... on the desktop
Generally a "client" is computer hardware and software at the user's location that does not interact with the Internet. It normally uses application software that is exclusively resident on the local computer and has no need to connect to a server for operation. The software and services listed below are intended to be resident on the user's system. (However, an Internet connection is necessary to download the software or service, and to be available for periodic updates.)
The software listed do not state or imply, directly or indirectly, any endorsement, warranty, guarantee, or assurance of their functionality, merit or utility by Nonprofit IT Resources. Use of the software and services listed are the sole choice and responsibility of the viewer/user.
Either click on the link under “URL” or paste its contents into your browser to access the software or service website. Should any link not be active, please advise the Webmaster by clicking here. Also, some software may have a commercial (pay) version. You may have to thoroughly review the website to locate the free version.
If the software or service has been revised to not offer a free version, please inform the Webmaster so it can be removed. Also, any additions to this list will be considered from the viewing public if sufficient experience with the software by the nominee is provided to the Webmaster.
Scroll on the vertical (right) or horizontal (bottom of the spreadsheet) control bars to expand the below display
... Class ... ... Name ... ... Description ... ... URL ...