
Publications in journals

More dads at home, more girls in maths-intensive studies? Evidence from a parental leave reform. Economica (2024), 1-21. (with Sara Mikkelsen)

As member of the Management Science Reproducibility Collaboration: Reproducibility in Management Science. Management Science (2024), Vol. 70 (Issue: 3): 1343–1356. Authors: Miloš Fišar, Ben Greiner, Christoph Huber, Elena Katok, Ali I. Ozkes, and the Management Science Reproducibility Collaboration. 

Willingness to compete, gender and career choices along the whole ability distribution. Experimental Economics (2022), Vol. 25: 1299–1326. (with Thomas Buser and Stefan Wolter). Press: Der Bund, Tages-Anzeiger, Berner Zeitung, WOZ

The effect of a sibling’s gender on earnings and family formation. Labour Economics (2018), Vol. 54: 61-78. (with Petter Lundborg, Sara Mikkelsen and Dinand Webbink). Press: ASAC

Gender, competitiveness and study choices in high school - evidence from Switzerland. American Economic Review (2017), Vol. 107 (Issue: 5): 125-130. (with Thomas Buser and Stefan Wolter) Winner of the Swiss Leading House on Economics of Education Best Paper Award in the given year. Press: DIW Economic Bulletin, FEB Research Magazine

Multitasking. Experimental Economics (2012), Vol. 15 (Issue: 4): 641-655. (with Thomas Buser) Winner of the Editors’ Award for Best Paper Published in Experimental Economics in the given year. Press: Clearthinking, BrainBlogger, StraightDope, ESB,

Publications in books

Randomization in field experiments. (with Adriaan Soetevent). In: Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Experimental Economics, 2019, Eds: Schram, A. and Ule, A

Current projects

Reference points and information preferences: experimental evidence (with Mark van Oldeniel) 

Endogenous cool-off periods (with Mark van Oldeniel)

Evaluating evaluation texts (with Marlène Koffi)

Gender in texts: what matters for tests?

A field experiment on the malleability of willingness to compete

Gender quotas, information, and the valuation of women's expertise

Competitiveness measures - a comparative assessment (with Lauri Sääksvuori)

Family background and children's study choices (with Lauri Sääksvuori)