
One large problem in villages for animal keepers are that some dogs are badly fed and cared off.

The dogs are usually not barking. It is a pretty large laika-type of dog. It is most of time kept free-walking. As some owners gives too little meat for this large animal it catch it's own meat. This has resulted in that hens not are kept anymore in the villages, small lambs are eaten by dogs and in some villages even calves are attacked by dogs. Cows do the best they can in protecting the sheep but especially in larger village there are problems. In smaller villages it is easier to deal with the problem.

The dog is extremely kind and faithful, also to strangers. Dogs with owners that not care for them can join you for a day and keep on walking with you in a hope for getting some food from you. Many dogs have flees. Dogs that have a clear owner that take care of them stay in the territory around their house and guard it. Some dogs are very protective to the own household domestic animals and guard also them very well.

In Gorõ village one dog tried to protect the own household sheep from me. He placed all the time himself between me and the sheep so that I could not measure them.

Julietta attacking sheep from Shishkina. Sheep has already formed a defense flock. One young bull starts to approach Julietta and that is why she has turned around.

The bull walkes towards Julietta and she starts to go away.

The bull stands and looked after her as she went away.

Two sheep in a defense position against Julietta in Shishkina village.