Research Team

Current PhD Students:

  • Mr Amirul Islam (06/2018 - To date) - University of Essex: Research on Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communications and Machine Learning (co-supervised with Dr. Leila Musavian).

  • Ms Nihan Arı (05/2018 - To date) - University of Essex: Research on Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communications (co-supervised with Dr. Leila Musavian).

Current Senior Research Associates:

  • Dr. Joyraj Chakabroty, (01/2022 - To date), University of Essex & CML Microcircuits, Research on Machine learning based audio coding.

  • Dr. Amjad Muhammad, (11/2020 - To date), University of Essex & Sea-Kit Ldt. Research on intelligent network switching in marine environments.

Past PhD students:

  • Dr. Eleni Nisioti (10/2017 - 01/2022) - University of Essex: Research on machine learning for communications. Now postdoctoral researcher with Inria, France. (Defended Nov 2020)

  • Dr. Ali Marandi (04/2015 - 12/2020) - University of Bern: Research on Information-centric networks. Now postdoctoral researcher with Aarhus University, Denmark. (Defended Nov 2020)

  • Dr. Pantelis Maniotis (10/2016 - 11/2020) - University of Essex: Research on wireless edge video caching. Now data engineer with CACI Ldt, UK. (Defended Sep 2020)

  • Dr. Mohammed Al-Khalidi (01/2015 - 07/2019) - University of Essex: Research on mobility management in Information Centric Networks (co-supervised with Dr. Martin J. Reed). Now Senior Lecturer (associate professor) with Manchester Metropolitan University, UK. Previously, Lecturer (assistant professor) with Edge Hill University, UK. (Defended May 2019) .

  • Dr. Jonnahtan Saltarin (09/2013-09/2017) - University of Bern: Research on Network Coding Based Information-centric Networks. Now Software Engineer with 1plusX. Previously with IT’IS, Switzerland. (Defended Nov. 2017)

Past Senior Research Associates:

  • Dr. Jiejun Hu, (07/2019 - 12/2020) - University of Essex: Research on Blockchain and IoT Security. Now Assistant Professor at the Lancaster University Leipzig. Previously postdoctoral research at Max-Plankt Institute for Human Development, Center for Humans and Machines.

  • Dr. Mays Al Naday, (05/2015 - 08/2018) - University of Essex: Research on Future Internet architectures (co-supervised with Dr. Martin J. Reed). Now Lecturer (Assistant Professor) with University of Essex.