Submission Guidelines

Apparently, some writers require submission guidelines—or rather some dubious website managers tell them they should require submission guidelines, on a specific webpage yet. Whatever the case, for those who like to be spoon-fed, here are the guidelines: You submit traditional Persian- or Arabic-style ghazals, three-line sijo, 5-7-5 haiku or 5-7-5-7-7 tanka, and we get back to you as soon as possible—sometimes in a matter of minutes, if your poems are really good or really bad. Submissions should be sent by email (within the body or as a separate attachment) to, or by traditional mail to Eastern Structures / P. O. Box 111 / Moreton’s Harbour, NL / A0G 3H0 / Canada. As stated on the home page, there is nothing as capricious as a ‘reading period’ or deadline in operation, so feel free to submit anytime you like.