Journal Articles

Predicting online item-choice behavior: A shape-restricted regression approach

Algorithms 16(9), 415, 2023

Data collaboration analysis in predicting diabetes from a small amount of health checkup data

Scientific Reports 13(1), 11820, 2023

Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan, 65(2) pp.67-75, 2022

Optimization Methods and Software, 36(2–3) pp.316-325, 2021

Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 148(8) pp. 3507-3516, 2020 ... video / slide

Chaos 29(10) 101107, 2019

Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 37 100877:1-12, 2019

An asymptotically improved upper bound on the diameter of polyhedra

Discrete & Computational Geometry 62(3) pp.690-699, 2019

A simple projection algorithm for linear programming problems

Algorithmica 81(1) pp.167-178, 2019

The dial-a-ride problem with fairness

Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing 12(3) 17-00634: 1-12, 2018

An enhanced primal-simplex based Tardos' algorithm for linear optimization

Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan 61(2) pp.186-196, 2018

Small degenerate simplices can be bad for simplex methods

Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan 60(4) pp.419-428, 2018

A latent-class model for estimating product-choice probabilities from clickstream data

Information Sciences 429 pp.406-420, 2018

Improving bounds on the diameter of a polyhedron in high dimensions

Discrete Mathematics 340 pp.2134-2142, 2017

Estimating product-choice probabilities from recency and frequency of page views

Knowledge-Based Systems 99(1) pp.157-167, 2016

A primal-simplex based Tardos' algorithm

Operations Research Letters 43(6) pp.625-628, 2015

A refinement of Todd's bound for the diameter of polyhedra

Operations Research Letters 43(5) pp.534-536, 2015

Maximizing Barber's bipartite modularity is also hard

Optimization Letters 9(5) pp.897-913, 2015

Redundant constraints in the standard formulation for the clique partitioning problem

Optimization Letters 9(1) pp.199-207, 2015

Cutting plane algorithms for mean-CVaR portfolio optimization with nonconvex transaction costs

Computational Management Science 12(2) pp.319-340, 2015

Fractional programming formulation for the vertex coloring problem

Information Processing Letters 114(12) pp.706-709, 2014

Lagrangian relaxation and pegging test for the clique partitioning problem

Advances in Data Analysis and Classification 7(4) pp.363-391, 2013

A note on the complexity of the maximum edge clique partitioning problem with respect to clique number

Discrete Optimization 10(4) pp.331-332, 2013

Preference profile determining the proposals in the Gale-Shapley algorithm for stable matching problems

Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 29(3) pp.547-560, 2012

Lagrangian relaxation and pegging test for linear ordering problems

Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan 54(4) pp.142-160, 2011

Conference Proceedings

Estimating Product-Choice Probabilities from Sequences of Page Views

NOLTA 2019 - The 2019 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, 4 pages, 2019

On Mathematical Optimization Approach for Solving the Median Problem of Spike Trains

NOLTA 2019 - The 2019 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, 4 pages, 2019

On the diameter of bisubmodular polyhedra

JCDCGGG 2019 - the Japan Conference on Discrete and Computational Geometry, Graphs, and Games, pp.99-100, 2019

Exact clustering via integer programming and maximum satisfiability

AAAI 2018 - Proceedings of the 32nd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp.1387–1394, 2018

The dial-a-ride problem with regret minimization

ISS 2017 - International Symposium on Scheduling, pp.33-38, 2017

An asymptotically improved upper bound on the diameter of polyhedra

JH 2017 Japanese- Hungarian Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, pp. 459-468, 2017

Minimum point-overlap labeling

CIAC 2017 - 10th International Conference on Algorithms and Complexity, pp.334-344, 2017