Historical datasets and resources

Nuno Palma

African economic history network

AFLIT (African Long-term Inequality Trends)

Allen-Unger ‘Global commodity prices database’

Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino, and other Portuguese archives

Bank of England's Historical database (which includes a link to my long-term money supply data for England)

Bank of England archive

Bank of England daily account books, 1851-1983

Clio-infra: Reconstructing global inequality

Correlates of war project

CGEH political/conflict data

CGEH research projects

Database on ships transiting through the Sound, and see also here.

David Rumsey's website, and in particular the Historic Map collection. See also this website.

European state finance database

Extended State History Index

Fiscal data for Africa

HISCO, and searchable occupational titles

IISH data

IISH research projects

IISH prices and wages

ICP, World Bank

Lisbon gazettes

London lives project

Macrohistory database

Measuring worth

Nomisma datasets

Our world in data

Patrick O'Brien's DPhil dissertation (Oxford, 1967). See also here.

Pauper lives in Georgian London and Manchester

Portuguese military registries

Portuguese historical statistics

Paleoclimatology Data

Projeto GERMIL: Genealogia em registos militares

Projeto Resgate, Biblioteca Luso Brasileira

Prices, wages and rents in Portugal, 1300-1910

The Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure

The Maddison project: estimates of economic growth in the world economy between AD 1 and 2010.

The JST macrohistory database

Source Collection on Urban annuities, 14th–18th centuries

Torre do Tombo (see also here).

UK Historical Data Repository

Various data by Robert C. Allen

Re-counting the past (Robert C. Allen)

Rodney Edvinsson's historical statistics portal

Rosés-Wolf database on regional GDPs, 1900-2010

SEA-DELT initiative  

For more datasets, see the Groningen growth and development centre, the Global price and income history group, and the eh.net database.

Figure from Palma and Reis (2021)

Figure from Costa, Henriques and Palma (2022)