Operating Tips

You can initiate a QSO on the 146.805- 107.2 repeater from your computer (EchoLink software, sound card, mic, speakers and router set up required), your smartphone using the Echolink app, or by RF if you are in the repeater's range and your radio is equipped with a DTMF keypad.

When controlling EchoLink by RF over the repeater:

  • Send D78 or D79. If EchoLink is available for use, you will hear it reply with a voice message such as "EchoLink is active....." or "not connected". "Not connected" means EchoLink is available to use but not currently connected to another node. If EchoLink is not available nothing will happen except that you may hear the repeater's ID.

  • Use D70 + node number to connect to a specific node, D71 to connect to a node at random, or one of the station shortcuts.

  • When EchoLink tells you it has connected, pause to be sure the channel is clear, then send a call to a specific call sign, or send your call sign to let others know you are looking for a QSO. You may or may not get a reply, just as when you normally put out a call on a repeater. Once you connect with someone you can carry on a QSO in the same manner as any other you would have on any repeater.

  • Send D73 to disconnect, or D74 to disconnect all if more than one are connected. Wait for EchoLink to tell you it has disconnected, then try another connection.

You can respond to calls from other EchoLink users by transmitting to them just as you would to anyone else on the repeater. No DTMF codes are needed to respond. Once you have established contact with someone you can carry on a QSO the way you normally would on the repeater.