
Visiting the Matsunaga group, Institute of Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo, June 2024

A proud moment on the mezzanine after David Barbalas' successful thesis defense, March 2023

Prashant Chauhan's graduation party in the front courtyard of Bloomberg, September 2022.

Prashant defending his thesis.

Dipanjan Chaudhuri's graduation party in 023, September 2021.

Group photo (plus Parijat: minus Sirak and Zhenisbek) from Dipanjan's sending off party in Wyman Park, September 2021.

Xinshu Zhang's graduation celebration in Wyman Park, April 2021.

Xinshu and Peter reminiscing. 

Group photo from the Zoom era.

Peter getting the Nakamura lecturer’s prize in 2019 at UC Santa Barbara from the UCSB Materials Department Chairperson Michael Chabinyc 

Group photo from 2019

Dr. Youcheng Wang's thesis defense and post-doc acceptance celebration. Good luck in Tallahassee at the National High Magnetic Field Lab!

Youcheng ready for the tropics of the panhandle

A socially distanced send off and celebration in Wyman Park

Before Bing set out for Stanford, he invited the group to a lunch buffet at Tokyo Seafood 9/24/2019

Bing's PhD thesis defense

The previous group photo taken in May 2019

The previous group photo taken in May 2015

Peter with his old Stanford group at dinner in Beijing in 2018

GRC/S at Mount Holyoke 2018

Nick giving his invited talk at SCES 2017 and Peter giving the opening plenary talk.

Nick with Peter in Peter's office, two days before his commencement ceremonies and a few days before he left for California.  

A hearty Friday group lunch at Tambers, for celebrating Mintu's professor offer in India, Nick's postdoc scholarship at Caltech, and Peter's promotion to Full Professor!  Big congrats to Mintu, Nick, and Peter! 

Liang received his Richard L. Greene Dissertation Award at APS March meeting in 2017:


Nick at the f-electron workshop in 2016:

March-pre-meeting workshop at Mt Washington conference center: “Anomalous Transport in Multipolar and Topological Materials” March 11-12, 2016'

  How many group members (present and previous) could you identify?                                                   The poster session


                                   Peter giving a talk                                                                        Group shot in front of the Octagon Dining Place


Peter and Nick at the 2015 La Jolla workshop on quantum materials in UCSD!


Liang's thesis defense poster!

Liang cutting a cake in celebration of publishing his recent PRL paper

Grace's thesis defense poster!!

Grace receiving EJ Rhee Teaching award from the department chair.              

It was time for this group photo from 2013 to be archived and replaced with an updated one.  Check out our current photo on the main page!

 Peter and Liang giving talks at the LEES conference, July 2014.

Everyone knows the best part of a Gordon Research Conference!

Group photo from the Ultrafast Phenomena in Cooperative Systems GRC that Liang attended in Ventura, CA.  Ten points if you can find the other former Armitage group member.

Group photo from Liang's time at the 2013 Boulder School.

An artists conception of the the trajectories electrons can take on the surface of a trivial insulator vs. a topological insulator.   No back scattering is allowed in the case of the topological insulator, while all possible back scatterings are allowed on the surface of the trivial system.  In the latter case this leads to back scattering and lowered mobility.

Wouldn't this be a great cover for our Nature Physics paper coming soon!?!?!

Peter and LiDong tuning the laser during a photo shoot for the new JHU Physics and Astronomy department website. Check out the website here

Peter visits the laboratory of the great THz sensei Masanori Hangyo at Osaka University in Japan.

Part of the annual April Fool's Day joke, which featured many professors in the department Photoshopped into funny pictures as wizards or magicians.  The one depicting Peter is simply titled "Tenure".

Eating pizza lunch after a tough morning of lab cleaning.

Announcing Wei's thesis defense!

Nick enjoying the annual department crab feast, 2012.

Postdocs hard at work!

Liang enjoying the finer points of the 2012 Gordon Research Conference:

From the day Luke became Dr. Bilbro:

Luke's thesis defense poster.

Congratulations to Wei and Brian on their wedding!  

Rolando and Chris really enjoying dinner one night during March Meeting.

Andreas and Liang beginning their work at the National High Magnetic Field Lab in Tallahassee, FL.

Artist's rendition of an integral part of our THz system:

See for yourself how much our group has changed in just 4 years:

Peter giving a talk at the 26th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics in Bejing China (August 2011):       

 Wei enjoying dinner at the GRC Superconductivity meeting in New Hampshire (June 2011).

                 R.I.P Old cryostat                                                             Welcome, new cryostat!