About Teen and Young Population
We are looking at the technology related challenges for young population of Bangladesh. It is a space not well explored and we are eager to learn more. As a parent of teens, it was sure that access to technology added or reduced communication complexities to an already difficult channel among parents and teens/ young ones. Rahat Jahangir Rony led this project. Anuva and Arisha did some exploration as teen researchers.
Working with teens on teens
Posed photo of work
Rony, R. J., & Ahmed, N. (2021). “My Mom took My Phone and Locked It in the Wardrobe”: Parental Mediation in Teen-Parent Relationship in Technology Usage from Teens Perspective in Bangladesh. Available at SSRN 4000430. [link]
Ahmed, M. S., Rony, R. J., Hasan, T., & Ahmed, N. (2020, September). Smartphone usage behavior between depressed and non-depressed students: an exploratory study in the context of Bangladesh. In Adjunct Proceedings of the 2020 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2020 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (pp. 675-679). [pdf]
Ahmed, M. S., Rony, R. J., Ashhab, M. M., & Ahmed, N. (2020, June). An Empirical Study to Analyze the Impact of Instagram on Students' Academic Results. In 2020 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP) (pp. 666-669). IEEE. [pdf]
Anuva Chowdhury, Arisha Chowdhury, Rahat Jahangir Rony, Moin Bhuiyan, Nova Ahmed. Mom thinks, Technology is my Enemy: A Teen Perspective, HCI Across Borders, 2020, Hawaii, USA.
Rahat Jahangir Rony, Partho Anthony D' Costa, Nova Ahmed. 2020. "Understanding Teens Online Awareness and Knowledge Regarding Cybersecurity in Bangladesh". CHI 2020 HCIxB Symposium. Hawaii, USA.
Blog Posts
Mom Thinks Technology is my Enemy! [link is here]