obj->J7Filter( (a >b) && (b==0)));

//check if a  a value is greater than b or not. and  b value is  equal to zero or not. 

//If any of the conditions return true then the result  will be the true value 

// if not return false other wise J7Filter return true.

obj->J7Print(obj->J7Filter( (a >b)|| (b==0)));

//if (a!=0) then J7Filter return true. otherwise  return false...


//if (a==a2) then J7Filter return true. otherwise  return false...


//if (s1  equals s2) then J7Filter return true. otherwise  return false... 

// ie) Equals is  used for  string object comparison

 obj->J7Print(obj->J7Filter(s1.Equals(s2) ));

// Assign numbers like (11,17,19,30,48,53,19) to the List

//<OJ7UTIL>.List  lop=  <OJ7UTIL>.Arrays.asList(11,17,19,30,48,53,19);

string data="11,17,19,30,48,53,19";

<OJ7UTIL>.List  lop=  <AUTOBOX_ARRAY>(data);

// Print the lop array List using J7Print by passing lop to J7Print function.









I have already explained by giving comments above the Oakjava7 statements. J7Filter is for checking  the condition. If the condition matches it will return a  boolean value  true or  it  will return false.


In the OakJava7 properties file you must use OJ7Stream.dll file. Go to

c:\ wilmix or create a directory in C or  d drive or which directory you have created , start Visual studio code editor  and type the command which is given below...

Use PS C:\wilmix> ./oj7stream 

to  run the program in visual studio code Editor.

For  the  compilation of  oakjava7 program  you have to use  the given below command as  shown below...

           javac7   oj7stream.web

it  will generate  oj7stream.exe  and  oj7stream.ojava7  executable file.  In order to   run oj7stream.ojava7  file  , you must  go  for  OakJava7 Shell (Java7 Shell).  As  i already explained in the  oakjava7 tutorial.




                Sample 40: OakJava7 Streams: Sample 2: Method Reference using map


Write a  oakjava7 program for  Method Reference using map  using oakjava7 stream ?




<PACK> sample2


public <CLASS> Programn



//  Write a  method display returning string value pass

public String display()


      <PRINTLN>("printing display method");



   public void main()




// create instance for Programn class

Programn sorted <NEW> Programn();



// Obj is nothing but oakjava7 Stream object.

// so pass the class object to the Oakjava7 Map 

// ie) J7Map function as a first parameter

// and  use "::" method reference operator.

// Also pass the name of the method display method which contain 

// pass as the string value, so what happens it return

// the value and  stored in Object s11.

// so here in this case no need to call the method by creating the instance

// of  the method...

// you can call the display method dynamically as we see the same

// concept in Jdk1.8. 

Object s11= obj->J7Map(sorted :: "display");

// Pass the s11 value to J7Print statement it will

//print the  value at the Console.










printing display method



 Sample 41: OakJava7 Streams:  Sample 2: Filter the integers starts with 1  and Merge the given data with list of boolean values


Write the oakjava7 program to list all the nos starts with  "1" and return true for those  given values starts with 1 from given list (11,17,19,30,48,53,19) and finally  merge the given data with list of boolean values?




<PACK> sample1


public <CLASS> Programn



   public void main()




<OJ7UTIL>.List lop3= new <OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList();

string data67="11,17,19,30,48,53,19";

 <OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList  lop=<AUTOBOX_ARRAY>(data67);


<OJ7UTIL>.List lop2= new <OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList();

int j=0;

int[] vals = {11,17,19,30,48,53,19};

// This Foreach loop will get the values

//from int array and when val variable refer

// to vals array. Values will be transfered

// to val variable.

foreach (var val in vals)




foreach (int data in vals) 


// This given data is checked whether the values start by one

// or not using StartsWith method, so the numbers start by

// "1" is filtered using J7Filter...

Object sp=obj->J7Filter((""+data).StartsWith("1"));

//pass obj to J7Assign to assign the filtered data ie the no starts  with 1

// and boolean values will be  stored in lop5 list.


<OJ7UTIL>.List  lop5  = obj->J7Assign(sp);

// Boolean values like True or False will be present

// in  List lop5. we should remove all the invalid data

// Which is [ or  ] .

 // After that at lop5 list is  convert to replace invalid datas "[", "]"

// by space.

if (lop5.get(j).ToString().Replace("[","").Replace("]","")=="True")

// after that data which start with "1" is passed to  the Oakjava7 filter (J7Filter)

// and such data is passed to lop3 is  stored in lop3 using add method.






// Print the array list lop3 values

//using J7Print (oakJava7 print statement).



// J7Assign statement will store the value in

// lop511 list.

 <OJ7UTIL>.List lop511 = obj->J7Assign(lop);

// Print the array list lop511 values

//using J7Print (oakJava7 print statement).
















[11, 17, 19, 19]


[True, True, True, False, False, False, True, [11, 17, 19, 30, 48, 53, 19]]


Sample 42: OakJava7 Streams: Sample 3 :  Using AnyMatchfx functions.


Q) Use AnyMatchfx functions, it  returns a  boolean value true  when 5 is  present in the  list n1.



<PACK> sample4


public <CLASS> Programn



   public void main()


<PRINTLN>(" Any match using list are ...");


//READLN is  optional


// List  contains 3, 4, 6, 12, 20 elements..

string data="3, 4, 6, 12, 20";

<OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList  list5=<AUTOBOX_ARRAY>(data);

int n=0;

bool exp=false;

int exp11=0;

bool result=false;

//pass obj list5 to J7Assignfx function to assign the list5 data

<OJ7UTIL>.List  list6= obj->J7Assignfx(list5);

<OJ7UTIL>.List  n1=new  <OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList();

for (int i=0;i<list6.size();i++)


// Convert  the List6 string to int format.

 n= int.Parse((list6.get(i).ToString()));

// provide expression for that.

exp11=(n * (n + 1))/4;

// Again add  it  to  n1 list size.





// In case of  AnyMatchfx functions, it  returns a  boolean value true when 5 is  present in the  list n1

bool sop=obj->AnyMatchfx(n1,5);








 Any match using list are ...



                       Sample 43: OakJava7 Streams: Sample 4 : Using AllMatchfx functions.


Q) Use AllMatchfx functions, it  returns a  boolean value true  when 5 is  present in the  list n2.



<PACK> sample4


public <CLASS> Programn



   public void main()


<PRINTLN>(" All match using list are ...");



string data="4, 4, 4, 4, 4";

 <OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList  list51=<AUTOBOX_ARRAY>(data);

<PRINTLN>("The given data ..."+list51);

//<OJ7UTIL>.List  list51 = <OJ7UTIL>.Arrays.asList(4, 4, 4, 4, 4);

<OJ7UTIL>.List  list61= obj->J7Assignfx(list51);

int n12=0;int exp112=0;

bool exp1=false;

<OJ7UTIL>.List  n2=new  <OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList();

for (int i=0;i<list61.size();i++)


 n12= int.Parse(list61.get(i).ToString());

exp112=(n12 * (n12 + 1))/4;




//About Display you can see at Chapter 1


// AllMatchfx functions, it  returns a  boolean value true  when all data  is 5 and  it is present in the  list n2

bool sop1=obj->AllMatchfx(n2,5);

<PRINTLN>(" All match using list are ...");









 All match using list are ...

 All match  ...[5, 5, 5, 5, 5]

 All match using list are ...



        Sample 44: OakJava7 Streams: Sample 5 : Using    NoneMatchfx functions.


Q) Use NoneMatchfx functions, it  returns a  boolean value true  when 5 is not present in the  list n3.



<PACK> sample4


public <CLASS> Programn



   public void main()


<PRINTLN>("None match using list are ...");



string data="41, 41, 41, 41, 41";

 <OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList list52=<AUTOBOX_ARRAY>(data);

//<OJ7UTIL>.List  list52 = <OJ7UTIL>.Arrays.asList(41, 41, 41, 41, 41);;

//None match

<OJ7UTIL>.List  list62= obj->J7Assignfx(list52);

int n122=0;int n22=0;

bool exp12=false;

int exp1122=0;

<OJ7UTIL>.List  n3 <NEW>  <OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList();

for (int i=0;i<list62.size();i++)


 n122= int.Parse(list62.get(i).ToString());

exp1122=(n122 * (n122 + 1))/4;





//Use NoneMatchfx functions, it  returns a  boolean value true  when 5 is not present in the  list n3.

bool sop2=obj->NoneMatchfx(n3,5);









None match using list are ...



Sample 45: OakJava7 Streams: Sample 6 : Using Aggregate functions like Minimum,Maximum,Nth minimum,Nth maximum, and  use Oakjava7 Streams for  forLoop.


Q: Using Aggregate functions like Minimum, Maximum,Nth minimum,Nth maximum, and  use Oakjava7 Streams for  forLoop.



<PACK> sample47


public <CLASS> Programn7



   public void main()


// This stream is used for  Aggregate functions.


<PRINTLN>("Agg f(x) in  oj7stream are ...");

// max ,minimum,Average


int[] arr = {25, 11, 7, 75, 56 };

// Pass the array (arr) values in the oakjava7 streams forLoop

//and it  will print the contents of integer array.


// maximum element in the given arrayList

// j7Lib indicated Oakjava7 library

// This -> indicates oakjava7 functional pointer to array arr

int maimum= j7Lib->maximum(arr);

<PRINTLN>("Maximum element in the given array is:");


// minimum element in the given arrayList

int miimum= j7Lib->minimum(arr);

<PRINTLN>("Minimum element in the given array is:");


// 2nd Maximum element in the given array is:

<PRINTLN>("2nd Maximum element in the given array is:");

// To find the Second highest in a given  array, you much  

//choose the index as 1. Because the Array index is 1

// NMax means Nth element in the given array.

int Nmaz= j7Lib->NMax(arr,1);


// For finding third minimum element you must choose arry index as 2.

<PRINTLN>("3rd Minimum element in the given array is:");

int Nmiz= j7Lib->NMin(arr,2);


<PRINTLN>("Average for the given elements in the given array is:");

double[] arr22=  {25.0,25.0,25.0,25.0,31.0};

// Find  the  average  for the given double array.

double di=AGG->avg(arr22);

// Print the double value in this format.

AGG->J7Printf( di,"AGG =.00");

<PRINTLN>(" ");








Agg f(x) in  oj7stream are ...






Maximum element in the given array is:


Minimum element in the given array is:


2nd Maximum element in the given array is:


3rd Minimum element in the given array is:


Average for the given elements in the given array is:

AGG =26.20


Sample 46: OakJava7 Streams: Sample 7 : Using Streamfx() Reduce functions like  Reducefx,Reducefxsum,Reducefxproduct,ReduceIntfxmaxmin


Q)  Write Oakjava7 program for Streamfx() functions like 



public <CLASS> Programn8



   public void main()




<PRINTLN>("Use Of Reduce Functions:");


//<OJ7UTIL>.List  words = <OJ7UTIL>.Arrays.asList("GFG", "Geeks", "for",    "GeeksQuiz", "GeeksforGeeks"); 

string data="'GFG', 'Geeks', 'for', 'GeeksQuiz', 'GeeksforGeeks'";

 <OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList  words=<AUTOBOX_ARRAY>(data);  

// Use of Reducefx function is to reduce

// contents of the stream to a single value

// Here fx represent object of  Streamfunctions

String  sop5=fx->Reducefx(words);


 String[] array = { "Geeks", "for", "Geeks" }; 

//When you pass string array values and "-"

// So instead of space "-" value is used so "-" Value also get

//Appended , so the output is  "Geeks-for-Geeks"

String rop=fx->Reducefx(array,"-");


  // <OJ7UTIL>..List array1 = <OJ7UTIL>.Arrays.asList(-2, 0, 4, 6, 8); 

string arraynos="-2, 0, 4, 6, 8";

<OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList  array1=<AUTOBOX_ARRAY>(arraynos);

// This given below reduce function finds sum of the numbers which is present in Arrays.asList

int rop1= fx->Reducefxsum(array1);


// Reducefxproduct is to multiply the given range nos  between 2 and 8

// Which is passed as the argument to Reducefxproduct function

//eg) for(int i=2;i<8;i++) loop has taken given range nos 2 and  8

// so the product output is 2*3*4*5*6*7*8 = 5040

int p=fx->Reducefxproduct(2,8);

fx->J7Print(" ForLoopRange ReduceProduct="+p);

//<OJ7UTIL>.List   lsop = <OJ7UTIL>.Arrays.asList(2,2,3,4,8,100,-2,300);

string arraynos1="2,2,3,4,8,100,-2,300";

<OJ7UTIL>.List   lsop = <AUTOBOX_ARRAY>(arraynos1);

// This ReduceIntfxmaxmin(lsop,1) , so in this case

//  1 value return a maximum value

// 0 value return a minimum value

 int aop=  fx->ReduceIntfxmaxmin(lsop,1);


String[] letters1  = {"u","d","e","m","y",".","c","o","m"};

// At here we pass the string array(letters1) value 

//with empty string as another parameter , so the

//output value is udemy.com 


String  sop51=fx->Reducefx(letters1,"");








Use Of Reduce Functions:




ForLoopRange ReduceProduct=5040




Sample 47: OakJava7 Streams: Sample 7 : Using Streamfx() functions like 

ConvertfxArrayList, Joining functions.


Q) Write a Oakjava7 program to Convert string array to List format,

, use Joining functions.



<PACK> sample47


public <CLASS> Programn9



   public void main()





//String array  to List conversion

String [] arr5 = { "SanJose", "Dallas", "Chicago","SanAntonio", "LosAngeles", "Portland", "Tucson" };  



// j7Lib is the object of Streamfx function and 

// we pass the values of String array arr5 to

//ConvertfxArrayList function is used to

// convert the array to List.

<OJ7UTIL>.List  lopc= j7Lib->ConvertfxArrayList(arr5);



//Joining function is used to append the value "->" with the

// String present in the arr5 array. so the

//output will be SanJose->Dallas->Chicago->SanAntonio->LosAngeles->Portland->Tucson


String  join=fx->Joining(arr5,"->");









[SanJose, Dallas, Chicago, SanAntonio, LosAngeles, Portland, Tucson]



Sample 48: OakJava7 Streams:  Sample 8 : Using Stream.generate functions like 

 maptoobj,mapstring,maptolong,maptodouble to assign a value.


Write a oakjava7 program using Stream.generate functions like 

 maptoobj,mapstring,maptolong,maptodouble to assign a value:-



<PACK> sample47


public <CLASS> Programn10



   public void main()





// Assign value maptoobj,mapstring,maptolong,mapto double

// Assign value to object using J7Map and print it using J7Print

Object asgn= obj->J7Map("abc");



<PRINTLN>("Integer For Loop");

// Assign Integer value to object using J7Map and print it using J7Print

Object[] arg12={1,5,3,89,45};

Object[] asgn1= obj->J7Map(arg12);

// This forfxloop methods will convert the  object array to the List format.

 <OJ7UTIL>.List ans= obj->forfxLoop(asgn1);



// Assign Double  value to object using J7Map and print it using J7Print

Object[] arg13={1.2,5.5,3.7,89.9,45.6};

Object[] asgn2=obj->J7Map(arg13);

// This forfxloop methods will convert the  object array to the List format.

 <OJ7UTIL>.List ans1= obj->forfxLoop(asgn2);



// Assign long  value to object using J7Map and print it using J7Print

Object[] arg14={199999999.2,999999995.5,999999993.7,9999999989.9,9999999945.6};

Object[] asgn3 = obj->J7Map(arg14);

// This forfxloop methods will convert the  object array to the List format.

 <OJ7UTIL>.List ans3 = obj->forfxLoop(asgn3);



// Assign String value to object using J7Map and print it using J7Print

Object[] arg15={"SanJose", "Dallas", "Chicago","SanAntonio", "LosAngeles", "Portland", "Tucson"};

Object[] asgn4= obj->J7Map(arg15);

// This forfxloop methods will convert the  object array to the List format.

 <OJ7UTIL>.List ans4= obj->forfxLoop(asgn4);







Note: We notice  that  we can  pass any data type  to

the J7Map function , so  OakJava7 using Stream.generate functions

are loosely coupled.





Integer For Loop

[1, 5, 3, 89, 45]

[1.2, 5.5, 3.7, 89.9, 45.6]

[199999999.2, 999999995.5, 999999993.7, 9999999989.9, 9999999945.6]

[SanJose, Dallas, Chicago, SanAntonio, LosAngeles, Portland, Tucson]


                           Sample 49: OakJava7 Streams: Sample 9 : Using FlatMap Streams


Write the Oakjava7 Program using FlatMap Streams:-





<PACK> sample47


public <CLASS> Programn11

  public void main()





// Assign Double  value to object using J7Map and print it using J7Print

Object[] arg13={1.2,5.5,3.7,89.9,45.6};

Object[] asgn2=obj->J7Map(arg13);

<OJ7UTIL> .List ans1=obj->forfxLoop(asgn2);



// Assign long  value to object using J7Map and print it using J7Print

Object[] arg14={199999999.2,999999995.5,999999993.7,9999999989.9,9999999945.6};

Object[] asgn3=obj->J7Map(arg14);

<OJ7UTIL>.List ans3=obj->forfxLoop(asgn3);



// Assign String value to object using J7Map and print it using J7Print

Object[] arg15={"SanJose", "Dallas", "Chicago","SanAntonio", "LosAngeles", "Portland", "Tucson"};

Object[] asgn4=obj->J7Map(arg15);

<OJ7UTIL>.List ans4=obj->forfxLoop(asgn4);



// assign  the objects like objects,string,long,double to diff object array and pass the Object 

// Array to FlatMap. For eg) FlatMap supports list of list ,etc.

// But here FlatMap Supports Array of Object Array

Object[] diff={ans4,ans3,ans1};

Object[] asgn5=obj->FlatMap(diff);

<OJ7UTIL> .List ans5=obj->forfxLoop(asgn5);

// But here Flat Map will Print the Object array of  Object Array in a combine Arraylist format.








C:\java7prog> oj7stream11


[1.2, 5.5, 3.7, 89.9, 45.6]

[199999999.2, 999999995.5, 999999993.7, 9999999989.9, 9999999945.6]

[SanJose, Dallas, Chicago, SanAntonio, LosAngeles, Portland, Tucson]

[SanJose, Dallas, Chicago, SanAntonio, LosAngeles, Portland, Tucson, 199999999.2, 999999995.5, 999999993.7, 9999999989.9, 

9999999945.6, 1.2, 5.5, 3.7, 89.9, 45.6]


                     Sample 50: OakJava7 Streams: Sample 10 : Using FlatMap Streams


Write the Oakjava7 Program to print 2nd Character from  the  given Array of  strings

and Merging 3 object array and  print it. List After flattening list of objects

and list After flattening list of List .Use FlatMap Streams:-



<PACK> sample47


public <CLASS> Programn11


   public void main()





Object[] arg13={1.2,5.5,3.7,89.9,45.6};

Object[] asgn2=obj->J7Map(arg13);

<OJ7UTIL>.List ans1=obj->forfxLoop(asgn2);



Object[] arg14={199999999.2,999999995.5,999999993.7,9999999989.9,9999999945.6};

Object[] asgn3=obj->J7Map(arg14);

<OJ7UTIL>.List ans3=obj->forfxLoop(asgn3);



Object[] arg15={"SanJose", "Dallas", "Chicago","SanAntonio", "LosAngeles", "Portland", "Tucson"};

Object[] asgn4=obj->J7Map(arg15);

<OJ7UTIL>.List ans4=obj->forfxLoop(asgn4);



<PRINTLN>("Using Flatmap to print 2nd Character from  the  given Array of  strings:");

//<OJ7UTIL>.List list = <OJ7UTIL>.Arrays.asList("SanJose", "Dallas", "Chicago","SanAntonio", //"LosAngeles", "Portland", "Tucson");

string usstates= "'SanJose', 'Dallas', 'Chicago','SanAntonio', 'LosAngeles', 'Portland', 'Tucson'";

<OJ7UTIL>.List list = <AUTOBOX_ARRAY>(usstates);


// print the 2nd Character from  the  given Array of  strings

<OJ7UTIL>.List asgn6=obj->FlatMapChar( list,1);


//Passing the Objects array like ans4,ans3,ans1 to list7@Arrays.asList

<PRINTLN>("The list After flattening list of objects :");

//Merging 3 object array and  print it.

//<OJ7UTIL>.List list7 = <OJ7UTIL>.Arrays.asList(ans4,ans3,ans1); 

//Merging 3 object array and  print it.

Object [] input={ ans4,ans3,ans1 };

<OJ7UTIL>.List list7 =<AUTOBOX_OBJ_ARRAY>(input);

// passing list to FlatMapfx method will convert them into 1 List format and  print it.

<PRINTLN>("The list After flattening list of List :");

<OJ7UTIL>.List list8 =obj->FlatMapfx( list7);









C:\java7prog> oj7stream12


[1.2, 5.5, 3.7, 89.9, 45.6]

[199999999.2, 999999995.5, 999999993.7, 9999999989.9, 9999999945.6]

[SanJose, Dallas, Chicago, SanAntonio, LosAngeles, Portland, Tucson]

Using Flatmap to print 2nd Character from  the  given Array of  strings:

[SanJose, Dallas, Chicago, SanAntonio, LosAngeles, Portland, Tucson]

[a, a, h, a, o, o, u]

The list After flattening list of objects :

[SanJose, Dallas, Chicago, SanAntonio, LosAngeles, Portland, Tucson, 199999999.2, 999999995.5, 999999993.7, 9999999989.9, 9999999945.6, 1.2, 5.5, 3.7, 89.9, 45.6]

The list After flattening list of List :

[SanJose,  Dallas,  Chicago,  SanAntonio,  LosAngeles,  Portland,  Tucson,  199999999.2,  999999995.5,  999999993.7,  9999999989.9,  9999999945.6,  1.2,  5.5,  3.7,  89.9,  45.6]




Sample 51: OakJava7(JAVA7.0) Streams: Sample 11 : i) AndThen operation ii) Compose operation  iii) Identity in oakjava7


Q) Write the Oakjava7(JAVA7.0)  program with examples about 

i) AndThen operation ii) Compose operation iii) Identity in oakjava7



<PACK> sample47


public <CLASS> Programn13



   public void main()







<PRINTLN>("After using AndThen operation :");

//AndThen operation in oakjava7

// In this example we first multiply value by 2 and add 3.

int value=3;int multiply=0; int add=0;String s="i like it";

  multiply=obj->andThen(value *2);

// add 3 with the multiply result


// Concat the s value 'i like it' with add values and print add value and s value using J7Print

s=obj->andThen(s)+" "+add;




<PRINTLN>("After using Compose operation :");

int value1=3;int multiply1=0; int add1=0;

// At first adding value1 with 3 and  assign to add1 int variable.

 add1=obj->Compose(value1 +3);

// Multiply add1 value  with 2

 multiply1=obj->Compose(add1 *2);

// Convert 'wilmix place' to upper case using  ToUpper

String str56=" = wilmix place".ToUpper();

//add Multiply1 result with str56 and print it



String add2="";

// Concat the String 'Hiram like it' with multiply1 with add1 value

add2=obj->Compose("Hiram like it "+multiply1+add1);



// Identity


<PRINTLN>("Identity in oakjava7:");

//Identity means we pass the value 100 and we will get the same number you have passed.

int results=obj->Identity(100);


// assign jh=100

int jh=100;

// Now check jh = results value or not, if it is equal then it return a boolean value true and if not it will return false.

bool abcf1=obj->J7Filter( (jh==results)?true:false);

//check if abcf1==true or not , if it is  true it will assign true to the boolean status variable if not assign false to the

// boolean value.

bool status= (abcf1==true)? true:false;

//Print the Status using J7Print



//Assign jh1=100 and  results1=100

int jh1=100;int results1=100;

// simillarly check if jh1 == results1 value or not , if it is equal  it will assign 1  to abcf11 otherwise it will assign 0

// to the abcf11 

int abcf11=obj->J7Filter( (jh1==results1)?1:0);

// If abcf11 == 1 then assign true to the status1 boolean variable 

// Otherwise assign false to the status1 boolean variable 

bool status1= (abcf11==1)?true:false;

//and Print the status1 value using J7Print










C:\java7prog> oj7stream13


After using AndThen operation :


i like it9


After using Compose operation :


Hiram like it 126


Identity in oakjava7:







1)What is the  difference between andthen operation

and Compose ?

Ans) andthen will evaluate the expression value and do concat operation in

a sequence order. But Compose will evaluate the expression value 

and convert the string to uppercase or lowercase and concat the expression value

in non sequence order.

2) What  is  Identity?

Identity means we pass the value 100 or any datatype to the Identity method and we will get the same number you have passed.

You can pass datatype like int,float,double,String,char to the Identity method.

eg) int results=obj->Identity(100);

Simillarly  you can pass the datatype as value like int,float,double,String,char to the

Compose method.

eg) add2=obj->Compose("Hiram like it "+multiply1+add1);

3) What is the difference between Identity and Compose ?

The difference between Identity is Identity will return the same value

you have passed , but Compose will not return the same value

you have passed.


Sample 52: OakJava7(JAVA7.0) Streams: Sample 12 : i) findFirstInt ii) findAnyInt iii) findAnynoOrString


Q) Write a Oakjava7 program for  i) findFirstInt ii) findAnyInt iii) findAnynoOrString  using .web only?



<PACK> sample47


public <CLASS> Programn14



   public void main()






<PRINTLN>("findFirst and findAny in oakjava7:");

// Find First 

string w1="3,5,7,9,11";

//<OJ7UTIL>.List  list23 = <OJ7UTIL>.Arrays.asList(3, 5, 7, 9, 11); 

//<AUTOBOX_ARRAY> will convert Object obj (Object / String) to <OJ7UTIL> ArrayList format

 <OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList  list23=<AUTOBOX_ARRAY>(w1);

// Pass the list23 to findFirstInt method...

int find=obj->findFirstInt(list23);

// Print it.


string w12="2, 4, 6, 8, 10";

 <OJ7UTIL>.List list24 = <AUTOBOX_ARRAY>(w12);

// Pass the list24 to findAnyInt method...

int find1=obj->findAnyInt(list24);




<PRINTLN>("findFirst and findAny in oakjava7 using Emptyset:");

// Here <AUTOBOX_ARRAY>(0) is the empty set

<OJ7UTIL>.List list231 =  <AUTOBOX_ARRAY>(0);

int find2=obj->findFirstInt(list231);


<OJ7UTIL>.List list232 =  <AUTOBOX_ARRAY>(0);


int find3=obj->findAnyInt(list232);



<PRINTLN>("findAnytypeofelement ?:");

string w2="3, 5, 7, 9, 11,15,21,23";

 <OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList  list235=<AUTOBOX_ARRAY>(w2);

// Pass the list235 to findAnynoOrString method...

int findanytype=Int32.Parse(obj->findAnynoOrString(list235,2).ToString());











findFirst and findAny in oakjava7:



findFirst and findAny in oakjava7 using Emptyset:



findAnytypeofelement ?:




Sample 53: OakJava7(JAVA7.0) Streams: Sample 13 : i) Oakjava7 Stream Generate with limit ( Hold the  arrdata , Copy from one list to another list) iv) Oakjava7 Stream Generate with skip (pass List data to the J7Collect method).

vi) Oakjava7 Stream Generate with collect type Treeset or List or Hashmap


Q) Write the OakJava7(JAVA7.0) Streams program for 

i) Oakjava7 Stream Generate with limit ( Hold the  arrdata, 

 Copy from one list to another list) iv) Oakjava7 Stream Generate with skip (pass List data to the J7Collect method).

vi) Oakjava7 Stream Generate with collect type Treeset or List or Hashmap



<PACK> sample4715


public <CLASS> Programn15



   public void main()




<PRINTLN>("Oakjava7 Stream Generate ...");


// given data

<OJ7UTIL>.List arrdata = new <OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList(); 







// given data

<PRINTLN>("Oakjava7 Stream Generate with limit ...");

//Generate method will hold the  arrdata ie) List data

 <OJ7UTIL>.List arrdatas  = obj->Generate(arrdata);

//Copy the arrdatas to result23

 <OJ7UTIL>.List result23 =arrdatas; 

// Choose only 3 datas from result23 list.

 <OJ7UTIL>.List strop= obj->limit(result23,3);


<PRINTLN>("Oakjava7 Stream Generate with skip ...");

// Skip first 3 datas and Choose only 2 datas from result23 list.

 <OJ7UTIL>.List strop1= obj->skip(result23,3);


<PRINTLN>("Oakjava7 Stream Generate with collect type Treeset or List or Hashmap ...");

// As in Jdk1.8 , here finally we pass List strop1 data to the J7Collect method.

 <OJ7UTIL>.List  collect1=obj->J7Collect(strop1);

// print the data from collect1 


 <OJ7UTIL>.HashMap hp= new  <OJ7UTIL>.HashMap();

for (int i=0;i<10;i++)













// Pass hashmap object hp to J7Collectfx5

 <OJ7UTIL>.HashMap  collect1t= obj->J7Collectfx5(hp);

// finally print it


// Add some values in LinkedHashMap and  print it.

  <OJ7UTIL>.LinkedHashMap  hm=new  <OJ7UTIL>.LinkedHashMap();  






// Add some values in TreeSet and  print it. it will list the  data in Ascending order.

 <OJ7UTIL>.TreeSet tst = new  <OJ7UTIL>.TreeSet();
















Oakjava7 Stream Generate ...

Oakjava7 Stream Generate with limit ...

[geeks, for, geeks]

Oakjava7 Stream Generate with skip ...

[computer, science]

Oakjava7 Stream Generate with collect type Treeset or List or Hashmap ...

[computer, science]

{A2=A, A1=A, A4=A, A3=A, A6=A, A5=A, I0=I, A8=A, A7=A, E5=E, I3=I, A9=A, E6=E, I4=I, E7=E, I1=I, E8=E, I2=I, E9=E, I7=I, I8=I, I5=I, I6=I, E0=E, I9=I, E2=E, E1=E, E4=E, E3=E, A0=A, B5=B, B4=B, B3=B, B2=B, B9=B, B8=B, B7=B, J0=J, B6=B, J1=J, F8=F, J2=J, F9=F, J3=J, F6=F, J4=J, F7=F, J5=J, J6=J, J7=J, J8=J, J9=J, F1=F, F0=F, F5=F, F4=F, F3=F, F2=F, B0=B, B1=B, C8=C, C7=C, C9=C, C4=C, C3=C, C6=C, C5=C, G7=G, G8=G, G9=G, G4=G, G3=G, G6=G, G5=G, G0=G, G2=G, G1=G, C0=C, C1=C, C2=C, D9=D, D8=D, D7=D, D6=D, D5=D, D4=D, H8=H, H9=H, H7=H, H6=H, H5=H, H4=H, H3=H, H2=H, H1=H, H0=H, D2=D, D3=D, D0=D, D1=D}

hm={100=Amit, 101=Vijay, 102=Rahul}

[computer, for, geeks, science]


Sample 54:  OakJava7(JAVA7.0) Streams: Sample 14 :Optional Type 1)  i) Replace the empty arraylist by 0.

                ii) If null value is found in arraylist then replace the null value by 0.

Optional Type 2) i) Add some datas to arraylist and check whether the given data

is  present in ArrayList or not.

Optional Type -3: i) Find  whether the given value exists in  ArrayList  

arrdata771 or not if found then square it.


Q) Write the OakJava7(JAVA7.0) Streams program for 

Optional Type 1)  i) Replace the empty arraylist by 0.

                  ii) If null value is found in arraylist then replace the null value by 0.

Optional Type 2) i) Add some datas to arraylist and check whether the given data

is  present in ArrayList or not.

Optional Type -3: i) Find  whether the given value exists in  ArrayList  

arrdata771 or not if found then square it.



<PACK> sample4716


public <CLASS> Programn16



   public void main()







// Optional f(x)

<PRINTLN>("Oakjava7 Optional NULL with an  absent value ...");

//ArrayList with empty set is  defined

 <OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList  datanull = new  <OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList  ();

// The Arraylist contains nothing (empty set) that is  replaced  by 0.

 <OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList   res11= obj->OptionalNullOf(datanull,"0");


// Here null value is added to the arraylist arrdata24 

 <OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList  arrdata24 = new  <OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList(); 







// The Arraylist contains null data  is  replaced  by 0.

 <OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList   res112= obj->OptionalNullOf(arrdata24,"0");

// Print it




// optional type  2

 <OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList   arrdata77 = new  <OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList(); 







 <OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList   res1123 =obj->OptionalOf(arrdata77);


//Is Present will check whether the data computer is present in

// in arraylist arrdata77 or not

bool bb= obj->IsPresent(arrdata77,"computer");


// If present

int value80= 14;



// optional type  3

 <OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList   arrdata771 = new  <OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList(); 







// Given value80=14 we have to find such value exists in  ArrayList  arrdata771 or not 

// if found then then square it.

 <OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList   aops= fx-> IfPresent(arrdata771,value80 *value80,value80);

fx-> J7Print(aops);










Oakjava7 Optional NULL with an  absent value ...


[geeks, for, 0, computer, science]

[geeks, for, geeks, computer, science]


[12, 196, 15, 16, 20]



Sample 55:  OakJava7(JAVA7.0) Streams: Sample 15 :   i) Check whether the

given first character is in upper case  or not ,if found then return true

otherwise false.

 ii) Check whether the   given first character is in Lower case  or not ,if found then return true

otherwise false.


Q) Write the OakJava7(JAVA7.0) Streams program to

i) Check whether the  given first character is in upper case  or not ,if found then return true

otherwise false.

 ii) Check whether the given first character is in Lower case  or not ,if found then return true

otherwise false.



<PACK> sample4


public <CLASS> Programn20


   public void main()


<PRINTLN>(" Any match using list are ...");



string w2="'Wilmix','jEmin'";

 <OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList  list505=<AUTOBOX_ARRAY>(w2);

//Check whether the given w2 data first character is in Uppercase or not

//If it is uppercase then return true otherwise it will return false

bool match=obj->IsAnyCharPresent(list505 ,1,"UpperCase");


//Check whether the given w2 data first character is in Lowercase or not

//If it is Lowercase then return true otherwise it will return false

match=obj->IsAnyCharPresent(list505 ,1,"LowerCase");









Any match using list are ...




    Sample 56: OakJava7(JAVA7.0) Streams: Sample 16 : 

i) Check two arraylist soap and soap1 are equal or not using oakjava7 biPredicate. 

ii) Check the arraylist soap2 is  greater than soap3 or not. iii) Check the arraylist 

soap2 is  less than soap3 or not.iv) check both boolean values ful and ful1 result is 

same or not using and operator.v) check anyone boolean values ful or ful2 result is 

same or not using or operator.vi)  Do negative operation at boolean values ful and ful2

using not operator and check the result is same or not.


Q) Write the OakJava7 Program for the given conditional streams

i) Check two arraylist soap and soap1 are equal or not using oakjava7 biPredicate. 

ii) Check the arraylist soap2 is  greater than soap3 or not. iii) Check the arraylist 

soap2 is  less than soap3 or not.iv) check both boolean values ful and ful1 result is 

same or not using and operator.v) check anyone boolean values ful or ful2 result is 

same or not using or operator.vi)  Do negative operation at boolean values ful and ful2

using not operator and check the result is same or not.



<PACK> sample4


public <CLASS> Programn21



   public void main()


<PRINTLN>(" Any match using list are ...");



// Give two input valeus say w1,w2

string w1="-1,-1";string w2="1,-1";

 <OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList  soap=<AUTOBOX_ARRAY>(w1);

 <OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList  soap1=<AUTOBOX_ARRAY>(w1);

 <OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList  soap2=<AUTOBOX_ARRAY>(w2);

<OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList  soap3=<AUTOBOX_ARRAY>(w1);

// example

// Get soap3 arraylist contents and pass to arsd arraylist and  print it.

OJ7UTIL.ArrayList arsd= <AUTOBOX_J7ARRAY>(soap3);

<PRINTLN> ("Print OJ7UTIL contents");


<PRINTLN>(" ");



// Check two arraylist soap and soap1 are equal or not using oakjava7 biPredicate

bool ful = obj->J7Bi@P(soap, soap1, "EQ");

// Print the boolean value

obj->J7Print("@P Equal matches :"+ful);

// Check the arraylist soap2 is  greater than soap3 or not.

bool ful1 =obj->J7Bi@P(soap2,soap3,"GT"); //true


// Check the arraylist soap2 is  less than soap3 or not.

bool ful2 =obj->J7Bi@P(soap2,soap3,"LS");//false


// check both boolean values ful and ful1 result is same or not.

bool tthop= obj->J7Bi@PCompare(ful,ful1,"and");


// check anyone boolean values ful or ful2 result is same or not.

bool tthop1= obj->J7Bi@PCompare(ful,ful2,"or");


// Do negative operation at boolean values ful and ful2  using not operator and check the result is same or not.

bool tthop2= obj->J7Bi@PCompare(ful,ful2,"not");









  Any match using list are ...

Print OJ7UTIL contents

[-1, -1]


Predicate Equal matches :True







    Sample 57: OakJava7(JAVA7.0) Streams:  Sample 17 : 

i)Consumer must get the values and print the values.

ii) Pass consumer data 'consdata' to andThen operator which return arraylist format and print it.

iii) Count the  no of data in the stream iv) Check whether the product length equals to 10 or not,

return the boolean value as false if the length is different. v) Given product length is  7 , so 7-2 =5, 

which is assigned to the supplier. vi)  Get the value from the supplier and print it,supplier will return the value.

vii) Assign datetime and print the  supplier viii) Assign Product = uppercase of the given data (Android).


Q) Write the OakJava7  Program for the supplier and  consumer...

i)Consumer must get the values and print the values.

ii) Pass consumer data 'consdata' to andThen operator which return arraylist format and print it.

iii) Count the  no of data in the stream iv) Check whether the product length equals to 10 or not,

return the boolean value as false if the length is different. v) Given product length is  7 , so 7-2 =5, 

which is assigned to the supplier. vi)  Get the value from the supplier and print it,supplier will return the value.

vii) Assign datetime and print the  supplier viii) Assign Product = uppercase of the given data (Android).



<PACK> consumersupplier


public <CLASS> Programn21



   public void main()




//Consumer with respect to  Custom defined


<PRINTLN>("Oakjava7 Consumer for Custum...");

<OJ7UTIL>.List  conslist= new <OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList();




<OJ7UTIL>.List  conslist19= new <OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList();

for (int i = 0; i < conslist.size(); i++)


 conslist19.add(i,2 * Convert.ToInt32(conslist.get(i).ToString()));




<OJ7UTIL>.List consdata=new <OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList();






// pass consumer data 'consdata' to andThen operator which return arraylist format and print it.

<OJ7UTIL>.List  conslist1=obj->andThen(consdata);


// count the data present in a stream


<PRINTLN>("Oakjava7 Count the  no of data in the stream...");


//Count the  no of data in the stream

long lg= oj1->count();



<PRINTLN>("Oakjava7  Supplier.");

   String product = "Android";

   double price = 659.50;


// check whether the product length equals to 10 or not,

// return the boolean value as false if the length is different.

fx->Assign(product.Length ==10);

//return data from the supplier


// Here product length is  7 , so 7-2 =5, which is assigned to the supplier

fx->Assign(product.Length -2);

// get the value from the supplier and print it,supplier will return the value.




 string times = DateTime.Now.ToString("h:mm:ss tt");

   // assign the time 


// print the  supplier


//assign Product = uppercase of the given data (Android)


// print the  supplier








Oakjava7 Consumer for Custum...

[4, 2, 6]


[1, 21, 31, 41, 51, 61, 71, 81, 91, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112]

Oakjava7 Count the  no of data in the stream...


Oakjava7  Supplier.




7:52:16 PM



    Sample 58: OakJava7(JAVA7.0) Streams: Sample 18 : 

i) Convert array 'stringarr' to arraylist ii) Print only the first value ie) lstra.get(0) 

from arraylist iii) Use allMatch function is used to check whether the given arraylist 'lstr' 

datas length is greater than 100 or not, if it is greater then return true..

iv) Oakjava7 all match with String V) Check all the second character for a given strings 

are uppercase or not. vi) Check all the second character for a given strings are Lowercase or not.

vii) Oakjava7 all match in a  sentence ... 

viii) Convert all the ascii value to integer format..

a) Check if all the integer value of ascii value  is  greater than 700 or not.

b) Check if all the integer value of ascii value  is  greater than 30 or not.

ix) Check if none of the given values in list2351 (List) did not matches 2 or not,

if it matches 2 then return false.


Q) Write the OakJava7  program for the given ...

i) Convert array 'stringarr' to arraylist ii) Print only the first value ie) lstra.get(0) 

from arraylist iii) Use allMatch function is used to check whether the given arraylist 'lstr' 

datas length is greater than 100 or not, if it is greater then return true..

iv) Oakjava7 all match with String V) Check all the second character for a given strings 

are uppercase or not. vi) Check all the second character for a given strings are Lowercase or not.

vii) Oakjava7 all match in a  sentence ... 

viii) Convert all the ascii value to integer format..

a) Check if all the integer value of ascii value  is  greater than 700 or not.

b) Check if all the integer value of ascii value  is  greater than 30 or not.

ix) Check if none of the given values in list2351 (List) did not matches 2 or not,

if it matches 2 then return false.



// load CUTIL packages


//Load Oakjava7Util packages


<PACK> sample4


public <CLASS> Programn20



   public void main()


<PRINTLN>(" Any match using list are ...");



// Step 1: Array Declaration 

        string[] stringarr;  


        // Step 2:Array Initialization 

        stringarr = new string[3] {"Element 1", "Element 2", "Element 3"};  

CUTIL.ArrayList lstra= new CUTIL.ArrayList();

//convert array 'stringarr' to arraylist


String obj6=lstra.get(0).ToString();

// print only the first value ie) lstra.get(0) from arraylist



//All match

string[] datan={"wilmix","jEmin"};

// This <AUTOBOX_ARRAY> is nothing but Arrays.asList function in java

<OAKJAVA7>.util.List lstr=<AUTOBOX_ARRAY>(datan);

bool bbbb=false;

for (int i=0;i<lstr.size();i++)


// This allMatch function is used to check whether the given

// arraylist 'lstr' datas length is greater than 100 or not, 

//if it is greater then return true..

bbbb=obj->allMatch(lstr.get(i).ToString().Length > 100);

if (bbbb==false)



obj->J7Print("All Matchcnd1="+bbbb);

// wcode  All match type-2 geeks

 bool match5=false;


<PRINTLN>("Oakjava7 all match with String...");

//OakJ7Stream.OJ7Stream wstrr11= new OakJ7Stream.OJ7Stream();

string datan1="wIlmix,jEmin,mHttilda,cHristi";

string datan2="wilmix,jemin,mhttilda,christi";


<OJ7UTIL>.List lstr5=<AUTOBOX_ARRAY>(datan1);


<OJ7UTIL>.List lstr51=<AUTOBOX_ARRAY>(datan2);

// check all the second character for a given strings are uppercase or not



// check all the second character for a given strings are Lowercase or not



//wcode start


<PRINTLN>("Oakjava7 all match in a  sentence ...");

String sample = "Om Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah";

String[] s5=sample.Split(' ');

for (int i=0;i<s5.Length;i++)


bool aaaa=false;

// Convert all the ascii value to integer format

int  res1 =fx->AsciitoInt(s5[i]);

<PRINTLN>("ascii value="+res1);

//check if all the integer value of ascii value  is  greater than 700 or not.

aaaa=obj->allMatch(res1 > 700);


//check if all the integer value of ascii value  is  greater than 30 or not.

aaaa=obj->allMatch(res1 > 30);



//none match

//given integer values in String format

//string ary="3,3,3,3,3,3,3,1,3";

//Here value 2 is present so it return false

string ary="3,3,3,3,3,3,3,2,3";

<OAKJAVA7>.util.List list2351 = <AUTOBOX_ARRAY>(ary);


bool sop244=false;

//OakJ7Stream.OJ7Stream conos= new OakJ7Stream.OJ7Stream();


bool[] arrayd= new bool[list2351.size()];

for (int i=0;i<list2351.size();i++)


bool iop345=Convert.ToInt32(list2351.get(i).ToString()) ==2;

//Check if none of the given values in list2351 (List) did not matches 2 or not,

// if it matches 2 then return false



for (int i=0;i<arrayd.Length;i++)


if (arrayd[i]==true)








AGG->J7Print("Check if none of the given values in list2351 (List) did not matches 2 or not = "+sop244);








  Any match using list are ...

Obj6=[Element 1, Element 2, Element 3]

DATA=Element 1

All Matchcnd1=False

Oakjava7 all match with String...



Oakjava7 all match in a  sentence ...

ascii value=188



ascii value=513



ascii value=825



ascii value=827



Check if none of the given values in list2351 (List) did not matches 2 or not = False


    Sample 59: OakJava7(JAVA7.0) Streams:Sample 19 :Remove duplicates from arrayList and using set


Q) Write the OakJava7 Program to Remove duplicates from arrayList using Distinct and 

using Distinct set..



<PACK> oj7example24


public <CLASS> Program4



   public void main()


//Consumer with respect to  Custom defined


<PRINTLN>("Remove duplicates from arrayList and  using set ..");


//OakJ7Stream.OJ7Stream  obj11= new OakJ7Stream.OJ7Stream();


<PRINTLN>(" Remove duplicates list using arraylist are :");

<OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList  lop5= new <OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList();










<PRINTLN>(" Remove duplicates list using Set are :");









Remove duplicates from arrayList and  using set ..

 Remove duplicates list using arraylist are :

[100, 1, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19]

 Remove duplicates list using Set are :

[100, 1, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19]


                      Sample 60: OakJava7(JAVA7.0) Streams: Sample 20 :

i)  Print the data and print stmt will return the value as Success with condition.

ii) Oakjava7forloopType1 using Object Array

iii) Print all the object array contents line by line

iv) Print all the object array contents in one line itself.

v) Use OakJava7 Iterator to iterate the List ar99 and ar991 contents only in forward directions 

using <OJ7Displayt2> (Forward direction of the Iterator) and <OJ7Displayt1>(Forward direction of the Iterator)  where 1 and 2 nos in this function indicates backward directions.

vi) Use OakJava7 Iterator to iterate the List ar99 and ar991 contents only in backward(reverse) directions,  using <J7ITERATOR>(list235,3,list235.size()); where 3 no in this function indicates backward directions.


Q) Write the OakJava7 Program to  print the values in forward and backward directions using

iterators.Solve the given below....

i)  Print the data and print stmt will return the value as Success with condition.

ii) Oakjava7forloopType1 using Object Array

iii) Print all the object array contents line by line

iv) Print all the object array contents in one line itself.

v) Use OakJava7 Iterator to iterate the List ar99 and ar991 contents only in forward directions 

using <OJ7Displayt2> (Forward direction of the Iterator) and <OJ7Displayt1>(Forward direction of the Iterator)

where 1 and 2 nos in this function indicates backward directions.

vi) Use OakJava7 Iterator to iterate the List ar99 and ar991 contents only in backward(reverse) directions,

using <J7ITERATOR>(list235,3,list235.size()); where 3 no in this function indicates backward directions.



<PACK> sample47


public <CLASS> Programn14


   public void main()







// autobox print the data and print stmt will return the value as Success with condition.




object[] arg12={1,5,3,89,45};


//Print all the object array contents line by line


//Print all the object array contents in one line itself



 OJ7UTIL.ArrayList ar99t1 =

// Use OakJava7 Iterator to iterate the List ar99 contents

<J7ITERATOR> ( list235,1,0);



 OJ7UTIL.ArrayList ar991 = <J7ITERATOR>( list235,2,0);




 OJ7UTIL.ArrayList ar992 =<J7ITERATOR>(list235,3,list235.size());




















 1 5 3 89 45

[3,  5,  7,  9,  11, 15, 21, 23]

[3,  5,  7,  9,  11, 15, 21, 23]

[23, 21, 15,  11,  9,  7,  5, 3]



Sample 61: OakJava7(JAVA7.0) Parallel Stream: Sample 21 :

a) Write a  OakJava7 Program to print all the String in a

non sequence order..


Q) Write a  OakJava7 Program to print all the String in a

non sequence order..



<PACK> sample4


public <CLASS> ParallelThreads



   public void main()


<PRINTLN>("P A R A L L E L  T H R E A D");

  /* This is  about String Parallel Stream 


// assign the lines in string

String line1="Wilmix is a computer scientist. ";

String line2="Jacob is a friend for him. ";

String line3="Guido is a computer scientist and friend of wilmix. ";

String line4="Garouv is hr and friend of wilmix. ";

String line5="Orange plant is grown at  wilmix home. ";



//OakJ7Stream.OJ7Stream  oj1= new OakJ7Stream.OJ7Stream();

//define a  Parallel stream, Parallel stream means it will display the line in a non-sequence order using threads.


// For achieving the  parallel stream first pass the String line to oj.Parallel method..

OakJ7Stream.j7TH  a1 = oj1.Parallel  (line1);

OakJ7Stream.j7TH a2 = oj1.Parallel  (line2);

OakJ7Stream.j7TH a3 = oj1.Parallel  (line3);

OakJ7Stream.j7TH a4 = oj1.Parallel  (line4);

OakJ7Stream.j7TH a5 = oj1.Parallel  (line5);


             // For achieving with thread pass the OakJ7stream objects to thread. 

// TH in this given example means thread...

       <java>.lang.TH t1 = new <java>.lang.TH(a1);

       <java>.lang.TH t2 = new <java>.lang.TH(a2);

       <java>.lang.TH t3 = new <java>.lang.TH(a3);

        <java>.lang.TH t4 = new <java>.lang.TH(a4);

       <java>.lang.TH t5 = new <java>.lang.TH(a5);

// Set the name for the threads...

        t1.setName ("t1");

        t2.setName ("t2");

        t3.setName ("t3");

         t4.setName ("t4");

          t5.setName ("t5");


       //Start the  threads like t1,t2,t3,t4,t5

        t1.start (); 

        t2.start ();

        t3.start ();

 t4.start ();

 t5.start ();

//List with Parallel stream

bool activate=false;

// Add the lines like line1,line2,line3,line4,line5 to Oakjava7 List

//simillarly do the  same procedure as we done before...

<OJ7UTIL>.List  pal1= new <OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList();






OakJ7Stream.j7TH  a11 = oj1.Parallel  (pal1.get(0).ToString());

OakJ7Stream.j7TH  a12 = oj1.Parallel  (pal1.get(2).ToString());

OakJ7Stream.j7TH  a13 = oj1.Parallel  (pal1.get(4).ToString());


       <java>.lang.TH t11 = new <java>.lang.TH (a11);


       <java>.lang.TH t21 = new <java>.lang.TH (a12);


       <java>.lang.TH t31 = new <java>.lang.TH (a13);

// Set the name for the threads...

  t11.setName ("t1");

        t21.setName ("t2");

        t31.setName ("t3");


<PRINTLN>("Oakjava7 Parallel stream with List...");

//Start the  threads

t11.start (); 

t21.start (); 

t31.start (); 


<PRINTLN>("Oakjava7 Check stream is working in parallel or not ?..");


// Check if it is parallel or not then print the stream is running parallelly.

if (oj1.isParallel(activate))  


        <PRINTLN>("The stream is running parallelly.");  




        <PRINTLN>("The stream is not running parallelly.");  


//Write the  result to j7streamvalue.ojs7 files.

<PRINTLN>("Access=" + fx.FileSequentialAccess.Read("j7streamvalues.ojs7"));

// Clear the j7streamvalue.ojs7 contents...



<CATCH>(<EXE> e) 









Note: Each time we run this program will display in a non sequence order;

so each time you run this program , order of the  parallel streams will change

P A R A L L E L  T H R E A D

Oakjava7 Parallel stream with List...

Oakjava7 Check stream is working in parallel or not ?..

The stream is running parallelly.

Access=  Wilmix is a computer scientist.  Orange plant is grown at  wilmix home.  Garouv is hr and friend of wilmix.  

Orange plant is grown at  wilmix home.  Wilmix is a computer scientist.  Jacob is a friend for him.  

Guido is a computer scientist and friend of wilmix.  Guido is a computer scientist and friend of wilmix. 


Sample 62: OakJava7(JAVA7.0) Parallel Stream: Sample 22 :

a) Write a  OakJava7 Program to print all the numbers in a

non sequence order..


Q) Write a  OakJava7 Program to print all the numbers in a

non sequence order..



<PACK> finlThread


public <CLASS> ParallelThre



   public void main()


<PRINTLN>("P A R A L L E L  T H R E A D");


This is  about Integer Parallel Stream 




//OakJ7Stream.OJ7Stream  oj1= new OakJ7Stream.OJ7Stream();


// Add integers to List

<OJ7UTIL>.List  ars = new <OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList();







// Add integers to List

<OJ7UTIL>.List  ars1 = new <OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList();







// Pass ars to OakJ7Stream.ParallelThreadA (thread A)


// Pass ars1 to OakJ7Stream.ParallelThreadA (thread B)


// Write all the integer data in file j7streamvalues.ojs7

// So all the integer data will be in a non sequence order...

//Write the  result to j7streamvalue.ojs7 files.

<PRINTLN>("Access=" + fx.FileSequentialAccess.Read("j7streamvalues.ojs7"));

// Clear the j7streamvalue.ojs7 contents...



<CATCH>(<EXE> e) 









 P A R A L L E L  T H R E A D

Access=  1020 1011 1062 170 10080 844 100 101 102 10 1000 84


Sample 63: OakJava7(JAVA7.0) Parallel Stream: Sample 23 : Parallel Stream with Boolean value  and Apply J7Filter condition.


Q) Parallel Stream with Boolean value  and Apply J7Filter condition.



<PACK> finlThread


public <CLASS> ParallelThre



   public void main()


<PRINTLN>("P A R A L L E L  T H R E A D");





<OJ7UTIL>.List  ars = new <OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList();







string s1= "Abc";

string s2="Abc";

// Here apply J7Filter condition like 

// s1 equals s2  or not

// If it is Equal then print the values

oj1.J7Print(oj1.J7Filter(s1.Equals(s2) ));


<CATCH>(<EXE> e) 









 P A R A L L E L  T H R E A D



              Sample 64: OakJava7(JAVA7.0) Work Samples : Work Exercises for OakJava7 Professionals.


A)  OakJava7(JAVA7.0) Work Samples : Work Exercises for OakJava7 Porfessionals.


1)Exchange two given number, not using temporary variable using OakJava7 only.

2) Reverse the given no and check whether the given number is palindrome or not using OakJava7 only?

3) Generate the Marksheet for each  the Student in Class A using OakJava7 only ?

4) Pascal Triangle using OakJava7 only.

5) Perimeter for circle and rectangle  using OakJava7 only.

6) OakJava7Program to perform operations like credit ,debit ,Display  how many  amount is

remaining, how many amount is credited and debited for the particular person.(Banking choice)

using OakJava7 only.

7) Multiplicaton of two matrix. and Addition and  substraction for the given matrix using OakJava7 only.

8) Inheritance in Oakjava7 using OakJava7 only.

9) Write  a  OakJava7 Program to Find the Roots of Quadratic Equation using OakJava7 only.

10) Check Anagram or not for the given number using OakJava7 only.

11) Practice all oakjava7  programs from the website.

12) Practice all C# programs like oakjava7  programs from the website.

Note :  All Oakjava7(Java7.0) professionals should write their own logic  for Oakjava7(JAVA7.0) programs. This is your Home work.


Sample 65: OakJava7(JAVA7.0) : Sample 1 : Write OakJava7 Program for the Elevator.


Q) Write OakJava7 Program for the Elevator to go up to 4th floor and give a sound.



 <USE> Java7sound; // This package is nothing but when the Elevator drops a person the Sound appears

<PACK> Elevator



    <CLASS> Lifts


      public void main()


int floorno=0;


if  (floorno==1)


    <PRINTLN>("first floor  door  open");


for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)


            <PRINTLN>("Door open for 2 seconds.");




    <PRINTLN>("first floor  door  closed");


 if  (floorno==2)


    <PRINTLN>("second floor  door  open");


for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)


<PRINTLN>("Door open for 2 seconds.");




    <PRINTLN>("second floor  door  closed");


if  (floorno==3)


    <PRINTLN>("third floor  door  open");


for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)


<PRINTLN>("Door open for 2 seconds.");




    <PRINTLN>("third floor  door  closed");


if  (floorno==4)


    <PRINTLN>("Fourth floor  door  open");


for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)


            <PRINTLN>("Door open for 2 seconds.");




    <PRINTLN>("Fourth floor  door  closed");


if  (floorno==5)


    <PRINTLN>("Fifth floor  door  open");


for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)


<PRINTLN>("Door open for 2 seconds.");




    <PRINTLN>("Fifth floor  door  closed");







 Fourth floor  door  open

Door open for 2 seconds.

Door open for 2 seconds.

Door open for 2 seconds.

Door open for 2 seconds.

Door open for 2 seconds.

Fourth floor  door  closed

Note: For  the  sound ,use  java7sound.dll in oakjava7 properties file (properties.txt).


Sample: 66 :   Sample 2 : Write the OakJava7 Program to perform Login credentials with Username and Password.


Q) Write the OakJava7 Program by verifying username and password in wnosql db is equal or not.

If it  equals it  will print the  message  "user login  succesfully". If there is  runtime error it should

print the message "user not login successfuly".Or if the username and password is not correct then it should print the message "user not login successfuly".




<USE> Security;//load security packages

 <WNOSQL> //load wnosql db packages

<PACK> Program8



    <CLASS> Prog



      public void main()



// Like servlet  we embed the html and css in OakJava7 program, So it is called as Oakjava7 //Servlet.


<PRINTLN>("<head> <style>");

<PRINTLN>("table {");

   <PRINTLN>(" width:100%;");


<PRINTLN>("table, th, td {");

    <PRINTLN>("border: 1px solid black;");

   <PRINTLN>(" border-collapse: collapse;");


<PRINTLN>("th, td {");

   <PRINTLN>(" padding: 5px;");

   <PRINTLN>(" text-align: left;");


<PRINTLN>("table#t01 tr:nth-child(even) {");

   <PRINTLN>(" background-color: grey;");


<PRINTLN>("table#t01 tr:nth-child(odd) {");



<PRINTLN>("table#t01 th {");

   <PRINTLN>(" background-color: black;");

    <PRINTLN>("color: white;");






// This @nbsp represent the spce and it is used to print space in the browser eg) Firefox or google










<OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList arm1 = new  <OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList();

//Add the fields in arraylist arm1





// Use Request.Query to get the data from the login form; here 2 in the given below statements indicates 2 fields of the login form

ArrayList  armg= Request.Query(arm1,"index4.dsn",2,1);

String g = WDBASQL.WDBASQLS("datastores", "USEDATABASE", "dbpwds", "c:\\Programs\\WNOSQL\\WNOSQLProgramfiles\\WNOSQdb");


          String   t = WDBASQL.WDBASQLS("dbuser", "dbpwds", 1, "wilmix78", "wilmix78", 1, 5, g);

String t1="";

// get the username from the arraylist armg


String t2="";

// get the password from the arraylist armg




// The given below SelectIN Query will check the username we have

//given from the login form matches the username  data  in the wnosql table EMP1 or not.

String  qh2="SelectIN from EMP1 0 to 6 , 1 to 7 ?= "+t1+" By 1 1 : {0} : {0} :{0}";


// Execute the Query and store the value in ArrayList ar.

<OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList  ar=WDBALIB.WDBAQUERY(qh2, t);


// The given below SelectIN Query will check the Password we have

//given from the login form matches the password data in the wnosql table EMP1 or not.

String  qh21="SelectIN from EMP1 0 to 6 , 1 to 7 ?= "+t2+" By 1 1 : {0} : {0} :{0}";


<OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList  ar1=WDBALIB.WDBAQUERY(qh21, t);

//If both username or password is right then print the message 'user login succesfully'.

if  ((ar.get(0).ToString()==t1) && (ar1.get(0).ToString()==t2))

<PRINTLN>("user login  succesfully");


//If both username or password is wrong or any of the credentials (username or password) is wrong

//  then print the message 'user not login succesfully'.

<PRINTLN>("user not login  succesfully");


<PRINTLN>(" </table>");


<PRINTLN>("<input type=submit name=Click>");

<PRINTLN>(" </form>");

<PRINTLN>(" </html>");



<CATCH>(<EXE> e)


// If there is  runtime error it should print the message 'user  not  login  succesfully'.

<PRINTLN>("user  not  login  succesfully");







Oakjava7 professionals should  design the login form and  the fields present in the form

should be uname,pwd. use .web type oakjava7 with Html.displayhtml to print the contents of 

html login page eg) login.html


So this login.html should have post method and  action="/loginuser.web".

After you have designed it then provide username and password data from the browser.


If username and password matches with wnosql EMP1 table credentials then it will print

 "user login  succesfully"  in the browser.

If username and password did not matches with wnosql EMP1 table credentials then it will print 

"user not login  succesfully"  in the browser.

Note: Here you must Request.dll,wdbaconn.dll,WDBASQL.dll,WDBALIB.WNOSQL.dll in the Oakjava7 Properties file ie) properties.txt


Sample: 67 :   Sample 3 : Write the OakJava7 Program to convert array elements to upper case and  

lowercase using Var and print it. 


Q) Write the OakJava7 Program to convert array elements to upper case and   lowercase using Var and print it.




<PACK> j7Prsample2


<CLASS> vartype


 public void main()



 string[] words = { "aPPLE", "BlUeBeRrY", "cHeRry" };

        // If a query produces a sequence of anonymous types,

        // then use var in the foreach statement to access the properties.

        var upperLowerWords = "";

for (int i=0;i<words.Length;i++)

words[i] = words[i].ToUpper();//Convert the data from words array to uppercase


        //The values present in words array is  mapped to var ul. This var keyword is used for  loosely coupled variable.

        foreach (var ul in words)


            <PRINTLN>("Uppercase: {0}",ul);


for (int i=0;i<words.Length;i++)

words[i] = words[i].ToLower();

    //The values present in words array is  mapped to var ul1.

 foreach (var ul1 in words)


            <PRINTLN>("Lowercase: {0}", ul1);//Convert the data from words array to lowercase.






 Uppercase: APPLE

Uppercase: BLUEBERRY

Uppercase: CHERRY

Lowercase: apple

Lowercase: blueberry

Lowercase: cherry


                                            Sample: 68 :   Sample 4 : OakJava7 Networking using client and server concepts


Q) Write a short oakjava7 program for creating a  Client and Server and let the client send messages to Server..And the server will receive the  messages and print it.

Oakjava7 Client program



<USE> j7network;// use oakjava7 network package j7network

<PACK> sample31


public <CLASS> j7client



   public void main()


<PRINTLN>("OakJava7 Networks");



// pass port 6677 and message and the localhost / ipaddress

Oj7Network.J7Client(6677,"tomorrow meeting starts at 5:AM","localhost");







 After that type j7client in the  command prompt


OakJava7 Networks

We can see the  message "tomorrow meeting starts at 5:AM" send by j7client is

received by j7Server and the j7Server will print that message. 

OakJava7 Server Program



<USE> j7network; // Use oakjava7 network package j7network

<PACK> sample31


public <CLASS> j7server



   public void main()


<PRINTLN>("OakJava7 Networks");



//Pass port 6677 only to J7Socket.








O/P=> Start the Server by using j7server and after that use j7server in  the command prompt

Final Output


OakJava7 Networks

J7Message= tomorrow meeting starts at 5:AM

Note: Here we notice that the message sent by oakjava7client is received by Oakjava7Server

and finally it print the message.


                               Sample: 69 : Sample 5 : OakJava7 Encrypt and Decrypting the given text


Q) Write the OakJava7 Program to Encrypt and  Decrypting the text.



<PACK> j7security1



    <CLASS> Prog



      public void main()




 //Pass the text to  oakjava7 encrypt function


string sop=j7security.Ojava7Process.j7Encrypt("wilmix is going1 ,  cat is   going ,  dog is  chasing cat");

//Print the  encrypted format


 //Pass the text to  oakjava7 encrypt function

string sop1=j7security.Ojava7Process.j7Encrypt("wilmix is going ,  cat is   going ,  dog is  chasing cat");

//Print the  encrypted format


// Decrypting  the  text  call the  oakjava7 function j7security.Ojava7Process.Decrypt()









                                   P???sKi??+?Ys???s?Pz_??W?t?1??g??\?%t???Q??B???\??.{h i%??~?



e????KD?&??|@?R??\E?}?[p?D??k?/?p?}4??B?p?n??!?E??????x???o?3R?6?g?9y?}?[?i??"Q#2R?<2D e??$St{??=?x??0??7?d?? ??,b??X?


Decrypt=wilmix is going ,  cat is   going ,  dog is  chasing cat

Note: Use  Ojava7Process.dll file in the OakJava7 (properties.txt)  for  encrypt and Decrypting the  text.


            Sample: 70 : Sample 6 : OakJava7 Exercises for  the  OakJava7 professionals


Q) OakJava7 Exercises for  the  OakJava7 professionals

Assignment A

Problem -A

Assignment -1 :Console based application

Write the  OakJava7 Program  to prepare the Marklist for all the  students in Class A,Class B,Class C use correct collections

in OakJava7 to achieve it. So the result should be powerful insertion and search mechanism....

Calculate the Total marks scored , Percentage , and Rank for each students.

The Fields should be  Stud id,Studname,Subject ,Marks Total, Percentage,rank.Finally print

the result in OakJava7 console.

Problem -B

Assignment -2: Webapplication

Create a Login and Registeration page for the training online institute.

Use only .web (OakJava7) program. And the output should print

all the details of the students attending course like OakJava7,java,Python ,etc.

as well as each course details and duration and print them in a web page

not  in console format.(when oakJava7 is  released  all oakjava7 professionals may practice it).


Sample 71: OakJava7 Webapplication Samples: Sample 1 : OakJava7 Program to retrieve the json values from example231.WS (web1.0 Webservice file).


Q) Write a oakjava7 program to retrieve the json values from example231.WS (web1.0 Webservice file).



//use java7displayurl package for  retrieving the web1.0 webservice contents

<USE> java7displayurl; 

<PACK> Program121



    <CLASS> Prog



      public void main()



String  s="";

// using .Web1.0 programming language create example231.WS file for the given json value

//and remove <HTML> tags and retrieve the json values by using java7UrlConnectionReader.getUrlContents function

// and Store it in a  String "s" variable

s= java7UrlConnectionReader.getUrlContents("http://localhost:8082/example231.WS").Replace("<HTML>","").Replace("</html>","");

// Print the  s  value ie) Json contents





Output in webpage



Sample 72: OakJava7 Webapplication Samples: Sample 2 : OakJava7 Program to a) Create Employeen2 bean class with  set and  get methods for id,name,salary b) Sorted Employee List by Names

c) Sorted Employee List by salary  d) Sorted Employee List by descending order


Q) Write the OakJava7 Program to a) Create Employeen2 bean

 class with  set and  get methods for id,name,salary b) Sorted Employee List by Names

c) Sorted Employee List by salary  d) Sorted Employee List by descending order



<PACK> exceptionexample


// Create Employeen2 bean class with  set and  get methods for id,name,salary

// Here you must use only Compare method with IComparer to compare the two objects

// for sorting purpose ...

public <CLASS> Employeen2


public int id {get;set;}

public string name{get;set;}

public double salary{get;set;}


//Sorted Employee List by Names

public <CLASS> SortByName : IComparer<Employeen2>


public int Compare(Employeen2 e1, Employeen2 e2)


return e1.name.CompareTo(e2.name);



//Sorted Employee List by Salary

public <CLASS> SortBySalary : IComparer<Employeen2>


public int Compare(Employeen2 e1, Employeen2 e2)


return e1.salary.CompareTo(e2.salary);



//Sorted Employee List by descending order

public <CLASS> SortBySalaryDESC : IComparer<Employeen2>


public int Compare(Employeen2 e1, Employeen2 e2)


return e2.salary.CompareTo(e1.salary);



public <CLASS> SortingProgram


public void main()


SortByName sbn <NEW> SortByName();

SortBySalary sbs <NEW> SortBySalary();

SortBySalaryDESC sbsdesc <NEW> SortBySalaryDESC();

List<Employeen2> emps <NEW> List<Employeen2>();

emps.Add(new Employeen2()

{id = 123, name = "Rajesh", salary = 50000.00});

emps.Add(new Employeen2()

{id = 897, name = "Jackson", salary = 50000.50});

emps.Add(new Employeen2()

{id = 342, name = "Brito", salary = 40030.89});

emps.Add(new Employeen2()

{id = 219, name = "Daniel", salary = 86633.66});

emps.Add(new Employeen2()

{id = 642, name = "Golden", salary = 30505.05});

emps.Add(new Employeen2()

{id = 923, name = "preeti", salary = 106543.21});




<PRINTLN>("Sorted Employee List by Names:\n");






<PRINTLN>("\n\nSorted Employee List by Salaries:\n");







<PRINTLN>("\n\nSorted Employee List by Salaries in  Descending order:\n");





static void DisplayList(List<Employeen2> emp)


foreach (Employeen2 e in emp)


<PRINTLN>("Id: " + e.id + ", Name: " + e.name + ",  Salary: " + e.salary);





Output in webpage


Sorted Employee List by Names:Id: 342, Name: Brito, Salary: 40030.89Id: 219, Name: Daniel, Salary: 86633.66Id: 642, Name: Golden, Salary: 30505.05Id: 897, Name: Jackson, Salary: 50000.5Id: 923, Name: preeti, Salary: 106543.21Id: 123, Name: Rajesh, Salary: 50000


Sorted Employee List by Salaries:Id: 642, Name: Golden, Salary: 30505.05Id: 342, Name: Brito, Salary: 40030.89Id: 123, Name: Rajesh, Salary: 50000Id: 897, Name: Jackson, Salary: 50000.5Id: 219, Name: Daniel, Salary: 86633.66Id: 923, Name: preeti, Salary: 106543.21



Sorted Employee List by Salaries in Descending order:Id: 923, Name: preeti, Salary: 106543.21Id: 219, Name: Daniel, Salary: 86633.66Id: 897, Name: Jackson, Salary: 50000.5Id: 123, Name: Rajesh, Salary: 50000Id: 342, Name: Brito, Salary: 40030.89Id: 642, Name: Golden, Salary: 30505.05



Sample 73: OakJava7 Webapplication Samples: Sample 3 : OakJava7 Program to Display the car names when  users (Business People and IT guys in US) choose  the  drop down contains list  like Nissan,Hundai,Ford Mustang.Use Angular only for  Frontend technology.


Q) Write the  OakJava7 Program to Display the car names when  users (Business People and IT guys in US) choose  the  drop down contains list  like Nissan,Hundai,Ford Mustang. Use angular only for  frontend technology.



<PACK> exceptionexample


<CLASS> Program


           public void main()








      <CATCH> (Exception e)


        <PRINTLN>("Error.... "+e);




        <PRINTLN>("The Finally block  is  executed...");

for(int i=0;i<10;i++)












<!DOCTYPE html>


<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.6.9/angular.min.js"></script>


<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl">

<p>Select a car:</p>

<select ng-model="selectedCar">

<option ng-repeat="x in cars" value="{{x.model}}">{{x.model}}</option>


<h1>You selected: {{selectedCar}}</h1>



var app = angular.module('myApp', []);

app.controller('myCtrl', function($scope) {

    $scope.cars = [

        {model : "Ford Mustang", color : "red"},

        {model : "Nissan", color : "violet"},

        {model : "Hundai", color : "lightred"}




<p>Cars Choosen</p>

<p>The costly and best cars for Business People and IT guys in US</p>



Output in webpage

Select a car

(Note: Select Nissan from the drop down contains values as Nissan,angular will display the values on the

same page.)

You Selected: Nissan

Cars choosen

The costly and best cars for Business people and IT guys in U.S

The Finally block is executed...i=0i=1i=2i=3i=4i=5i=6i=7i=8i=9 


Sample 74: OakJava7 Webapplication Samples:Mini Project1: 

Invoice Bill  With Angular UI using  WNOSQL DB


Write the Oakjava7 Program using securable database WNOSQL to Store

the data for Invoice Bill.Use Angular with html as Frontend Technology for

Invoice bill. Use Invoice bill form to get the data and

Generate the Invoice  Bill and Invoice Bill forms at same

webpage. ie) Create a Single Page application for the Invoice bill :-

Use only oakjava7 .jclass file,Don't use .exe or .scroll ,etc.



<!DOCTYPE html>



<title> Invoice Bill Entry </title>


<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.6.9/angular.min.js"></script>


<div ng-app="">


<form action="http://localhost:9000/InvoiceBill.jclass" method="post" >

<table align="center" border="3" width=500 height=500  bgcolor=lightgreen  >

          <tr>   <h2><td><a href="#chapter1"><center> Enter your Invoice Bill Customer Details </center> </a></td></h2></tr>



<td><p>Enter the Customer Address :  <input type="text" name="CADDRESS" ng-model="caddress" size="25" /></td></p></tr>

<td><p>Enter the Invoice number :  <input type="number" name="invoiceno" ng-model="invoiceno" size="25" /></td></p></tr>

<td><p>Enter the Invoice Date :  <input type="text" name="invoicedate" ng-model="invoicedate" size="20" /></td></p></tr>

<td><p>Enter the Reverse Charge :  <input type="text" name="reversecharge" ng-model="reversecharge" size="2" /></td></p></tr>

<td><p>Enter the State:  <input type="text" name="state" ng-model="state" size="20" /></td></p></tr>

<td><p>Enter the Code :  <input type="text" name="code" ng-model="code" size="10" /></td></p></tr>

<td><p>Enter the Name :  <input type="text" name="name" ng-model="name" size="25" /></td></p></tr>

<td><p>Enter Your Address :  <input type="text" name="BADDRESS" ng-model="BADDRESS" size="25" /></td></p></tr>

<td><p>Enter the GSTIN :  <input type="text" name="gstin" ng-model="gstin" size="20" /></td></p></tr>

<td><p>Enter the State:  <input type="text" name="state1" ng-model="state1" size="20" /></td></p></tr>

<td><p>Enter the Code :  <input type="text" name="code1" ng-model="code1" size="15" /></td></p></tr>

<td><p>Enter the Sno :  <input type="text" name="sno" ng-model="sno" size="20" /></td></p></tr>

<td><p>Enter Your Product Description :  <input type="text" name="productdescription" ng-model="productdescription" size="200" /></td></p></tr>

<td><p>Enter Your HSNCODE :  <input type="number" name="hsncode" ng-model="hsncode" size="25" /></td></p></tr>

<td><p>Enter Your Quanity :  <input type="number" name="qty" ng-model="qty" size="25" /></td></p></tr>

<td><p>Enter Your Rate :  <input type="number" name="rate" ng-model="rate" size="25" /></td></p></tr>

<td><p>Enter Your Discount :  <input type="number" name="discount" ng-model="discount" size="25" /></td></p></tr>

<td><p>Enter Your Rate1 :  <input type="number" name="rate1" ng-model="rate1" size="25" /></td></p></tr>

<td><p>Enter Your Rate2 :  <input type="number" name="rate2" ng-model="rate2" size="25" /></td></p></tr>

<td><p>Enter Your Amount in words :  <input type="text" name="Amountinwords" ng-model="Amountinwords" size="35" /></td></p></tr>

<td><p>Enter Your BankName :  <input type="text" name="bname" ng-model="bname" size="30" /></td></p></tr>

<td><p>Enter Your BankAccount :  <input type="text" name="bankaccount" ng-model="bankaccount" size="25" /></td></p></tr>

<td><p>Enter Your BankIFSC code :  <input type="text" name="bankifsc" ng-model="bankifsc" size="30" /></td></p></tr>

<TR> <td><h2><a href="#chapter2">REGISTER</a></h2></td></tr>


           <TR>  <td><input type="submit" name="ClickMe"></td> 

<td><input type="reset" name="Clear"></td></tr>






Program 2:



// use Oakjava7 util packages and Oakjava7 security packages


<USE> Security;

// Use Wnosql packages


<PACK> Program8



    <CLASS> Prog




      public void main()


// Design Invoice Bill form


// Add what are the fields you want for preparing Invoice bill

ArrayList arm1= new ArrayList();





























<PRINTLN>("<head> <style>");

<PRINTLN>("table {");

   <PRINTLN>(" width:100%;");


<PRINTLN>("table, th, td {");

    <PRINTLN>("border: 1px solid black;");

   <PRINTLN>(" border-collapse: collapse;");


<PRINTLN>("th, td {");

   <PRINTLN>(" padding: 5px;");

   <PRINTLN>(" text-align: left;");


<PRINTLN>("table#t01 tr:nth-child(even) {");

   <PRINTLN>(" background-color: grey;");


<PRINTLN>("table#t01 tr:nth-child(odd) {");



<PRINTLN>("table#t01 th {");

   <PRINTLN>(" background-color: black;");

    <PRINTLN>("color: white;");








// mention 23 fields in Request.Query method

ArrayList  armg= Request.Query(arm1,"InvoiceBilloj7.dsn",23,1);

//Design a html page for submiting all the 23 fields data ...

 string  CADDRESS=armg.get(0).ToString();

 string  invoiceno=armg.get(1).ToString();

 string  invoicedate=armg.get(2).ToString();

 string  reversecharge=armg.get(3).ToString();

 string  state=armg.get(4).ToString();

 string  code=armg.get(5).ToString();

 string  name=armg.get(6).ToString();

 string  BADDRESS=armg.get(7).ToString();

 string  gstin=armg.get(8).ToString();

 string  state1=armg.get(9).ToString();

 string  code1=armg.get(10).ToString();

 string  sno=armg.get(11).ToString();

 string  productdescription=armg.get(12).ToString();

 string  hsncode=armg.get(13).ToString();

 string  qty=armg.get(14).ToString(); 

string  rate=armg.get(15).ToString();

//string  amt=armg.get(16).ToString();

 string  discount=armg.get(16).ToString();

 string  rate1=armg.get(17).ToString();

 //string  amt1=armg.get(19).ToString();

 string  rate2=armg.get(18).ToString();

 //string  amt2=armg.get(21).ToString();

 string  Amountinwords=armg.get(19).ToString();

 string  bname=armg.get(20).ToString();

 string  bankaccount=armg.get(21).ToString();

 string  bankifsc=armg.get(22).ToString(); 





// Use OakJava7 Servlet to  print the form in webpage

 <PRINTLN>("<table  id=t01 width=1027 height=210 border=1 bgcolor=#fff >");

<PRINTLN>(" <tr> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td  height=135><div align=center><strong><address> ");


<PRINTLN>("</address></strong></div></p> <p align=right><strong>Triplicate  for</strong></p>");


<PRINTLN>("  <p align=right><strong>Supplier</strong></p></td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" </tr> ");


<PRINTLN>("<tr> ");

<PRINTLN>(" <td><div align=center><span <CLASS>=style12>Tax  Invoice</span></div></td>");



<PRINTLN>(" </tr> ");

<PRINTLN>("</table> ");

<PRINTLN>("<table id=t01 width=1027 border=1 bgcolor=#fff> ");


<PRINTLN>("<tr> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td width=506><strong>Invoice No: </strong>"+invoiceno+"</td> ");


<PRINTLN>("<td width=503></td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" </tr> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <tr> ");


<PRINTLN>("<td><strong>Invoice date: </strong>"+invoicedate+"</td> ");


<PRINTLN>("<td>&nbsp;</td> ");


<PRINTLN>("</tr> ");

<PRINTLN>("</table> ");

<PRINTLN>("<table id=t01 width=1027 border=1 bgcolor=#fff> ");


<PRINTLN>("<tr> ");


<PRINTLN>("<td width=436><strong>Reverse Charge(Y/N):</strong>"+reversecharge+"</td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td width=63>&nbsp;</td> ");


<PRINTLN>("  <td width=505>&nbsp;</td> ");


<PRINTLN>("</tr> ");

<PRINTLN>("</table> ");

<PRINTLN>("<table id=t01 width=1027 border=1 bgcolor=#fff> ");


<PRINTLN>("<tr> ");


<PRINTLN>("<td width=337><strong>State:</strong>"+ state+"</td> ");


<PRINTLN>("<td width=94><strong>Code </strong></td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td width=63>&nbsp;"+code+"</td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td width=504>&nbsp;</td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" </tr> ");

<PRINTLN>("</table> ");

<PRINTLN>("<table id=t01 width=1027 border=1  bgcolor=#fff>");


<PRINTLN>("<tr> ");


<PRINTLN>("<td width=506><div align=center <CLASS>=style13>Bill to Party </div></td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td width=503><div align=center><span <CLASS>=style13>Ship to party </span></div></td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" </tr> ");

<PRINTLN>("</table> ");

<PRINTLN>("<table id=t01 width=1027 border=1 bgcolor=#fff> ");


<PRINTLN>("<tr> ");


<PRINTLN>("<td width=506><strong>Name:</strong>"+name+"</td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td width=505><strong>Name:</strong>"+name+"</td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" </tr> ");


<PRINTLN>("<tr> ");


<PRINTLN>("<td><strong>Address:</strong>"+ BADDRESS+"</td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td><strong>Address:</strong>"+ BADDRESS+"</td> ");


<PRINTLN>("</tr> ");



<PRINTLN>(" <tr> ");


<PRINTLN>("  <td><strong>GSTIN:</strong>"+gstin+"</td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td><strong>GSTIN:</strong>"+gstin+"</td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" </tr> ");

<PRINTLN>("</table> ");

<PRINTLN>("<table id=t01 width=1027 border=1 bgcolor=#fff> ");


<PRINTLN>("<tr> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td width=340><strong>State:</strong>"+state1+"</td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td width=98><strong>Code:</strong></td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td width=54>&nbsp;"+code1+"</td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td width=380><strong>State:</strong>"+state1+"</td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td width=76><strong>Code:</strong></td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td width=39>&nbsp;"+code1+"</td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" </tr> ");

<PRINTLN>("</table> ");

<PRINTLN>("<table id=t01 width=1027 border=1 bgcolor=#fff> ");


<PRINTLN>("<tr> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td width=24 height=68><span <CLASS>=style8>S.NO</span></td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td width=130> <div align=center <CLASS>=style7>Product Description </div></td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td width=41><p <CLASS>=style6>HSNCode</p>    </td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td width=49><div align=center <CLASS>=style6>Qty</div></td> ");


<PRINTLN>("<td width=73><div align=center <CLASS>=style6>Rate</div></td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td width=97><div align=center <CLASS>=style6>Amt</div></td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td width=54><div align=center><span <CLASS>=style1><strong>Discount</strong></span></div></td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td width=75><span <CLASS>=style6>TaxableValue</span></td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td width=134><table id=t01 width=210 border=1> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <tr> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td width=200><div align=center <CLASS>=style4>CGST</div></td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" </tr> ");


<PRINTLN>("<tr> ");


<PRINTLN>("<td><table id=t01 width=200 border=1 bgcolor=#fff> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <tr> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td><div align=center <CLASS>=style7>Rate</div></td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td><span <CLASS>=style7>Amt</span></td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" </tr> ");


<PRINTLN>(" </table></td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" </tr> ");


<PRINTLN>(" </table></td> ");


<PRINTLN>("<td width=160><table id=t01 width=200 border=1> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <tr> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td><div align=center <CLASS>=style4>SGST</div></td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" </tr> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <tr> ");


<PRINTLN>("<td><table id=t01 width=200 border=1 bgcolor=#fff> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <tr> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td><div align=center <CLASS>=style6>Rate</div></td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td><span <CLASS>=style6>Amt</span></td> ");


<PRINTLN>("</tr> ");


<PRINTLN>(" </table></td> ");


<PRINTLN>("</tr> ");


<PRINTLN>(" </table></td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td width=110><div align=center <CLASS>=style4>TOTAL</div></td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" </tr> ");

<PRINTLN>("</table> ");

<PRINTLN>("<table id=t01 width=1027 border=1 bgcolor=#fff> ");


<PRINTLN>("<tr> ");



<PRINTLN>("<td align=right width=24><p>&nbsp;"+sno+"</p> ");



<PRINTLN>("<td align=right width=93>&nbsp;"+productdescription+"</td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td align=right width=54 >&nbsp;"+hsncode+"</td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td align=right width=38 >&nbsp;"+qty+"</td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td align=right width=50 >&nbsp;"+rate+"</td> ");

//double tax2 = 0.0;

  //double totalamount = 0.0;

//Write the business logic for  InvoiceBill


          double  amount =(Convert.ToDouble(qty)) * (Convert.ToDouble(rate));

double amount1= ((Convert.ToDouble(rate1)/100) * Convert.ToDouble(amount));

double amount2= ((Convert.ToDouble(rate2)/100) * Convert.ToDouble(amount));


<PRINTLN>(" <td align=right width=65 >&nbsp;"+amount+"</td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td align=right width=49 >&nbsp;"+discount+"</td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td align=right width=74 >&nbsp;"+amount+"</td> ");


<PRINTLN>("<td align=right width=85>&nbsp;"+rate1+"</td> ");


<PRINTLN>("<td align=right width=99>&nbsp;"+amount1+"</td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td align=right width=85 >&nbsp;"+rate2+"</td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td align=right width=85>&nbsp;"+amount2+"</td> ");

//Business logic

double totalamount= amount+amount1+amount2;

<PRINTLN>(" <td align=right width=85>&nbsp;"+totalamount+"</td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" </tr> ");

<PRINTLN>("</table> ");

<PRINTLN>("<table id=t01 width=1027 height=65 border=1 bgcolor=#fff> ");


<PRINTLN>("<tr> ");


<PRINTLN>("<td width=134><div align=center <CLASS>=style9><strong>TOTAL</strong></div></td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td width=47>&nbsp;</td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td width=37>"+qty+"</td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td width=51>&nbsp;</td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td width=74><div align=center>"+amount+"</div></td> ");


<PRINTLN>("<td width=65><div align=right>"+discount+"</div></td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td width=43><div align=right>"+amount+"</div></td> ");


<PRINTLN>("<td width=103>&nbsp;</td> ");


<PRINTLN>("<td width=101><div align=right>"+amount1+"</div></td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td width=205><div align=right>"+amount2+"</div></td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td width=95><div align=right>"+totalamount+"</div></td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" </tr> ");

<PRINTLN>("</table> ");

<PRINTLN>("<table id=t01 width=1027 border=1 bgcolor=#fff> ");


<PRINTLN>("<tr> ");



<PRINTLN>(" <td width=487><div align=center><strong>Total Invoice amount in words </strong></div></td> ");


<PRINTLN>("<td width=88  <CLASS>=style15><span <CLASS>=style21>Total Amount Before Tax: </span></td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td <CLASS>=style15>&nbsp;"+amount+"</td> ");


<PRINTLN>("</tr> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <tr> ");

     // note Amountinwords default is NIL

<PRINTLN>("<td><div align=center><input  type=text name=Amountinwords value =NIL > </div></td> ");


<PRINTLN>("<td><table id=t01 width=544 border=1 bgcolor=#fff> ");


<PRINTLN>("<tr> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td width=420 <CLASS>=style15><strong>Add: CGST </strong></td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td width=88 <CLASS>=style15>&nbsp;"+amount1+"</td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" </tr> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <tr> ");


<PRINTLN>("<td <CLASS>=style15><strong>Add:SGST</strong></td> ");


<PRINTLN>("  <td <CLASS>=style15>&nbsp;"+amount2+"</td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" </tr> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <tr> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td <CLASS>=style15><strong>Total Tax Amount: </strong></td> ");


<PRINTLN>("  <td <CLASS>=style15>&nbsp;"+(amount1+amount2)+"</td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" </tr> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <tr> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td <CLASS>=style15><strong>Total Amount After Tax: </strong></td> ");


<PRINTLN>("  <td <CLASS>=style15>&nbsp;"+totalamount+"</td> ");


<PRINTLN>("  </tr> ");

<PRINTLN>(" <tr> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td width=196><strong>GST on Reverse Charge </strong></td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" <td width=254>&nbsp;"+reversecharge+"</td>");


<PRINTLN>(" </tr> ");


<PRINTLN>(" </table></td> ");


<PRINTLN>(" </tr> ");

<PRINTLN>("</table> ");

<PRINTLN>("<table id=t01 width=1027 border=1 bgcolor=#fff> ");

<PRINTLN>("<table width=1027 border=1 bgcolor=#fff>");


    <PRINTLN>("<td width=294 height=203><table width=296 height=216 border=1 bgcolor=#fff>");


       <PRINTLN>(" <td width=238><div align=center><strong>Bank Details  </strong></div></td>");

     <PRINTLN>(" </tr>");

     <PRINTLN>(" <tr>");

       <PRINTLN>(" <td><strong>Name:</strong>"+bname+"</td>");



        <PRINTLN>("<td><strong>Bank A/C: </strong>"+bankaccount+"</td>");



       <PRINTLN>(" <td><strong>Bank IFSC: </strong>"+bankifsc+"</td>");



       <PRINTLN>(" <td height=61>&nbsp;</td>");



    <PRINTLN>("<td width=163><table width=200 height=231 border=1 bgcolor=#fff>");


       <PRINTLN>(" <td height=121>&nbsp;</td>");



        <PRINTLN>("<td height=102><div align=center class=style22>Common Seal </div></td>");

     <PRINTLN>(" </tr>");


    <PRINTLN>("<td width=551><table width=514 height=224 border=1 bgcolor=#fff>");


       <PRINTLN>(" <td><div align=center><em>Certified that the particulars given above are true and correct </em></div></td>");



        <PRINTLN>("<td><div align=center><strong>For XXXXX (p) Ltd </strong></div>");


          <PRINTLN>("<p align=center class=style13>Authorised signatory </p></td>");













//Mention the path where Invoice bill details are stored ....

String g = WDBASQL.WDBASQLS("datastores", "USEDATABASE", "dbpwds", "C:\\Programs\\WNOSQL\\WNOSQLProgramfiles\\WNOSQL-cod");


//Give Proper credentials like username ,password ,table...

          String   t = WDBASQL.WDBASQLS("dbuser", "dbpwds", 1, "wilmix78", "wilmix78", 1, 5, g);

//Divide the InvoiceBill table in to 2 tables ie) Invoicebill and other one is  Invoicebill2

//Mentions the fields like CADDRESS ,etc to be created

String q = "CREATETABLE from Invoicebill 0 to 0 , 1 to 5 ?= 6639 By 6639 f(x) : {CADDRESS,INO,IDATE,Charge,State,code1,Name,Address,GSTIN,State,code2,sno,productdesc,hsncode,qty}: {} :{2,4}";

//Mentions the fields like rate ,etc to be created

String q1 ="CREATETABLE from Invoicebill2 0 to 0 , 1 to 5 ?= 6639 By 6639 f(x) : {rate,Amt,discount,Rate1,Amt1,Rate2,Amt2,total,ReverseCharge,Bankname,BankAccount,BankIFSC}: {} :{2,4}";

//Excecute the InvoiceTable querys



Char  c= ' ';

// Calculate the size of  the InvoiceBill tables using Wnosql PLSQL methods

ArrayList  datas1=WDBASQL.Query("TABLESIZE()","Invoicebill","0",null,27,"","", null,"",0,"","",c,null,t,1,5);

ArrayList  datas11=WDBASQL.Query("TABLESIZE()","Invoicebill2","0",null,27,"","", null,"",0,"","",c,null,t,1,5);

// Make all data as  string t1, and String t2 for two invoice bill tables respectively.

String t1="";String t2="";



// Insert all the t1 data into Invoicebill table

String  s12 ="INSERTINTO from Invoicebill 0 to "+datas1.size()+" , 1 to 5 ?= A By 1 1 : {0} : {"+t1+"} : {0}";

//Excecute the InvoiceTable insert query


// Insert all the t1 data into Invoicebill table

        String  s121 ="INSERTINTO from Invoicebill2 0 to "+datas11.size()+" , 1 to 5 ?= A By 1 1 : {0} : {"+t2+"} : {0}";

//Excecute the InvoiceTable insert querys





Output in Webpage

This Oakjava7  program  will display   Invoice  Form and

Invoice Bill in a single  page . So it  is  called   as  Single webpage  application  in 

OakJava7. Here .jclass  is an  obfuscated   file  with good security. The main advantage

Hackers can't use any  decompiler like JAD, etc to steal the  Oakjava7 source code . Thus it  is  Good  for  security side. And the  .jclass  provides good security like  C/C++ programming  language. 


Note: We  have problem  in  attaching  the output  image in this  google site . So  i will provide  OakJava7 EBOOK pdf   file  mentioning  all the  OakJava7 programs, sample used in this Tutorial  website...


            Sample: 75 : Sample 6 :Final OakJava7 Webapplication Exercises for the  OakJava7 professionals Mini Project1 and Mini Project2.


Q) OakJava7 WebApplication Exercises for  the  OakJava7 professionals (1 *100=100 Marks)

Assignment A

Problem -A ( 1* 40 = 40 Marks) (choose any one)

Assignment -1 :OakJava7 Single Web application

1) Design a Library miniproject using  OakJava7 P.L with  Angular with wnosql db.


2) Design a  electricity bill using OakJava7 P.L with  Angular with wnosql db.

Problem -B  ( 1* 60 = 60 Marks) (choose any one)

Assignment -2 :Streams with Banking or Insurance application

3) Design OakJava7 Web application  using  Oakjava7 Streams

and  Design  a Banking  project providing credentials like 

Username and password for Login page. And Design a registration page.

and List all  the  transactions in second page.

and the  customer name  should be  mentioned in second page

and provide  the  facility to Logout  from the  web page.

and Provide credit and debit transcations.use only WNOSQLdb

with angular.


4)  Design OakJava7 Web application for insurance domain.

Design a vehicle  Insurance  project providing credentials like 

Username and password for Login page. And Design a registration page.

and Develop the Premium Insurance bill , Insurance Reports,

Insurance Forms. Perform only insertion operations.

use only WNOSQLdb with angular.(Here choose only 4 modules

for Vehicle Insurance project).


Sample 76: OakJava7 Exception Handling  : Sample 1 : Type 1:       

                 Oakjava7(.web or .java7) other Exception /Error


A) Oakjava7(.web or .java7) other Exception /Error

i) When file.web or file.java7  is not found  when you compile the program

using  javac7 <filename>.web  or  javac7 <filename>.java7  at  Java7Shell then 

File  not found  exception  will be  displayed at  Java7Shell or

at command prompt or at Visual studio code.

ii) If you store 1 million data in ArrayList /LArray/HashMap

result in OutOfMemmory Error.and if you compile and when you use

 .exe from .web or .java7 file in scroll server, when you execute  it 

will  show the  result which is given below..

Fix "Aw, Snap!" page crashes and other page loading errors.

So solution to this issue is in that case is make a partition by using  TreeSet or

use J7JVM2.0.exe which will provide extra memmory and it display 1 crore data in 


So in this case don't run this kind of  programs in Java7Shell , run only at VisualStudio code command prompt other wise Java7Shell will hang and this will create program object in Taskbar  and it will take 90% of  your System memmory. So Don't run this kind of programs in Java7Shell.

iii) The same case if you use Heap7 Datastructure for vast storage management

this will display 1 crore data at a time.But to display millions of data

you have to change arraylist or declare like  Heap7  dataobj = new Heap7("");

This will solve your problem.And using J7JVM2.0.exe with Heap7, TreeSet,ArrayList  will provide extra memory  and it will display 1 crore data in console. So in this case don't run this kind of  programs in Java7Shell , run only at VisualStudio code  command prompt

other wise Java7Shell will hang and this will create program object

in Taskbar  and it will take 90% of  your System memmory.So Don't

run this kind of programs in Java7Shell.

iv) Always see logs to determine the Error or  exception.

This kind of  error or  exception is  found at directory


v) If oakjava7 developer print 1 crore data in the single webpage

will not display  "Fix "Aw, Snap!" page crashes and other page loading errors".

But if he print 2 crore data  will result in the error  which is

"Fix "Aw, Snap!" page crashes and other page loading errors".

So when you compile using J7JVM2.0 will generate a .jclass ie) oakjava7

final file. So run the .jclass file in google or any browser

it will display 1 crore data with in few seconds..

Thus Oakjava7 take care of Big data.


OakJava7  Type -2 and  Oakjava7  Type -3  is a

big document , when i show in google site will make

google site very slow. That's why, i will provide the Document with screenshots

 with Oakjava7 software ,when i release it.


           Sample 77: OakJava7 Samples : Sample 1 : 

Q) Steps  for  running oakjava7(JAVA7.0) in  Jshell instead of command prompt


Q) Steps  for  running oakjava7(JAVA7.0) in  Jshell instead of command prompt

i) Click the  Jshell.bat file in your folder ; in my case

i store all the  .web  or .java7 file in  wilmix directory.

or create .bat file containing  Java7Shell.exe including c:/oakjava7/src directory.

go to  your directory that is in my case i will goto c:/wilmix directory.

ii) After that  go to Jshell and  to compile  the .web files

or Run and  compile the  .web files at same time using   javap7 <filename>.

Oakjava7 also compile and  run the .web files at  same time  and produces the .exe files.

Which can  be used  for scroll webpages(webapplications).Better you

compile .web files  in Visualstudio command prompt if you print large

amount of  data.


                                      Section  A: Loosely Coupling in OakJava7 


The  Syntax  for  Loosely Coupling in OakJava7

 $ <Object> :(data);


Here   $ -> indicates loosely coupling for oakjava7 program.

How to get the  value of loosely coupled  variable ?

That can be  achieved by using <Object>.Val().

Q) Write a  OakJava7  Program  for  Loosely  coupled variable 

in Oakjava7 ?



//Load  j7utils package for Oakjava7 Loosely coupling

<USE> j7utils;

<PACK> oakj7utilsp1


public <CLASS> Program1


public void main()


// Here $ is the symbol for loosely coupling, Here loosely couple variable contains 10 as the value.

 $ iObj :(10);

                         //loosely couple variable contains String as the value.

$ iObj1 :("wilmix");

                   //Display the loosely coupled int value

<PRINTLN> (iObj.Val());

//Display the loosely coupled String value

<PRINTLN> (iObj1.Val());

  //loosely couple variable contains String as the value.

$ sObj :("intelligentmans");

                  //Display the loosely coupled String value

<PRINTLN> (sObj.Val());

<PRINTLN> ("");


// passing String value to display method of loosely coupled class.


// passing double value to display method of loosely coupled class.


<PRINTLN> ("");

int[] a = { 100, 22, 58, 41, 6, 50 };

$ iObj7 :("wilmix");

int[] a33=iObj7.J7AutoBoxing (a);

String[] c = { "v", "g", "a", "c", "x", "d", "t" };

String[] s = { "Virat", "Rohit", "Abhinay", "Chandu","Sam", "Bharat", "Kalam" };

<PRINTLN>("Sorted Integer array = ");

                // Sort the int array by using Loosely coupled class method OJ7Sort



<PRINTLN>("Sorted Character array = ");

                 // Sort the char array by using Loosely coupled class method J7Sort



                // Sort the String array by using Loosely coupled class method J7Sort

<PRINTLN>("Sorted String array = ");











cli.System.Int32 = 10 

java.lang.String = GeeksForGeeks 

cli.System.Double = 231 

Sorted Integer array = 

6, 22, 41, 50, 58, 100, 

Sorted Character array = 

a, c, d, g, t, v, x, 

Sorted String array = 

Abhinay, Bharat, Chandu, Kalam, Rohit, Sam, Virat, 

Note: Here You must  use OakJava7Utils.dll files at the Oakjava7 Properties file


                                   Section B :  Using OakJAVA7  List


Oakjava7 list  will  allow duplicate values and

it is ordered and changeable.



<USE> j7utils;

/*  J7List collections util package */

<PACK> oakj7utilsp1


public <CLASS> Program1


public void main()


//wilmix code



//intialize the J7List collection class and pass initial value 15

j7utils.J7List  listr <NEW> j7utils.J7List("15"); 

// Add  C, ADollar,etc to J7List using listr instance with add method in J7List method.















// Now remove JSTAR using removeItem method


// replace JDOLLAR with datascience at 7th location of j7list


// Now remove the data C in the J7list by using j7RemoveDuplicateItems method.

<OJ7UTIL>.LinkedList list1= j7utils.J7List.j7RemoveDuplicateItems("C");


<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");

//Print that list.

<PRINTLN>("list1= "+list1);

<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");

<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");

<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");

<PRINTLN>("display forward items ");

// Display the forward items in forward direction

String sop1=j7utils.J7List.DisplayLoop(list1,7);

<PRINTLN>("Sop= "+sop1);<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");

<PRINTLN>("display backward items ");

//Display the backward items  in backward direction here [-1*list1.size()] indicates //the last element in backward direction 

String sop11=j7utils.J7List.DisplayLoop(list1,(-1*list1.size()));

<PRINTLN>("sop1="+sop11);<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");

<PRINTLN>(" ");

<PRINTLN>(" ");

<PRINTLN>("Searching the data in List by  String");

String[] sentence1={"apple", "banana", "cherry", "kiwi", "mango"};

String[] sentence2=sentence1;

//Search the item "kiwi" if it is found then print it using J7Search


//Search the item by character 'e'  if it is found then print it using J7SearchChar method.

<PRINTLN>("Searching the data in List by character");


<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");

string text1="apple";

<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");

// this J7List function fxLucase convert lowercase to upper case when you pass sentence1 , sentence1.Length 

// and "Upper" as the arguments in function fxLucase



<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");

for (int i=0;i<sentence2.Length;i++)


<PRINTLN>(" "+sentence2[i]);


<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");

String [] sentence3=sentence1;

// Replace all the words in the sentence3 by Hello using function ReplaceAllString 

// and pass sentence3 and "Hello" as the argument

String [] sentence4=j7utils.J7List.ReplaceAllString(sentence3,"Hello");

for (int i=0;i<sentence4.Length;i++)


<PRINTLN>(" "+sentence4[i]);


<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");

<PRINTLN>("  Sentence6= ");

String [] sentence5={"apple", "banana", "cherry", "kiwi", "mango"};

//Replace only  the word "banana" with "orange"  using function ReplaceString 

// and pass sentence5 , word to be replaced "banana" with  "Orange" as the next argument

String [] sentence6=j7utils.J7List.ReplaceString(sentence5,"banana","Orange");

for (int i=0;i<sentence6.Length;i++)


<PRINTLN>(" "+sentence6[i]);


<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");

<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");

<OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList nos <NEW>  <OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList();

// add 100,50,65,82,23 in ArrayList nos





// if elements in ArrayList greater than 50 is choosen option 2  for sort it in //descending order,or  if you want the numbers to be sorted by ascending order //means use choice 1  use the SortList method containing parameters nos,50,2 as //the parameter.

<OJ7UTIL>.ArrayList lsort=j7utils.J7List.SortList (nos, 50,2);


<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");

<OJ7UTIL>.List item=<OJ7UTIL>.Arrays.asList("a","B","C","A","i","c","D","e");

//This SortListUL function will sort  or arrange the Capital characters in ascending order and Lowercase letters in ascending order

<OJ7UTIL>.List items=j7utils.J7List.SortListUL (item);

//print those sorted items


<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");

String[] datum1={"dell","Hp","sony","HCL"};

// Display all the  string in datum1 to uppercase by passing string array datum1 and //  "Upper" as a parameter    using SortbyUL method.

<OJ7UTIL>.List citems=j7utils.J7List.SortbyUL(datum1,"Upper");


<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");

String[] datum3={"apple", "banana", "cherry", "kiwi", "mango"};

//Arrange and display all the strings found in datum3 string array in reverse order //using ReverseList function present in J7List

<OJ7UTIL>.List lop44= j7utils.J7List.ReverseList(datum3);


<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");


<CATCH> (<EXE> e) {









list1= [ADOLLAR, JAVA, OAKJAVA7, JSAUCER, GDOLLAR, GDOLLAR1, datascience, JAVA1, JSAUCER, Csharp, Csharp1]


display forward items 

Sop= JAVA1


display backward items 


Searching the data in List by  String


Searching the data in List by character

























[100, 50, 65, 82]


[A, B, C, D, a, c, e, i]




[mango, kiwi, cherry, banana, apple]


                               Section C :  Using OakJAVA7 Dictionary


What is Oakjava7 Dictionary?

OakJava7Dictionary is a collection which is ordered and changeable. duplicate  key members are not  allowed. Here Key should be integer or double datatype, values may be  string or integer or double. For removing the key we can easily remove the data from Dictionary using Index. eg) Index   may be 1 or 1.0 means the first element in the oakjava7 dictionary. Oakjava7 Dictionary has  IsEmpty function to check whether the given Dictionary is empty or not.And oakjava7    contains Popitem function to remove  the last element from the Dictionary.



//load j7utils package.

<USE> j7utils;


<PACK> oakj7utilsp61


public <CLASS> Program7


public void main()


//Always put the statements, business logic in <TRY> and <CATCH> block ....



// choose OakJava7 Dictionary and  create a instance for  that , and let that object name be list

j7utils.Oakj7Dictionary   list <NEW> j7utils.Oakj7Dictionary ("0", "languages");


// Add ADOLLAR,GDOLLAR,JDOLLAR datas ,etc to the Dictionary list 



list.add("3", "GDOLLAR");








   // print space            

<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");

<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");

// to compute size of  dictionary list by using list.size()

<PRINTLN>("list size="+list.size());

for (int i=0;i<list.size();i++)


<PRINTLN>(" ");

// Filter 0's and print the keys and value pairs using J7Print 

//with key and values of dictionary list to be  passed to J7Print function arguments


<PRINTLN>(" ");

<PRINTLN>(" ");


<PRINTLN>(" ");

<PRINTLN>(" ");

<PRINTLN>(" ");

<PRINTLN>(" ");

<PRINTLN>(" ");

<PRINTLN>(" ");

<PRINTLN>(" ");

<PRINTLN>(" ");

<PRINTLN>(" ");

<PRINTLN>(" ");

<PRINTLN>(" ");

<PRINTLN>(" ");

<PRINTLN>(" ");

<PRINTLN>(" ");

<PRINTLN>(" ");

<PRINTLN>("Display all Keys in dictionary ");

for (int i=0;i<list.size();i++)


//list is the instance for Dictionary list and we can

// the value of key using list.getKey(i)


<PRINTLN>(" "+list.getKey(i));


// Removing item no 6 having key and  value from dictionary list and assign/copy to another  Oakjava7Dictionary list2

j7utils.Oakj7Dictionary  list2=list.remove(list,6,1);

// print all the  elements  like keys and  values from Dictionary list2

for (int i=0;i<list2.size();i++)


// Filter 0's and print the keys and value pairs using J7Print 

//with key and values to be  passed to J7Print function arguments



//print 3 space lines using <PRINTLN>(" "); function.

<PRINTLN>(" ");

<PRINTLN>(" ");

<PRINTLN>(" ");

// Remove duplicate items in Dictionary list2 by using list2.Display(list2) function

<PRINTLN>("Remove Duplicates.... ");


// Remove the last item in dictionary list3 by using list2.Popitem(list2,1) function

// here list2 represent the  values stored in another dictionary. 

// And 1 indicates the key must be integer datatype

<PRINTLN>("Remove the last element.... ");

Oakj7Dictionary  list3=list2.Popitem(list2,1);


//Remove the 3rd element from Dictionary list3



//Remove the 5th element from Dictionary list3


// print all the  elements  like keys and  values from Dictionary list3

for (int i=0;i<list3.size();i++)


// Filter 0's and print the keys and value pairs using J7Print 

//with key and values to be  passed to J7Print function arguments



<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");

<PRINTLN>("Remove all elements from Oakj7Dictionary-first ");

// Remove all elements from Oakj7Dictionary list3,

// now the list3 dictionary is Empty due to RemoveAll function


// Now add 1,JAVA; 2,OAKJAVA7 to the empty Dictionary list3



<PRINTLN>("Key=value pairs = ");

// print all the  elements  like keys and  values from Dictionary list3

for (int i=0;i<list3.size();i++)


// Filter 0's and print the keys and value pairs using J7Print 

//with key and values to be  passed to J7Print function arguments



//Check if the Given Dictionary list3 is  empty or not using IsEmpty function

<PRINTLN>("Is Empty first= "+list3.IsEmpty(list3,1));

<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");

<PRINTLN>("==================================================== ");

<PRINTLN>(" Using Double as  Key and  string as value");

// Create a  Dictionary name list33 and intialize key and values as 0,0 respectively. 

j7utils.Oakj7Dictionary  list33 <NEW> j7utils.Oakj7Dictionary ("0", "0");


// Add Double as Key and  String as value to the Dictionary list33



list33.add("3.0", "GDOLLAR");










//remove the key= 7.0 and it's value from dictionary list33


// here list33 represent the  values stored in another dictionary. 

// And 2 indicates the key must be  double  datatype 

// last element can be removed by using Popitem function and

// 2 indicates that the  key datatype should be  double.

j7utils.Oakj7Dictionary list231=list33.Popitem(list33,2);

// print all the  elements  like keys and  values from Dictionary list231

for (int i=0;i<list231.size();i++)


// Filter 0's and print the keys and value pairs using J7Print 

//with key and values to be  passed to J7Print function arguments



<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");

<PRINTLN>("Remove all elements from Oakj7Dictionary second for double");

//Copy Dictionary list231  to list2311, that can be achieved by using  list2311=list231 

j7utils.Oakj7Dictionary list2311=list231;

// add additional data with key and values pairs starting from 10.0 and ends at 14.0.








//Remove  2.0 data(key and value pairs) from dictionary list2311 and copy to list2312

// Here 2 indicates  Double Datatype.

j7utils.Oakj7Dictionary list2312=list2311.remove(list2311,"2.0",2);

// Check list2312 is empty or not and the result will be true or  false using IsEmpty function

<PRINTLN>("Is Empty= "+list2312.IsEmpty(list2312,2));

<PRINTLN>("Elements present from Oakj7Dictionary before removing ");

// print all the  elements  like keys and  values from Dictionary list2312

for (int i=0;i<list2312.size();i++)


// Filter 0's and print the keys and value pairs using J7Print 

//with key and values to be  passed to J7Print function arguments



//remove all elements by using RemoveAll function,In case of  double datatype

// choice  2 value should be passed as a  argument  to RemoveAll function. 


// Add  elements like 0.0 and 10.0 to 13.0 (keys and value pairs) values to the dictionary list2312







//Remove 13.0 key and it's value pairs using list2312.remove function and

// choice  2 (reprsent double value) value  should be passed as a  argument  to remove function.

j7utils.Oakj7Dictionary list23123=list2312.remove(list2312,"13.0",2);

// Remove duplicates from Oakjava7Dictionary using j7utils.Oakj7Dictionary.process function

// and pass the list23123 as a  dictionary object to the process function

//finally this process function will remove duplicates for Double key Datatypes and

// finally copy to flist dictionary. 

j7utils.Oakj7Dictionary flist=j7utils.Oakj7Dictionary.process(list23123);

// print the size of the  dictionary using list23123 instance with size() function

<PRINTLN>("Elements present from Oakj7Dictionary after removing ="+list23123.size());

// print all the  elements  like keys and  values from Dictionary flist

for (int i=0;i<flist.size();i++)


// Filter 0's and print the keys and value pairs using J7Print 

//with key and values to be  passed to J7Print function arguments



<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");

<PRINTLN>("==================================================== ");

<PRINTLN>(" Using String as  Key and  string as value");

//call this UsingStrJ7Dict method for Key and  value to be string -method type -3


<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");


<CATCH> (<EXE> e) {<PRINTLN>("DuplicateException="+e);}



//wilmixjemin code

//Shared means static in OakJava7

public Shared void UsingStrJ7Dict()


j7utils.Oakj7Dictionary  list33 <NEW> j7utils.Oakj7Dictionary ("zero", "0");




list33.add("three", "GDOLLAR");









// pass  the String value "seven" to the remove function.


//Delete the Last item  using Popitem function

j7utils.Oakj7Dictionary list231=list33.Popitem(list33,2);

for (int i=0;i<list231.size();i++)




<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");

<PRINTLN>("Remove  elements from Oakj7Dictionary third for string");

j7utils.Oakj7Dictionary list2311=list231;









j7utils.Oakj7Dictionary list2312=list2311.remove(list2311,"zero",2);

<PRINTLN>("Is Empty= "+list2312.IsEmpty(list2312,2));

<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");

<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");

<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");

<PRINTLN>("Elements present from Oakj7Dictionary before removing.... ");

<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");

for (int i=0;i<list2312.size();i++)




<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");

<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");

<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");







// important wcode 

j7utils.Oakj7Dictionary list23123=list2312.remove(list2312,"eleven",2);

// Use StrProcess function and pass the instance of the dictionary ie) list23123

// Use StrProcess function to remove duplicates  in the Oakjava7- Dictionary  //containing same keys  in case of  key and value  pairs  of   dictionary

// be  type  of  String

j7utils.Oakj7Dictionary flist=j7utils.Oakj7Dictionary.StrProcess(list23123);

<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");

<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");

<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");

//Print the size of  flist dictionary.

<PRINTLN>("Elements present from Oakj7Dictionary after removing.. ="+flist.size());

<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");

<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");

<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");

for (int i=0;i<flist.size();i++)




<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");

<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");

<PRINTLN>(" ");<PRINTLN>(" ");

<PRINTLN>("Elements present from Oakj7Dictionary after removing  every elements="+flist.size());

//remove all elements from flist dictionary


for (int i=0;i<flist.size();i++)





//wilmixjemin code




list size=10











Display all Keys in dictionary 













Remove Duplicates....  














Remove the lastElement element.... 



Remove all elements from Oakj7Dictionary-firstElement 

Key=value pairs = 


Is Empty firstElement= False




 Using Double as  Key and  string as value



Remove all elements from Oakj7Dictionary second for double

Is Empty= False

Elements present from Oakj7Dictionary before removing 



Elements present from Oakj7Dictionary after removing =25




 Using String as  Key and  string as value


Remove  elements from Oakj7Dictionary third for string

Is Empty= False

Elements present from Oakj7Dictionary before removing....



Elements present from Oakj7Dictionary after removing.. =15


Elements present from Oakj7Dictionary after removing  every elements=15



Note: I will attach the  screen shot  in  the OakJava7 with ScrollServer EBook.

Note: In Enterprise Edition  it contains remaining 55% Advanced samples...


Note  for  OakJava7  version 1:   

There are 4 kinds of OakJava7 Util Packages

which are given below..

  i)  <OJ7UTIL>, <OAKJAVA7>


iii) J7UTIL  -> oakjava7  library packages

So for converting from  <OJ7UTIL> to OJ7UTIL

results in Autoboxing concept. Because these

two OakJava7  Util Packages  are of different types. But in

OakJava7 next version (OakJava7 version 2) , i will combine this

to a one Datastructures. This is the demerits of OakJava7 version 1.   

 <OAKJAVA7> is just  the library package  for  OakJava7 Programming  package .



I have to include OakJava7 webapplication samples in OakJava7 Advanced samples section. So  that  all  Oakjava7 professionals will learn  and  practice  oakjava7(JAVA7.0) web application .

That's why Oakjava7 (Java7.0) is  not released at January 2024. 

        ----- Wilmix Jemin J

Note: This  Oakjava7 Advanced  Samples webpage   is under  construction for  text  alignment.

Here  we covered  only  40% of  Advanced  samples  , but  remaining 60% of   Advanced samples  will be  found  only  at   Oakjava7 Enterprise Edition., and  it is  not  found  at  Professional Edition.

But  in Professional  edition   you  can't  learn  about  Oakjava7  templates. In  Enterprise Edition  you  can  study  more   about   OakJava7 Templates ,Security , Oakjava7 Advanced  topics , OakJava7  Single Webapplication , OakJava7  with  High  Security etc.

Note: I request all   OakJava7   professionals   must  learn it and  don't forget to practice  it when i  publish  the  Oakjava7  Software and OakJava7 Ebook  in GIT  repository. If  you study  then it  more easy  to  study   JDollar(j$) and  Advanced Business. Because what ever  you learn  oakjava7 , the same oops concepts  will be found  in  JDollar(J$),Advanced business only the syntax and the advantages

will  differ. So  Oakjava7  is  considered as  a most important .

So  Practice  all  the  Assignments which i have  given.

"Remaining  60% concept  is  based  on   high security,  OakJava7 Templates, Oakjava7 Advanced  topics, remaining  Webapplication samples, Remote -X  application.You can find  remaining  features in  oakJava7(JAVA7.0)  Enterprise Ediition. This is  my plan to Protect  oakJava7(JAVA7.0)   from  hackers/competitors  in copying  my  features." - wilmix jemin.
