Frequently Asked Questions about an NSA Chapter:

Q:  What does a local NSA self-help group do?

A:  Our purpose is to provide information, advocacy and mutual support for people who stutter and their families.

Q:  Will going to NSA self-help meetings cure my stuttering?

A:  No.  We aren't speech therapists and we don’t administer therapy.  But participating in self-help can help you deal with stuttering in several ways:

Q:  How severely do most NSA self-help group participants stutter?

A:  It varies widely. Some of us struggle on every word, others speak fluently much of the time. There’s no such thing as a “typical” stutterer.

Q:  What happens at an NSA self-help meeting?

A:  Our main monthly meetings are friendly and informal.  Attendance ranges from 8 to 20 people. We open the meeting by “checking in” to share recent experiences.  Then we usually have a discussion program to exchange information about stuttering and handling stuttering-related situations.

Q:  Will I have to talk or introduce myself?

A:  We encourage everyone to share as they feel comfortable, but nobody’s going to put you on the spot.  Members feel free to stutter without fear of embarrassment, or to practice speaking in a non-threatening environment.

Q:  Are there any dues or fees?

A:  No, but we urge participants to join our national organization, the National Stuttering Association, to get the full benefit of membership.  See the national website for details.