Why join the Norcross High School PTSA?  The number-one reason to join the Parent Teacher Association is to benefit your child.  Your membership means participation in and support for our programs and activities.  By joining, you also get an opportunity to be better informed, network with other parents, and be a role model for your children.

Join Today! 

Be sure to join with a Parent Membership AND a Student Membership!

Who can join the Norcross High School PTSA?  Membership in PTSA is for EVERYONE.  Anyone with an interest in helping the students at Norcross High School can become a member.  


What are our goals for membership? 

The goal of the PTSA is a quality education and nurturing environment for every child.......

Our current activities are relevant to the following mission points:

 Support and speak on behalf of students at NHS

Motivate, highlight, and reward student achievements

Develop and improve communications between parents, teachers, students, and the community