Project Impact

Besides the publications (14 journal, 13 conference papers) the project also trained more than 7 graduate students (in all institutions) in the areas of IoT networks, wireless communication and UAVs.  Through the REU supplements received, there were also several undergraduate students involved in different tasks related to the project.  The graduate courses of the PIs are also enhanced with several components (e.g., assignments) related to the project. 

Presentations and Poster Sessions 

Project outcomes have been disseminated by both graduate and undergraduate students in several conferences, symposiums and poster sessions.

Implementation in 5G testbed

PI Bulut built a 5G testbed (that includes commercial 5G (Amarisoft) core) in his lab during the project period. The proposed International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) sharing based solution is also tested in this testbed. First the IMSI sharing idea is implemented in real 5G mobile devices and these devices connected to the core network in turns using the clone of the same SIM card. 

AERPAW Workshop 2023

Graduate students and PIs working in the project attended the AERPAW Community Workshop (ACW) in May 2023. The project members had a chance to get training and hands-on experience for UAV-IoT related experiments.