Hsu Research Group
NanoPħotonics Characterization Laboratory

歡迎蒞臨奈米光學檢測實驗室 (NanoPħotonics Characterization Laboratory)







請洽徐老師: hsuhc@mail.ncku.edu.tw

Welcome to NanoPħotonics Characterization Laboratory (NPCL)

The lab, led by Dr. Hsu-Cheng Hsu, was established at National Cheng Kung University in 2010. We are interested in light-matter interaction in micro/nano-structures such as quantum dots, nanowires, microrods, and microdisks. We are particularly drawn to exploring the unique and intriguing photo-physics phenomena emerging in novel materials, including halide perovskite families, as well as zinc oxide. Our goal is to achieve semiconductor micro/nano laser with high performance as well as low energy consumption. We primarily utilize various spectroscopic techniques, combined with micro/nano-material fabrication and optical characterization techniques, to explore cutting-edge questions in mesoscopic optoelectronic physics involving photons and photo-induced carriers in subwavelength structures. We welcome collaboration and exchanges with research teams in related fields.

If you are interested in collaborating with the NPCL, please feel free to contact us.

We are looking for creative and highly motivated students interested in the field of micro-/nano-photonics and semiconductor spectroscopy. All prospective students interested in our group are welcome to attend our group meetings held on Thu. starting at PM 4:10 in Room 48205 Composite Building. 

If you have a passion for exploring the bright world, join us!

For more information, please feel free to contact Dr. Hsu-Cheng Hsu by Email at hsuhc[AT]mail.ncku.edu.tw.