

10/23 - 10/24: 📢 Call for papers 🚨, 1st  workshop on understanding factors driving violence against women and the impact of policies aimed at reducing such violence in Barcelona, Spain.

10/03 - 10/05: Núria Rodríguez-Planas (PI) is invited to give talk at plenary session on "Gender Violence and Labour Market" at 39th Conference of the Italian Association of Labour Economics  in Naples, Italy.

07/01/2024: The Consejo Asesor de Brecha de Género at the Ministerio de Inclusión, Seguridad Social y Migraciones  was created today and had its first meeting. Núria Rodríguez-Planas (PI) was nominated as one of its members.  She will assist the Spanish Government in building policies that reduce gender gaps in Spain.  You can read about the other members of the committee in Spanish here.  

06/07: Núria Rodríguez-Planas (PI) will be keynote speaker at 2024 Conference on Women's Health and Labor Outcome at Pace University in New York City.

06/03- 06/07: Núria Rodríguez-Planas (PI) will be Invited Speaker at Stone Center summer workshop on Inequality by the Numbers 2024 at The Graduate Center, CUNY, in New York City.

05/27 - 05/28: Núria Rodríguez-Planas (PI) will be keynote speaker at COSME Gender Economics Workshops held by Fundación Ramón Areces in Madrid, Spain.


Was awarded an ERC Advanced Grant to study the causes of intimate partner violence in the EU

La investigadora Núria Rodríguez Planas obté un ajut Advanced Grant - Actualitat - Universitat de Barcelona (  

Professor’s Study Cited in Federal Student Debt Relief Case | CUNY Graduate Center 

Two Professors and an Alumna Named Russell Sage Foundation Scholars | CUNY Graduate Center 

As a Russell Sage Foundation Visiting Scholar, I  will explore how low-income and minority urban college students have coped during the pandemic. I will draw on surveys with over 24,000 students, City University of New York academic records, and New York City COVID data to examine how the pandemic affected students’ academic performance, as well as their educational and labor market expectations and trust in the government and members of their community. 

My work on Queens College students' experiences during the first months of the pandemic (Economics of Education Review 2022)  is cited as Authorities in a Petition by the President of the United States, Joseph R. Biden Jr., in a Supreme Court Petition on January 11 2023 (see p. iv and 3). My work was also cited on October 4 2022 in Exhibit A of the Myra Brown & Alexander Taylor, Plaintiffs v. US Department of Education (in page 253.)  

You can find the published article at Hitting where it hurts most: COVID-19 and low-income urban college students - ScienceDirect 

Member of the Executive Committee of the Society of Economics of the  Household (2022-24). The Review of Economics of the Household has an impact factor of 2.943 and is positioned at 33.24% of all JCR econ journals (ranked 126/379). 

My co-author Maddalena Davoli from Goethe University Frankfurt was awarded the Rising Financial Literacy Scholars Award for our paper,  “Culture, Gender, and Financial Literacy.

My research on how the introduction of the Penalty Point System in Spain reduced traffic offenders, injuries and deaths (with Yolanda Fatima Rebollo and Jesus Rodriguez-Lopez) was covered in the press: 

My research on how CUNY is helping students cope with the pandemic was covered in the press:


Nominated by the Economics Department's P&B at Queens College (CUNY) to be considered Distinguished Professor of the City University of New York (CUNY), July 2021. The executive board of the College voted approval to move ahead with full consideration.


NIH Grant Proposal: Transformative Research to Address Health Disparities and Advance Health Equity at Minority Serving Institutions (U01). RFA-RM-22-001. “From Resilience Thinking to Agency: A Randomized Intervention for Resilience Among Low-Income and Minority College Students.” Main-investigator: Rafael de Balanzó Joue. Impact Score: 41.  Finalist proposal.


ERC Advanced Grant. ERC-2022-ADG - SH3 - Proposal n° 101096525 “WomEmpower: The Causal Effect of Motherhood, Gender Norms, and Cash Transfers to Women on Intimate Partner Violence.” 2.5 million Euros granted as PI. January 2024-December 2028.

Russell Sage Foundation Visiting Scholar:  Total amount: $86,000 US dollars over 09/2023-06/2024.

CUNY Interdisciplinary Research Grant in Public Health. “Improving CUNY Students’ Mental Health through Resilience Thinking during the Pandemic” (Proposal #2922).  Total amount: $40,000 US dollars over a 1-year period. PI with co-principal investigator Sasha Rudenstine from City College, CUNY.

Russell Sage Foundation Grant with the Carnegie Corporation of New York. “Emergency Relief, COVID-19, and Academic Performance: Short- to Medium-Term Effects(Reference ID: R-2007-26767). Total amount $170,000 US dollars. Co-principal investigator with Rafael de Balanzó Joue. April 2021-March 2023.

BBVA 2020 EduFin Research Award. “Gender Differences in Preferences and the Gender Gap in Financial Literacy.” $10,000 Euros as Co-PI with Maddalena Davoli. January 2021-December 2021.


IZA Coronavirus Emergency Research Award.  “Impacts of the COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund on College Continuity and Economic Well-Being in New York City”.  Total amount: 7,500 Euros (acceptance rate: 4%). Summer 2020.

RECENTLY INVITED SEMINARS (may include forthcoming invited seminars)


2024       Bocconi University, Milan

University of Luxembourg

   Russell Sage Foundation, Visiting Scholars Seminar

   COSME, Madrid (Keynote speaker)

   Stone Center summer workshop on Inequality by the Numbers 2024 at The Graduate Center, CUNY.

        Conference on Women's Health and Labor Outcome at Pace University in New York City (Keynote 


                      Italian Association of Labour Economics Meetings, Naples (Keynote speaker)

  Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


   Italian National Conference of Labour Economics, AIEL annual meetings (Keynote speaker)

   IFO Munich

  2023       University of Gothenburg

                   Lund University

                       NBER seminar, New York

University of Zurich 

Cirje and University of Tokyo