Publications and conference presentations

Publications and conference presentations. For an updated list go to my Google Scholar 

Nuñez, M. A., Relva, M. A. & Simberloff, D. Accepted. Enemy release or invasional meltdown? The role of exotic herbivores in pine invasion on Isla Victoria, Argentina. Austral Ecology.

Rodríguez Cabal. M. A., Nuñez, M. A. & Martinez, A. S. Accepted. Quantity versus quality: endemism and protected areas in the temperate forest of southern South America. Austral Ecology.

Nuñez M. A. & Raffaele, E. Accepted. Afforestation causes changes in post-fire regeneration in native shrubland communities of northwestern Patagonia, Argentina Journal of Vegetation Science.

Crutsinger G. M. & Nuñez M. A. Accepted. The delicate balance between the literature load and walks in the woods. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.  

Nuñez C. I., Nuñez, M. A. & Kitzberger, T. Accepted. Sex-related spatial segregation and growth in a dioecious conifer along environmental gradients in northwestern Patagonia. Ecoscience.  

Sanders, N. J. Weltzin, J. F., Crutsinger, G. M., Fitzpatrick, M. C., Nuñez, M. A., Oswalt, C. & Lane, K. In Print. Multiple controls on a plant invasion: insects mediate the interactive effects of propagule supply and resource availability. Ecology.

Richardson D. M., van Wilgen B. W. & Nuñez M. A. In Print. Alien conifer invasions in South America: short fuse burning? Biological Invasions. [pdf]

Clergeau, P & Nuñez, M. A. 2006. The language of fighting invasive species. Science 311 : 951- 951 (short letter). [pdf]

Nuñez P. A. & Nuñez, M. A. 2006. Controversias en ecología: La competencia interespecífica y la estructuración de comunidades [Controversies in ecology: interspecific competition and the estructuration of communities]. A Parte Rei 47: 1-15. URL:

Nuñez, M. A. & Nuñez P. G. 2005. Controversies in ecology: competition, from the certainty to the question. Ecologia Austral 15(2):229-238. URL:

Nuñez, M. A. & D. Simberloff. 2005. Invasive species and the cultural keystone species concept. Ecology and Society 10(1): r4. [online] URL: [pdf]

Raffaele E. Nilsson, J & Nuñez, M. A. 2003. Exotic conifer plantations in Patagonia, Argentina, a new land use and changes in the landscape. Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botanica 38: 21-22.

Simberloff, D., M. A. Relva & M. Nuñez. 2003. Introduced Species and Management of a Nothofagus/Austrocedrus Forest. Environmental Management 31(2):263- 275.[pdf]

Nuñez, M. 2002. How to start an international program to deal with invasive species? Conservation Ecology 6(2): r1. [online] URL:

Nuñez, M & C. Quintero.2002.¿Qué Hacer con las Especies Exoticas Invasoras?: Problemática y  Técnicas de Manejo. Cuaderno Universitario Nº 44. Centro Regional Universitario Bariloche. Bariloche. [pdf]

Simberloff, D., M. A. Relva & M. Nuñez. 2002. Gringos en el bosque: introduced tree invasion in a native Nothofagus/ Austrocedurs forest. Biological Invasions 4: 35-53.[pdf]

Puntieri, J. Souza, M. S., Barthélèmy, D., Brion C., Nuñez M. & Mazzini, C. 2000. Preformation, neoformation, and shoot structure in Nothofagus dombeyi (Nothofagaceae). Canadian  Journal of Botany 78: 1044-1054.



Nuñez, M. A. 2002. Regeneración post fuego en matorrales y plantaciones de Pinus ponderosa en el Nor-Oeste Patagonico. Licenciatura thesis. Centro regional universitario Bariloche. Universidad Nacional del Comahue.


 Conference presentations

 Nuñez, M. A., Simberloff, D & Relva, M. A. 2007. Biotic resistance by seed predators could halt plant invasions. Ecological Society of America Annual meeting, August 2007, San Jose, California. [pdf]

 Nuñez, M. A. 2007. Pine invasion in Patagonia. First international workshop on Pine invasion in South America, May 2007, Bariloche, Argentina.

Sarasola, M, Nuñez M. A. & Relva M. A. 2007. Is there a conifers invasion in the Patagonian Andes? Diagnosis and evaluation for decision making. EcoForestar – First meeting on forestry in Patagonia. Esquel, Argentina.

Nuñez, M. A, Relva, M. A. & Simberloff, D. 2006. Enemy release or invasional meltdown? The role of exotic herbivores in pine invasion on Isla Victoria, Argentina. Ecological Society of America Annual meeting, August 2006, Memphis Tennessee. [pdf]

Nuñez C. I., E. Rafaelle, Nuñez, M. A & F. Cuassolo. 2006. Nurse effect between shrubs and Cipres (Austrocedrus chilensis) in the Patagonian ecotone: Temporal changes in the levels of hydric stress. Meeting of the Argentine Ecological Society, August 2006 Cordoba, Argentina.

Relva, M.A., Nuñez, M.A & Simberloff, D. 2006 . Los ciervos exóticos facilitan o controlan la invasión de pinos introducidos? [Do exotic deer facilitate or control invasion of introduced pines?] Meeting of the Argentine Ecological Society, August 2006 Cordoba, Argentina.

Nuñez C. I., Nuñez, M. A. 2006. Do exotic conifer plantations constitute a threat to native Austrocedrus forests? Workshop on Forest Fragmentation in South America, June 2006 – San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina. [pdf]

Nuñez, P. G. & Nuñez, M. A. 2006. Consensos y divergencias en la historia de la ecología [Agreements and disagreements in the history of ecology]. XVII Jornadas de Historia y Epistemología de las ciencias. November 2006, Cordoba, Argentina.

Weltzin, J.F., G.M. Crutsinger, M.C. Fitzpatrick, M.A. Nuñez, C.M. Oswalt, J.M. Stephens, P.B. Allen & N.J. Sanders. 2005. Combined and relative effects of resource availability, propagule pressure, and insect herbivores on invasion in an old-field system. Association of Southeastern Biologists Annual Meeting, 13-15 April 2005, Florence, AL

 Nuñez, P. G. & M. A. Nuñez. 2004 .Controversies in ecology: competition as an explanatory factor. XV Jornadas de Historia y Epistemología de las ciencias. Cordoba, Argentina.

Nuñez C.I., M. A. Nuñez, & T. Kitzberger. 2004. Spatial segregation of female and male individuals of Austrocedrus chilensis (Ciprés de la Cordillera), due to slope position. Second Binational Ecology Meeting. Mendoza, Argentina.

Nuñez, M. A., M. A. Rodríguez Cabal  & A. S. Martínez. Endemism richness and its correlation with protected areas in the temperate forest of Austral South America. Second Binational Ecology Meeting. Mendoza, Argentina.

Crutsinger, G. M., M. C. Fitzpatrick, M. A. Nuñez, C. M. Oswalt, J. M. Stephens, & J. F. Weltzin. 2004.Interactive Effects of Nitrogen Availability and Propagule Pressure on Invasion By Lespedeza Cuneata. 15th  Annual SAMAB Conference November 16-18, 2004. Gatlinburg, Tennessee.

Nuñez, M. A. & P. G. Nuñez. 2004.Change in ecology, a revision from the controversy of competition as an explicative factor. Seventh International Colloquium Bariloche of Philosophy. Bariloche, Argentina.

Nuñez, M. A. & E Raffaele. 2004. Early post-fire regeneration on Matorrals and Ponderosa pine plantations in Northwestern Patagonia. Southeastern Ecology And Evolution Conference,Georgia Institute Of Technology.Atlanta, Georgia.

Raffaele E., J. Nilsson & M. A. Nuñez. 2003. Exotic conifer plantations in Patagonia, Argentina, a new land use and changes in the landscape. XXIX Jornadas Argentinas de botanica,  XV Reunion anual de la sociedad Botanica de Chile. San Luis, Argentina.

Simberloff, D., M. A. Relva & M. A. Nuñez. 2001. Gringos en el bosque: invasión de especies arbóreas en el bosque de Nothofagus dombeyi – Austrocedrus chilensis en la Isla Victoria, Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi. I Reunión binacional de Ecología, Bariloche.

Nuñez, M. A. & E. Raffaele. 2001. Efecto de las plantaciones de coníferas exóticas sobre la regeneración post fuego en los matorrales de Ecotono del N. O. Patagónico. I Reunión Binacional de Ecología, Bariloche.

Puntieri, J. Souza, M. S., Barthélèmy, D., Brion C., Nuñez M. & Mazzini, C. 1998. Contenido de Las yemas de Nothofagus dombeyi y Nothofagus pumilo (Fagaceae) de acuerdo a su posición en el árbol y su relación en el tamaño de los brotes. XXVI Jornadas Argentinas de Botanica, Rio Cuarto.

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