The group 

Dr. Martin Nuñez, PI 

Associate professor

Francisco Velásquez-Espín, PhD student (arbonaut/ecologist)
His interests are related to complex systems and Ecology inside one of the least understood and explored strata of the forest, the canopy layer. At this layer of the forest, Francisco aims to understand the patterns of diversity across different gradients within and outside the canopy, and how the different microclimatic conditions and microhabitats shape the community found in the layer. To access his sampling sites, located up to 30 meters high, Francisco implements tree climbing and climbing techniques. His previous work includes systematics and phylogenetics with anurans of the genus Pristimantisand invertebrates’ biodiversity inside the bromeliads in the canopy of the cloud forest. In addition, he is interested in modeling and biostatistics with an emphasis on the canopy. Now, he is focusing on the understanding of the complex canopy system inside members of the genus Pinus

Tess Peterson, PhD student

Rob West, PhD student

Hang Phan, undergrad

Niyoosha Izadbakhsh, undergrad

Abel Scherf, PhD student

Dr. Jaime Moyano, researcher

Dr. Julieta Mallerman, post doc

Dr. Maria Fernanda Reyes, researcher

Dr. Mariana Chiuffo, researcher

Alumni and undergrads that helped us 

Dr. Nahuel Policelli

Dr. Agostina Torres

Dr. Jaime Moyano

Dr. Sebastian Ballari

Miriam Sørensen, M.Sc.

Cruz Costa, Licenciado

Natalia Joelson, Licenciada

Nahuel Aizen, undergrad

Ignacio Braeckman, undergrad

Jessen, Maria-Theresa, undergrad 

Micaela Gómez-Jousse, undergrad

Lihuen A , undergrad

Soria-Mercier, undergrad 

Juan Cruz Tallone, undergrad