NLI Results Released!

Post date: Mar 21, 2013 6:40:27 PM

For all 29 participating teams, we sent two results emails. The first was an automatically generated email that was sent to each team leader with statistics, results and confusion tables for their respective submissions. The second email went out to everyone and contained the following:

1. Results Summary

2. Important Dates

3. Paragraphing in Test Corpus

3. 10-fold Cross-Validation on Train+Dev data (a request)

5. System Description Paper

6. Presentation Format

7. Conference Registration

The second email also contained a zip with the following files:

1. 4 results files (Closed, Open-1, Open-2, Overall) in pdf format

2. 4 results files (Closed, Open-1, Open-2, Overall) in csv format

3. Zip file containing the test data with paragraph information

4. TOEFL11 Research Report (paper which describes the corpus in detail)

5. csv file containing splits for 10-fold cross-validation on train+dev data