Curriculum Vitae


Title: Emeritus Professor of Science, Language and Society

Affiliation: Institute for Science and Society, School of Sociology and Social Policy, University of Nottingham, UK



Wakelet (blob post collections): webpage:

Google scholar profile:

Twitter: @BNerlich


Previous Appointments:

2016- Emerita

2004-2007 Principal Research Officer at the Institute for the Study of Genetics, Biorisks and Society (IGBiS), University of Nottingham

2002-2004 Senior Research Officer at IGBiS, University of Nottingham

2001-2002 Research Officer at IGBiS, University of Nottingham

1997-2002 Tutor for PG Diploma in Psychology, University of Nottingham

1996-2001 Research Fellow at the Department of Psychology, University of Nottingham

1992-1996 Research Assistant at the Department of Psychology, University of Nottingham

1989-1990 Temporary lecturer and examiner in General Linguistics, University of Warwick, Department of French Studies

1989-1992 Leverhulme Trust Research Fellow in the History of Semantics, Nottingham University, Department of Linguistics

1989 Visiting lecturer and examiner in the History of Linguistic Thought, University of Cambridge

1985-1988 Stipendiary Junior Research Fellow in General Linguistics at Wolfson College, Oxford

1983-1985 Research assistant to Prof Wunderli (French Linguistics), University of Düsseldorf

1981-1982 Student research assistant to Prof Münch (Sociology), University of Düsseldorf


1985: DrPhil in French language and literature with a thesis on the history of pragmatics in French linguistics (cum laude); Viva voce examination in French linguistics, French literature and sociology (summa cum laude) (University of Düsseldorf

2011: DLitt (University of Nottingham

Grants (since 2001)

2019-2020 Co-I, “Talking about gene drive: An exploration of language to enable understanding and deliberation in Africa, Europe, North America and Australasia" (2019-2020). The project is led by Sarah Hartley (University of Exeter) with partners in Australia (Australian National University), Uganda (Gulu University) and the US (North Carolina State University), Wellcome Trust

2016-2019 Co-I, “3D Printing with Atoms”, PI Prof Philip Moriarty, Physics, EPSRC

2014-2016 Social Science lead for EPSRC/BBSRC funded Synthetic Biology Research Centre (£14 million), PI Prof Nigel Minton

2012-2017 Director Leverhulme programme: “Making Science Public: Challenges and Opportunities” (£1.6 million)

2012 CoI, AHRC exploratory award on the communication of risk and uncertainty in the context of climate change (£30,000)

2012 University of Nottingham Hermes Fellowship (with Professor Mercedes Maroto-Valer and Dr Chris Jones, University of Sheffield: Public engagement with Carbon Capture and Storage: A different perspective (public engagement workshop) (£2000)

2011-2014 PI on ESRC/ORA grant: “From Greenhouse Effect to Climategate: A Systematic Study of Climate Change as a Complex Social Issue” (with Dr Hellsten, VU Amsterdam): about €700,000 overall with £306,754.84 going to the University of Nottingham

2011 European Science Foundation Major International Conference grant, “Images and Visualisation: Technology, Truth and Trust”, Linkoping, Sweden, 2012 (£40,000)

2011 Share in EPSRC CDFA ‘Let nano fly!’, PI Matt Clark, Optics (£9000)

2009 Randle, J., Hardie, K., Segal, J., Nerlich, B. Improving children’s and their visitors’ hand hygiene compliance (£11,636) Pump Priming Award. Nottingham University NHS Trust

2009 Hardie, K., Randle, J., Segal, J., Nerlich, B., Windrum, C. Increasing hand hygiene compliance in children (£24,325) Knowledge Transfer Award. University of Nottingham.

2008-2010 PI on ESRC grant: “Carbon Compounds: Lexical creativity and discourse formations in the context of climate change” (£157,000)

2007-2008 PI on ESRC grant: “Enlisting the help of friendly bacteria: Probiotics and visions of health, nutrition and science in a modern world” (£80,500)

2006-2008 PI on ESRC grant: “Talking cleanliness in health and agriculture” (£139,519)

2006 Grant (£9,000) from the European Science Foundation for an exploratory workshop entitled: Stem cell cultures: Exploring the social and cultural background to European debates about human embryonic stem cells

2005 PI on a small grant from the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences Dean’s Fund (£6,000) to set up a website and workshop coordinating Social Science and Humanities research on stem cells at the University of Nottingham

2003-2005 PI on ESRC Science in Society programme grant: “Caught between Science and Society: Foot and Mouth Disease” (£135,000)

2001-2006 Co-applicant on University-wide project funded by the Leverhulme Trust: Institute for the Study of Genetics, Biorisks and Society, Director Professor Robert Dingwall (£1.2 million)

Plus: Two Wellcome Trust student fellowships and a Sir Francis Hill Fellowship; one Marie Curie Fellowship and Reintegration grant; Grants before 2001: from Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, Leverhulme Trust.


Most of the publications can be found on google scholar or academia. If you can't find one, just email me!

Publications listed in chronological order both in terms of themes and dates of publication


French literature, history of ideas (linguistics, psychology etc.), historical semantics, pragmatics, philosophy of language, cognitive linguistics, psychology, social, cultural and linguistic study of science and the media (biosciences), social, cultural and linguistic study of science and the media (health and illness), social, cultural and linguistic study of science and the media (nanoscience), social, cultural and linguistic study of science and the media (climate change)

Theme 1: French literature

Nerlich, B. (1987). Voyage à travers l’impossible. Pièce en trois actes de Jules Verne - Essai d’une interprétation fantastique. In: Jules Verne 5, edited by François Raymond. Paris: Lettres Modernes, 117-130.

Nerlich, B. (1989). La lumière, une métaphore millénaire face à la modernité. J.V. No 9 [Newsletter of the ‘Centre de Documentation Jules Verne’, Amiens], 1er Trimestre, 10-22.

Theme 2: History of ideas (linguistics, psychology, etc.)


Nerlich, B. (1986). La pragmatique: tradition ou révolution dans l’histoire de la linguistique française?. Frankfurt/Bern/New York: Verlag Peter Lang.

Nerlich, B. (ed.) (1988). Anthologie de la linguistique allemande au XIXe siècle, edited, translated and introduced by Brigitte Nerlich, with the collaboration of researchers from France and Germany, Münster: Nodus.

Nerlich, B. (1990). Change in Language: Whitney, Bréal and Wegener. London: Routledge.

Nerlich, B. (1992). Semantic Theories in Europe, 1830-1930. From etymology to contextuality. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (1996). Language, Action, and Context: The early history of pragmatics in Europe and America, 1780-1930. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

Special editions

Nerlich, B., ed. (1993). Special issue on the history of semantics, Histoire de la Sémantique. Histoire Epistémologie Langage 15/I.

Nerlich, B., ed. (1996). Special issue on the history of pragmatics, Historische Wurzeln der Pragmatik. Zeitschrift für Semiotik 18/4.

Refereed journal articles

Nerlich, B. (1984). Pour une histoire de la pragmatique. Archives et Documents de la Société d’Histoire et d’Epistémologie des Sciences du Langage 4, 45-68.

Nerlich, B. (1986). La linguistique de Philipp Wegener. Une théorie du dialogue. DRLAV. Revue de linguistique 34-35, 301-315.

Nerlich, B. (1986). L’énonciation ‘il pleut’ (‘it’s raining’, ‘es regnet’): un exemple-type de la théorie des actes de langage. Histoire Epistémologie Langage 8(2), 149-164

Nerlich, B. (1988). Théories du changement sémantique en Allemagne au XIXe siècle: Stöcklein, Erdmann et Sperber. Histoire Epistémologie Langage 10(1), 101-112.

Nerlich, B. (1988). Meillet: Langue et Parole. Histoire Epistémologie Langage 10(2), 99-108.

Nerlich, B. (1991). De la phonétique à la phonologie. Eléments pour une histoire de la ‘science des sons’. La Licorne Publication de la Faculté des Lettres et des Langues de l’Université de Poitiers 19, 45-70.

Nerlich, B. (1991). Heinz Werner’s (1890-1963) Psychological Approach to Metaphor, Expressivity and Semantic Change. Beiträge zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft 1(1), 19-38.

Nerlich, B. (1991). G.F. Stout’s article on ‘Thought and Language’ (1891) and its place in the history of English semantics. Historiographia Linguistica XVIII(2/3), 335-348.

Nerlich, B. (1992). La sémantique: ‘Éducation et Récréation’. Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure 46, 159-171.

Nerlich, B. (1993). Avant-propos: La sémantique historique au XIXe siècle, en Allemagne, en Angleterre et en France. Histoire Epistémologie Langage 15(1), 5-30.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (1994). Language, Action and Context: Linguistic pragmatics in Europe and America, 1800-1950. Journal of Pragmatics 22, 439-463.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (1995) The 1930s: At the birth of a pragmatic conception of language. Historiographia Linguistica 22(3), 311-334.

Nerlich, B. (1996). Einführung in die Geschichte der Pragmatik. Zeitschrift für Semiotik 18(4), 413-421.

Nerlich, B. (1996). Un chaînon manquant entre la rhétorique et la sémantique: L’oeuvre d’Auguste de Chevallet. Travaux de Linguistique 33 (Langue et linguistique: mouvements croisés et alternés (1790-1860)), 115-131.

Nerlich, B. (1996). Sprachliche Darstellung als Prozeß: Die Pragmatisierung eines Begriffs von Kant bis Bühler. Zeitschrift für Semiotik 18(4), 423-440.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (1997). Polysemy: Patterns in meaning and patterns in history. Historiographia Linguistica 24:3, 359-385.

Nerlich, B. (1998). Linguistic Representation as ‘Darstellung’: From Bernhardi to Bühler. Il Cannocchiale. Rivista di studi filosofici 1, 193-223.

Nerlich, B. (1998). La métaphore et le métonymie: Aux sources rhétoriques des théories sémantiques modernes. Sémiotiques 14, 143-170.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (1998). La pragmatique avant Austin: Fait ou fantasme? Histoire Epistémologie Langage 10(2), 107-125.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (1998). The linguistic repudiation of Wundt. History of Psychology 1/3, 179-204.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (1999). Champ, schéma, sujet. Les contributions de Bühler, Bartlett et Benveniste à une linguistique du texte. Langue française 121 (Special issue entitled Phrase, texte, discours, edited by E.S. Karabétian), 36-56.

Nerlich, B. (1999). Conceptualisations métaphoriques de la sémantique sous l’influence des sciences naturelles et sociales modernes. French Studies 53(4), 444-458.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (1999). Commentary of target article: Harald Clahsen: Lexical Engtries and Rules of Language. A Multidisciplinary Study of German Inflection: Are rules and entries enough? - Historical reflections on a longstanding controversy. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22:6, 1032-1033.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (2000). Blending the past and the present: Conceptual and linguistic integration, 1800-2000. Logos and Language: Journal of General Linguistics and Language Theory 1, 3-18.

Nerlich, B. (2000). Structuralism, contextualism, dialogism: Voloshinov and Bakhtin’s contributions to the debate about the ‘relativity’ of meaning. Historiographia Linguistica 27(1), 79-102.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (2000). Using signs in situations: Pragmatic sign theories before Austin. RS-SI: Recherches sémiotiques/Semiotic Inquiries 20 (1-3), 187-209.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (2001). Mind, meaning, and metaphor: The philosophy and psychology of metaphor in nineteenth-century Germany. History of the Human Sciences 14(2), 39-61.

Book chapters

Nerlich, B. (1990). From form to function: The contributions of Wegener, Bréal and Gardiner to a semantics of communication and comprehension. In: Essays towards a History of Semantics, ed. by Peter Schmitter. Münster: Nodus Publikationen, 105-128.

Nerlich, B. (1990). Thought and language: The paradoxical relationship between linguistics and psychology. In: History and Historiography of Linguistics, vol. II, ed. by Hans-Josef Niederehe & Konrad Koerner. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 775-786.

Nerlich, B. (2000) La Sémantique et la Polysémie: De la conceptualisation à la désignation de domaines et concepts linguistiques nouveaux. In: Bréal et le sens de la Sémantique, edited by G. Bergougnioux. Orléans: University of Orléans Press, 183-194.

Nerlich, B. (1994). Entries on Bréal (1:401), Meillet (5:2439-2440), Wegener (9:4968), Vendryes (9:4915). In: Asher, R. E., J.M.Y. Simpson, eds. The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Oxford, etc. Pergamon Press. (Award-winning major reference work in the field.)

Nerlich, B. (1995). Language and action: German approaches to pragmatics in the 19th and early 20th centuries. In: History of Linguistics 1993, ed. by Kurt R. Jankowsky. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 299-312.

Nerlich, B. (1995). Writing the history of semantics and pragmatics: Problems and solutions. In: Conference on Linguistics in the XXth Century, Moscow State University, vol. II: pp. 369-371. [Russian transl. in Journal of the Philological Department of the Moscow State University: Westnik MGU. Filologija, 1995.]

Nerlich, B. (1995). The notion of ‘speech act’ in German linguistics, philosophy and psychology between 1830 and 1970. In: Speech Acts and Linguistic Research, ed. by Elisabetta Fava. Padova: Edizione Nemo, 1-20.

Nerlich, B. (1996). Egyptology, linguistics and anthropology: Malinowski and Gardiner on the functions of language. In: Linguists and their Diversions. Festschrift for Robert H. Robins on his 75th birthday, ed. by Vivien Law & Werner Hüllen. Münster: Nodus Publikationen, 361-394.

Nerlich, B. (1996). Semantics in the XIXth Century: In: Geschichte der Sprachtheorie, ed. by Peter Schmitter. Vol. 5: Sprachtheorien der Neuzeit II. Von der ‘Grammaire de Port-Royal’ (1660) zur Konstitution moderner linguistischer Disziplinen. Tübingen: Narr, 395-426.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (1997) Humboldt, Wilhelm von. In: Handbook of Pragmatics, ed. by Jef Verschueren, Jan-Ola Östman, Jan Blommaert, & Chris Bulcaen. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1-14.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (1998). Reconstructing research programmes: Semantics and pragmatics. In: Metahistoriography. Theoretical and Methodological Aspects in the Historiography of Linguistics, ed. by Peter Schmitter & Marijke van der Wal, Münster: Nodus Publikationen, 155-163.

Nerlich, B. (1999). The pragmatic triangle: Gardiner, Bühler and Reichling on the word and the sentence. In: ICHoLs VII, ed. by David Cram, Münster: Nodus, 267-275.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (1999). Protopragmatic theories of language, 1780-1930. In: Geschichte der Sprachtheorie, ed. by Peter Schmitter. Vol. 4: Sprachtheorien der Neuzeit II: Der epistemologische Kontext neuzeitlicher Sprach-und Grammatiktheorien. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 254-300.

Nerlich, B. (2000). La sémantique et la polysémie: De la conceptualisation à la désignation de domaines et concepts linguistiques nouveaux. In: Bréal et le sens de la Sémantique, ed. by Gabriel Bergougnioux. Orléans: University of Orléans Press, 183-194.

Nerlich, B. (2000). Coming full (hermeneutic) circle: The debate about methods in psychology. In: Mixing Methods in Psychology, ed. by Zazie Todd, Brigitte Nerlich, Suzanne McKoweon, and David D. Clarke. London: Routledge.

Nerlich, B. (2000). Les phénomènes pragmatiques. In: Histoire des idées linguistiques. Vol. 3: L'hégémonie du comparatisme, ed. by S. Auroux. Sprimont (Belgium): Mardaga, 219-238.

Nerlich, B. (2001). The study of meaning change from Reisig to Bréal, In: International Handbook on the Evolution of the Study of Languages from the Beginnings to the Present, edited by S. Auroux, K. Koerner, H. J. Niederehe and K. Versteegh. Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1617-1628.

Nerlich, B. (2001). The development of semasiology in Europe: A survey from the second half of the 19th to the first third of the 20th century, ibid. 1600-1811.

Nerlich, B. (2001). Research on semantic change after Paul, ibid., 1645-1648.

Nerlich, B. (2001). The renewal of semantic questions in the 19th century: The work of Karl Christian Reisig and his successors, ibid. 1596-1600.

Nerlich, B. (2003). Structuralism, contextualism, dialogism: Voloshinov and Bakhtin’s contributions to the debate about the ‘relativity’ of meaning. In: Mikhail Bakhtin, ed. by M. E. Gardiner. Four-volume set. London: Sage (The Masters of Sociological Thought series).

Nerlich, B. (2007). Zu einer menschlichen Semantik bei Bréal. In: Michel Bréal – Grenzüberschreitende Signaturen, ed. by Hans W. Giessen, Heinz-Helmut Lüger and Günther Volz. Landau: Landauer Schriftenreihe zur Kultur- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, 149-170.

Nerlich, B. (2009). History of pragmatics, in: The Pragmatics Encyclopedia, ed. by Louise Cummings, London/New York: Routledge.

Nerlich, B. (2009). Charles K. Ogden. In: Stammerjohan, H., ed. Lexicon Grammaticorum: A bio-bibliographical companion to the history of linguistics. 2nd ed. 2. Walter de Guyter/Niemeyer, 1094-1095.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D.D. (2009). Wilhelm von Humboldt. In: Senft, G.,Östman, J. O. and Verschueren, J., eds. Culture and Language Use. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 173-184.

Nerlich, B. (2011). The history of semantics as a discipline. In: Semantics: An International Handbook of Natural Language Meaning, ed. by C. Maienborn, P. Portner, and K. Heusinger. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Nerlich, B. (2012). Bréal, Michel. In: Rieber, R. W. (ed.). Encyclopaedia of the History of Psychological Theories. New York: Springer, volume 1, 131-132.

Nerlich, B. (2014). Michel Bréal: Mettre l’homme dans la langue. In: Archaimbault, S., Fournier, J.-M. and Raby, V., eds., Penser l'histoire des savoirs linguistiques: Hommage à Sylvain Auroux. Lyons: Editions ENS.

Nerlich, B. (2019). 9 The emergence of linguistic semantics in the 19th and early 20th century. Semantics-Foundations, History and Methods.

Theme 3: Historical semantics (see also cognitive linguistics)

Special editions

Nerlich, B., ed. (1989). Special issue on Linguistic Evolution, Lingua 77.

Refereed journal articles

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (1988). A dynamic model of semantic change. Journal of Literary Semantics 17(2), 73-90.

Nerlich, B. (1989). The evolution of the concept of ‘Linguistic Evolution’ in the 19th and 20th centuries. Lingua 77, 101-112.

Nerlich, B. (1989). Elements for an integral theory of language change. Journal of Literary Semantics 18(3), 163-186.

Clarke, D. D. and Nerlich, B. (1991). Word-Waves: A computational model of semantic change. Language & Communication 11(3), 227-238.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (1992). Semantic Change: Case studies based on traditional and cognitive semantics. Journal of Literary Semantics 21(3), 204-225.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (2001). Elements for an Integral Theory of Semantic Change and Semantic Development. Studia Anglica Resoviensia 2, 71-84.

Döring, M. and Nerlich, B. (2005). Assessing the topology of semantic change: From linguistic fields to Ecolinguistics. Logos and Language: Journal of General Linguistics and Language Theory 6(1), 55-68.

Book chapters

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (1992). Outline of a Model for Semantic Change. In: Diachrony within Synchrony: Language History and Cognition, ed. by Günter Kellermann & Michael D. Morrissey. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 125-144.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (2000). Elements for an Integral Theory of Semantic Change and Semantic Development. In: Regine Eckardt & Klaus von Heusinger (Eds.). Meaning Change - Meaning Variation, Vol. 1. Konstanz: Fachbereich Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Konstanz, Arbeitspapier Nr. 106, 123-134.

Theme 4: Pragmatics (see also History of ideas; cognitive linguistics)

Refereed journal articles

Nerlich, B. (1989). La pragmatique en France et la théorie du cinéma. HORS CADRE 7, 111- 120.

Nerlich, B. and Chamizo Domínguez, P. J. (1999). Cómo hacer cosas con palabras polisémicas: El uso de la ambigüedad en el lenguaje ordinario. Contrastes. Revista Interdisciplinar de Filosofía 4, 47-56.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (2000). Semantic fields and frames: Historical explorations of the interface between language, action and cognition. Journal of Pragmatics 32(2), 125-150.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (2001). Ambiguities we live by: Towards a pragmatics of polysemy. Journal of Pragmatics 33, 1-20.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (2001). Serial metonymy: A study of reference-based polysemisation. Journal of Historical Pragmatics 2(2), 245-272.

Chamizo Domínguez, P. and Nerlich, B. (2002). False Friends: Their origin and semantics in some selected languages. Journal of Pragmatics 34, 1833-1849.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (2002). Contextual competence: Its growth, use and loss. Studia Anglica Resoviensia: International English Studies Journal, Grzegorz A. Kleparski (ed.), No1/2002. pp. 64-78. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego.

Book chapters

Nerlich, B. (1986). Symbolsysteme und Handlungsmuster. Elemente für eine semiologische Pragmatik. In: Menschliches Handeln und Sozialstruktur, ed. by A. Elting. Opladen: Leske Verlag + Budrich GmbH, 27-48.

Nerlich, B. (2005) Entry on Conspicuity for the 2nd edition of the Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Editor in Chief, Keith Brown, section editor Jacob Mey. Amsterdam: Elsevier.

Nerlich, B. (2009). Metaphors wanted; dead or alive. In: Language in Life, and a Life in Language: Jacob Mey, A Festschrift (Studies in Pragmatics, 6), ed. by B. Fraser and K. Turner. Bingley: Emerald, 313-318.

Nerlich, B. (2010). Metaphor and metonymy. In: Jucker, A., Taavitsainen, I., eds. Historical Pragmatics. Berlin, New York: De Gruyter, 193–218

Theme 5: Philosophy of language


Burkhardt, A. and Nerlich, B. (eds.) (2010). Tropical Truth: The epistemology of metaphor and other tropes. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Tubingen: Niemeyer.

Refereed journal articles

Nerlich, B. (1983). Le même et l’autre. Le problème de l’identité en linguistique chez Saussure et Wittgenstein. Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure 37, 13-34.

Nerlich, B. (1986). Saussurean linguistics and the problem of meaning. - From dynamic statics to static dynamics. Language & Communication 6(4), 257-276.

Book chapters

Nerlich, B. (1989). The problem of linguistic innovation and change in philosophy and linguistics: The case of Wittgenstein and Saussure In: Innovationen in Zeichentheorien. Kultur-und wissenschaftgeschichtliche Studien zur Kreativität, ed. by Peter Schmitter & H. Walter Schmitz. Münster: Nodus Publikationen, 221-234.

Nerlich, B. (1998). Saussure and Wittgenstein: The arbitrariness and autonomy of grammar, In: Et multum et multa: Festschrift für Peter Wunderli zum 60. Geburtstag, ed. by Edeltraud Werner, R. Liver, Y. Stork, & M. Nicklaus. Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 143-157.

Nerlich, B. (1999). Identity, similarity and continuity: Saussure and Wittgenstein on the constitution of linguistic units. In: The Emergence of the Modern Language Sciences: Studies on the Transition from Historical-Comparative to Structural Linguistics in Honour of E.F. Konrad Koerner, ed. by John E. Joseph, Hans-Josef Niederehe, & Sheila Embleton. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 151-169.

Theme 6: Cognitive linguistics (see also pragmatics)


Nerlich, B., Todd, Z., Herman, V. and Clarke, D. D. (eds.) (2003). Polysemy: Flexible Patterns of Meaning in Mind and Language. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

Refereed journal articles

Nerlich, B. and Chamizo Dominguez, P. (2003). The use of literally: Vice or virtue. Annual Review of Cognitive Linguistics 1, 193-206.

Zinken, J., Hellsten, I., and Nerlich B. (2003). What is ‘cultural’ about conceptual metaphor. International Journal of Communication 13(1-2), 5-30.

Nerlich, B., Hamilton, C. and Rowe, V. (2002). Conceptualising foot and mouth disease: The socio-cultural role of metaphors, frames and narratives.

Nerlich, B. (2003). Tracking the fate of the metaphor silent spring in British environmental discourse: Towards an evolutionary ecology of metaphor. Special issue of on ‘Metaphor and Ecology’, edited by Martin Döring and Wilhelm Trampe.

Nerlich, B. (2005). ‘A River Runs Through it’: How the discourse metaphor crossing the Rubicon was exploited in the debate about embryonic stem cells in Germany and (not) the UK:

Döring, M., & Nerlich, B. (2015). “More than just animals...”. Tiere-Texte-Transformationen: Kritische Perspektiven der Human-Animal Studies, 7, 263.

Book chapters

Nerlich, B., Z. Todd, and Clarke, D. D. (1999). ‘Mummy, I like being a sandwich’: Metonymy in Language Acquisition. In: Metonymy in Language and Thought, ed. by Klaus-Uwe Panther & Günter Radden (Human Cognitive Processing Series), Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, 361-383.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (1999). Synecdoche as a Cognitive and Communicative Strategy. In: Andreas Blank & Peter Koch, Eds., Historical Semantics and Cognition. (Cognitive Linguistics Research, 13). Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 197-214.

Nerlich, B., Z. Todd, and Clarke, D. D. (1998). The function of polysemous jokes and riddles in lexical development. Cahiers de Psychologie Cognitive. Current Psychology of Cognition, 17(2) (Language play in children, special issue edited by Ann Dowker), 343-366.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (2002). Blending the past and the present: Conceptual and linguistic integration, 1800-2000. In: Metaphor and Metonymy in Comparison and Contrast, edited by R. Dirven, and R. Pörings. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 555-593.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (2003). Polysemy and flexibility: Introduction and overview. Ibid., 3-30.

Nerlich, B. (2003). Polysemy: Past and present. Ibid., 49-78.

Nerlich, B., Todd, Z. and Clarke, D. D. (2003). Emerging patterns and evolving polysemies: The acquisition of get between four and ten years. In: Polysemy: Flexible patterns of meaning in mind and language, edited by B. Nerlich, Z. Todd, V. Herman, and Clarke, D. D. Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter, 333-360.

Nerlich, B. and Dingwall, R. (2003). Deciphering the human genome: The semantic and ideological foundations of genetic and genomic discourse. In: Cognitive Models in Language and Thought: Ideology, metaphors and meanings, edited by R. Dirven, R. Frank and M. Pütz. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 395-428.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (2007). Cognitive linguistics and the history of linguistics. In: The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics, edited by D. Geeraerts and H. Cuyckens. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Translated into Korean in 2011.

Nerlich, B. (2005). Entry on Metonymy for the 2nd edition of the Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Editor in Chief, Keith Brown, section editor Jacob Mey. Amsterdam: Elsevier.

Zinken, J., Hellsten, I., Nerlich, B. (2008). Discourse metaphors. In: Frank, R. M., Dirven, R., Ziemke, T., Bernardez, E., ed. Body, Language and Mind. vol. 2: Sociocultural situatedness. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 363-386.

Nerlich, B. (2010). Synecdoche: A trope, a whole trope, and nothing but a trope?. In: Tropical Truth: The epistemology of metaphor and other tropes, edited by A. Burkhardt and B. Nerlich. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 297-322.

Chamizo Dominguez, P. J. and Nerlich, B. (2010). Metaphor and truth in rationalism and romanticism. Ibid., 51-72.

Theme 7: Psychology


Todd, Z, B. Nerlich, McKeown, S. and Clarke, D. D. (eds.) (2000). Mixing Methods in Psychology: The integration of qualitative and quantitative methods in theory and practice. London: Routledge.

Book chapters

Todd, Z., Nerlich, B. and McKeown, S. (2004). Introduction. In: Mixing Methods in Psychology, edited by Z. Todd, B. Nerlich, S. McKoweon, and D. D. Clarke. London: Routledge, 3-16.

Nerlich, B. (2004). Coming full (hermeneutic) circle: The debate about methods in psychology. In: Mixing Methods in Psychology, edited by Z. Todd, B. Nerlich, S. McKoweon, and D. D. Clarke. London: Routledge, 17-36.

Theme 8: Social and cultural study of science and the media/Biosciences

(See also cognitive linguistics)


Lien, M. E. and Nerlich, B. (eds.) (2004). The Politics of Food. Oxford: Berg.

Nerlich, B., Elliott, R., and Larson, B., eds. (2009). Communicating Biological Sciences: Ethical and metaphorical dimensions. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Special editions

Nerlich, B. and Kidd, K. (eds.) (2005) Special issue on The Genome and its publics: Towards a social and cultural understanding of genomics. New Genetics and Society 24(3).

Nerlich, B., Dingwall, R., and Martin, P. (eds.) (2004). Special issue on Genetic and genomic discourses at the dawn of the 21st century. Discourse and Society 15(4).

Refereed journal articles

Nerlich, B., Clarke, D.D. and Dingwall, R. (1999). The influence of popular cultural imagery on public attitudes towards cloning. Sociological Research Online, Vol. 4, no. 3, <>

Nerlich, B., Clarke, D. D., and Dingwall, R. (2000). Clones and crops: The use of stock characters and word play in two debates about bioengineering. Metaphor and Symbol 15(4), 223-240.

Nerlich, B., Clarke, D. D. and Dingwall, R. (2001). Fictions, fantasies, and fears: The literary foundations of the cloning debate. Journal of Literary Semantics 30, 37-52.

Nerlich, B., Dingwall, R. and Clarke, D. D. (2002). The Book of Life: How the human genome project was revealed to the public. Health: An interdisciplinary journal for the social study of health, illness and medicine 6(5), 445-469.

Nerlich, B. and Clarke, D. D. (2003) Anatomy of a media event: How arguments clashed in the 2001 human cloning debate. New Genetics and Society 22(1), 43-59.

Dingwall, R. and Nerlich, B. (2003). Genes, instincts and social interaction. Svensk Neuropsykologi, special issue on the History of Psychology, 15(3-4) 16-18.

Nerlich, B., Johnson, S. and Clarke, D. D. (2003). The role of frames, clichés and metaphors in the debate about designer babies: An essay on language, literature and society. Science as Culture 12(4), 471-498.

Adolphs, S., Hamilton, C., and Nerlich B. (2003). The meaning of ‘genetics’. International Journal of English Studies, Special issue on Discourse Analysis, edited by D. Scheu and M. D. Lopez-Maestre, 3(1), 57-75.

Dingwall, R., Nerlich, B. and Hillyard, S. (2003). Biological determinism and symbolic interaction: Hereditary streams and cultural roads. Symbolic Interaction, Official Journal of the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction 26(4), 631-644. Translated into Italian in 2015

Döring, M. and Nerlich, B. (2004). Die metaphorisch-mediale Modellierung von ‚Stammzellen-Kulturen’ in der deutschen und britischen Presseberichterstattung. Zeitschrift für Biopolitik 2, 17-29.

Nerlich, B. and Hellsten, I. (2004). Genomics: Shifts in metaphorical landscape. New Genetics and Society 23(3), 255-268.

Hamilton, C., Adolphs, S., and Nerlich, B. (2007). The meanings of ’risk’: A view from corpus linguistics. Discourse Studies 18(2), 163-181.

Nerlich, B. and Hellsten, I. (2009). Beyond the human genome: Microbes, metaphors and what it means to be human in an interconnected post-genomic world. New Genetics and Society 28(1), 19-36.

Bubela, T., Nisbet, M. C., Borchelt, R., Brunger, F., Critchley, C., Einsiedel, E., Geller, G., Gupta, A., Hampel, J., Hyde-Lay, R., Jandciu, R. W., Ashley Jones, S., Kolopak, P., Lane, S., Lougheed, T., Nerlich, B., Ogbogu, U., O’Riardon, K., Ouellete, C., Spear, M., Strauss, S., Thavaratnam, T., Willemse, L., and Caulfield, T. (2009). Science communication reconsidered. Nature Biotechnology 27, 514-518.

Coveney, C.M., Nerlich, B., and Martin, P. (2009). Modafinil in the media: Metaphors, medicalisation and the body. Social Science and Medicine 68(3), 487-495.

Hellsten, I. and Nerlich, B. (2011). Synthetic biology: Building the language for a new science brick by metaphorical brick. New Genetics and Society 30(4), 375-397.

Stelmach, A. and Nerlich, B. (2015). Metaphors in search of a target: the curious case of epigenetics. New genetics and society. 34(2), 196-218.

Nerlich, B. and McLeod, C. (2016). The dilemma of raising awareness "responsibly": The need to discuss controversial research with the public raises a conundrum for scientists: when is the right time to start public debates? EMBO reports. 17(4), 481-495.

Müller, R., Hanson, C., Hanson, M., Penkler, M., Samaras, G., Chiapperino, L., ... Nerlich, B. & Lloyd, S. (2017). The biosocial genome?: Interdisciplinary perspectives on environmental epigenetics, health and society. EMBO reports, 18(10), 1677-1682.

McLeod, C., de Saille, S., & Nerlich, B. (2018). Risk in synthetic biology—views from the lab: Early career scientists’ concerns about synthetic biology open up new perspectives on risk and responsibility in research. EMBO reports, 19(7), e45958.

Book chapters

Nerlich, B. and Dingwall, R. (2003). Deciphering the human genome: The semantic and ideological foundations of genetic and genomic discourse. In: Cognitive Models in Language and Thought: Ideology, metaphors and meanings, edited by R. Dirven, R. Frank and M. Pütz. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 395-428.

Dingwall, R.W.J., Nerlich, B., and Hillyard, S. (2006). Biological determinism and its critics: Some lessons from history. In: Ethics in Human Biology, edited by G. Ellison et al. London: Taylor and Francis.

Hellsten, I. and Nerlich, B. (2008). Genetics and genomics: The politics and ethics of metaphorical framing. In: Bucchi, M. and Trench, B., ed. Handbook of Public Communication of Science and Technology. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 93-109.

Theme 9: Social, cultural and linguistic study of science and the media/Health and illness


Döring, M. and Nerlich, B. (eds.) (2009). The Social And Cultural Impact of the 2001 Outbreak of Foot And Mouth Disease in the UK: Experiences and Analyses. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Refereed journal articles

Nerlich, B. (2004). Towards a cultural understanding of agriculture: The case of the ‘war’ on foot and mouth disease. Agriculture and Human Values 21(1), 15-25.

Nerlich, B. and M. Döring (2005). Poetic Justice? Rural policy clashes with rural poetry in the 2001 outbreak of foot and mouth disease in the UK. Journal of Rural Studies 21, 165-180.

Wallis, P. and Nerlich, B. (2005). Disease metaphors in new epidemics: the UK media framing of the 2003 SARS epidemic. Social Science and Medicine 60, 2629-2639.

Larson, B., Nerlich, B. and Wallis, P. (2005). Metaphors and biorisks: The war on infectious diseases and invasive species. Science Communication 26(3), 1-26.

Nerlich, B., Hillyard, S., and Wright, N. (2005). Stress and stereotypes: Children's reactions to the outbreak of foot and mouth disease in the UK in 2001. Children and Society 19(5), 348-359.

Wright, N. and Nerlich, B. (2006). Use of the deficit model in a shared culture of argumentation: The case of foot and mouth science. Public Understanding of Science 15, 331-342.

Nerlich, B. and Wright, N. (2006). Biosecurity and insecurity: The interaction between policy and ritual during the foot and mouth crisis. Environmental Values 15(4), 441-462.

Nerlich, B. and C. Halliday (2007). Avian flu: The creation of expectations in the interplay between science and the media. Sociology of Health and Illness 29(1), 46-65.

Koteyko, N. and Nerlich, B. (2007). Multimodal discourse analysis of probiotic web advertising. Language, Society and Culture: The International Journal of Language, Society and Culture, 23:

Nerlich, B. (2007). Media, metaphors and modelling: How the UK newspapers reported the epidemiological modelling controversy during the 2001 foot and mouth outbreak. Science, Technology and Human Values 32(4), 432-457.

Koteyko, N. and Nerlich, B. (2008). Modern matrons and infection control practices: aspirations and realities. British Journal of Infection Control 9(2), 18-22.

Nerlich, B. and Koteyko, N. (2008). Balancing Food Risks and Food Benefits: The Coverage of Probiotics in the UK National Press. Sociological Research Online 13(3).

Koteyko, N., Nerlich, B., Crawford, P. and Wright, N., 2008. 'Not rocket science’ or ‘no silver bullet’? Media and government discourses about MRSA and cleanliness. Applied Linguistics 29, 223-243.

Brown, B. Crawford, P., Koteyko, N., and Nerlich, B. (2008). The habitus of hygiene: Discourses of cleanliness and infection control in nursing work. Social Science and Medicine 67(7), 1047-55.

Currie, G., Koteyko, N. and Nerlich, B. (2009). The dynamics of professions and development of new roles in public services organizations: The case of modern matrons in the English NHS. Public Administration 87(2), 295-311.

Crawford, P., Brown, B., Nerlich, B. and Koteyko, N. (2009). The 'moral careers' of microbes and the rise of the matrons: An analysis of UK national press coverage of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) 1995-2006. Health, Risk and Society 20(4), 331-347.

Brown, B. Nerlich, B., Crawford, P., Koteyko, N, and R. Carter, (2009). Hygiene and biosecurity: The language and politics of risk in an era of emerging infectious diseases. Sociology Compass 2(6), 1–13.

Nerlich, B., Brown, B., and Crawford, P. (2009). Health, hygiene and biosecurity: Conflicting knowledge claims in the UK poultry industry. Health, Risk and Society 11(6), 561-577.

Nerlich, B., Brown, B., and Wright, N. (2009). The 'ins and outs' of biosecurity: Bird flu in East Anglia and the spatialisation of risk. Sociologia Ruralis 49(4), 344-359.

Crawford, P., Brown, B., Nerlich, B. and Koteyko, N. (2010). Nutritional altruism and functional food: lay discourses on probiotics. Sociology of Health & Illness 32(5), 745-60.

Hellsten, I., Nerlich, B. (2010). Bird flu: The spread of a disease outbreak through the media and Internet discussion groups. Journal of Language and Politics 9(3), 393-408.

Nerlich, B. and Koteyko, N. (2012). Crying wolf? Biosecurity and metacommunication in the context of the 2009 swine flu pandemic. Health & Place 18(4), 710-717.

Randle, J., Metcalfe, J., Webb, H., Luckett, J. C. A., Nerlich, B., Vaughan, N., Segal, J. I., Hardie, K. (2013). Impact of an educational intervention on the hand hygiene of children. Journal of Hospital Infection 85(3), 220-225.

Jaspal, R., & Nerlich, B. (2016). A ‘morning-after’ pill for HIV? Social representations of post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV in the British print media. Health, Risk & Society, 18(5-6), 225-246.

Jaspal, R., & Jaspal, R., & Nerlich, B. (2017). Polarised press reporting about HIV prevention: Social representations of pre-exposure prophylaxis in the UK press. Health 21(5), 478-497.

Book chapters

Nerlich, B. (2004). Risk, blame and culture: Foot and mouth disease and the debate about cheap food. In: The Politics of Food, edited by M. Lien and B. Nerlich. Oxford: Berg: 39-58.

Nerlich, B. and Koteyko, N. (2009). MRSA - Portrait of a Superbug: A media drama in three acts. In: A. Musolff and J. Zinken, eds. Metaphor and Discourse. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 153-172.

Döring, M., B. Nerlich (2007). An outbreak of poetry: Mapping cultural responses to foot and mouth disease in the UK, 2001, in: Fill, A., Penz, H. (eds.). Sustaining language: Essays in Applied Ecolinguistics. Vienna: LIT Verlag, 181-202.

Wright, N. and Nerlich, B. (2009). Viral cows and viral culture? Exploring some functions of rumour in the 2001 UK outbreak of foot and mouth disease. In: The social and cultural impact of the 2001 outbreak of foot and mouth disease in the UK, ed. by B. Nerlich and M. Döring. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 215-228.

Nerlich, B. (2009). Conceptualising foot and mouth disease: The socio-cultural role of metaphors, frames and narratives. In: Ibid., 200-214.

Döring, M. and Nerlich, B. (2009). From mayhem to meaning: an introduction to the cultural meaning of the 2001 outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in the UK. In: Ibid., 3-18.

Nerlich, B. (2009). ‘As if Goya was on hand as a marksman’: Foot and mouth disease as a rhetorical and cultural phenomenon: In: Culture, Rhetoric and the Vicissitudes of Life, ed. by M. Carrithers. New York/Oxford: Berghahn, 87-106.

Ribeiro, B., Hartley, S., Nerlich, B., & Jaspal, R. (2018). Media coverage of the Zika crisis in Brazil: The construction of a ‘war’frame that masked social and gender inequalities. Social Science & Medicine, 200, 137-144.

Lary, D., Calvert, A., Nerlich, B., Segal, J., Vaughan, N., Randle, J., & Hardie, K. (2018). IMPROVING CHILDREN'S AND THEIR VISITORS'HAND HYGIENE COMPLIANCE. bioRxiv, 355818.

Collins, L. C., Jaspal, R., & Nerlich, B. (2018). Who or what has agency in the discussion of antimicrobial resistance in UK news media (2010–2015)? A transitivity analysis. Health, 22(6), 521-540.

Theme 10: Social, cultural and linguistic study of science and the media/Nanoscience

Special issue

Robinson, C., Nerlich, B. and Toumey, C. (2015). Technologies of scientific visualisation. Leonardo (MIT Journal), volume 48(1).

Refereed journal articles

Nerlich, B. (2005). From Nautilus to nanobo(a)ts: The visual construction of nanoscience. AZojono: Journal of Nanotechnology Online:

Nerlich, B., Clarke, D.D, Ulph, F. (2007). Risks and benefits of nanotechnology: How young adults perceive possible advances in nanomedicine compared to conventional treatments. Health, Risk and Society, special issue on nanotechnology 9(2), 159-171.

Nerlich, B. (2008). Powered by imagination: Nanobots at the Science Photo Library. Science as Culture 17(3), 269 - 292.

Book chapters

Nerlich, B., Clarke, D. D., and Champness, N. (2008). Children’s perception of nanotechnology: A classroom experiment. In: Nanoscale Science and Engineering Education: Issues, trends and future directions, ed. by Aldrin E. Sweeney and Sudipta Seal. Stevenson Ranch, CA: American Scientific Publishers, 535-546.

Nerlich, B. (2010). The Visual construction of nanoscience. Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society. Edited by D. Guston and J. G. Golson. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Nerlich, B. (2012). Biomilitarism and nanomedicine: Evil metaphors for the good of human health. Covalence Magazine, April: Technology/Covalence/Features/Biomilitarism-and-nanomedicine.aspx

Nerlich, B. and Lemańczyk, S., 2015. Nanotechnology: Social and Cultural Aspects. In: James D. Wright (editor-in-chief), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Vol 16. Oxford: Elsevier, pp. 188–193.

Theme 11: Social, cultural and linguistic study of science and the media/Climate change

Special issue

Koteyko, N., Nerlich, B. and Hellsten, I. (2015). Climate Change Communication and the Internet: Challenges and Opportunities for Research. Special issue of Environmental Communication 9(2).


Koteyko, N., Nerlich, B. and Hellsten, I. (2017). Climate Change Communication and the Internet: Challenges and Opportunities for Research. London: Routledge.

Refereed journal articles

Nerlich, B. and Koteyko, N. (2009). Carbon reduction activism in the UK: Lexical creativity and lexical framing in the context of climate change. Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture 3(2), 206-223.

Nerlich, B. and Koteyko, N. (2009). Carbon gold rush and carbon cowboys: A new chapter in green mythology?. Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture 4(1), 37-53.

Nerlich, B. and Koteyko, N. (2009). Compounds, creativity and complexity in climate change communication: The case of ‘carbon indulgences’. Global Environmental Change 19(3), 345-353.

Nerlich, B., Koteyko, N. and Brown, B. (2010). Theory and Language of Climate Change Communication. Wiley International Reviews: Climate Change 1(1), 97-110.

Koteyko, N., Thelwall, M., and Nerlich, B. (2010). From carbon markets to carbon morality: Creative compounds as framing devices in online discourses on climate change mitigation. Science Communication 32(1), 25-54.

Nerlich, B. (2010). ‘Climategate’: Paradoxical metaphors and political paralysis. Environmental Values 19(4), 419-442.

Nerlich, B., Evans, V. and Koteyko, N. (2011). ‘Low carbon diet’: How to reduce climate change to human scale. Language and Cognition 3(1), 45-82.

Nerlich, B. (2012). ‘Low carbon’ metals, markets and metaphors: The creation of economic expectations about climate change mitigation. Climatic Change 110(1-2), 31-51.

Nerlich, B. and Jaspal, R. (2012). Metaphors we die by? Geoengineering, metaphors and the argument for catastrophe. Metaphor and Symbol, 27(2), 131-47.

Nerlich, B., Forsyth, R., Clarke, D. D. (2012). Climate in the news: How differences in media discourse between the US and UK reflect national priorities. Environmental Communication 6(1), 44-53.

Jaspal, R., Nerlich, B. and Koteyko, N. (2013). Contesting science by appealing to its norms: Readers discuss climate science in The Daily Mail. Science Communication 35(3), 383-410.

Koteyko, N., Jaspal, R. and Nerlich, B. (2013). Climate change and 'climategate' in online reader comments: A mixed methods study. The Geographical Journal 179(1), 74–86.

Nerlich, B. and Jaspal, R. (2013). UK Media representations of carbon capture and storage: Actors, frames and metaphors. Metaphor and the Social World 3, 35–53.

Hellsten, I., Porter, A. and Nerlich, B. (2014). Imagining the future at the global and national scale: A comparative study of British and Dutch Press coverage of Rio 1992 and Rio 2012. Environmental Communication 8(4), 468-488.

Jaspal, R. and Nerlich, B. (2014). When climate science became climate politics: British media representations of climate change in 1988. Public Understanding of Science23(2), 122-141.

Jaspal, R., Nerlich, B. and Cinnirella, M. (2014). Human responses to climate change: social representation, identity and action. Environmental Communication 23(2), 122-141.

Pearce, W., Holmberg, K., Hellsten, I. and Nerlich, B., 2014. Climate Change on Twitter: Topics, Communities and Conversations about the 2013 IPCC Working Group 1 Report. PLOS ONE:

Jaspal, R., Turner, A. and Nerlich, B. (2014). Fracking on YouTube: Exploring risks, benefits and human values. Environmental Values 23(5), 501-527.

Nerlich, B. and Jaspal, R. (2013). Images of extreme weather: Symbolising human responses to climate change. Science as Culture 23(2), 253-276.

Jaspal, R., Nerlich, B. and Lemańcyzk, S. (2014). Fracking in the Polish Press: Geopolitics and National Identity. Energy Policy 74, 253–261.

Nerlich, B. and Hellsten, I. (2014). The greenhouse and the footprint: Climate change risk assessment and risk management seen through the lens of two prominent metaphors. TATuP - Journal by ITAS on Technology Assessment. 23(2), 27-33.

Shaw, C. and Nerlich, B. (2015). Metaphor as a mechanism of global climate change governance: A study of international policies, 1992–2012. Ecological Economics109, 34-40.

Collins, L. and Nerlich, B. (2015). How certain is ‘certain’?: Exploring how the English-language media reported the use of calibrated language in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Fifth Assessment Report. Public Understanding of Science, online first:

Collins L. and Nerlich, B. (2015). Examining user comments for deliberative democracy: a corpus-driven analysis of the climate change debate online. Environmental Communication 9(2), 189-207.

Jaspal, R., Nerlich, B. and van Vuuren, K. (2015). Embracing and resisting climate identities in the Australian press: Sceptics, scientists and politics. Public Understanding of Science, online first:

Shaw, C., Hellsten, I., & Nerlich, B. (2016). Framing risk and uncertainty in social science articles on climate change, 1995–2012. In: Communicating Risk (pp. 208-228). Palgrave Macmillan UK.

Schäfer, M., Berglez, P., Wessler, H., Eide, E., Nerlich, B., & O'Neill, S. (2016). Investigating mediated climate change communication: A best-practice guide.

Porter, A. J., Kuhn, T. R., & Nerlich, B. (2018). Organizing authority in the climate change debate: IPCC controversies and the management of dialectical tensions. Organization Studies, 39(7), 873-898.

Nerlich, B. (2018). Climate change through an editorial lens. Nature Climate Change, 8(6), 459.

Book chapters

Pearce, W., & Nerlich, B. (2018). An Inconvenient Truth: a social representation of scientific expertise. In Science and the politics of openness. Manchester University Press.

Plus an edited book that emerged from a collaborative project on science and politics:

Nerlich, B., Hartley, S., Raman, S., & Smith, A. ((2018). Science and the politics of openness: Here be monsters. Manchester University Press.