Claytor Lake State Park

From educational, citizen science, and stewardship projects to the biennial mussel rescue, our volunteers provide a range of services to enrich visitor experience and natural resources at Claytor Lake State Park in Pulaski County.

Discovery room

Our volunteers staff this natural resource and education center, providing programs and activities for visitors of all ages.

Educational programs

Volunteers like master naturalist Judy McCord provide a range of stewardship, citizen science, and educational enrichment programs at the park.

New River Valley Master Naturalists have been leading educational programs in the park since 2015, including the annual January 1 First Day Hikes, campfire programs, and other guided hikes. We also assist in special activities, including the Claytor Lake State Park festival, fall festival, and Christmas festival.

Some of the various programs we have led educate park visitors about reptiles, birds, fly fishing, frogs, vernal pools, night sounds, owl prowls, edible plants, and wildflowers. Any master naturalist who wants to share their passion with park visitors is encouraged to sign up to be a park educator. Contact us to learn more.

Biennial mussel rescue

Our chapter joins with a range of other volunteers for this biennial stewardship project led by the Friends of Claytor Lake to protect and collect data on a range of mollusk species for the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation.