Annual General Meeting
Nonsuch Folk Club
Bishops Waltham Social Club, SO32 1AR
Club Secretary, Rosie Johnson
Event Organiser and Guest Contact, Lyn Colbeck
tel: 01730 858953, email:
Annual General Meeting
of the
Nonsuch Folk Club
7th November 2024
Present: Jan Atkins; Pete Atkins; Kevin Barlow; Dave Betteridge; Lesley Betteridge; Sandra Coltman; Steve Coltman; Sarah Curtis; Nigel Hunter; Rosie Johnson; Ian Kimber; Henry Laferia: Anne McGlade, Dave McGlade; Ian Reed; Rob Roamer; Alaine Simpson, John Stephens; Clive Stodart; Roy Torrens; Rob Williams.
Rosie Johnson (Current Secretary and Website Editor) – Presiding
1. Welcome and Apologies
The Secretary and Website Editor welcomed Members to the AGM meeting. An apology for absence was submitted on behalf of Lyn Colbeck (current Events Organiser).
2. Approval of AGM Minutes - 9th November 2023
The minutes of the AGM meeting held on 9th November 2023 were approved as a correct record.
3. Election of Chair for forthcoming year
Ian Reed was elected Chair for the forthcoming year.
(Ian Reed – newly elected Chairman Presiding)
4. Officer Reports
The meeting received reports from the Chairman, Treasurer, Events Organiser and Secretary/Website Editor on the work carried out over the preceding year (set out below).
• Chairman’s Annual Report- Ian Reed
Since my last report in October 2023, the Nonsuch Folk club has flourished beyond my expectations.
The cost of guests and poor attendance on guest nights prompted the Committee to concentrate solely on Singaround nights with special events such as Theme nights, Solo spots, charity nights and other special events that have proved to be very popular. We are now getting a good regular attendance of around 18/20 people with often more on special evenings.
I extend my thanks to our committee of Rosie (Secretary and Website Editor), Nigel (Treasurer), Lyn (Events Manager), Steve (Vice Chair) and Sandra (Minutes Secretary) for all their efforts during the last year to help keep the club running smoothly.
I am sure and hope that Nonsuch Folk Club will continue to be as successful in the coming years.
• Treasurer’s Report - Nigel Hunter
Nonsuch bank balance @30th September 2023 ------- £1876.42
Payments out (cheques, cash, bank charges etc) ------ £547.65
Payments in (subs) --------------------------------£605.60
Nonsuch bank balance @ 30th September 2024 -------- £1958.49
• Secretary and Website Editor's Report - Rosie Johnson
It is with great sadness that last year we said goodbye to one of our longest and much-loved club members, Geoff King. Our warmest wishes go out to his widow Sue who has returned to the club and is a regular member again.
We paid a tribute to Geoff with a special night dedicated to him with the songs he sang and were favourites of his. Club members were allocated his songs to perform, and it was clear that they really put their hearts and souls into their performances. It was indeed a fine demonstration of how our club seeds warmth and friendship.
Our numbers have increased to a healthy average, dipping slightly in the cruise-for-seniors months. More people have been added to the database. An email update still appears to be the best form of communication although the website is regularly maintained.
• Events organiser’s Report - Lyn Colbeck
After much deliberation (and Club member consultation) the Nonsuch Committee decided that it was no longer feasible to invite guest artists to perform at the Club. During the past couple of years, most guest nights lost money and the attendances were very low, (see Chairman’s Report).
During last year, Theme night topics included Food & Drink, Seasons, A Life on the Ocean Wave and Colours. We featured Roy Torrens & Dave Betteridge and Ian Reed in our Club Member Spots. We also held a tribute night for Geoff King, (see Secretary’s Report). We held a Noisy Night during the Euros and our Charity Night raised funds for the Countess Mountbatten Hospice.
5. Election of Folk Club Committee Members
It was reported that, other than nominations received from the current committee members, there had been no other nominations received from club members wishing to serve on the Committee. The following Committee Members were therefore re-elected:
• Vice-chairman – Steve Coltman;
• Minute Secretary – Sandra Coltman;
• Treasurer – Nigel Hunter;
• Events Organiser – Lyn Colbeck;
• Secretary and Website Editor – Rosie Johnson
6. Constitution
It was noted that a Club Constitution had been updated to incorporate the following changes:
(a) Reference to the guest spots under the duties of the Events Organiser to be deleted;
(b) That under 'Committee Meetings', amend to read 'The committee will meet a minimum of 4 times a year...';
(c) that under 'Committee Meetings', amend to read 'The minutes of proceedings to be placed on the Club Noticeboard';
(d) that under 'Aims and Activities', amend item 1 to read 'The club will meet fortnightly for like minded people...'
(e) that item 6 relating to guest events be deleted.
The updated Constitution was available on the Nonsuch Website.
A discussion ensued as to whether it would be possible for occasional guest spots to be held in the future and it was noted that this had been stopped due to poor attendance and the costs involved. It was therefore:
AGREED: That in view of the absence of the Events Organiser, the Committee consider if enough requests for future guest(s) were received from club members, this could be resurrected and the Constitution be amended to include a provision under the duties of the Events Organiser for guest spots to be held in future.
7. Questions from the Floor
A question was raised as to whether feature spots could be held during the last half an hour of the folk club session rather than as now, held as 2 separate 15 minute slots in the first and second halves of the evening. A question was also raised as to whether artists should receive payment for their time and effort. It was felt that the usual collection of £2 per person attending could be taken.
AGREED: That given the Code of Practice included the provision for deciding the format for feature spots, the suggestion of holding feature spots during the last half an hour of the folk club session could be adopted for future feature spot performances. However, the suggestion of the performers receiving payment should be considered further by the Committee.
8. Date of Next AGM
It was noted that the next AGM would be held in November 2025.
There being no further business, the meeting was closed.
All information contained on this page has been provided by individual contributions.
Nonsuch Folk Club is not accountable for any inaccuracies or omissions, although we do try
to verify all edited content.